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Chapter 2687 The Dead Disciple’s Heir and Prince Are Attacked

"Looking for relatives? Sorry, did you encounter something?"

Seeing the witch's surprised and doubtful gaze, Miss Daniste answered on Shade's behalf:

"Shad's experience before becoming a ring sorcerer was very complicated, or in other words, he was that kind of stupid before he became a ring sorcerer."


Shade used a fairly appropriate word, and he had no grudges about it:

"After becoming a ring magician, I seemed to wake up from a big dream, but everything in the past was forgotten. At that time, I only faced the unknown future. According to the academy's investigation, all my family members should have passed away, but

No one knows where they are buried."

In other words, Shade even suspected that these people did not exist at all.

Miss Winslet pursed her lips, then stepped forward and hugged him. A strange smile appeared on Miss Danister's face, because Shade was also a little embarrassed:

"Can you use the Bone Retrieval Technique on me?"

"Feel sorry."

But the witch still shook her head:

"The Bone Searching Technique has great limitations. You know that every promotion of a ring warlock represents the sublimation of the flesh and blood body. Your level is too high. Your body is stronger than an ordinary high-level warlock. You and your bloodline

The relationship between relatives is already very distant."

As she spoke, she subconsciously put her hand on Shade's chest, then her face turned red, and she whispered again:

"However, you can regard us as your relatives. I mean Carina, Daniste, me and Charlotte. We are all your relatives."

The witch apprentice tried hard not to show an expression that made her teacher angry, but the red-haired sorceress smiled even more.

The flesh and blood of high-level warlocks are very different from ordinary people. This is one of the reasons why it is difficult for high-level warlocks to get ordinary girls pregnant, or to conceive children of ordinary men. Although York Bronte is a Dead Apostle, the essence of life has changed.

Although he has changed, he still has three rings and is still in human form, so the witch believes that his hair is still useful.

Collecting the freshest hair has the best effect. Although it was raining heavily outside, Shade and Miss Winslet went out again. But because it was still raining outside, the witch who was unwilling to wet her feathers did not turn into an owl.

, but got into the carriage with Shade downstairs of the hotel.

As for York Brontë's current location, the girls responsible for keeping an eye on him, and the effect of the acorns, all indicate that he is attending the salon in the side room of the Musikverein with Prince William of Anjou.

The salon was held by Countess Collins, nominally for everyone to exchange music with each other, but according to Miss Bell, it seemed that William Anjou wanted to meet a few people there who were usually not convenient to meet directly.

This time Miss Winslet did not have an invitation letter, but this did not prevent them from sneaking in secretly. The purpose this time was just for a few hairs. If it were not for the fact that they were worried about something happening due to their status as a dead disciple, Gao Huan's followers would actually be able to sneak in.

It's okay for girls to come.

The process of obtaining the hair went smoothly because York Bronte came with Linda Bennet, the third daughter of the Bennet family.

When the two invisible cats appeared on the windowsill, Bronte was sitting on the sofa with the beautiful Miss Bennet, talking and laughing about the interesting things during this year's Moon Dance Festival. The two were holding hands and seemed to be in great spirits.


So Shade Cat asked:

"Speaking of which, did Theodore Brontë, the earliest one, give birth to a child after he became a Death Apostle?"

"Yes, actually counting your age, you should know that Baron Bronte and Ben Bronte are both his children after he became a Death Apostle. I was also surprised by this, but it also proves the bloodline of the Death Apostle

Still valid."

The witch cat replied.

"So did Ben Brontë, whom I met at the midsummer party in 1821, also have a wife?"

"Yes, and he also has children, but they are normal ordinary people, at least according to the current investigation.

I know what you want to ask, yes, this guy will still marry a wife after becoming a Dead Apostle. This Miss Linda Bennet seems to be the prey this time. You know what? Theodore Bronte

's wife and Ben Bronte's wife all died suddenly of illness not long after their husbands died. I guess this is not a coincidence."

The young men and women chatted and speculated, and York Bronte tried to put his hand on the girl's leg covered by the skirt, but the beautiful girl only smiled and raised her eyebrows, and then blocked his hand.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the gray cat flicked its tail, and the transparent air blade flew out silently, accurately cutting off a piece of York Bronte's hair before disappearing.

The latter seemed to be aware of it and turned to look at the window, but unfortunately the "Dead Apostle" was not a monster who was proficient in breaking illusions. Under the multiple illusions of the Witch and Shade, he, who only had three rings, could not see anything.

