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Chapter 504 The Difference Engine

 These Kasenlik people are Kasenlik's diplomatic civil servants stationed in Tobesk. After being invited to attend the Queen's birthday party, they were stopped by Bishop Owen, who wanted to ask them about the Diocese of Willendale, the capital of Kasenlik.

, an event held during this year’s Feast of Holy Prayer.

Both parties were very happy to have this dialogue, but due to the shortage of translators, Priest Augustus brought in Shad as the translator.

The city of Willendale in the United Kingdom of Kasenrik is the core of the Old World South in a general sense. Very similar to Tobesk, the city of Willendale also firmly controls the entire union as the political, economic and cultural center.


Although the capitals of the two countries are one in the north and the other in the south, they are generally located in the west of the Old World. Priest Augustus visited the city of Willondale when he was young, so he can speak some Kasenric language.

The conversation with these foreigners did not last long before the king's attendant hurried over and said that King Larousse III wanted to see these diplomatic envoys.

Generally speaking, the king's meeting with diplomats must be notified and prepared in advance. Such an unexpected call is really puzzling. But no matter what, these Kasenlik people could not refuse, so they bid farewell to the group of Dawn Church.


Shade originally wanted to talk to Priest August about demons again, but the Dawn Church had more things to do tonight.

They soon found Bishop Nelson of the Peace Church in this diocese, and Reverend John Wood of the Creation Church in this area. At the long table in the courtyard, they discussed together the topic of the missionary scope of the Five Gods Church in this diocese.

"Why didn't the bishop who created the church come?"

Shade only needed to listen to this kind of conversation, so he asked Priest August in a low voice.

But before Bishop Augustus could speak, a voice came from behind:

"Bishop Rivest contracted the flu and was recuperating in the church. He is 65 years old this year and cannot withstand such a torment."

Shade turned around and saw behind him a sturdy man wearing a top hat, a monocle on his right eye, and white gloves on his hands. He looked about forty years old, had short black hair, and his right ear

There is a brass ring on it:

"Mr. Sally Pilot."

He introduced himself and extended his right hand to Shade.

Shade was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately held it. However, he immediately felt that what he was holding was not a human hand, and the gloves were clearly made of metal.

"Mr. Hamilton from Rejed, I've heard of you. The card game just now was very good. It's a pity that I didn't see it on the second floor."

The gentleman said kindly, and the voice in his ear had already given a hint:

[The thirteen-ring warlock, if there are no accidents, is the "iron right hand" that created the church. ]

Shade swore that he was trying hard to control his expression and make himself look confused:

"Hello, Mr. Pilot, are you the clergyman who created the Church?"

Mr. Pirot was wearing a ball gown instead of a gown, and the color of his coat was not ordinary black, but red. This was a very fashionable look.

"Yes, Shade, let me introduce you."

Priest Augustus was also surprised. Although he was not a magician of the church, he had known this gentleman for many years in the Tobesk diocese:

"Mr. Sari Pilot, the general person in charge of the security team of the Church of Creation and Destruction in this diocese. This gentleman was on a business trip a few days ago and must have just returned to Tobesk."

"Yes, Priest Augustus, long time no see."

Mr. Pilot smiled and held out his hand to the priest:

"You still look so healthy, but I heard that you will also be asked to go out to do errands?"

"Yes, yes, I am so old, and the church still arranges for me to go on a business trip to the northern foot of Xikal Mountain."

The priest said half-complainingly, and Shade was a little surprised. He had not heard that Priest August was leaving Tobesk.

"The Holy See has just made a decision to dispatch old priests from various dioceses to do some work in rural towns. Latte, this is a good job. It can be regarded as a free autumn trip."

Bishop Owen also participated in the conversation. He was holding a glass of wine. It seemed that the conversation with the pagans just did not go well:

"Pirot, have you returned to Tobesk? What happened to that matter now?"

"Although it is not as smooth as expected, there is probably no problem. It's just that the church is still worried that a thief will break in at the last minute, so it asked me to take a two-day temporary leave and then concentrate on finishing the work."

The thirteenth-ring warlock said this. He probably thought that Shade couldn't understand it, but Shade understood it completely.

"The work of the church is really hard."

The young detective sighed half-truthfully.

"It's probably not harder than a detective, right?"

Bishop Owen smiled and said:

"I met President Stan of the Prophet Association a few days ago because of some matters, but I heard that you were still waiting on the street to obtain information in the evening."

