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Chapter 419 The sea and the cat

The next day was Thursday. When he woke up early in the morning, Shade received a letter from Miss Carina. The witch told him that he must, absolutely, and cannot refuse to go to her manor to meet her that afternoon.

Shade knew that she wanted to ask about Coldwater Port, so he yawned and put the letter aside, enjoying a quiet breakfast at home with his cat.

After eating, Shade changed his clothes and prepared to go out. He took a towel and motioned to the cat who was standing on the window sill watching pigeons with great interest:

"Mia, do you want to see the sea and the lighthouse?"


This cat probably couldn't understand the words "sea" and "lighthouse" in the common language of Delarion. But when it saw Shade greeting it, it still ran over happily.

So two hours later, Shade held the cat and stood in front of the lighthouse guarded by Mr. Edmund. Together with the wide-eyed Mia, he looked at the sparkling and undulating sea in the distance on the sea cliff.


The orange cat has its mouth open and its eyes looking really funny.

Today is a good day. Under the blue sky, although the sea water is not calm, the sparkling waves are much friendlier than the red ocean. Standing on the sea cliff, blowing the sea breeze at the end of summer, basking in the warm sun, listening to deafening

The sound of surging waves made Shade, who came to Coldwater Port this time, really feel like he was on vacation.

The pet cat Mia, who was born in Tobesk, probably saw the sea for the first time. When Shade transformed it from a rag doll back to a real cat on the sea cliff behind the lighthouse, the cat's fur shrank all over.

In Shade's arms.

But after confirming that the sound of the waves would not hurt it, little Mia huddled in Shade's arms and looked around, and even became interested in the seagulls flying in the sky. The sea breeze made its soft short hair cling to its body, and the bright sun shone on it.

The orange and white hair on the orange cat's body shone like it was glowing.

Of course, Shade sincerely hoped that the seagulls currently hovering over the lighthouse would never have the habit of excreting indiscriminately. Judging from the traces on the ground nearby, these seagulls were more rude than he thought.

On such a good day today, Mr. Edmond hung a "Go Fishing" sign on the door under the lighthouse and was not at home. Shade was not in a hurry to look for him on the nearby coast, but held the cat and admired it.

sea ​​view.

He had already heard the end of the Coldwater Port Incident from Miss Aurora. The local murloc sect forces were almost completely destroyed, and the few surviving murlocs were once again like their ancestors, lurking in the city in human form, waiting for thousands of

The next conspiracy a hundred years later.

The unexpected appearance of the "Godcaller" made yesterday's battle at dawn end faster than planned. In the eyes of the people of Coldwater Port, yesterday morning was just due to the abnormal movement of the monsoon and the discharge of urban pollutants.

The increase has caused changes in the sky color and ocean color in a small area in a short period of time.

This has not had much impact on ordinary people's lives.

As for the victims who were affected by the mermaid's curse and stepped into the sea during the sea return ceremony. Although the official statistics are not yet over, according to the witch's calculations, the total number will not exceed 600, which includes those who did not return in time.

A fishing boat capsized offshore in the harbor.

Compared with the scale of this incident, this kind of sacrifice is completely within the acceptable range.

"This world is really dangerous for ordinary people."

While holding the cat and looking at the cruise ship passing by in the distance, Shade sighed in his heart.

If there are no mysterious-related events happening around them, ordinary people will probably never understand how dangerous the world is in their lifetime. And once they are associated with relics, magicians, or cults, the survival rate of ordinary people is actually very low.

This can be seen from the family of the girl Sophie Dyce to Mr. Freeman, the painter of the oil painting, from the summer gods in Tobesk, to the shadows in Coldwater Harbor.

The Church of the Righteous God is currently cooperating with the Coldwater Port City Hall to carry out relevant follow-up work. And the ring warlocks who gathered in this port city nominally because of the fish people are also leaving in an orderly manner. The witch seems to have released news locally,

The second chosen person has left Coldwater Port, and now the surrounding traffic arteries around Coldwater Port are the places that should be paid attention to and investigated.

The red ocean receded, the remains of the fishmen in the abyss disappeared, and the giant mermaid corpse split into four pieces melted into the sea. In general, at the end of the summer of 1853, the cult incident that occurred in Coldwater Port was relatively

The perfect result is over.

At present, what people are most curious about is actually the whereabouts of the thirteen-ring warlock "God Caller". The church believes that this ring warlock obtained a method to heal himself in the fish-man temple and recovered from his injuries in Tobesk.

Damage taken when calling upon a spirit.

