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Chapter 2608 Intensive Courses and the Adopted Lady

Chapter 2607 Strengthening Courses and the Adopted Lady

The maid who walked at the end closed the door of the studio. Agelina stepped towards the door and made a listening gesture, and then said happily:

"Good afternoon, Shade."

She smiled and hugged the cat, but Shade did not immediately change back to his original form:

"Good afternoon, Agelina, your painting is really good.

Do you know where Lesia is now? I would like to borrow her relic earrings."

"My sister, father, and brother went to the countryside to inspect the autumn harvest together. I'll probably be back after dinner."

Seeing that Shade had no objection, Agelina kissed the cat hard on the face. If Shade was in human form, of course she would be embarrassed to do this, but now she was facing only a cute cat.

Shade and her have done even more extreme things, and he didn't react at all to a kiss on the cheek:

"Then please help inform Lesiya about this in the evening. If it is convenient, you can find time to ask Carina to help carry that thing to me."

"Sister will definitely send her to your home. Do you want to leave now? If there is nothing else to do in the afternoon, can you let me paint an oil painting?"

She asked with her eyes blinking, her expression was really hard to refuse.

So the cat thought for a moment:

"I don't have anything to do in the afternoon."

"Then let me draw a picture and it will be over soon."

Then he hugged the silver cat and put it on the high stool where the maid was sitting just now, and then happily picked up the brush and palette.

So when the maids who had prepared afternoon tea came back, Agelina had no intention of drinking afternoon tea at all:

"You guys should eat these snacks, I'm losing weight recently."

Although Agelina said that she would be able to finish the painting soon, in fact, when Carina came to Agelina in the evening and told her about letting her and Iluna take classes together next week, she saw it at a glance.

A very familiar cat squats on a high stool and acts as a painting model.

The cat's big eyes looked at her. The red-haired duchess couldn't help but smile at first, and then scolded her with a straight face:

"I asked you why you disappeared. It turns out that you abandoned me as your master and came to get close to little Agelina, right?"

Even though she said this, she did not disturb Agelina from completing the last part of her creation. But when Agelina finished the painting, she still took the cat away:

"Agelina, go change clothes and come with us. I'll only wait for you for twenty minutes. If you haven't packed up yet, I won't wait for you."

It was only on the carriage that Shade was able to return to his human form:

"I actually never understand why you are so interested in my cat form."

"Because this is the only opportunity where I can bully you, but you can't bully me."

The witch gave an irrefutable reason, while the little princess snickered on the side, and then blinked before realizing what she meant.

Shade came home very late yesterday and didn't have time to entertain Vanessa with a formal dinner, but today everyone finally had time.

Carina Cavendish never cared about expenses, so she simply held a dinner party at Lord Manor, where the girls from the Golden Dawn Opera Company lived, so that the girls from the Opera Company and her followers could attend.

Naturally, the only male present was Shade.

Although this dinner sounds formal, in fact everyone is just wearing everyday clothes. Luvia and Lesia also appeared here after the banquet started, and Lesia handed over the [Saint's Curse-Removing Stone] at this time.

In the hands of Shade.

She didn't ask Shade what he wanted the relic for, she just said jokingly:

"Xia De would never give my jewelry to others as a gift, would he?"

The banquet lasted from 6:30 to 8:30, and then naturally the two witches followed Shade home. Of course Lesia and Agelina could guess what happened that night. The tenderness of the two witches

and enthusiasm, which may cause some things to happen in Shade's bedroom that are not necessarily written in the book:

"Is Shade okay?"

The little princess quickly followed her sister and asked worriedly:

"Sister, won't you stop them? My aunt and the baron from the southern country are both very capable witches, and Shade is alone."

After saying that, he turned back and looked in the direction of Saint Teresa Square in the night outside the gate.

The elegant red-haired princess looked at her sister with strange eyes:

"Although I really want to praise you for caring about Shade's health, it seems that I am indeed a little too harsh on you."

Agelina blinked, not knowing what this meant, so she said in the most conservative attitude:

"Sister, you are very kind to me and not harsh at all. Strictly managing me is good for me. I can do it."

"Okay, go to my room and sleep tonight, and I'll tell you a bedtime story. Looking at the question you just asked, it seems like it's time to let you know something.

Our Delarian tradition seems to be that before girls get married, their mothers or eldest sisters explain such things, but this time I can only do it to prevent you from asking such embarrassing questions next time."