This refers to what happened when Shade was preparing to meet with Lesia last Saturday. At that time, President Stan also made a prophecy for Shade.

"No, no, my business is actually not very prosperous. I only get commissioned occasionally."

"After that, I will introduce business to you."

Bishop Owen said with a smile, he was older than Priest Augustus, and he was still an ordinary person, but he looked very good.

"Of course that's good, I can give them a very cheap price."

Shade responded, and then pretended to be curious and asked the thirteen-ring warlock next to him:

"Mr. Pilot, I happened to meet you. I actually want to ask you something about steam machinery."

The Church of Creation and Destruction is one of the promoters of the steam revolution and stands first in the rolling trend of the times. Among the five churches in the material world, the Church of Creation actually has the most believers.

Because this is the age of steam, some people even joked that the [Church of Creation and Destruction] could be renamed [Church of Steam].

"Excuse me."

Mr. Pilot looked at Shade with great interest.

"It's like this."

Shade organizes language financing. He came to this world as a foreigner. Although he supported himself and the cat by being a detective, there will be more places that need money in the future, so he always wants to use the knowledge of his hometown to do something.

What. But in this steam era, there are not many opportunities left for him, so he wants to find out about the most cutting-edge steam technology:

"I have some good ideas recently. Have you ever heard of the Church of Creation and Mechanism? It is completely made up of gears, levers and springs. It relies on gear sets to store numbers and gear sets to store arrays."

Shade was trying hard to explain his thoughts when suddenly a loud whistle sounded, piercing the night sky that was still lit with fireworks. Shade stopped what he was saying and looked at the main building of Yodel Palace with everyone in the courtyard.


That slightly sharp whistle came from behind the building.

"Watch Post at Yodel Palace."

Bishop Owen introduced, but he was not very worried:

"One whistle is only a small problem. The other day Sachs Cavendish broke in with a gun. Three whistles by the royal guards is a big problem."

"Sorry, I think I'm going to check on the situation."

Mr. Pilot said embarrassedly, patted Shade on the shoulder, and walked quickly along the long table to the building behind everyone. The ring warlock who created the church left temporarily, so Shade naturally had no chance to continue asking questions.

"I don't know if a machine similar to the difference engine has been invented in this world."

He and Priest August stood at the long dining table together, looking up at the brilliant fireworks in the sky.

【Foreigners, what is a "difference engine"?】

"Her" whisper suddenly sounded in her ears. This was one of the few times when "she" took the initiative to ask Shade a question.

"The difference engine."

The guests in the courtyard returned to normal, and no one paid much attention to the whistle just now.

"How could there be no difference engine in the steam age? It is a metal, automated mathematical processing tool. No, it is not a calculation of simple addition and subtraction. It is a machine that can process complex functions and replace the human brain for complex mathematical analysis and calculations.


Shade answered leisurely in his mind, while Priest Augustus was guessing how many gold pounds these fireworks were worth. He seemed to want to do the same at next year's New Year's Eve.

"In my hometown, due to material limitations, the difference engine in the steam era was just an idea. But in this world, the development of the steam industry has led material science to a path that has never been achieved in my hometown. In this world, it is possible to create a difference engine.


The sea of ​​​​stars is vast, because the lights of civilization are not enough to illuminate the entire sky at night, so outsiders can now see the shining stars that they have never seen before:

"Mathematics is the foundation of natural science. Once the difference engine for automated calculation is manufactured, this era will become more exciting than we imagined. This era of development can develop for longer, and the fire of civilization will last longer.



She sighed softly in his ear.

"But unfortunately, judging from the current situation, people in this world have not yet conceived and manufactured this kind of machine. Therefore, if I can provide basic design ideas and function algorithms, or even participate in the manufacturing of machinery, I will not

Speaking of money and fame in a real sense, at least I, a foreigner, can really leave a mark on this world."

【very nice.】

"She" praised softly in his ear, and Shade also walked out of the scene he imagined, intending to enjoy the rest of the banquet.

He did not stay with Father Augustus for too long, because Father Augustus seemed to have a lot of things to do.

Thinking of going to the card game upstairs to have a look and dance with Luvia after Luvia finished her work, Shade turned around and walked towards the open door of the building.

Just after taking two steps, a slightly familiar figure came over with a wine glass. It was the youngest son of Earl Dimock, who was used by Shade with the [Spear of Kindness] in front of his friends a few hours ago.

The frightened aristocratic young man.

This chapter has been completed!
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