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Chapter 307: Go to Cold Water Port

"Okay, I'll give you the news within a week. Since you only want relatively well-known research groups, I think it won't even take a week."

The professor took the envelope containing the money and put it aside without looking at how many bills were inside. Then he said with some embarrassment:

"Detective, I was actually planning to go find Louisa in the next few days...I had that dream again."

"What? How could it happen?"

Shade was shocked. It had been nearly a month since the [Happy Dream Pen] lost control. Miss Louisa clearly confirmed that the professor's body recovered quickly and he did not suffer any further mental effects.

"How many times did you dream? When did you dream?"

"Once, just yesterday."

"Then please give me your hand."

Shade grabbed Professor Manning's right wrist and made a listening expression amidst the professor's worried expression. After more than ten seconds, he let go of the professor's hand with a relaxed expression:

"Don't worry, it's not that kind of problem. You are safe."

In the state of close contact, "she" did not feel the slightest whispering element in the professor's body.

"Then why do you have that kind of dream?"

Professor Manning asked in confusion. After experiencing a serious illness not long ago, this old gentleman's current state cannot be said to have fully recovered.

"I'm not a scholar, so I can't explain the cause of dreams. But I suggest you go to a psychiatrist friend of mine."

Shade didn't have Dr. Schneider's business card with him, so he brought a pen and paper to write down the professor's address, and said as he wrote:

"This friend of mine is just an ordinary person. He is very good at this aspect of mental illness. He will help you."

The professor blushed and asked hesitantly:

"So my dream is..."

Shade nodded:

"Yes, at least this time, it's really just a dream you have. But please don't worry, I don't believe in the unfounded statement that 'things you think about during the day will turn into dreams at night', so it won't have any impact on you.

Doubtful. In my opinion, this may be what happened last time, which left you with deep psychological trauma."

After writing the address, he wisely stood up and left. Judging from Professor Manning's expression when he went downstairs to see him off, there was a high probability that the professor would really seek medical treatment from Dr. Schneider.

After bidding farewell to the professor, Shade planned to go to Coldwater Port City today. More than a week had passed since the mermaid statue incident, so he no longer had to worry about such a dangerous thing affecting him. At the same time, even if he couldn't find it in the harbor city,

To the next blood coin, there is still the safe house of Ring Warlock Flamel found in the diary waiting to be explored. Shade is looking forward to his harvest.

Although this trip is convenient, it is also somewhat dangerous, so Shade does not plan to take his cat to the beach. And because he is worried that he will be trapped in Coldwater Port City at night and cannot come back, so after returning to St. Teresa Square, he

I took Mia out and found a female writer at home on Quill Street.

After the exam week is over, she will start a series of detective novels in "Steambird Daily". The first story is based on a story that Shade heard from two ghosts in the cemetery, so there is no need to go out to collect information during this period.

Miss Louisa probably won't travel far if necessary.

"Ask me to take care of Mia again? Oh, of course."

The writer lady was very talkative. She took the reluctant cat from Shade and asked curiously:

"What are you going to do this time? Is it going to be something dangerous again? I said, this kind of..."

"No, no, although this time is the same destination as last time, it is not dangerous this time."

Shade said, and Miss Louisa nodded clearly:

"Same destination... Well, I'll take care of the cat for you. Anyway, I don't have any travel plans today, but remember to come back early. Also, don't bring any more fish as souvenirs."

"No problem, but the fish soup last time tasted really good."

Shade said with a smile, patted Mia on the head, and with the cat's reluctant meow, said goodbye to the blonde female writer and left.

Miss Louisa did not send him downstairs, but stood at the window holding the unhappy Mia, watching Shade's figure appear on the street, and then walked away along the street:

"Last time...Cold Water Harbor...Have a great holiday."

The corners of Dorothy Louisa's lips curled up into a smile(Note).

After settling Mia, Shade could spend a whole day exploring. This time there was no need to make troublesome preparations before the trip, because after stuffing the ordinary items he needed to bring with him into the suitcase, he directly wrapped the suitcase with a cloth.

The box turned into a stuffed animal and hung around his waist.

The only relics he carries with him are [Gun of Kindness], [Twenty-sided Dice of Destiny] and [Pirate's Blood Money]. These three items and the casting material "Wind Vane Bluegrass Extract Diluent" that cannot be turned into toys

, alchemy items that can use the disposable sunshine gun and two founding series Rhodes cards, packaged in waterproof canvas and carried with you.

Frog legs and bone meal can be turned into toys, but the two items themselves do not have supernatural properties.

