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Chapter 2772 Gregorian Village

"Myrna Feliana in St. Teresa's Square in Tobesk?"

Flora Winslet tried her best to imagine this picture. It really felt strange. A famous demigod that only appeared in legends and stories lived in the central block of the most prosperous city in this era.

Shade took over the words:

"There are two suites on the second floor of my house. I usually live in the first room with little Mia, and let Miss Feliana and Fiona live in the second room. Carina and the others have always said that the reception in the summer was not good.

I also said that I would like to find a way to expand the area of ​​​​my home."

So the witch asked curiously:

"Then what happened to the pillows, sheets, etc. that Miss Feliana used?"

"Of course Tifa took the maids to clean it and put it away in the locker in the changing room. Otherwise, what else could happen?"

"I thought you would collect it. This is something of great commemorative value."

Miss Denister then smiled and said:

"This shows that you don't understand Shade. Shade never thought that was the last time he saw Miss Feliana. Although he never told me, I think his goal should be to let those from the fifth era

Demigod witch, let’s truly come to the modern age.”

Flora was in awe of this, but also admired how "grand" Shade's ideals were.

Currently, Emilia is still in the college. When the witch was painting the oil painting last night, Miss Daniste had already written a report on the "Time War" and sent it directly to the principal. Then the college held an emergency meeting overnight, and all parties attended the meeting.

The dean of the college discussed this matter with the elf representative of the Yuexi clan, and then came to the conclusion——

At the sole discretion of Miss Denister.

When Miss Feliana visited St. Byrons, the academy knew that Miss Denister was connected to the Godcaller. Now that she has hinted that she has the support of the Godcaller, the academy's decision will be different.

It's hard to guess.

But just like Shade said last night, Amelia will not go to Vista Woodland immediately. The academy has customized a special one-on-one course for her, and will not let her go until the training is over or when she must leave.

Come here.

Of course, this time will not be long. Today is Monday, and Emilia will definitely arrive by the weekend at the latest. Shade is really looking forward to what will happen when Emilia meets the forest elves.

As for Emilia, in addition to the twin princes in fourth place and Luvia in last place, there should be four more candidates. Of course, this also needs to be investigated.

Shade is almost certain that the "Clockmaker" is also one of the candidates. Her words last night and the extent of time relics she can use all illustrate this.

But even if the "clockmaker" is added, there are only four people. The remaining three, Shade, have no clues, but he very much suspects that there are locals from Ximu Town among them, but the witch followers have not yet investigated anything locally.


In short, the beginning of the Time War can only mean that the story of the eighth chosen one is about to reach its climax. But for Shade, the most important thing at the moment is the devil's matter.

Yesterday at the Golden Concert Hall, he had determined that George Kant was the devil of the fire, but he did not tell anyone about it, or that Shade would not tell anyone about it unless the doctor came to the Vista Grove.


As for the continued investigation today, Flora provided new clues:

"The church is cooperating with the [Forest Hermits] to find the fire point in the forest. Since Shade said that we will not care about things outside the city for the time being, I asked Charlotte and the others to find clues in the city.

We currently believe that what the Natural Church sealed three hundred years ago was only part of the devil, so is it possible that the devil has done other things since three hundred years ago to now, but no one has discovered it?"

Shade suddenly became interested:

"Miss Bell, have you investigated local fire records over the past three hundred years?"

The pale witch apprentice nodded:

"Yes, we were originally worried that there were no relatively complete local fire records in the previous Ximu Town era, but after careful investigation, we actually found records in the archives of the local city hall. It seems that because of the local production of wood, in order to prevent fires in the wood warehouse

, there has been a fire department here since the days of Ximu Town, so there are also their rescue records.

There have been many local fires in the past three hundred years, and it would be troublesome to investigate every incident, but if we look at the average number of fires per year, there have indeed been abnormal numbers of fires in some years."

"In those years when fires were more frequent, could it be related to the climate of that year? Or was it simply that the town was unlucky that year. Over the past three hundred years, there will always be some years that are more unlucky."

Shade asked, and Miss Bell nodded. As a witch apprentice, she is different from a maid like Tifa. She often gets more involved in her teacher's affairs:

"It is indeed possible. Through Miss's relationship with the Prophets Association, I checked the local climate almanac and eliminated those years that were considered to be fire-prone. The final results were 1570 and 1698.

and 1717."

