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Chapter 54 The Society of Prophets

 Little Mia stayed at home to look after the house, and Shade set off directly to the "Tobesk Branch of the Prophet's Association" located in the city center at around 8:30.

The Tobesk City Prophet Association is an important branch of the prophet association across the entire continent. In addition to its headquarters in Lane City, the capital of the Principality of Lagson in the center of the United Kingdom of Kasenlik in the south, the Tobesk City Association,

It is the most important body of the entire association and also manages all other branches of the association in the Northern Kingdom.

It is located together with Yodel Palace on Silver Cross Avenue in Tobesk City. Together with the buildings towering in the city center, it constitutes the most popular part of Tobesk City, the "Steam Capital" of the misty Northern Kingdom of Delrayon.

Bustling street scene.

There were many pedestrians and carriages on Silver Cross Avenue. Although it was still early, newsboys, coachmen, nobles, vendors, clerks, policemen, and all kinds of pedestrians filled the street, and the association had also opened its doors.

Standing on the street in the early morning, avoiding the flow of people in the hazy morning fog, I looked up at the three-story building where the association is located. The walls were recently repainted, and steam pipes and gas pipes covered the outer walls.

Even though it was only half past eight, there were still people coming in and out of the association's gate. Most of them were well-dressed. If they said this was a club for nobles, I'm afraid no one would disbelieve it.

Therefore, Shade deliberately arranged his clothes before walking inside the association. Fortunately, no one would block the entry of guests because of their clothing.

Entering the foyer, you looked up and saw a circle of Rhodes brand oil paintings hanging on the wall, alternating with brass-colored gas lamps to decorate the wall. One of the oil paintings was the [Founder·Silver Moon] card holding the Silver Moon sideways.

Face, Xia De was shocked.

After looking at the nameplate, I realized that these thirteen oil paintings were what the Rhodes plates of the Genesis series originally issued looked like. The association hung these oil paintings as a commemoration.

And because of the knowledge of the "Thirteen Ancient Gods" last night, Shade suspected that the ancient gods were involved in the thirteen founding Rhodes cards, so he carefully wrote down the card faces of the thirteen oil paintings, thinking about the [Prophet Association]

】There are more speculations.

He passed by an old gentleman with his head down and counting cards in his hand, and almost bumped into a sad-looking young man wearing boots and a brown vest. He turned around and looked at the notice board inside the door, where various kinds of messages were posted.

Most of the notices were posted privately, trying to acquire certain special cards. The largest and most central notice explained in handwriting that the "Big City Players" Rhodes Tournament will be held in this city this fall. At that time, there will be

Bringing together Rhodes players and enthusiasts from across the Old World.

"Only when civilization advances to the steam age can so many idle people have time to engage in these entertainment activities."

Shade stood among the bustling crowd at the door and whispered in his heart, finally seeing the popularity of Rhodes cards in this world.

The entrance hall extends to both sides with curved corridors. A row of counters facing the hall are used for consultation and guidance of the association. Next to the counter are stairs leading to higher floors. The metal handrails are decorated with four Rhodes colors.

The decorations are embellished in turn.

But compared to the bustle on the first floor, there was no one going up or down the stairs.

Shade held the former detective's diary, but came to the counter with some nervousness and excitement. A young lady with long brown hair wearing a brown-red uniform immediately greeted him with a business smile.

"Appraisal of Rhodes cards."

As he said that, he stacked five copper coins, that is, five one-penny coins, that were almost wet in his palms and put them down.

"No problem, sir, are you a member of the association? The appraisal fee for members is lower."

This kind of rhetoric vaguely made Shade feel like he was back in his own world again, and he raised his eyebrows:

"Member registration fee..."

"One pound a year."

"Identify first."

Shade said, after checking that there was no one else around the counter, he opened the diary and displayed the founding series Silver Moon card with the color "Sun 3" inside.

Even Dr. Schneider, who is not a fan, can recognize what this is just by looking at the card face. Of course, the young lady at the front desk of the association can also.

She just glanced at it and reminded Shade with a smile:

"Sir, do you know that once a Rhodes brand is identified as a forgery by the association, the forgery must be destroyed on the spot."


Shade didn't know this, and Dr. Schneider and Miss Louisa probably didn't mean not to remind them, but they didn't know either. The association's approach is similar to a bank destroying counterfeit banknotes, which is understandable.

If he hadn't heard last night's divination, Shade would probably be quite hesitant. But he trusted the divination level of the dean of the College of Astronomy, who should be considered a powerful fortune teller in St. Byrons Comprehensive College:

"Yes, if it is a forged Rhodes card, of course it will be destroyed, but I am willing to authenticate it."

Although he said this, he was still a little nervous. Xia De believed that this was normal. No matter who picked up a "big prize ticket" to redeem the prize, they would feel this way.

Probably because she has seen this kind of scene too many times, the receptionist handled it very skillfully, and the smile on her face did not change. She is probably not a native of Tobesk City, and her southern accent is very popular.

Trust her professionalism.

Shade saw the brass symbol on her chest, which was the Ouroboros, the symbol of the Prophets Association:

"Sir, please wait in the waiting room No. 13 on the first floor. There are not many customers in front of you."

Of course, the Rhodes brand appraisal cannot be out of sight of the owner, otherwise unnecessary misunderstandings will inevitably occur if it is identified as a forgery. However, it is impossible to authenticate it here, so the association has a special appraisal room.

Shade took the card with the number written on it and went to the room in the east corridor on the first floor. After opening the door, he found that the room was not a separate reception room, but a crowded reception room filled with coffee tables and sofas. Even tea was not available.

not offered.

In addition to the door connecting the room to the corridor, there is also a door on the side wall that leads to the next room. Like everyone else here, Shade got a hard card with numbers on it. The appraisal room next door will open every few minutes.

Call someone over. The Tobesk City branch is the largest Prophets Association branch in the north of the Old World. There are many appraisers here, so Shade will wait for up to half an hour before his number 29 comes.

Even though it is early in the morning, there are still many people coming to appraise and waiting in the reception room. Men holding number plates gather in groups of three or four and chat about Rhodes cards and current affairs, and occasionally talk about

Interesting facts about royalty and nobility.

A few people opened newspapers, as leisurely as if they were in a private club. No one paid too much attention to the strange young people who walked in.

This chapter has been completed!
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