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Chapter 762 Dandelion Coin

Luvia bought two [Dandelion Coins] from the black market this time. She had heard about them since this summer and went through many channels before finally getting them.

Now, Luvia hopes that these two coins can bring about the content of the "Death Chosen Ritual".

The coin was thrown into the sky by the white right hand. Shade and the cat on the sofa raised their heads in unison, but found that the coin did not change at all and fell straight back to its original place.

"It seems not enough."

As she said that, Luvia took out the [Soothsayer's Silver Coin], but was stopped by Shade:

"This is a rare relic that can assist divination and help discern destiny. Are you really willing to consume it directly?"

The purple-eyed girl hesitated, and Shade took out the blood money:

"Use this."

Luvia immediately shook her head:

"How does this work? It is the only relic we currently have that can detect relics of the same type."

"Sometimes coins are not the key, the key is what we want to do."

Shade slapped [Pirate's Blood Money] on the table:

"Relying on blood money sensing, we have found too many coins. Sometimes people can't be too greedy. Moreover, I don't want to run into those dangerous location-type relics for blood money and be forced to fight with various cheats.

Guys playing Rhodes."

Shade said with a smile, and Luvia also smiled:

"Yes, people can't be too greedy. If we blindly rely on blood money to find blood money, we may fall into the trap of greed sooner or later. This is also the inherent characteristic of blood money. Yes, Shade,

That’s right.”

As if she had figured it out, she twisted the blood money:

"In the beginning, I found Iluna with blood money. Now in the blink of an eye, I have reached the third candidate. Time flies so fast."

Three coins were flying in the light of the gas lamp. For a moment, Shade seemed to see colorful brilliance floating around the rotating coins.

After reaching the highest point, traces of rust appeared on the surface of the coin, and it quickly decayed during its fall until it dispersed into invisible smoke and disappeared.

Luvia opened her eyes, a purple trace of light flashed across her eyes, and the white figure behind her seemed to appear for a moment, and the figure was smiling at Shade.

"Very good, I have completely understood the ritual. Relatively speaking, this ritual is more dangerous."

(Little Mia is running...)

Early on Monday morning, Shade walked out of the Sikal Mountains in heavy fog and made a request to the nuns at the Home for the Blind for an appointment with Sister Devlin.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Sister Devlin's carriage broke through the dense fog in the city and stopped at the downstairs of the Home for the Blind. The nun saw Shade standing by the window waiting for a long time in the reception room on the third floor.

This thick fog is even more terrifying than last week. We haven't been to this city for just half a week, and the city seems to have been sleeping in the white fog. And the whispering elements in the white fog don't even require a soul sensitivity like Shade's.

We can also feel that Hazama is getting closer to Fort Midhill in the material world, and the boundary between life and death is overlapping with the world of the living.

"Sister Devlin, I found and pulled out the third nail last week."

"This is good. The news from the Orthodox Church confirmed this, and believed that it was the work of the [God Caller] who has not shown up yet. But Granny Cassandra said over the weekend that this matter is most likely related to you.


The nun still had the same tone.

"I heard last week that the church also found the whereabouts of the last nail. I wonder if there will be any progress over the weekend?"

"Yes, the chosen one, Iluna Bayas, led the team and successfully grabbed the last nail. Because it was not sure whether the clown who was taken away by Joey Barton had been sent away, the church did not remove him for the time being.


Shade looked at the fog outside the window and pondered for a moment:

"How much do you know now about Joy Barton, Sister?"

"You and I have visited him together. He is the chosen one of death. Now he has fled to the narrow room and is trying to break the rules of life and death and bring back a dead person."


Shade carefully planned his words:

"About "", did you know that the selected person with a certain status actually has an inheritance ranking? There is not just one person."

The nun sitting on the sofa paused for a moment, pointed the blindfold at Shade's back, and shook her head slightly:

"have no idea."

Iluna learned about this from the knowledge of the chosen ones. The church and the academy may know it, but the [Spiritual Cult] is only a regional group of ring magicians after all, so they really don't know this.

"This is the same as the order of succession to the throne. Of course, the first order of succession is the most important, but if the first order of succession dies before inheriting the throne, that is, before the ceremony, then the subsequent ones can take their place. And now, Mi

There are at least four candidates in Fort Dehill City. The first candidate is of course Joey Barton. Although he only has one link, his control over the power of death is terrifying."

"You want to say that I am the second candidate for Death's Chosen One?"

The nun's tone was so calm that it even made Shade think she already knew.


