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Chapter 444 The Witch's Song

"Shadow, I need to take you to a town. We will take the steam train from Coldwater Port Station and arrive at the destination three hours later. If we can achieve our goal before evening, we will come back the same day. If not, we will probably have to

Spend the night in a country town."

It seems that to obtain the [Shock] spirit rune, you need to touch something immovable.

"Okay, Miss Aurora, when do we set off?"

Shade asked, he happened to be fine in the past few weeks. Detective Sparrow's commission can be postponed, the spiritual runes are the most important.

"If it's convenient for you, we'll set off at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

Shade calculated the time:

"Okay. But where is the specific location? Do I need to prepare anything in advance?"

Shade asked again.

Miss Aurora pointed to the map of the Coldwater Harbor area on the wall of the study:

"The rural town of Klein City in the east of Coldwater Port, Hercules Town. Just prepare the casting materials in advance. You don't need anything else. You need to do me a favor."

Witches like to make conditions like this.

"Please say."

"I want to invite you to a ceremony, right in the manor, right now. You just need to stand behind me."

She said this, looking at Shade up and down, as if judging whether he was qualified to participate in the ceremony.

"Is there any danger?"

"There will definitely be no danger. How about I swear on the name of the Aurora family?"

The witch asked with a smile, and Shade felt relieved a little.

But after all, Miss Aurora is not Miss Carina, and Shade does not completely trust her:

"So what do we need to do?"

He only thought that Miss Aurora wanted to experiment with some rituals that required assistants.

"It's simple, come with me and put your lovely cat here, the servants will take care of it."

So Shade followed the lady out of the study, passed through the inner corridor on the third floor of the manor house, and came to the outermost corridor near the edge of the mansion.

On one side of the corridor are rooms with closed doors, and on the other side are windows that let in the warm breeze.

They did not continue to move. Miss Aurora hesitated for a moment and then said softly to Shade:

"Follow me through the corridor in front of you."

There was nothing strange about the corridor in front of him. Shade walked through it three or four times. He let the voice in his heart feel for a while, but found no trace of any elements.

"Can I just follow you?"

"Of course, this ceremony is very simple."

Miss Aurora nodded:

"But remember, you must follow me and don't get lost."

"get lost?"

Shade asked in surprise, but Miss Aurora had no intention of answering him.

"Are you ready then, Mr. Hamilton? Please follow me."

She coughed and cleared her throat:

"Be sure to follow me, I'm about to start."

The witch took a deep breath, and she actually started singing:

"The princess in the castle will not understand that the freedom to walk in the world is what we pursue."

"When you meet a witch at an intersection full of lavender, where are you going to pick that handful of herbs?"

A sudden wind blew from the window, causing the cyan hand-woven curtains on one side of the corridor to flutter up and down. Miss Sivi Avora, who was wearing a red dress, walked forward, crossed the floor, and walked through the shadowed area at the corner of the corridor.

Entering the sunlight, Shade immediately followed.

Sunlight shines from the window onto the scrubbed corridor floor, causing the clean floor to reflect the dazzling light. The shadow of the window frame divides the sunlight into irregular squares on the floor, while Shade and the Witch are fluttering through the curtains.

As she walked forward, the wind made the witch's skirt sway. Standing behind her, Shade could smell the scent of the witch's hair.

It was a special perfume called "the smell of the witch". Only a very small number of people could detect this smell. But unlike Miss Carina's and Miss Servit's perfumes, Miss Aurora's perfume seemed to be mixed with...

Add other spices.

"Hold the snow on the top of the snow mountain and watch the sun in the depths of the desert."

"If you could meet us, dear girl"

She continued to sing. This was not the common language of the Sixth Age, but Shade had heard this song and remembered the lyrics. Under the giant tree in the Forest of Thousand Trees, Miss Feliana once sang this song very lonely.


The song was soft and soothing, with a bit of melancholy. Among the fluttering curtains, Shade saw that the light in front of the corridor suddenly dimmed. As they moved forward, the surrounding light gradually disappeared, and even the appearance of the corridor changed.


"Please call our names softly and ask your questions."

"Where the lilies are blooming, or, where the sunflowers are to the west."

This was not an illusion. At some point, they entered a long and narrow masonry corridor from the sun-drenched corridor of the mansion. There was no very clear boundary between the corridor and the corridor. In a certain area, the windows and masonry seemed to be completely integrated.

together, and then move forward completely into the corridor.

Shade wanted to turn his head and look behind him to confirm how the two were integrated, but he was worried about getting "lost", so he could only stare at the witch's back in front of him and follow her forward step by step.

The ground was covered with white ash, and the two people left clear footprints. There were torches on the wall, illuminating the narrow and dilapidated masonry corridor. It looked like an ancient ruin that had gone through a long period of time. But Shade felt that there was something strange here.

look familiar:

"It's not the temple of the fishmen. Although the style is similar, it's obviously not. It's not damp here. It's also not the corridor of the Dreadfort. There are spaces for oil lamps on the walls there. Here are torches."

And when his eyes crossed Miss Aurora's shoulder and looked forward, he finally understood the familiar feeling.

"Please put on your beautiful dress and hold up the purple thyme."

"The people who love you and the people you love are all here, this palace filled with sunshine."

The song came to an end, and the corridor also came to an end. Ahead, white mist floated out like silk from the very familiar white mist door. Miss Aurora stopped, sighed softly, and then turned to look at Shade.

The moment their eyes met, Shade was very sure that he saw a look of surprise in her eyes.

"Very good, you are not lost."

The witch said, looking at Shade up and down. Suddenly she reached out and wanted to touch his face.

"Oh, ma'am, that's not polite."

Shade grabbed the witch's wrist. The latter was able to be grabbed by him, presumably of her own free will.

"Yes, it's a bit rude."

She suddenly came closer to Shade, and while the two pairs of eyes looked at each other, Shade could smell the strange perfume smell more clearly:

"I'm just glad you're not lost."

As he spoke, he took his wrist out of Sha De's hand, then faced the white fog door and made a gesture of invitation with a smile:

"Now, knight, please come in with me."

This chapter has been completed!
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