Therefore, the church is convinced that he will not leave the old continent and go to the new continent. Although it is not known which force the "God Caller" belongs to, judging from his movement trajectory, this thirteen-ring warlock is also responsible for the prophecy of ""

Thirteen selected persons are interested.

From this point of view, the church's inference should be correct. However, they may have to wait a while to find Shad. They want to connect the detective in St. Teresa's Square in Tobesk and the Thirteen who fished in Coldwater Port.

It is not a simple thing to connect the ring warlocks.

Shade was thinking about something while holding the cat. After not looking at the sea view for a long time, Mr. Edmond took a fishing rod on his back, a bucket in one hand, and a metal tool box that could be used as a stool in the other hand, and walked around the path under the sea cliff.

Come up.

His harvest today was quite good. Without the influence of abnormal tides, this old man who lives by the sea showed quite amazing fishing skills.

As he approached the lighthouse, he realized that there was actually a visitor coming to visit. When Shade turned around with the cat in his arms, the old man had a surprised expression on his face:

"Do you need me to remind you that you are not wearing a mask on your face?"

"Do you need a mask? I'm afraid I don't have many acquaintances that Father John knows in Tobesk who can introduce business, and it's even less likely that there are many people who know the Priory of the Light Guide. Combined with my height and body shape, you can only

It only takes a few letters to figure out who I am."

Shade shrugged, he had thought of this when he ran to the lighthouse in the rainy night, but it was worth it for that drop of divinity.

"No, actually I have no intention of asking John at all. Whether you are Rejed's Hamilton is not important to me."

The old man continued to climb upwards with great difficulty carrying the bucket and metal box. Shade came over, put the cat on his shoulder, and helped Mr. Edmond carry the bucket. Inside the iron bucket, there were now four fish with beards.

As they swim, the clear water reflects the sunlight, allowing Shade to see all the body details of these aquatic creatures.

Mia is very interested in these fish.

"The Priory is not interested in the secrets of the transaction partners, as long as you don't hinder us. Don't worry, young man, I won't mention your affairs to anyone, and I don't want to know what is going on between you and the God Caller.


After struggling to get to the lighthouse, the old man rummaged for the key in the brown vest full of pockets he wore when fishing. As soon as he opened the door under the lighthouse, the cat that was locked in the lighthouse immediately jumped out.


Mia, who was still obediently staying on Shade's shoulder, immediately "roared", and the cat, which was much larger than Mia, actually took a step back because of the "roaring" sound, seemingly frightened by Mia.


Shade touched Mia and asked her to be quiet for a while.

Entering the lighthouse with Mr. Edmond, the old man packed up his fishing equipment before sitting down with Shade and talking:

"The Priory is an organization formed to cope with the end of the world. As long as you don't hinder us from collecting and preserving information about civilization, and you have no idea about destroying the world, then we can be friends. As for secrets, oh, young man

, and which ring magician has no secrets? Even if you say now that you are the God Summoner, I will not be surprised at all."

Shade summoned the life ring behind him:

"Unfortunately, I'm not."

"It's a pity indeed."

Mr. Edmond sighed regretfully:

"Originally, I was expecting you to be. In this way, I will have another trading partner with the Thirteen Rings."

He pulled the gas valve on the wall and simmered hot water on the small stove.

"However, I do know the thirteen-ring warlock. If there is a chance, I can introduce him to come here to buy things."

Shade said. Seeing that the old man was noncommittal, he put his hand into his pocket and took out the big leather book "Mystery of the Ocean" that was absolutely impossible to put into his pocket without any trace:

"This is what I promised you, the secret book of the Scarlet Secret Cult. After I entered the city that night, I found a node of the Sea Return Ceremony. With the help of my friends, I attacked them and got this."

He handed the book to Mr. Edmond. After the latter took it, he first stood up and took out the paper bag containing the banknotes from the desk and returned it to Shade. Then he sat down and rubbed the cover of the book with his hands.

"Isn't this human skin?"

Shade asked worriedly.

"Of course not, this is the skin of a male gilt seahorse. There is a very small amount of gold in the feces of this magical creature. Although the amount is very small, raising gilt seahorses is one of the few in the material world, and it can be done at almost no cost.

A way of converting other substances into gold."

The old man explained that transforming gold reminded Shade of the famous relic, the Philosopher's Stone.

Mr. Edmond put the big book on his lap, opened it carefully, and checked the chapters at will, while Shade looked at the interior decoration of the lighthouse and enjoyed himself.

This book is written in murloc script, and it uses murloc script from more than one era. Shade can understand all the content, while Mr. Edmond can only understand part of it.

This chapter has been completed!
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