The two cats were not in a hurry to retrieve the hair that had floated to the ground, but waited patiently. Not long after, William Anjou came down the stairs on the side of the small hall, attracting everyone present.

Standing ovation.

This prince, who was outnumbered by his brother and sister in the political struggle, enjoys people's respect. And at a time when the battle for succession to the throne has not yet decided, the local nobles will not treat these royal descendants differently.


William Anjou pressed down his hands to make people stop applauding. Just as he was about to say something, the silver cat on the window sill noticed that the door of the small hall was pushed open a gap, and then a man walked sideways through the door.

He was dressed as a waiter at the Golden Concert Hall and looked to be around 20 years old. He put his right hand in his pocket, and after entering the door, he looked up at the prince walking down the stairs, his eyes very sharp.

This scene made Shade feel quite familiar.


As expected, gunshots rang out in the concert hall, and the bullet fired by the gun hit Prince William of Anjou's left arm in the next second. He screamed and fell backward, and was crushed by his guards.


The loyal guards of the Angevin royal family and a few gray gloves agents immediately rushed towards the man who fired the gun. The latter had no intention of running away or resisting, and allowed people to push him down.

“How come William Anjou gets shot wherever he goes?”

Shade on the window sill asked, while the witch on the side watched this scene with great interest. She herself did not have any political leanings. Instead, she supported the princess even more because Margaret became a witch's apprentice. Therefore, she did not care about the prince at all.

Negative emotions caused by an attack:

"It's really interesting. The prince who received the king's secret order was attacked in the Vista Grove. Something interesting is going to happen in this city!"

William Anjou's arrival in Vista was originally a semi-public event, but the attack on Friday afternoon quickly caused various rumors to fly throughout the city, which was still in the midst of festive celebrations.

But unlike Shade's conjecture, the truth about the prince's attack did not involve much conspiracy, let alone the work of Shade's colleagues. When Shade went home for dinner that night, he brought the story to Lu Wei

Ya, Carina, Lesia and Agelina.

"During the negotiations in Green Lake this spring, didn't the two countries have a small-scale conflict on the border? At that time, both sides sacrificed their lives. One of the dead members of the Kassenrik army was from Vesta.


His younger brother became resentful of the Anjou family and believed that the royal family caused this tragedy. This afternoon's assassination was revenge for this. Speaking of which, the man's marksmanship was really accurate. He shot across most of the performance hall.

It hit William Anjou on the left arm. The only doubt now is how the Avenger knew that William Anjou was in Vista City and would attend the salon this afternoon."

Dinner was completed by Tifa and the maids. At this time, the family of five was sitting around the dining table, and little Mia was lying on Shade's left side, eating quietly.

The Duchess smiled and wanted to rub Shade gently with her legs under the table, but she immediately felt that Lesia's legs, who were sitting on her left, were already there:

"I know this, and it has something to do with us. But this is also an unintentional move. In order to cope with the upcoming conflict, MI6 has carried out a series of espionage activities in the South. This includes not only spying on intelligence, but also provoking confrontation. I

I also met with Anros this morning, and he talked about a series of activities taking place around the royal capital in six places.

Providing information about William Anjou to dangerous elements is just one of them. In fact, even Anlos probably didn't expect it to be effective."

"Shade, is William Anjou seriously injured?"

Lesia also asked curiously, and Shade shook his head:

"It is not life-threatening, but it is said that the bones are injured. Miss Winslet and I originally thought that we would go to investigate the old cemetery of the Brontë family after getting the hair in the afternoon, but in order to find out what happened to William Anjou, we

I followed him until evening, and I thought it was the [Tree Hole Association], but it turned out to be just a matter for ordinary people."

"I was injured but not to my vitals."

"Auntie, what on earth did William Anjou do in Vista City?"

Agelina asked cautiously, and Carina did not hide it:

"This question is indeed the key. In fact, MI6 is also curious about this. The initial information found is that Gray Gloves discovered that the wife of Colonel Dupont, the top officer of Mulin Post, is our spy. Therefore, the king wants to protect the royal capital.

To ensure safety, he sent his son to investigate."

"Huh? Is there such a thing?"

Shade was very surprised by this, but the Duchess shook her head while tasting the veal steak:

"Don't be surprised at first. Later we find out that this is just a curtain to hide the truth.

On the surface, William Anjou was going to investigate whether Colonel Dupont had contacted us, but in fact he was going to investigate the secret meeting of the Drinol Zionists in the city of Vista. Remember that before the conflict between our two countries,

In addition, are there any third-party forces disrupting the situation? The appearance of the Delin'ol Zionists can also be regarded as one of the clues."


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