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Chapter 354 Yiluna's Harvest

"Xia De, how many credits does the college plan to reward you for this operation?"

After lamenting the danger of the relics, the doctor asked again.

"I haven't submitted the report yet. The college said they will wait until my report is submitted before giving a reply, but it will probably be around 10 credits."

The poet-level relic [Endless Mercury Bottle] is worth about four or five credits, and this clerical-level relic itself is worth about seven or eight credits.

The reason why Shade can be given 10 credits this time is because he was able to submit a complete relic recovery report, and mentioned a brand new relic recovery method in the report, instead of just "selling" the relics.

This report to the college, which Shade has not yet written, will enter the college library. It will not only serve as a reference for this relic, but also for the storage of similar relics. This is actually the value of knowledge.

"In this way, 15 credits will be collected!"

Shade couldn't help but smile. He originally regarded the incident provided by the priest as a record, thinking that he would encounter the real relic from Iluna on Friday, but he did not expect to complete the task today.

"Doctor, I will hand over the mercury vial on Saturday. I will try my luck tomorrow to see if I can encounter another thing. If I do, it will be equivalent to saving a relic."

He said to Dr. Schneider, who shook his head:

"There is nothing wrong with this arrangement. I will inform the college. But people can't always believe in luck. Luck is really unpredictable."

Such words coming from Dr. Schneider are really thought-provoking.

"It's not just credits, it's also expected to give me a bonus of about 20 pounds."

Shade, who was in a good mood, added that compared to the actual value of this relic with complex and diverse functions, the reward of 20 pounds was probably only a fraction.

"If [relics] are turned in for credits, and there is a complete containment report, the upper limit for the poet level is 5 pounds, the upper limit for the clerical level is 20 pounds, and the upper limit for the keeper level is 80 pounds. This is the old rule over the years.

.The piece you found is of great value, so I will give you the highest reward."

The doctor said in a rather sophisticated manner, shook his head and put down the wine glass:

"So, the most suitable way to obtain credits is through college tasks or college bounties. Of course, time keys are also a pretty good choice for you."

"Xia De's time is too tight this time. Besides, he will be promoted to second grade in a month, so he doesn't have time to do much."

The old priest said, and he was also happy for Shade:

"I was originally worried that what happened today was just an evil spirit, but I didn't expect that it was really a relic. The containment process was very smooth and a family was successfully saved. Shade, I don't know if this should be considered your luck or mine."

"Of course it's your luck, priest."

Shade smiled and put down the paper in his hand, and then picked up little Mia who was lying softly on the sofa. While the men were talking, the well-behaved cat kept sleeping next to Shade.

"However, I can't relax too much. I still have a lot to do this week."

Shade's main task this week is to explore the God-Calling Ceremony [Contacting the YA Change Door]. Because of the sudden appearance of the second chosen one, Shade cannot spend the coins casually. He is still waiting for Manning

News from the professor.

"Try to deal with one more thing tomorrow. There is a high probability that there will be no results, so you can find time to go to Professor Manning to get some information."

He was thinking about plans for tomorrow, but he was worried about his career. Since settling the estate trust of Mrs. Flamel, he had no other business for a whole week.

"Detective Sparrow left four requests. The Valentine's investigation is over, and the cat-finding request has become a new foster care request. Seeing that it's already August, maybe I should solve the remaining two requests."

Xia De thought, but these things can only be solved until next week.

After bidding farewell to the doctor and solemnly thanking Priest August for his help today, Shade left with Mia.

In order to reward the cat for its contribution this afternoon, Shade took the cat to have a big meal at a restaurant near St. Teresa Square as agreed. Although it was a big meal, for the sake of the cat's health, Shade did not give him any food.

Its too much food.

The small orange cat had a bad temper for a while, but when night fell and they returned home, little Mia forgot that she was still angry with Shad and meowed and "led" him upstairs in front of Shad.

There was no leisure time after returning home. When there was nothing to do at night, Shade took a pen under the gas lamp and spent a lot of effort to finish the report that needed to be submitted. He did not have the ability to "read and write" like Dorothy.

, can only be handwritten letter by letter. Although the report does not require any format, in order to appear more formal, the handwriting must be beautiful.

This is a huge test for outsiders, but the report writing itself is very simple. After all, there is nothing unspeakable about what happened today.

"If things go well, I will be notified on Saturday that I will be promoted to the second grade, and the savings in hand will definitely be enough for book fees, but after paying the tuition fees, there will not be much savings left, and it will be difficult to meet urgent needs.

Money situation.”

Before I washed up at night, I was still thinking about my income. Then I realized that it was the beginning of the month and I could go to MI6 to get a sum of money and get a reimbursement, but the expenses for taxes, gas bills, water bills and steam bills were the same.

It's not a small amount either.

"I still have to take on a few commissions. I remember that the fees for the other two commissions left by Detective Sparrow are not high."

Income has increased, but expenses have also increased. Even if Shade can face the gods directly, he still has to worry about making a living.

(Little Mia is running)

Early on Friday morning, the city was shrouded in mist. This is Tobesk's usual state in weather without rain. August is considered the last month of summer. Although it is still midsummer, it is disappointing to think that autumn is coming soon.

People are worried about their livelihood for the next six months.

There are no big local news in the early morning newspapers. The security situation in Tobesk has been surprisingly good in the past two weeks, which can be regarded as the best period in the local security environment in decades. Shade was interested in Tobesk mentioned in the "Steambird Daily"

The news about university restructuring aroused interest, and newspapers with a heavy smell of ink revealed that some local higher education institutions are willing to open educational courses to people who have made outstanding contributions to society.

"Outstanding contribution" refers to donating money to the school. Basically, you don't have to go to the education courses and you only need to take some basic assessments. But correspondingly, the degree obtained through this method is not an ordinary first, second or third class degree, but an honorary degree.