After saying that, she took Agelina's hand, and the little princess followed her obediently. She understood what Lesia meant:

"Sister, I have read that kind of knowledge in books, and I also read it in the cupboard when we were in Green Lake."

She tried to weaken the pronunciation of the word "book" as much as possible to prevent it from being discovered that she was actually secretly hiding part of it.

Lesia shook her head:

"It's not basic knowledge, it's advanced knowledge related to our knight. This is considered an intensive course."

"That's it."

She didn't know what she would hear tonight, nor did she know that Lesia's story would become the most common scene in her dreams for quite some time.

The visit of [Golden Dawn Opera Troupe] to Tobesk City can be regarded as a major event in the city in the second half of this year. Ordinary people do not have a deep impression of this, but nobles all want to know the specific performance arrangements of the opera troupe and buy tickets.

It's like just listening to an opera can express your artistic taste.

Therefore, Vanessa is actually very busy. Although the first two days after arriving in Tobesk seemed very leisurely, that was just because the opera troupe had not settled down yet.

Once the preparation period is over, the long performance schedule and organization and coordination work will keep her and Hillis busy for a while. Therefore, early on Friday morning, she even left the house earlier than Carina.

But at least the two witches accompanied Shade to have breakfast at home, and the three of them walked out of the bedroom together. Facing Carina's maids, Vanessa was a little embarrassed at first, and then she discovered that the Duchess

Take this in stride.

"Carina, how many things have you and Megan done without telling Shad and me?"

Carina, who looked slightly complacent, thought for a while:

"That's countless. Will you remember the number of times you and Shade shook hands?"

The blonde witch was a little dissatisfied with this, but said nothing. But judging from her expression, she will probably appear frequently at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square this autumn.

After breakfast, Shade was ready to set off again. He did not forget to bring breakfast to the elf girl, nor did he forget to send a message from Tovanessa to her apprentice Margaret, asking Her Royal Highness the Princess to investigate in Willendale.

Which school participated in the renovation of the temple on the top of the hill in Ximu Town more than ten years ago?

This is definitely not something that can be completed in one day, so the investigation of the old temple can be slowed down for a few days, but you can take a walk inside it when you go to the concert on Sunday.

After chatting with the elves for a while in the forest, Shade went directly to the city. When he arrived at the Accordion Hotel, the chubby round-faced owl was having a heated discussion with Miss Danister. When he saw Shade knocking on the door and coming in,

They waved to Shade together:

"Come on, the investigation has yielded great results!"

"What major harvest? I also have a harvest here, let's try the curse-breaking stone."

The appearance of the sage-level relic [Saint's Curse-Removing Stone] made both ladies startled. However, Miss Daniste knew that this relic was at Zarath Academy of Literature, and she was wondering where Shade found it from.

Then she saw Shade handing the relic to her.

"Unfortunately, the time curse does not seem to be regarded as a general curse. It has an effect, but the effect is not great. Since the side effects of this relic are too obvious, I do not recommend that Flora and I wear it."

The eighteen-year-old girl put the ruby ​​earrings on her ears. After trying it a few times, she shook her head, but there was no regret on her face:

"Thank you, Shade. We clearly asked you to rest yesterday, but you were still busy for us."

Shade had no choice but to put the relic away:

"It doesn't matter, we can continue to try other curse-breaking relics later. What major gains did you just say?"

So the witch who transformed into a human asked excitedly:

"Remember? We used the relics at the banquet to discover that Mrs. Bennet and Baroness Cumming are actually sisters?"

She didn't let Shade guess the reason:

"The investigation on this has produced results. As you guessed, the relationship between the two sisters is not the result of time travel. They are sisters born normally."

The red-haired girl on the side handed the document to Shade:

"This is also thanks to the information of 'Grey Gloves'. Although Baron Cumming is not engaged in import and export trade, because he is also involved in the external timber business of Ximu Town in addition to the construction industry, he is also under Gray Gloves' surveillance.

Gray Gloves naturally conducted a special investigation into the identity of his wife.

People now know that Baroness Cumming is the only daughter of a deceased local timber merchant, but Gray Gloves’ investigation revealed that the merchant had suffered an injury to his lower body when he was young and was infertile at all. The document contains a list of his medical records.”

Shade looked at the documents suspiciously:

"So where did Baroness Cumming come from? Was she adopted? Wait a minute and I saw it. It says that she was picked up from the woods outside the town by a timber merchant and his wife? Is there such a thing?"

This chapter has been completed!
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