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Chapter 2673 Banquet at Earl Collins’ Manor

Chapter 2672 Banquet at Earl Collins’ Manor

"Beas is the chosen one, Danist. As a teacher, you can't just care about his studies."

"Yes, how about I ask him not to attend the wedding with the girls for a while, and let him stay and read a book with me tonight? We can sit on the sofa together and cuddle up and talk about the stories in the book, or we can hold hands to

In the woods, practicing thaumaturgy under the moonlight."

Deniste Gustave said this deliberately, and then she saw her friend showing an angry expression.

The family that took advantage of the Moon Dance Festival to hold a wedding with such great fanfare that even Prince William was interested in was the Collins family, the truly aristocratic family in Vista City.

The banquet that Shade and Miss Winslet attended before the Moon Dance last week was hosted by Earl Collins, and the Collins family is also the most powerful family in the local area since the days of Brookwood.

Mr. Ogg, the elder of the hermits in 1802, said that the sheriff, the mayor, the chairman of the lumberjacks association, and the bishop of the local church are the four pillars of the town, and the Collins family has served as the local mayor all year round.

Even in modern times, even if the family gradually disappears from the scene, the current mayor of Vista is still a relative of the Collins family.

As for the person getting married this time, it was the second son of the Collins family. The person who married young Mr. Collins was not a local girl, but the youngest daughter of Earl Collins' friend in Willondale, Earl Gowther.

Therefore, in addition to the local nobles, the wedding was also attended by many relatives of the woman from Willendale. According to Miss Winslet, the Earl of Gowther family and the royal family are also distantly related:

"Earl Gowther is one of the rare earls with real power nowadays. He even has a fief. He is a big shot in Willendale."

The wedding of the Collins family was not held in the city, but was held at the Collins family's old house in the north of the city. Similar to the Bennet family, it was also a house passed down by the Collins family from the days of Ximu Town. It is said that every generation of Collins family boys in the past had

She got married there, so the family's old house is quite well maintained.

Shade, Iluna, Miss Winslet and Miss Bell set out from the hotel at half past five in the evening, and by the time they arrived at Collins Manor in the north of the city, it was completely dark.

Collins Manor is not in the city, but on the edge of the city, but it is connected to the city by roads, and there are family farms, forest farms, a small cemetery and neighboring villages nearby, so it is not considered remote.

When Shade saw the manor from a distance from the window, the lights had already lit up the usually deserted Collins old house. Even before he arrived, Shade could feel the bustling scene.

"This is probably the last large-scale outdoor banquet held locally before next spring."

The witch on the carriage sighed, while Iluna asked Shade:

"Remember the last autumn banquet we attended in Tobesk last autumn?"

Shade smiled and nodded:

"Of course I remember, Princess Mona Cavendish and Mr. Randolph Ellsberg were married at Lakeview Manor. Margaret, I mean Princess Margaret of the South, happened to be visiting Tobesk at that time.

, I also attended the wedding, and I remember it was very, very lively at the time.”

At that time, not only them, Shade also met Sir Prisha, the chosen one for "Knowledge and Wisdom", and met Miss Pavo, the vice-president of the "Truth Society" at the wedding Rhodes game.

Of course, now the woman who firmly believes that "mathematics is omnipotent" is the president of the Truth Society.

"If you are expecting a banquet based on that level of wedding, you will probably be disappointed. Compared with Tobesk, this place can only be regarded as a countryside."

The witch said on the side, still thinking about how Miss Sylvia followed Margaret when she visited Tobesk last year, and then thought about how Carina asked Shade to avoid the young space witch at that time.


"It doesn't matter. I've also attended weddings in the countryside."

This refers to the wedding he attended to find the demon Stone Oxenfurt during the Randall Valley Incident, but there were not many interesting memories at that wedding.

Although the city of Vista cannot be compared with the city of Tobesk, after all, the people getting married this time were two young men and women from count families, so calling it a "country wedding" is actually a bit discriminatory.

The red carpet was laid from the front of the manor house to the entrance of the manor, and the housekeepers and servants who were responsible for welcoming guests stood in two rows at the door.

In the courtyard of the manor, white wooden tables are placed in rows along the central axis of the manor. The candlesticks on the table and the gas lamps of various shapes that can be seen everywhere in the courtyard landscape illuminate the sumptuous food and gold and silver utensils on the table.