After packing everything, he locked the door and entered the hidden space behind the basement wall. After chanting a mantra and touching the statue of the ancient god, he successfully arrived at the dark cave under the sea cliff outside the city of Coldwater Port.

Because he had already walked this road once, it only took him twenty-three minutes this time for Shade to land on a remote beach at the Coldwater Port City Pier.

Although the weather in Coldwater Port was a bit gloomy today, it did not rain. Shade climbed out of the sea and was soaked, so he could only wipe the water from his hair with a towel on the beach, and then put on a clean coat and pants.

Only then did he dare to enter the city.

He still chose to stay at the Golden Rose Hotel on Hoglenz Avenue in the dock area, using the fake name of John Watson. When Shade put down his luggage and started changing into dry socks and underwear, it was 10:40 that morning.


I chose the same hotel as last time because I wanted to make sure that what happened last time had been investigated and whether I had been investigated. But after waiting in the room for twenty minutes, I didn’t see any suspicious police or ring magician teams appearing.

This made Shade relax a lot, knowing that he could act a little more casually today.

There are two purposes for coming to Coldwater Port City. The detection of blood money requires traveling throughout the city, so Shade thought of first visiting the safe house of the sailor Mr. Flamel.

There were three diaries in the inheritance he bought. Among them, dated in the fall of two years ago, Shade discovered the specific location of the safe house and Mr. Flamel's complaints about nearby restaurants.

Just like Miss Louisa rented a shabby house in a remote alley, and Priest Augustus rented a basement from a friend, the sailor who went to sea all year round rented the attic of a three-story apartment in the city. Even to prevent himself from growing up in the New World

Time stays, so every time you pay rent, you pay one year's amount in one go, so Shade doesn't have to worry that the safe house has been discovered.

The location of the safe house is also in the dock area of ​​Coldwater Port City, specifically on New Denton Street, two blocks away from Mermaid Lane where the last incident occurred.

This street is specifically used for fish trading in the dock area. Whether it is purchases from local restaurants or large-scale transactions by foreign merchants, it is all done here. The street is slippery, and there are many shops selling fish along the street. They have not yet changed.

You can smell the fishy smell when you enter the street.

The ground is paved with gravel, and the streets are large enough for four carriages to drive side by side. The sounds of shouts, wheels running over the ground, and noisy conversations come together, giving the strong atmosphere of life in the harbor city a rush.

Seagulls were circling overhead, and wild cats were looking for prey in the corner of the alley that intersected New Denton Street, or they were fighting with their kind over the ownership of a rubbish dump.

Shade put his hands in his pockets and lowered his head as he walked from the dirty and damp alley into the street. There was blood in the puddles under his feet, and the smell of fish in the air made him a little uncomfortable. On the right was a fish shop.

A shallow iron fish tank was placed directly in front of the shop. Huge black sea fish were swimming in the water, and the occasional splash when they swung their tails left more traces of water on the ground.

Looking up and to the right, No. 41 New Denton Street was the destination. Shade glanced at the sun blocked by cumulonimbus clouds, then pressed the black hat on his head and walked over.

Stepping up the steps, the rusty door made Shade hesitate for a moment when he wanted to knock on the door. After knocking on the door, he waited for two minutes before someone opened the door.

The person who opened the door was a thin old man wearing a white wig and using a cane. His eyes were sunken into the sockets and his nose was quite big. The old man was probably younger than Priest Augustus, and he had age spots on his face.

very obvious:

"Who are you looking for? If it's a robber, go somewhere else. The only people living here are poor people."

He glanced at Shade and realized it was a stranger. He spat outside and tried to close the door.

But Shade held the door with his hand, and he said to the rude old man with a very thick accent inside the door:

"Does George Anthony live here?"

This is Flamel's pseudonym.

"Mr. Anthony died and his inheritance was given to distant relatives. I'm here to help him pack his things. Don't ask me for any identification. He died in the sea and even his body was not found."

Shade said.

The old man who opened the door looked at him suspiciously. Half of Shade's face was hidden under his hat. No matter how you look at it, he is a suspicious person:

"Dead? How do I know if you are telling the truth? Even if he dies without seeing the will, I will not let anyone take anything away from me. This house is mine, even if it is rented to

Everyone else, the things in here are mine too. Oh, damn, you said you’re not a robber, leave quickly, or I’ll call the police!”

It means he wants to eat Flamel's stuff.

But since Shade dared to come, he had already been prepared. He had already known from his diary what a terrible person the landlord here was:

"Look what this is."

As he spoke, he opened his coat slightly, revealing the pistol hidden in his waist. Then, he waved the small document in front of the old man:

"Are you literate?"


This chapter has been completed!
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