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Chapter 506: Confrontation in the Darkness

 Seeing that the thirteen-ring warlock really didn't move, Darkness held the gun in his left hand, put the gun to Dimock's head behind him, made an attack move with his right hand wearing a red back glove, and then walked towards the grass step by step

Retreat in the middle.

He also knew that he must not involve more people.

Under this situation, Shade couldn't act no matter what, so he thought about the possible impact of this incident, and then squinted at the thirteen-ring warlock who created the church.

Noticing Shade looking at him, Mr. Pilot explained in a low voice:

"The other party is a cultist from Coldwater Port. You should have heard of the Coldwater Port shadow incident that caused a lot of commotion some time ago."

"Yes, Priest August mentioned to me that it seems to be related to the worship of mermaids."

Shade replied in a low voice, watching the somewhat collapsed little Dimock being pulled into the rose bushes by Darkness. Because this is not the main banquet venue in the courtyard, the light is very weak, plus the flower stands and the flowers lingering here.

In the mist of fireworks, the two of them were almost completely out of Shade's sight.

"It doesn't matter if it's a mermaid or a fish-man. Mr. Hamilton, just stand here and don't move. I will come back to you in a while."

With that said, Mr. Pilot walked quickly towards the rose. Although he was tall and strong, he walked almost silently. In the mist, he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Shade

I didn't even hear the other party plucking the flowers.

【Will you stay where you are?】

"What do you think?"

Shade took out a small bottle from his pocket and dropped the extract of weathervane bluegrass on the tip of his tongue:

"Using thaumaturgy and incantation will bring traces of elements. I can't get too close to them. Moreover, I can only take action once, otherwise my identity will be discovered."

[Outlander, what do you want to do by following them? With the thirteenth ring warlock here, you will not be needed anyway.]

"I just want to get a drop of Darkness's blood."

He noted where he was standing at this time, and then stood on tiptoe and approached the rose bush.

Behind the rose bushes is a path among the flowers in the courtyard. Although the three people are missing at this time, because one end of the path leads to the direction of the central axis of Yodel Palace, and the other end continues towards the edge, with the glass flower room at the end, so Xia Xia

De chose to walk in the direction of the glass greenhouse.

He took out the mask doll from his pocket, restored it to normal size and put it on his face. He turned the doll coat into real clothes and put it on his formal clothes. Although it was so dark here, it didn't matter even if there was no disguise, but Shade still wanted to be safe.


Before walking a few steps, he saw the light flickering from the glass room. Shade bent over and held his breath. After approaching the greenhouse, he saw the unconscious little Dimock lying on the gravel road that curved towards the entrance of the greenhouse.

I went to the hospital and checked to make sure I just fainted.

"Did a fight start?"

Shade thought in his mind, and used the flower pots with saplings outside the flower room to cover himself, approached the glass wall, and carefully looked inside.

The room was dark, and only two black shadows could be seen, almost rolled together. One of them was Darkness, whose right half of his body had turned into human pus, and his opponent was the thirteen-ring warlock Sa.

Mr. L. Pilot's right hand also swelled.

The glass roof scattered moonlight, and only a faint light entered the flower room. Mr. Pilot's swollen right hand showed a strange brassy metallic luster in the cold three-color moonlight. The metal right hand and the huge black pus hand

Collision, this scene looked extremely strange in the silent and noisy night.

Shade once believed that Darkness's "human pus form" was unmatched in power, but that high-temperature mechanical right arm engraved with magical runes and spewing steam was actually able to compete with human pus in terms of power.


Neither side used thaumaturgic spells that might produce huge light or loud noises, and relied more on physical strength to compete. The insulated glass room suppressed some sounds, only allowing dull bang bang~ sounds to be heard intermittently.

Shade watched this scene intently. Although Mr. Pilot was not as powerful as Darkness, his right hand that shone with metallic luster and his left hand that could use divine magic gradually suppressed Darkness in a low-intensity battle.

The latter also realized that the current situation was not good for him. He waved his huge right arm like a tree root to block the light bullet flying out from Mr. Pilot's left hand magical light, and then swept his huge right arm across the ground, causing

Flower pots and shelves surge forward.

And when Mr. Pilot pushed his left hand forward to clean up the debris like parting the ocean, Darkness suddenly raised his right arm, exposing his face from behind the swollen right side of his body:


He actually vomited, and horrible black pus flew out from his mouth that was so wide open that it almost tore the corner of his lip.

Because there was no light in the greenhouse, Shade could not clearly see the flight path of the black pus, but he saw Mr. Pilot retreating quickly and using his mechanical right arm to block it.

If it were just ordinary contaminants, Mr. Pilot's actions would be correct, but unfortunately it was human pus.

The thirteenth-ring warlock kept raising his hand, and froze in place for two seconds as if stunned. Then the clothes on his body squirmed as if they came to life, and wrapped around his head. No, it was not the clothes on his body.

, the black pus stained his body, quickly absorbed the power of emotions and came to life, wrapping around him like a black spider monster.