Even every tree and flower bush in the courtyard was decorated with ribbons, and the fountain in the center of the courtyard where the knight on horseback raised his sword was even hung with garlands and ribbons.

It was already a little late when the group of four arrived, and most of the guests who came to attend the wedding had already arrived. As a fairly important guest, Miss Winslet temporarily stayed with Shade and Ellu after entering the manor.

Na left, she needed to take Miss Bell to say hello to the earl and today's newcomers.


"I have been saying today that the air in this city is so good."

Iluna and Shade, holding Shade's arms and wearing long indigo dresses, stood at the long table in the courtyard and said. They also gave gifts when they entered just now, but they were prepared by Miss Winslet.

They don't know what the gift is either.

"This is a city in the woods after all, and there aren't many steam factories in Vista City."

Shade took a cupcake from the table and handed it to Iluna. This is a new dessert that has only become popular in southern countries in the past ten years. Shade just noticed that Iluna has been looking here curiously.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if there are more steam factories. I don't hate the smell of Tobesk. Although it is choking, it is also a symbol of the city's development."

Iluna stood next to Shade, watching how he tore open the cupcakes, and then did the same herself:

"And the good thing about big cities is that the church has enough manpower. Although it is more likely to have problems because of the dense population, there are thirteen rings guarding it all year round, so you don't have to worry about big troubles that can't be dealt with. That person over there is William Ann.

Ru bar?"

She had also met the Prince of the South when she was in the Randall Valley, so she recognized him. Shade looked up and saw William Anjou under the long string of sheds with desserts on the right side of the mansion.

Was talking to an old gentleman he had never met.

The prince specially changed into a low-key red dress today, and not everyone has seen him, so he doesn't have to worry about being seen while standing in a remote location.

"Yeah, see that officer walking up to him? That one in uniform, that's York Bronte."


While Iluna was eating the cake in small bites next to Shade, she used the witch's eye shadow effect to cover her left eye, which had temporarily returned to brown. She was not using her ability to stop time, but was trying to observe.

Shade did not urge him, but after both of them had eaten their respective cakes and Shade brought two more glasses of champagne, Iluna said:

"I saw some very cruel scenes. He seemed to have eaten a deer in the surrounding woods not long ago. If this is the Dead Apostle you talked about in the afternoon, this kind of thing is indeed cruel."

"Can you really see the past?"

Shade was very surprised, but Iluna shook her head:

"I haven't found a pattern for this ability, but it seems to work better on people who are defined as 'imbalanced'. And I not only saw what he just did, I also saw it"

She frowned slightly as if she had encountered some difficulty:

"This man doesn't have any trace of death on his body, which is definitely not normal. Even you and me, because we live in this world, will have some traces of death on our bodies, but he doesn't. Especially since he just

It is impossible to end a life without leaving the breath of death."

"Hold on."

Shade took out an acorn from his pocket, ate it, and then activated the sensor again:

"Yes, he still does not belong to this point in time. Based on the current intelligence, John Bronte has a high probability of permanently avoiding death by traveling through time."

"This kind of person should not exist in this world. His existence itself is disturbing the balance of the world."

The eighteen-year-old girl took the wine glass from Shade and touched it lightly with him. Then she moved her eyes away from York Bronte in the distance and turned to look at Shade:

"Xia De, I happened to be here today on leave. Why don't we go kill him now."

Shade tried his best to hold back his laughter. It was so interesting to see Iluna's expression at this time:

"We definitely can't let him go. His life form is wrong. But not now. First of all, we haven't figured out what happened to him. Secondly, Dead Apostles can't be killed casually. I'm waiting for something.

Lethal Weapon."

"Oh well."

Iluna gently shook the wine glass in her hand:

"Then what should we do now? Just stand here and wait for Miss Winslet and the others to come back?"

"Let's just walk around and observe if York Bronte does anything strange. I'm very curious about what form his time curse will take."

The faces of both of them have been disguised to a certain extent. Although they still look like northerners, they are not very attractive. Although Shade wanted to observe York Bronte, he actually just asked him not to leave the two of them.

The view is just fine.

In addition to casually looking at the scenery in the manor at night, the two of them also sat down and listened to the soothing serenade played by the band on the side of the manor house. York Bronte stood beside William Anjou the whole time, together with the prince.

Talk to several local nobles who look very old.

This chapter has been completed!
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