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Chapter 2801 Distribution

The three ice needles given by the doctor were only slightly thicker than sewing needles. They were cold all over the body. When you hold them in your hands, you can even feel that the temperature can affect the soul. And the shields he mentioned are actually three porcelain bowls. The outer surfaces of the porcelain bowls

There was a painting of a snowfield scenery, and Shade didn't know if it was painted by the doctor himself.

If so, it can only be said that he also has a talent for artistic painting.

The methods for activating shields and ice needles are very simple, and Shade originally thought that these were alchemy items created by demonic knowledge, but in fact, even if he almost put his eyes against those items and turned on "Visual Demon" to observe them, he could not see them.

No trace of demonic power.

Therefore, it is very likely that this is an alchemical weapon made using the alchemical formula of the witchers. This makes Shade guess that maybe the doctor has obtained more than just demonic power.

The time soon came to ten o'clock in the evening, Shade left little Mia in the care of Luvia, and Luvia sent the two of them to the basement.

After walking out of the tree hole, Shade realized that the weather in the Vista Woodland was particularly good tonight. The stars were twinkling in the night sky, and the month of March was bright and cold.

He did not go into the city with Iluna immediately, but first went to the elf girl's tree house. Although it was very late, the blond elf had not gone to bed yet, but was sitting on the platform on the second floor of the tree house, watching the moonlight.

Next, I carefully wiped the four "Elven Antique Arrows" I had obtained with a piece of cloth:

"Don't you have something urgent to do? What are you doing here to waste your time?"

It doesn't look like she intends to reveal any information.

By the time Shade and Iluna appeared at the Accordion Hotel in the city center, it was already 10:30 that night. Miss Elsa Asberg had already arrived when they entered. This thirteen-ring

Warlock Shade has met him more than once. The last time they met was during the team's delivery mission, when the lady personally escorted the angelic relic out of Tobesk City.

Miss Elsa Asberg is often called the "Winter Singer". She looks very young, has black hair, and drop-shaped sapphire earrings hanging on both ears. Tonight she is wearing a dark blue dress

The colorful skirt makes the whole person look particularly smart.

When Shade and Iluna greeted her, of course she recognized Iluna, but she did not ask why the chosen one of Balance appeared here:

"So you are in charge of this operation, Mr. Hamilton?"

Although she used the power of ice, it seemed that Miss Asberg was a lady who loved to laugh. Shade didn't know how Miss Denist explained it to her, so he just nodded:

"Yes, please come here specially."

"It doesn't matter. Since Danist is in trouble, of course I have to help, and fighting the ancient evil spirits is everyone's responsibility. I encountered the ancient evil spirits in the snowfield when I was a child, but the elders of the cult drove them away at that time.

I didn't expect that after so many years I would have the opportunity to face this kind of enemy."

As he spoke, he smiled and said to the red-haired girl next to him:

"Danister, actually I feel that just seeing you like this is enough for me to run away this time. I'm so envious. This is truly turning eighteen again."

Miss Daniste glanced at her friend with a cold face and ignored this statement, while Flora obviously agreed with Miss Asberg's ridicule.

In short, everyone exchanged a few pleasantries before Flora opened her mouth to introduce the situation to Shade:

"The locations of Madame Chatara and George Kant are currently under our control."

She motioned for Shade and Iluna to sit down. The sofa layout in the living room of this room was very similar to that of Shade's house. At this time, Flora sat on the single sofa, along with Miss Denister and Miss Asberg.

Sitting on the couch.

Shade asked Iluna to sit on the short sofa opposite Flora, while he refused the chair brought by Miss Bell and sat directly on the armrest of the short sofa.

"In a while, my friend will go to the forest to deal with the strongest split of the devil, and the nun will go to the deserted village to deal with the 'Ghost of Resentment' at the core of the relic [The Last Grudge]. To be honest, only she can handle this."

Shade asked Miss Asberg:

"So the remaining two are George Kant and Madame Chatala. Madam, it's up to you to choose."

“Very gentlemanly.”

She smiled and praised:

"So what's the difference between these two split bodies?"

"I can't tell the difference yet. I can only tell whether they are demons now. I'm afraid I can't tell if they are in human form until they lose their human form. But if I want to say the difference, it's probably because the battle venues are different."

