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Chapter 2532 Tree Hole

Chapter 2531 Tree Hole

In the first record, the "time traveler" claimed that he fell into the sea after passing through a tree hole, and was later rescued by a small boat. He learned from the demon hunter on the boat that the time at that time was the third era of demons.

There were seven people in the boat, all of whom had escaped from the island that had been destroyed by evil spirits and demons. Unfortunately, after the "traveler" was rescued and became the eighth person on the boat, the demons hidden on the boat began to gradually

Kill people, and kill one person very accurately in one night.

When there were only five people left on the boat, people who were suspicious of each other suspected that the "traveler" of unknown origin and another woman with a deformed right hand were the devil, so they were both thrown off the boat.

The "traveler" didn't know the rest of the story. When he woke up, he was resting against the ancient tree, but the hole in the tree was gone.

The "time traveler" in the second record is a woman, and her report is relatively simple. According to her, she walked through a tree hole and came to a gorgeous palace. She was discovered and arrested by the maid there because of her

Lack of common sense and some weird behaviors attracted the owner of the palace.

The extremely beautiful palace mistress soon realized that she came from a different time, but before the beautiful and elegant lady could do anything, the "traveler" woke up again in the woods.

The third record is the briefest, because when the writer of the parchment found him, the man who had passed through the tree hole was completely crazy.

The writer of the parchment used many methods, and finally even extracted some memories at the cost of completely destroying his brain, but this record only has one sentence:

【The sky is yellow, the sun is black, people are alive, and the world is dead.】

Others may be confused by this sentence, but Shade raised his eyebrows in surprise. He clearly felt that the third record was written in the doomsday era of "The Past and the Sixth Era". Yellow refers to

The sky full of yellow sand and the black sun were still fresh in his memory. There was no doubt about the dead world, and the living people were probably how the madman described himself.

"This golden parchment is from the Fourth Age.

Therefore, the man in the first record is suspected to have gone from the Dark Age to the past Third Age of Demons, the woman in the second record is suspected to have gone from the Dark Age to the future Fifth Age of Witches, and the last one went directly to the Doomsday, but

I don’t know which end of the world it will be.”

Compared with the two records about "Moon" just now, this record is obviously more attractive to Shade.

Whether it was the "Time Tree Cave" or the three suspected "Time Travelers", they all made him think of many things. For example, if there are doors in the spaces left by the ancient gods, then those leading to the Time Corridor

Could it be that the "Gateway of Time" is this kind of tree hole?

Of the three people who traveled through time through these strange tree holes, some went to the past and some went to the future. Although I don’t know how they all came back from a time that did not belong to them, it is obvious that this kind of time travel is not like a time key.

"I can only watch", but truly become a part of other times.

And this kind of time travel is obviously "legal", or at least not "illegal". The writer of the parchment claimed to have examined the bodies and souls of the three "time travelers" and found no special marks on them.

Although it is possible that the extraordinary person who left this record did not discover the ability to "curse time", Shade is more inclined to believe that the three people were not cursed by time.

The above content is very important for Shade who is committed to finding a way to bring the witches from the past era to this era.

The parchment manuscript of the Golden Sheep comes from the ancient Quaternary Period. Since people at that time had studied "time travel", and this manuscript is still secretly collected by the [Church of Nature and Evil Thoughts], it means that it represents a long time.

Since then, research on this is definitely still ongoing.

It's just that the owner of the manuscript said at the end of the manuscript that he would try to find a similar tree hole, but there was no more content after that, and he didn't know whether he didn't find it or encountered an accident on the way out.

But in short, the church believes that the content of this manuscript is true, so Shade can try to find similar tree holes in the future:

"But there are not many virgin forests left in the Old World. There are in the Pantanal, and there are also in the south of Carsonlik and north of Delrayon, where the 'Ximu Town' that Miss Danist is going to next is located.

Vista Woodland also has large tracts of virgin forest.”

He put down the parchment and looked at the Randall River Valley in front of him. The woods here were old enough, but obviously the so-called tree holes were not something he could find if he wanted to:

"Next time I see the long-haired Luvia, I can ask her for her opinion. There's a tree hole."


"Yes, yes, it sounds like the plot in a fairy tale, falling into a tree hole or a rabbit hole and coming to a mysterious world. But if those tree holes are really the so-called door of time, how can I get there?

How about planting a tree at home?”

