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Chapter 2613 The Baron’s Story

Chapter 2612 The Baron’s Story

Seeing that their side's strongest ring warlock suffered a disastrous defeat as soon as they fought against each other, the bear, eagle, snake and tiger all stopped. Thinking of the power increase of "Transformation - Owl Bear", they now doubted that there was an owl standing on that shoulder.

The man was transformed by the dragon using "human transformation".

"Do you want to fight again?"

Shade asked as he stopped using the spell, and the white air he exhaled lingered in the air for a long time.

The animals hesitated, and when they saw that the other did not answer, the owl, unable to control itself because of the warmth of its soul, flew out from Shade's shoulder.

After landing, the gray-white thick fog spread, and behind the thick fog, the witch's new transformed posture appeared on the snow.

The fur is as white as snow, shimmering under the cold winter sun, blending in with the surrounding snow scene. The slender limbs step lightly on the snow, leaving shallow footprints with every step, as if on a snow-white canvas

A dreamy painting is sketched above.

A shimmering horn stands on the top of the head, which is a symbol of purity and strength. The horn emits a faint silver light, and the mane flutters gently in the wind. It is as soft as silk and complements the snowflakes, like a fairyland.

The elf in.


Not only the five animals, but also Shade was surprised. Transforming into a unicorn was no easier than transforming into a dragon. What's more, he was standing behind the unicorn now, but he didn't feel the unicorn at all.


"He is indeed a master of transfiguration!"

However, the unicorn didn't say a word. He just stood in front of Shade and looked at the animals. So the animals retreated together, and the owlbear that was blown away by Shade's punch also got up from the snow.

, the five animals bowed to the unicorn together, and transformed back into human form in the green light:

"No need to fight, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding between us.

Only truly kind and benevolent beings can transform into such noble and beautiful creatures. Sorry, you are not our enemies."

The five people came back in brown robes, and the pure white unicorn raised its head, looked back at Shade, and then turned back into an owl, cooing twice before flying back again.

On Shade's shoulder.

Shade subconsciously raised his hand and touched her wings, and then immediately realized that this was not his own cat, so he pretended not to notice what he had done:

"Hermits of the [Forest Hermits], I am indeed not your enemy. I tracked that man from the distant future to the present to prevent him from further destroying the stability of time."

The high-level warlock who was injured by Shade's astonishing power just now suffered simple internal injuries, and his condition is much better at this time:

"Young man, we know that you come from a different time. But I'm sorry, please prove that you are not chasing him because you want to get the ownership of the tree hole, otherwise we will not let you see him again."

The five hermits stood together in the snow. Together, they should not be able to defeat Shade and the Witch, but Shade had limited time and did not want to "persuade" these people through a meaningless battle:

"Proof? How do I prove it?"

He shook his head:

"Didn't you also protect him for the secret of the tree hole?"

The hermits were not angry, and the high-level warlock who was still the leader replied:

"Through the power of our Lord, Vesta Grove has made a contract with us. Time and trees will protect us, and if we are greedy for the tree hole, time and trees will also punish us. The forest can prove this


Shade didn't understand what "forest proof" meant, but that didn't stop him from thinking of another thing:

"If it's the recognition of the forest, wait a minute and found it. Do you think this can prove it for me?"

He rummaged through his pocket and found the green star flower wreath that the elf girl in the forest had knitted for him, and then put the wreath on his head.

The owl on the shoulder stretched out its head and pecked the silver-blue flowers, while the hermits had already bowed to Shade:

"Since you have been recognized by the Tree Father, you have naturally proven yourself.

I'm sorry for the hostility towards you just now. Please come with us now and we will answer your questions."

"I don't have much time to bother with you."

"Don't worry, our camp will be arriving soon."

The five hermits led the way and led Shade further into the forest. They knocked on the trunk of a big tree not far away, and then a tree hole large enough for an adult to pass appeared in the big tree.

It's just that this tree hole does not connect different times, but connects different spaces. After passing through the tree hole, we entered deeper into the Vista Woodland. After walking for less than five minutes, we saw the snow-covered woodland.

A small campsite.

This reminded Shade of the caves (1105) he encountered in the Pantanal, which should be part of the secret of the Vista Woodland just like the inextricable woods.

