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Chapter 437: God of Gamblers' Gaming Table

Because he could only stay for twenty minutes this time, Shade had to avoid topics that would drive Mr. Riddle crazy as much as possible and patiently inquire about things here.

When he heard that Shade wanted to know about this room, the man with a slovenly beard lowered his voice and looked at Shade with a sad smile with his bloodshot and swollen eyes:

"There is no exit from the Dreadfort. We can only enter but not leave. But a few existences can let us escape in other ways. Sir, look at this!"

He pointed to the square table in the center of the room. The oil lamp could only illuminate half of the square table:

"This looks like a table"

"What is it actually?"

"It's actually a table! But don't be disappointed. This table is called a relic by those witches! This table can call the gods! I have thoroughly studied it. Using this table sealed here,

If you beat the god in the gambling game, you can make a wish to him, and then we can go out!"

"A relic that summons the gods? Beat the gods in a gambling game?"

Although he believed in the judgment made by the woman's voice in his ear, Shade subconsciously took a step away from Mr. Riddle:

"Speaking of which, how did you eat here?"

He asked without leaving any trace:

"I'm a little hungry. Do you have any food that humans can eat?"

"It's simple. In my previous adventure, I got a [relic] that can turn any ordinary item into food."

Without any warning, Mr. Riddle took out a palm-sized, flat hexagonal prism-shaped bronze metal box from under his robe and handed it to Shade.

Shade hesitated for a moment before taking it and confirming that it was indeed a relic. The lid of the box could be removed and there were some small biscuits inside.

"This can transform any ordinary item into food, but the taste is not good, and it will make people appetite for the items before transformation. I usually use the stones and dust here, but I have tried it, and even feces can do it.


Mr. Riddle introduced that Shade thought he had heard about this thing from the August priest, so he had no interest in those cookies at all.

He was very interested in the "prophet"'s experience of obtaining this relic. Considering that the other person was just an ordinary person, Mr. Riddle was definitely the most admirable ordinary person he had ever met. But that memory was also blurry.

Mr. Dell could only tell that it was an adventure long ago, but could not remember the details.

Returning the [relic] to Mr. Riddle, the slovenly-looking middle-aged man smiled happily:

"It's just that it's a little more troublesome to get drinking water. Fortunately, it's very humid here. You can use simple methods to get some dew when the temperature changes greatly every day. Are you thirsty? I still have some leftover here."

"No, no, I still have some water on me. Actually I am"

He wanted to make up his identity, but Mr. Riddle shook his head:

"You don't have to tell me, as long as you are human and want to get out."

"Yes, I want to go out too."

Shade said, taking out a wooden tube filled with water from his pocket and handing it to the other party:

"Do you need water? I have plenty more."

Taking the container handed over by Sha De, he hesitated and licked his chapped lips. The middle-aged man removed the stopper, raised his head and drank all the water. Sha De shook his head with emotion:

"I'm afraid you have to play this game, so I can only help you from the sidelines."

Although he was very interested in this so-called "bet with the gods", what the [Father of the Infinite Tree] asked for was to help Mr. Riddle, not Shade to play the bet himself.

"Of course, I found this room. I will not put my hope of escape in the hands of others."

Mr. Riddle said after drinking the water, he thanked Shade a little tiredly:

"I'm not even sure if you are an illusion that I had on the verge of collapse."

"Just think of me as someone sent by God to help you."

Shade said casually:

"By the way, Mr. Riddle, which god do you believe in? I didn't hear you clearly when you prayed just now."

"[Mr. Huan]."

The middle-aged man said seriously and drew a roughly circular holy symbol on his chest. Shade thought for a moment, but it seemed that he had never heard of this god:

"Sorry, this is"

"No need to apologize, this is the ancient god in charge of [destiny] and [reciprocation]. Many people think that he has gone away, but my companions and I have glimpsed the achievements of this great man in ancient documents. Mr. Huan is the true creator god, an ancient god greater than all known gods."

Judging from his description, this [Mr. Huan] is most likely the ancient god corresponding to [Impermanence and Destiny].

Thinking about it this way, in the fifth era when the ancient gods had gone far away, the ancient god of time sent Sha De from the sixth era to save the faithful believer of the ancient god of destiny. It seems that Sha De was really sent by the gods to help this gentleman of.

"I have survived in the Dreadfort for a long time, but I still can't pry into the slightest secret here. One day not long ago, I finally accepted my fate of death, and when I calmed down to pray to our Lord for the last time, it seemed as if Destiny led me to this room and to the use of this relic."

"How do you know?"

Shade asked curiously, and then his eyes widened suddenly. He suddenly thought of a possibility:

"You didn't hear your own voice from the bottom of your heart, did you?"

He suspected that he had met the first ring sorcerer in history, but the voice in his ear just now clearly said that the other person was just an ordinary person. Moreover, the ring sorcerers of the Fifth Age should all be women.

"No, no, although I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown, I'm not at that level yet."

Mr. Riddle shook his head:

"When I entered, the corpses beside the wall chanted together. You can't imagine how terrifying the scene was. It was they who told me what happened here, and what they called the unknowable relic in front of me.

How to use the things on the God of Gamblers Gambling Table? Because I understand their different languages, I know that all the languages ​​​​here can be understood. I was so frightened at the time that I lay on the floor and passed out. I didn’t know.

How long did it take to wake up? Sorry, my pocket watch has been broken for a long time."

In fact, even if it is not broken, the pocket watch may not be useful. Like Hope Town and the Forest of Thousand Trees, this is a place where there is no clear point in time. Even Shade's [Time Perception] can only know that it is the first time.

Winter of 1784 in the Fifth Century.

But when Shade improves [Time Perception] to the point where he can clearly understand the truth of time in the Sixth Age, he will almost be able to know more specific times in such weird places.

"Sir, I was hesitant about whether I should sit at the gambling table, but you showed up unexpectedly. I think it's time, it's time to start. Even if I have to gamble with the gods, I have to face it."

Mr. Riddle nodded seriously to Shade, and Shade nodded:

"Then let's get started, Mr. Riddle, and I will help you until the bet is over."

"That's great. It's better to have someone by my side who can talk than to be alone. No matter what you are."

He probably still suspected that Shade was just a hallucination he had on the verge of insanity.

This chapter has been completed!
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