These three years are very far away.

"So in the era of Vista City, there were no years with unusual fires?"

Flora answered:

"In modern times, cities have become larger and more complex, but they are not as easy to analyze as the small town era, so we did not consider modern things. This is also part of the civilization process, and there is nothing we can do about it."

Shade understands this quite well:

"So were there any abnormal events in the fires in these three years?"

Miss Bell then took out the document bag from under the coffee table and handed it to Shade:

"The City Hall's archives have fairly detailed records of fire incidents that resulted in casualties. All the incidents in 1570 and 1717 were not problematic from the archives. However, there was a fire in 1698 that burned down the town of Ximu.

A small village under its jurisdiction.

The record of that incident in the file is very strange. The village was some distance away from the city. After the fire, the village sent people to the town to ask for help. However, due to heavy rain that night, the town's rescue team was unable to enter the forest. When they arrived the next day

, that village has all been burned down."

Shade opened the document bag. There were no cameras in 1698, so all the information was written:

"At that time, except for the young man who was sent to the town for help, all the villagers died in the fire? It does sound suspicious. It is not common for a fire to burn down a village overnight, not to mention it was a rainy night. I think

Look at the location, Gregorian Village. Is it so far away from the city?”

"Yes, this was a typical forest village back then. Most of the villagers were engaged in logging and hunting. This village has been abandoned since then. We haven't gone there to investigate yet. The lady said that for safety reasons, you should go there.


"Since there is suspicion, let's go and have a look."

Shade stood up and looked at the two ladies on the sofa, so the witch also stood up:

"I'll go with you. It will be faster if I turn into an owl and catch you and fly there."

It is not a good idea to enter the forest when it is drizzling. No one wants to experience the feeling of stepping into the mud again.

The deserted village of Gregorian Village has been abandoned for a hundred years, and of course there are no roads around it. Therefore, after the owl landed on the treetop, it immediately turned into a gray cat and stepped on Shade's shoulder.

Raindrops fell on the bare branches, and when they fell at the end of the branches, Shade's back was hidden. He discovered that using the "water walking" technique could prevent his shoes from getting dirty.

The description of the location of Gregorian Village that Miss Bell found was very vague, coupled with the complexity of the forest, so the two of them searched the forest before finding the true location of the deserted village.

A hundred years later, only the ruins of the village left in the fire have now been assimilated by the forest.

Although it was cloudy and drizzling, there was no particularly eerie feeling here because of the healthy trees and grass all over the ground.

The wooden fence outside the village to prevent wild animals from intruding is almost invisible. The low wall covered with withered yellow vines and the few houses still standing prove that this place was once a small human settlement.

There are almost no complete buildings visible upon entering, and nature has completely replaced human traces here.

"Can you feel anything?"

The cat on Shade's shoulder asked. Shade stood at the entrance of the village and looked at the scenery in front of him:

"Not yet. Can you feel the presence of the undead?"

"Hold on."

The beautiful cat closed its eyes, waited for a moment and shook its head:

"No, so there must be something wrong here. If a fire really burned an entire village to death, there should be resentment even if there are no undead, but this place is too clean."

Then came the boring but necessary search process. Time passed so long that Shade was not sure what he could find, or whether the fire and the disappearance of soul resentment had nothing to do with the devil.

But soon he actually discovered something was wrong. Most of the villages in the forest were close to water sources, and Gregory Village was no exception. The south of the village was close to the tributary of the Aronson River in the forest, so there was a small dock built on the river.


But when Shade came to the river, he unexpectedly discovered that this small pier actually showed signs of maintenance and use:

"Has anyone else been here? What valuable things can be found in this deserted village?"

Because it has rained a lot in the forest recently, unclear footprints can be seen outside the pier. Following the footprints, Shade led the cat to a half-collapsed house in the southeast of the village.

The house is a masonry structure, so it survived the fire that year, but now it is covered by grass and vines and no traces of its past use can be seen.

The footprints on the mud extended to the back of the house, and after searching for a while, Shade found the entrance to the underground in the grass.

This chapter has been completed!
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