The low-level warlocks and Baron Cumming who left early were already in this small camp. In addition to the two of them, there were two low-level warlocks tending to the campfire. So the high-level warlock among the five people leading the way talked with them.

After explaining everything clearly at once, the group sat down in the camp.


There were a total of 10 people and one owl present, and three bonfires were set up. In addition, there were five simple tents and some daily necessities scattered around the bonfire. Hot water and soup were being boiled on the fire.

While roasting some potatoes, Shade briefly looked at the environment, then looked at Baron Cumming and the high-level warlock:

"Who can tell me what's going on?"

"Let him tell you. We only provide help. What happened has nothing to do with the Hermits."

Shade then looked at the Baron, who was currently wrapped in the same robe as the hermits and warming himself by the fire, but he still looked at Shade warily, obviously not wanting to say anything.

Shade then took out the book "Opening the Forest Door: Our Animal Companions" and shook it.

"This isn't yours, you can't take it away!"

The baron who originally kept his mouth shut widened his eyes, then angrily stood up and rushed towards Shade, but was immediately stopped by the hermits:

"Please don't do anything in our camp. This is for your own good."

They warned Baron Cumming seriously, and then the embarrassed middle-aged man sat down again dejectedly:

"I don't know who you are or what you want to know. If you want to ask me a question, at least make your purpose clear."

Shade took the teacup handed by the hermits, holding the teacup and looking at him sitting in the snow:

"I just want to make sense of it all, now at least you have to tell me why you stole your wife when she was one year old in 1809?"

The baron cast him a look of disbelief:

"how do you know?"

The hermits were each busy with their own affairs in the small camp in the snow and did not interrupt their conversation. Shade did not answer this question:

"Of course the Ring Warlock has his own means, tell me your purpose. I have no intention of threatening you, but you have to understand that since I took the risk and chased you here, I have many ways to make you speak."

The baron obviously understood this. He woke up his nose and found that he had really been frozen:

"If you want to know the damn story, yes, I can tell you, I've been stuck with it my whole life!

This story is basically a circle, but if I were to find a starting point, it would start many years ago, yes, after my mother passed away."

"Wait a moment, Silence Spell."

The hermit of Gaohuan reminded and winked at Shade:

"This is your story, and we who live here are not supposed to know the future, it will cause trouble."

Shade then threw down two Silence Charms, and the hermits also went to the other two bonfires. Baron Cumming watched their actions end before saying in a suppressed voice:

"I don't know why you are interested in this story, but my mother died in 1817, that is, 15 years later. And in 1826, 9 years after my mother died, when I was 23 years old, I accidentally discovered what my mother had left behind.

some relics of.

Those relics were packed in an iron box and buried deep in the basement of the old house left by my grandmother and grandfather. Yes, my mother Erica Cumming was also born in Ximu Town. The book in your hand

The book must have been taken from that house, right?”

Shade nodded:

"I have no intention of possessing it. After your story is told, it will return to where it should be."

The baron seemed to breathe a sigh of relief:

"Well, this will inspire me to tell the story more completely.

The relics left by my mother that I discovered in 1826 include the book in your hand and my mother's diary. Through that diary, I learned about my mother Erica's secret before her marriage and my true life experience, and my mother also

She recorded the identity of my father, and yes, she recorded every word they spoke across time through that book."

His expression darkened:

"My mother regarded them as the most romantic love poems, and she never thought of destroying them even before she died."

"Your mother actually knew before she died that her lover was actually her grandson, that is, your 'son'?"

"Yes, my mother simply wrote down this fact, but she did not leave any regrets or other feelings about it. She loved that man deeply."

Shade had no intention of commenting on this love that spanned time. He just sympathized with the man in front of him:

"So, you knew when you were 23 that your father was actually your future 'son', but what does this have to do with you stealing the baby in 1809?"

Shade asked puzzledly while holding the tea cup. The baron stretched out his hand to light the fire and looked at him. The crackling sound of the flames was really the best background sound for the story:

"You really know everything. I never told anyone that James is my father. I thought I was the only one in the world who knew this secret."

"You mean, your 'father' James didn't know about this either? I mean in 1854."

PS: Additional update 2/3.

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