With a touch of melancholy, he touched the black time key hanging on his chest. Although the time key itself can enter the "time corridor", for most people, it is just a spectator. Therefore, the real "time corridor"

"The way to enter may not be through keys at all, but still to find those doors, and the time key is only one of the three conditions for opening the "Time Corridor".

Of course, the above is purely speculation.

Of course, what the church did after the Battle of Moon Bay was not just to prepare these gifts for the "God Caller", wait for the god's oracle to answer the God Caller's questions and promote the [Night Seal], which is in the "light"

The "Dragon Island" where the chosen ones return to the material world after performing a ceremony is also a headache.

Of course, Shade did not get involved in this matter, but only heard intermittent news from Iluna and Carina who occasionally visited their home.

To suppress those giant dragons that have been separated from human civilization in the material world for the entire Sixth Age, we definitely cannot rely on the church alone. Therefore, during the negotiations on the last day of the Flower Moon, the Five Gods Church, the three major academies, the Prophet Association, and the Witches' Council,

Even semi-neutral sorcerer organizations such as the "Winter Choir", "Apna Library" and "Rosicrucian Order" sent representatives.

Each of the Five Gods Church sent a thirteen-ring warlock, and the three major colleges were each represented by five twelve-ring professors.

[Witch Council] was represented by Adele Isabella. She very arrogantly asked all the twelfth-level witches except Carina to go to the scene, which of course included Aurora who set out for the New World.

Miss, Vanessa and Miss Belindel are far away in Moon Bay.

In short, although neither Iluna nor Carina came to the scene to observe the negotiation, they were able to vividly describe many details of the scene and key points of the negotiation to Shade.

As for the result of the negotiation, of course it was not too unexpected. The "Dragon Island Force" with only two thirteen-ring dragons had no advantage in the negotiation. They accepted the conditions proposed by the church and restricted their tribesmen not to appear in human form as dragons.

The civilized world will also send "exchange students" to study in the three major colleges.

In addition to material exchange and academic exchanges, the only two conditions proposed by the dragons are: first, humans are not allowed to station on Dragon Island; second, human civilization is not allowed to forcibly change their beliefs.

In the era when the dragons closed the Dragon Island, the belief in the five righteous gods was not as widespread as it is now. Most of them believed in the old god of dragons - [Dragon Wing Emperor], who was the second son of the ancient god. A few of them believed in

Then directly believe in the ancient god [Dragon of Glory].

"So, the dragons didn't mention the seventh chosen one?"

Shade asked Iluna curiously, and Iluna nodded:

"Of course I mentioned it, but the church fooled me. The representatives of human civilization pretended that they didn't want to say it."

But in fact, the church has no idea what is going on with the seventh chosen one. It only knows that the Godcaller entrusted the Witch Council to tell them that the bright chosen one spent too much power to save Moon Bay and needs to recuperate for a long time.

to recover.

In short, during the vacation, the Flower Moon has passed, and the Harvest Moon has arrived in September, but Shade still doesn't have to think about the adventures of the Time Key, neither the normal nor the black ones.

The arrival of September means the beginning of school season, but for correspondence course magicians, they only need to choose elective courses for the fall semester.

Miss Denister has arranged all the moon and time elective courses for Shade, so Shade only needs to remember to go to the projection classes according to the time.

Of course, before the start of the school season, he had also mastered his two new magical arts, namely Miss Denist's [Glory Moon Realm] and Miss Feliana's [Night Arrow].

The former is a standard Central Thaumaturgy. Shade can sense any entity or non-entity under the moonlight within a hundred meters.

The magical technique he mastered - [Shadow of the Moon] ensures that he is always under the moon, but this magical technique does not guarantee that there is moonlight around him, so [Glory Moon Consciousness World] only strengthens Shade's perception at night.

Shade's perception was already strong, and after mastering the magic technique, he even experimented a little. After turning his back, he could clearly "see" little Mia jumping around under the moon. What's more important, he could even

He could clearly "see" the changes in Dorothy's expression standing behind her, the degree of contraction of her pupils, and the trembling of her skin caused by her heart beating.

Learning the witch's secret technique [Night Arrow] was relatively difficult, but Shade finally successfully mastered it with the support of the "Night Temple".

When using this thaumaturgy associated with the [Night] spirit rune, you must have a bow in your hand. When you bend the bow and shoot an arrow, a black arrow condenses. This is a great match for Sha Delai, who possesses the sage-level relic [Star Trace].

It's not difficult to say.

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