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Chapter 2392 The Seal of the Ancient Witch

Shade actually felt that his "Lion Armor of Light" should also be able to help Miss Knight resist the influence of abnormal forces. Unfortunately, the size of the armor seemed to be tailor-made for him, and Miss Knight, as an ordinary woman,

The height and weight difference between him and Shade was too big, and once he put it on it would seriously affect his movements, so he didn't say much.

The "five-person ritual" left behind by the ancient witch was specially invented to penetrate into the body of the worm. The content of the ritual is quite simple. Although the various rare materials obtained by the people from the desert are not enough to fully meet the needs, the seal was sealed last time.

The Philosopher's Stone found in the devil's coffin can play a major role.

[Philosopher's Stone] is a universal substitute material for rituals, and even if part of the Philosopher's Stone is consumed for the ritual, there is still a lot of remaining Philosopher's Stone.

"I never thought that I would use the 'Philosopher's Stone' so wastefully. No, I never thought that I would one day use the 'Philosopher's Stone'."

Miss Sandel whispered while making final preparations.

After everything was ready and they drank their different potions, Shade raised the torch, Miss Sandel held up a bright blue water balloon, Granny Siam Nord let the vines attach to her relic crutch, Meister

The lady burned a handful of sand with a flame and let the remaining crystals float around her.

As for Miss Knight, originally Shade and Granny Siam Nord wanted to enchant her knight's sword, but after checking it, Miss Meister believed that the fragile sword could not withstand the force.

Although it is possible to forge another sword temporarily, it is extremely time-consuming. And then Shade discovered that the soul of the ancient hero last time passed on the petrified sword to him before he left.

It also meets the requirements of the ceremony.

So Miss Knight held the petrified sword, put on the helmet again, and walked with everyone towards the depths of the mouth of the huge open head.

As expected, the bug's body can isolate the abnormal light from the outside world, and because Shade actually only opened the seal rather than destroying the seal of the ancient witch, under the effect of the seal, the power of space movement cannot be used inside the bug's body.

The torch in his hand provided light for everyone, and also allowed everyone to see clearly that the insect's body had no flesh and blood structure, and it looked completely like a stone cave. However, there were some residues of a sticky black substance on the ground, and no one could recognize it.

What, so no one dares to come into contact with it.

The further you walk towards the inside of the insect corpse, the smoother you can feel the surrounding side walls becoming smoother, even somewhat like artificially dug channels. The red of the flames, the blue of the water ball, the yellow of the sand crystals, and the green of the vines

The five-pointed star ritual composed of the metallic color displayed after the long sword was enchanted helped them resist the heaviness of their bodies as if they were turning into sand.

But even with the help of rituals, the power of worm corpses still manifests its existence. It has not been shown on Shade, Grandma Siam Nord and Miss Meister, but it will be on Miss Sandel and Miss Knight every time they take a step.

The gravel fell rustling downwards.

The invisible mental pressure even made Shade feel dizzy, but even Miss Knight could continue to move forward, and of course he would not say that he wanted to rest.

Fortunately, the seal of the ancient witch was really strong. Even if the hole had been opened, the power in the worm's body could not immediately become restless. When the few people who were moving forward silently saw a light appearing in front of them, except for Miss Meister

Everyone else became excited:

"found it!"

The gravity inside the insect's body was also affected by the abnormal force. The farther inward, the greater the gravity. Because they had to take care of Miss Knight, even if they had already seen the end point, the walking speed of the excited people remained unchanged.

Shade has no problem with his physical strength to withstand such a huge gravity, but except for him, the speed of the other four people is slowing down. Of course, Miss Meister must be faking it, and Granny Siam Nord is due to aging.

Not in her heyday, as for the mermaid girl, her performance was similar to that of Grandma Siam Nord, or even better. This may be related to the huge water pressure in the deep sea environment where she lived.

But no matter what, I moved forward step by step, and finally succeeded in reaching the glowing position. According to Shade's estimation, this position was not the tail of the insect, but a position slightly behind the middle.

When they saw the scene at the light source clearly, everyone immediately noticed the last compass fragment.

The overall glowing light source appears to be a huge spherical shape, but in fact the light comes from three rings with overlapping centers, tilted 60 degrees to each other and rotating in staggered directions. Each ring is inlaid with thirteen different items, and looking for an "oasis"

The last compass fragment needed for "Heart" is suddenly embedded in one of the rings.