"I see."

Shade wanted to ask the nun what she understood:

"You probably also know that this autumn I traveled frequently between Tobesk and Fort Midhill. This is not because I like it here very much, but because I am looking for the chosen one."

He turned around and saw the nun "looking" at him.

"Although I have friends with the witches, I have no power of my own and can only be regarded as an ordinary correspondence magician. But for special reasons, I am pursuing the thirteen chosen ones, pursuing and witnessing the epic scenes.

Iluna Beas, the chosen one of balance, is my best friend; Ivan Darkness, the chosen one of darkness, was actually the one I first met in Coldwater Port."

The nun said nothing, but listened quietly.

"When all thirteen chosen ones appear, the survivors will push open a door, and that door will determine the future of this world. Sister, now Joy Barton is walking on the tightrope that made a big mistake,

I want to prepare the second plan in advance. I hope you can be prepared. If Joey Barton dies before the ceremony, please perform the ceremony immediately."


It was obviously such an important conversation, but Sister Devlin's cold voice made Shade feel like she was talking about what to have for lunch today.

His expression was very serious:

"I came here specifically to see you today because I want to tell you all about the Chosen One ceremony. But before I tell you, I want you to promise one thing. If Joey Barton really dies and you inherit the Chosen One

seat, I hope you can go with me to meet someone, who is also my companion on the road to pursue the chosen one. I hope our friendship can last forever, and don’t tell anyone about this, not even the witches.


"In the name of the Primeval Fire."

The nun said, then stood up and left the sofa. In the open space between the sofa and the window, she held her hands slightly, and the slender flame rose in the palm of her hand:

"Shad Suellen Hamilton, may you be my ally of fire."


Shade nodded, he believed in Sister Devlin's character:

"The ceremony of the chosen one always contains three parts: first, the chosen person understands the meaning of the corresponding identity, that is, he must understand the meaning of death; second, he must prepare an item related to the power of the ancient god."

He paused, and the nun nodded:

"The cult has a collection of antiquities inherited from the previous era."

"Okay then, the last part is the content of the ceremony. Before the ceremony begins, a person who has been resurrected from the dead needs to be sent away as a proof of the ceremony. We have already done this at the top of Mount Sikal in the narrow room."

Not only did the nun do it, but so did the other two candidates.

"The location of the ceremony must be at the boundary between life and death. The specific method is to commit suicide in the boundary place. In the deepest soul sleep, grasp the feeling that all mortals are dead and all things will die, and use this to resurrect."

Compared with balance and darkness, the requirements for death rituals are obviously more demanding:

"Don't worry about the suicide reversal. The normal ritual process will not cause the chosen person to actually die, so the reversal will not happen."

Shade added:

"Sister, I hope you can prepare in advance. I have a very reliable spy in the Orthodox Church. Once I find Joey Barton, I will go to see him immediately. If he really doesn't want to look back, then he is our enemy.


"I see."

The nun nodded again, and she also had something to say:

"Mr. Hamilton, I hope that after everything in Fort Midhill is over, you can follow me to the headquarters of the [Spiritual Order]. I want to talk to you about the First Fire and other things.


"Of course that's no problem."

Shade has always been interested in the location of the [Spiritual Cult], but even Granny Cassandra doesn't know where it is.

During the half week that Shade was away from Fort Midhill and relaxing in Tobesk, various local things continued to happen. In Fort Midhill in late autumn under the thick fog, the security situation deteriorated sharply, and the Zhengshen Church dealt with it in recent days.

There are more evil spirit incidents than in the past few months combined.

In addition, as Hazama gets closer to the real world, more strange things are happening.

When Shade had lunch with Granny Cassandra and Miss Aurora, the witches mentioned a strange sleeping sickness in the city:

"Ordinary people with strong enough inspiration can also feel the existence of the narrow room. If they are obsessed with it, and the soul of the person they miss is really in the narrow room, then these people can make their consciousness appear in the narrow room in their dreams.

He was attracted by the souls of the narrow rooms and followed them towards death unconsciously."

Miss Aurora said while drinking the red wine made by Shade. She paused and looked at the wine glass:

"What kind of magic is this? St. Byrons developed the ability to brew wine?"

Shade didn't want to say that the essence of blood brew was cannibalism, so he skipped the topic.


PS: It’s the end of the month again, and the author doesn’t want to publish a single chapter to ask for votes, so I’m adding an update to ask for votes.

This chapter has been completed!
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