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Chapter 268 Opening of the second banquet

 After the exploration of the ruins, Shade suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. After Miss Anat left, he was also ready to go home. At this moment, he missed the cute cat at home who was lazy and timid.

First of all, we need to determine where we are now. The three of us just left the printing factory and ran all the way to a place one street away from the printing factory.

After walking a few steps along the low wall on the street, I saw the Silver Parrot Milk Distribution Company standing quietly in the night fog. Shade had encountered many things around here, for example, he was at the next intersection.

In the silver shop, I saw the Ring Warlock of the Righteous God Church arresting [Mercury Blood]; I also found the statue of the old god "Vampire Duke Loair" in the alley diagonally opposite the milk company.

"The alley where the Blood of Mercury hides the Statue of the Old God is a dead end, so it's far away from the printing factory. It's a coincidence that it's so close to the milk delivery company."

He thought in his mind, looked around, and walked towards the taxi parked at the intersection. The driver sat alone on the shaft of the carriage smoking, the faint light of the cigarette butt flickering in the fog tonight.

Returning to St. Teresa Square, when he took out the key and opened the door, an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face. Although the foyer was dark, the familiar feeling of home made Shade feel very good. Then he heard Mi

Hearing the sound of Ya running down the stairs, he felt even better.

"Oh, my Mia!"

He bent down and picked up the soft cat. The small orange cat meowed happily, squinting its eyes and rubbing the back of Shade's hand with its furry side.

Turn on the gas lamp, hold the cat and the box and walk up the stairs to the second floor.

While sitting in the bright living room, tilting his head and looking at the darkness outside the window, while relaxing physically and mentally, Shade felt that no matter what happened tonight, his happiness at the moment would not change.

"After a long adventure, it's great to be able to safely return home and sit on the sofa."

Of course, there are still other things to do tonight. For example, the three relics taken home need to be stored in a suitable way, and the two new thaumaturgy skills need to be tested a little.

"Forget it, I'm a little tired. Let's put off these things until tomorrow."

But there is one thing that cannot be postponed, that is, the time key of 3002 in the Universal Calendar. Other things can be postponed, but every second that this time key is delayed means that all future keys will be postponed by one second. So no matter what happens at this moment

Why do you need to rest? After taking a short rest, Shade was ready to start the journey of time.

The Fifth Era lasted for a total of 5793 years, so the time corresponding to this key is equivalent to the middle of the Fifth Era. Shade did a little research on this year. Due to the ambiguity of history before the Sixth Era and the deliberate blockade of the academy,

Therefore, I couldn't find much information. I only know that everything was peaceful that year, just like the year 1068 of the Fifth Era in historical records.

"Therefore, it is useless to investigate in advance. If the [Father of the Infinite Tree] really takes a fancy to me, it will be impossible for me to make the journey easily."

Although the investigation is useless, the matters that should be investigated still need to be investigated.

Putting the [relics] on the coffee table one by one, the cat standing on the sofa looked at them curiously. When Shade took out the brooch that could release the disposable sunlight gun, the cat instinctively stretched out its paws.


Shade smiled and picked it up, ignoring Mia's "meow" protest.

Holding the cat in his arms, he walked to the window and looked out the window at the night together:

"Don't be so curious all the time, these are very dangerous things."


The small orange cat waved its paws and made a lazy sound. Then it suddenly froze. The cat quickly squirmed in Shade's arms and turned around, looking at the night sky outside the window with its big amber eyes.

Shade didn't notice its movements and was still talking:

"I'm in a good mood tonight, so I won't lecture you, but you can't touch those [relics] while I'm away... Ha, I actually talked to the cat again, it's really weird."

He was indeed in a good mood tonight, not because of the two kisses, but because of that drop of divinity.


The cat meowed out of the window in fear at this moment. Shade looked out the window in confusion, but the night sky was covered with thick fog. This was a normal night:

"What's wrong?"

He patted the timid cat, thinking that it was frightened by the dark shadows outside.

It was dark outside and bright inside. The resulting optical effect allowed the glass to reflect his face. His face reflected in the glass overlapped with the dark city outside. He was undoubtedly smiling happily:

"No matter what Mia saw, even if an angel-level relic went out of control, it would not affect my good mood."

【Is it true that everything will not be affected? 】

She asked softly, with a smile that couldn't be hidden in her words.


Shade nodded to himself on the glass, judging the appearance of his face.

Then, there was a loud bang, and blood-colored light shot into the sky from the city far away. Blood mist sprayed from the ground into the night sky, and then spread to the entire city. Countless scarlet light spots suddenly lit up all over the city, guiding

The bloody mist engulfed Tobesk.

Shade's smiling face reflected on the glass froze.


In his perception, he clearly noticed that a huge, twisted, indescribable existence was moving towards the material world. He was right where the blood-red light pillar appeared in the distance, and he was watching the entire world right there:

"But, how could it be, the whole banquet is obviously controlled by the church..."

The life ring appeared behind him, and the bright golden light lit up as the metal rotated. Countless clues gathered, and Shade suddenly opened his eyes wide. He understood:

"Besides Lawrence, there are two divine vessels. And besides that charity banquet, there is another blood banquet. Milk, I understand! I understand! It's the milk of the Silver Parrot Milk Distribution Company, that taste

Weird, the coachman mentioned that there is something wrong with the milk that was on sale recently! Quick, Burning God..."

It was like a real line of sight, projected from a distance, as if something from high in the sky was staring directly at him.

"It's Him! He's watching me!"

He has not yet fully arrived, but His sight has already connected with Shade, and he understands the meaning of that sight——

He is inviting Shade, inviting this mortal who boldly swallowed His power to join another blood feast. This is not persecution, but He has arrived and He cannot run away.

"He's after me!"

The blood mist has completely engulfed everything around Saint Teresa Square and seeped into the interior through the cracks in the windows. Shade took a step back while holding the frightened cat, and the cat waved its claws forward to protect Shade.

[The saint has not yet fully arrived, do you need to burn divinity? Note that you only have one drop of divinity. If you don’t want to lose the afterglow of divinity, you must do it again during the action...]

"No, not now. The evil god has come prepared. I can't guarantee that I can defeat it before a drop of divinity is completely burned."

Shade looked at the blood mist's hind legs step by step. They were about to have no way out. His eyes became firm. He had already thought that sooner or later he would confront the gods for the sake of divinity. The current situation was not the worst.

, at least that god doesn't seem to know that he can transform into a god.

【No matter what kind of surprise you want to give the other party, please do it as soon as possible.】

"Three seconds! Mia, trust me completely, don't resist."

Watching the blood mist seep into the room, Shade said softly while retreating, then grabbed the thin blanket on the sofa and covered Mia, who was trembling with fear and waving her claws. Taking away the blanket, the small Mi

Ya Cat turned into a smaller Mia ragdoll cat, and the cat gave Shade absolute trust:

"I want to look to other gods for ways to use divinity to defeat gods."

Holding the time key in his hand, he inserted it directly into the keyhole of the chest pendant:

"May the Father of the Infinite Tree bless me in time."

With a click, the keyhole of the decorated door was rotated. After opening, the small door was filled with endless white mist.

The blood mist has completely penetrated into the room. Holding the Mia cat doll, Shade's right index finger stretched into the white mist door.

With a snap, the pendant fell to the floor, Shade disappeared, and blood mist engulfed the room.

This chapter has been completed!
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