The filthy and terrifying smell and the instinctive fear in the body prove that it is the pus of human pus. The dark emotions and mentality of human nature grow like sores, and the venom that finally breaks out is human pus.

"He underestimated the enemy too much"

The twelve-ringed witches were caught off guard and were infected by human pus, and were forced to sink to the bottom of the sea to give up the pursuit. Compared with the thirteenth-ringed sorcerer and Miss Sylvie Aurora, Shade didn't know who was stronger, but Piro

Mr. Te's "Human Pus Resistance" is obviously no better than that of a witch with two occult systems.

Seeing Mr. Pilot being entangled, Darkness did not think that he could kill a thirteen-ring warlock like this, but instead turned around and ran away.

Shade pinched the brooch with the Holy Emblem of the Sun in his pocket, but in the end he did not use it. The power of the sun gun would be weakened in the dark environment, and the movement was too loud.

He looked at the exit at the other end of the flower room, and quickly put the [Demon Hunting Seal] and the Mind Crystal Ring on his left and right hands respectively.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Darkness. In order to pass through the exit of the flower room, his body had returned to a normal human body. Darkness stared at the thirteen-ring warlock entangled in "human pus" and fell back.

The moment he pushed open the glass door of the flower room with his body

"Raglai's Leap!"

Silently, when Darkness opened the door of the glass flower room and felt most relaxed, Shade appeared behind him.

First, the right fist hits quickly:

"Mind blast!"

The pure spirit pulled the silver blasphemy element and flowed to the ring through the arm. The three crystals on the ring glowed at the same time. When Shade's fist came close to the back of Darkness's head, it detonated the opponent's mind through thaumaturgy.

At this moment, Shade could feel that the strength of the other party's mind was like a dark and strange mountain, but the sudden explosion still caused the other party to be stunned for a moment:

"Demon Hunting Seal!"

After slamming his right fist into the back of the opponent's head, his left fist was extended. The moment the fist touched Darkness's head, an almost loud sound suddenly came out from the palm of Darkness's right hand that had not yet put on the gloves.

A scream that would shatter the glass greenhouse.

Billowing black smoke emerged from the point where the seal came into contact with Darkness. Amidst severe pain and instinctive panic, he finally got rid of the influence of [Psychic Explosion].

But it was just that Shade didn't give him a chance to turn around and see himself.

The left fist is retracted, the right fist is extended, the right fist is retracted, and the left fist is punched continuously. The reason why the two rings are worn on each hand is so that when one fist is withdrawn to accumulate strength, the other fist is still returning.

able to play a role.

The attacks of [Psychic Explosion] and [Demon Hunting Seal] cycled three times. Darkness, who was struggling back and forth in severe pain and mental confusion, finally turned around.

He raised his right hand in anger and panic, and pointed his howling palm directly at Shade's masked face.

At this time, there are still five seconds left before the ten-second cycle of [Raglai's Jump], and judging from the last experience, even retreating cannot escape the suction of that mouth.

So Shade didn't hide at all. Instead, when his opponent's mouth suddenly opened wide in his palm, he inserted his left fist wearing the [Demon Hunting Seal] directly into the terrifying demon's mouth:

"Moonlight Great Sword!"


The darkness in the devil's mouth seemed to be able to melt everything. It only caused the skin on Shade's left hand to peel off and the flesh to rot, but it failed to melt Shade's ring-wearing hand immediately.

While black smoke was billowing from the devil's mouth, the two-handed sword penetrated from the palm of Darkness's right hand to his wrist, as if the sword was integrated with his right arm.

He screamed, hugged Shade with his left hand, and actually wanted to fall with him into the black vortex that appeared behind the two of them at an unknown moment.

But Shade knew that Thirteen-ring Warlock Iron Right's defeat in the battle was because he was not familiar with the opponent's fighting style, and he had the upper hand because of sneak attacks and targeted preparations. If he continued to fight, Shade would not be able to defeat the opponent, so

While the two of them staggered back, [Ragrai's Jump] reached the tenth second after use, and Shade disappeared into the air again.

Darkness did not look for this despicable sneak attack at all. He took a step into the dark vortex, and then his body fell out of another vortex in the flowers not far away. He used the [Darkness] talent to move in space, the longest distance.

Shorter than Shade's.

After a few ups and downs, the six-ring warlock disappeared into the night in the garden of Yodel Palace. Shade, who had just escaped, emerged from the flowers and pounced on the ground where the two of them were fighting.

Above, the spell [Moving Object] draws the blood from the ground into the bottle in the left hand.

Putting away the bottle and rolling it on the ground, he got into the flowers again. With the rustling of the rose bushes, Shade's figure disappeared in the moonlight.

Tens of seconds later, Mr. Pilot, with spiderweb-like black marks on his body, walked out of the greenhouse, raised his hand and pointed to the sky. A bright light streak rose into the sky, and then exploded into golden fireworks under the night sky.

Five minutes later, King Larus III suddenly appeared and announced that tonight's birthday party would be terminated early.

Ten minutes later, Silver Cross Avenue was completely closed, and temporary martial law was imposed tonight.

This chapter has been completed!
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