In the center of these three hollow rings, that is, in the center of the golden light, is a long, snake-like monster with a curled up body. The thing is obviously alive, and its pitch-black body is almost identical to the giant worm.

The same thing, and the head of this long snake-sized worm also looks like a human being.

It looked very weak. Even if it noticed the arrival of everyone, it only trembled a few times.

Even Miss Knight, who knew the least about mysticism, could see that this was the core of the seal. And obviously, what was imprisoned by the three rotating golden rings should be the remaining power of the giant worm's corpse.

"If we take away the compass fragment, it won't destroy the seal, right?"

Miss Sandel asked worriedly, and Granny Siam Nord hesitated for a moment:

"Judging from the current situation, the power of this worm is much weaker than when it was sealed by the ancient witch. It is also possible that the compass fragments were taken away, which will not have much impact. Of course, this is just speculation."

As he spoke, he looked at Shade, who then asked the light brown-skinned lady:

"Miss Meister, what do you think?"

I originally thought that this lady would say something like "I don't know either", but I didn't expect that she actually stepped forward and carefully observed the situation of the seal, and then came to a conclusion:

"Judging from the ether flow of this seal, just removing the compass fragments will not directly destroy the entire seal. The methods of the ancient witch are not that fragile.

But the ancient earth witch should also have left behind a method to deal with the seal being artificially destroyed: if we try to destroy the seal internally, maybe the seal will be fully activated again. At that time, if we cannot leave immediately, we will be trapped here forever.

Inside the corpse of a worm. Of course, if there is a way to weaken the remaining power of this corpse, the seal of the ancient witch will be reactivated slower."

Although Miss Meister's tone meant speculation, Shade already regarded this as fact:

"In other words, we can take away the compass, but after taking away the compass, we have to leave very quickly."

The other three people did not question this "speculation". Although Shade knew that this god was fully capable of directly solving this trouble, it was obvious that he would not take action again.

"I am the slowest. If necessary, you don't have to worry about my safety."

Miss Knight said immediately, and Miss Sandel beside her opened her mouth, but did not say anything and did not need to care about her own safety.

Siam Nord’s mother-in-law shook her head:

"Without the protection of the five-person ceremony, none of us can get out. Now is not the time to sacrifice."

She did not mention that the "five-person" ceremony could be maintained by four people, and judging from the situation when she came in just now, at least close to the "exit", Shade, Miss Meister and Granny Siam Nord,

You can pass safely by yourself.

"Don't rush and prepare to escape. Let me try to see if we can weaken the power of this thing."

Shade frowned and said, came to the light and tried to put his hand in.

After his hands touched the light produced by the three-round golden ring, he thought that there would be power to bounce him away immediately, but in fact he just paused and his right hand entered it smoothly.

[Outlander, the number of "Witch Reverberations" you possess has reached the limit. The ancient earth witch's sealing ceremony has made you a witch with a seat in the parliament by default. 】

"She" in his ear softly explained the information obtained from that power. Shade didn't care and continued to stretch his hand inwards.

The tiny worm that was originally just trembling suddenly jumped up and bit Shade's finger when Shade's hand was about to reach the core of the seal.

However, under the suppression of the seal, its movements were too slow. Shade avoided the insect very dexterously, and even touched it before retracting his hand.

Granny Siam, who also came to the seal, immediately saw that the entire surface of Xia De's right index finger was covered with a layer of gravel. However, before more transformations occurred, the "pollution" faded away on its own, leaving Xia De

De's fingers returned to normal:

"My petrification resistance is very high."

He explained, and then told his companions the results of the investigation just now:

"It's very troublesome. The worms here are not entities at all. They are the concrete image of the concept of 'worm corpse power' under the sealing technique of the ancient witch. This thing is extremely polluting, and there is no possibility for us to put it into use."

It annihilates."

Of course, others also knew that it was impossible. Except for Miss Meister, the other four people together were probably no match for the ancient earth witch. Even the ancient witches couldn't completely solve the problem, and of course they couldn't either.

"We can't hesitate here for too long. In this way, I will try to weaken it. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, we will take away the compass fragment and escape immediately. Whether we succeed in the end depends on fate. Of course,

If you have other ideas, you can propose them now."

PS: Please vote~ There are only 29 days in this month, and it’s the end of the month again.

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