Bachelor of Science.

Although in the eyes of some people, an honorary degree is not a degree at all, but a donation certificate obtained through despicable educational donations, honorary degrees can be spoken out in public.

For example, King Larus III, "The Fire Jumper", has honorary degrees in philosophy, economics and sociology from many colleges and universities in the kingdom.

Shade is paying attention to this news, and he is actually also interested in this degree status. The basic education of this body is almost non-existent. If Shade had not come, all the tramp's education would be the foreign spy Mr. Sparrow Hamilton.

Completed in just a few months.

In the foreseeable future, Shade will live in the Kingdom of Delarian for many years, so he also wants to get himself a useful educational status to enrich his background.

Of course, this has no practical benefits. It just adds a line to the business card and people say one more sentence when they read his title. But this kind of "gold-plating" of academic background is still necessary for detectives who are wandering in the metropolises of the steam age.

. And in addition to the convenience of status, it can also satisfy Xia De's pursuit of himself.

He had a very high degree of education in his hometown. In this world, if he could find a way to obtain academic qualifications, of course he should try his best.

“But this donation is really not small.”

So his main problem now is still lack of money.

So after breakfast, Shade told Luvia and Iluna, who came on time, about his attempt to obtain an academic background from a local school in Tobesk. His friends were very supportive of Shade's idea. Because of career needs, there are more

Having multiple identities and backgrounds is never a bad thing.

Today is the second day after Iluna returned from the church of the Sun Church. The young girl was not free yesterday. She has been away for more than a week. In addition to the church work, the apartment where she lives also needs to be thoroughly cleaned.

Today, the three people gathered here again at Shade, mainly for the information Iluna obtained after obtaining the identity of the chosen one.

The girl with long brown hair was very happy to be able to come to Shade's house again, and she remained enthusiastic about Mia. But little Mia was not a cat that just let others hold her. She lay on the top of the back of the sofa behind Shade's head.

From Iluna's position, you can only see the cat's tail appearing behind Shade's neck.

"This knowledge and information gradually appeared in my head in recent times. No, it's not that I received information from some kind of existence, but that this information originally existed, but I didn't know it before."

After briefly introducing the situation, Iluna officially began to explain:

"The most important and complete thing is about the use of 'balanced' power. I did not gain new abilities, but gained more powerful power based on the original ones."

She made both Shade and Luvia reveal their life rings, then pressed her finger down, looked into their eyes and said "balance". Immediately, both of them felt their own power being suppressed.

Shade's level is too low, so the feeling is not particularly clear, and the female diviner frowned and admitted that in this state, the suppression she received had reduced her strength by at least one-third, which was higher than the awakening of Iluna

In the past, this kind of suppression was stronger.

In addition to suppression, Iluna can also use the power of "balance" to enhance the strength of the ring warlock. However, she has not fully mastered the ability, so the enhanced effect is not as obvious as that of suppression.

Not only is it low-level, but currently Iluna can even completely affect high-level warlocks. Although the impact on high-level warlocks is not obvious, in battle, any negligence is enough to cause a fatal disadvantage.

In the presence of Iluna, any ring warlock can defeat the enemy across levels. Moreover, Iluna is only a third-level magician now. As she continues to grow, this power from the ancient god will also change.

Be getting stronger and stronger.

According to her own guess, when she grows to the thirteenth level, the power of "balance" is even enough to suppress any high-level and lower-level sorcerers to the first level.

Of course, this kind of power of suppression and improvement is only part of the power she has gained so far. More power is waiting for Iluna to discover, and her path as a ring warlock will become easier. The identity of the chosen one,

It seems to have the strange effect of directly improving her efficiency in obtaining spiritual runes.

"We can all predict the growth of power. I think the Church of the Sun has also arranged a detailed promotion plan for you. What I am more curious about is, what information did you obtain? Is there any information related to "" and the final door?"

Luvia asked, and Shade also looked at Iluna curiously. This was what they were most concerned about.

"There is some information, but it's very scattered. I think I need more to sort it out."

The seventeen-year-old girl patted her head and realized that this action was very unladylike. She smiled sheepishly at Shade and winked playfully:

"Each chosen one corresponds to an ancient god. We already know this. And the thirteen chosen ones are involved with each other. If anyone else officially becomes the chosen one through the ceremony, I can also vaguely sense his influence.

Existence. It’s just me now, so I can’t explain what that vague feeling is.”

"So others can detect you?"

Shade asked.

"Yes, but some unique thaumaturgy, spells and even relics can block this perception. However, you must become the chosen one to know this, so the moment the other party becomes the chosen one, I can

To feel the other person, the other party must accept the information in order to block this perception."

Iluna concluded, with a smile in Luvia's purple eyes:

"This is a good thing. Even if we can't find the chosen ones, at least we can know the current number."

"Have you told the church about this?"

Shade asked again, and Iluna nodded:

"Sooner or later, candidates from other camps will appear. This cannot be concealed."

"You are right. There is no need to hide the affairs of the chosen ones from the church. What I want to do is to unite more chosen people and make the right decision when the door is finally pushed open. We and the church will not

Not confrontational.”

Luvia stated her point of view again. Iluna glanced at the cat's tail behind Shade's head and continued to introduce:

"I haven't figured out other things yet, but I can be sure that every chosen one must be a ring warlock and cannot be an ordinary person. And most people should be like me. After becoming a ring warlock, they will find

My own unusual and unique abilities.”

But there are not many ring magicians with unusual abilities, such as Shad, such as Dr. Schneider, Priest August, Luvia and Dorothy. But Shad is definitely not, so use this method to find

It won't work.

This chapter has been completed!
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