A map of the forest and a map of the city were spread out on the coffee table, and Flora pointed to two different locations:

"Mrs. Shatala is still in the city. After the tea party this afternoon, she went to have dinner, and then went to the Golden Music Hall to listen to the concert. After the concert ended at nine o'clock in the evening, she returned to Oakwood, where she currently lives.

club, and then never came out;

As for George Kant, he accepted the invitation and went with his friends outside the city. This is a tradition for local young people. Before the end of autumn, they like to go to the woodland outside the city with their friends to light a bonfire and spend the night together. This is also a kind of


"But why tonight? Coincidence or did he leave town on purpose?"

Iluna asked, and Miss Bell shook her head slightly:

"Sorry, we followed Mr. Hamilton's instructions and did not conduct a direct investigation on him, so we only know where he left the city, but we don't know anything else."

Miss Asperger then said:

"Then I'll choose Mrs. Shatara from the city. If there is a fight in the city, there will be a lot of commotion, and the church's face will have to be taken into consideration. I'm afraid my hands will be tied up by then, so I'll do it."

She assigned the more difficult opponent to herself, and Shade nodded:

"Okay, then, I'll go find George Kant. The location where they leave the city is in the north of the city. Although it's a bit far from the Gregorian Village in the northwest of the city, it's still a convenient way. I'll call the nuns when I get outside the city."

Also call the doctor.

"Also, this is an alchemical weapon made by my friend, specially used to deal with that demon."

He gave another shield and an ice needle to Miss Asberg, and then said to Flora:

"After we start taking action, please contact the church and the Hermits with Miss Bell and ask them to enter the forest and pull out the fire-burning trees that Vanessa sensed. I met with the 'Constructor Master' this afternoon.

It's quite pleasant, and they probably won't refuse to help."

"No problem, I almost thought you really didn't need me anymore."

The witch said enthusiastically, and Shade said to Miss Danister:

"You stay here for unified dispatch, and Iluna also stays. If anyone needs help, Iluna must arrive as quickly as possible. So we need contact information. I feel like setting off fireworks in the sky is a little bit...


The red-haired girl was almost amused by Shade:

"Don't worry about the fireworks, Elsa is here now, do you want her to laugh at my teaching level?

Shade, don't you think your scores in alchemy courses are very high? Why is your alchemy knowledge so weak? You are so busy, so you probably haven't dabbled in alchemy knowledge other than textbooks, right?"

This is indeed a fact. The production of alchemical items requires a lot of experience, but Shade just lacks time.

So Miss Denister took out a few beads with moonlight halos and gave them to Shade and Miss Asberg. The beads were red, yellow and silver:

"If you crush the beads, I will sense your location. The red one needs the help of Miss Bayas, the yellow one means the devil has been solved, and the silver one needs the help of someone other than Miss Bayas."

Yellow beads mean that some finishing work needs to be done. For example, if Shade accidentally ignites a large forest, he will need to find someone to help if he wants to put out the fire in a short time.

"No problem, I'll give this to the nun later."

Shade said, then sensed the time and picked up the [Night Watcher] inserted in the scabbard:

"It's getting late, I'll set off now. Miss Asberg, we'll start on time at 12:30 after midnight. I won't remind you if I don't need to. You must be better than me."

"Then just wait for me to deal with the ladies in the city and go outside the city to help you."

Ms. Asberg said with a smile, and watched Shade leave the hotel with the others. She left the hotel directly in a while, so she could still sit here for a while.

After Shade's footsteps faded away on the stairs, the thirteen-ring sorceress who used the power of ice and snow asked Miss Danister again:

"You have never said that your student is so powerful before. Judging from the way he commanded everyone just now, he is not only very powerful, but also very experienced. Moreover, you have never said that your relationship with the Witch Council is such a good one.

, I heard that witches have very powerful means of staying young, do you have similar cosmetics?"

Iluna and Flora are still here at this time, and her question also means that she will not talk nonsense to others.

"That's because you didn't ask, Elsa, I owe you a favor this time."

The red-haired girl let the teacup float in front of her:

"I will reimburse all the consumption of casting materials this time. If you need anything in the future, just let me know."

"Don't be so open-minded."

Miss Asberg waved her hand and gently blew the tea cup in front of her, causing the hot tea to immediately turn into cold tea:

"Actually, I came to help you this time because I am a little curious about your students."

So three sharp eyes immediately turned to her, and the sorceress continued in surprise:

"Has your student also been exposed to the power of my lord [Winter Maiden]? Last time I met him, I just felt that he had traces of my lord's blessing. This time I met him, why do I feel that the smell of ice and snow on his body is stronger?"

That's what Chloe smells like.

This chapter has been completed!
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