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Chapter 801 The Escaped Butterfly

As he continued to go down the mountain, Shade also realized where he was.

This is the woodland where he and Mia hid on the night when the True God Church encircled and suppressed the [Truth Society]. And if the guess at this moment is correct, then the destination should be the once-frozen glacial lake - Lake Bena.

Passing through the white mist of the forest, following the bloody light and shadow of the two girls, we actually came to the shallows of the lake again.

The edge of the forest is very close to the lake. On the slightly narrow tidal flat, there are hundreds of figures in black robes lying on the ground. Slender wooden stakes stand on the edge of the lake. On the wooden stakes are large and small figures.

The mummy. On the wooden stake closest to the center, the mummy is holding eight relics, and the bloody thorn scepter in Shade's hand is the ninth.

Grace and Helen supported each other and stood on the shore of Lake Bena, looking towards the direction where the black-robed figures were kneeling. That was the direction of the lake. In the fog, it should be an extremely clear lake. In the blink of an eye, Shade completely changed.

It turned into blood color. Blinking again, it returned to its normal color.

In the middle of the lake, there is an object whose appearance is unclear. But if you look closely, it is clearly a coffin. It is the coffin that Mr. Bernhardt purchased at an auction.

Above the heads of the lying people, there were patterns of small bats suspended, and everyone was praying softly, praying to the blood and the blood moon.

At this time, the time was still ten minutes short of midnight. Although the night sky was obscured by thick fog, if you looked up carefully, you could vaguely see the huge red full moon, looming in the white fog.

Walking out of the jungle to the lakeside, all the surrounding sounds disappeared. The lakeside was unusually quiet and solemn, and even the undead that could be seen everywhere disappeared. Only the overlapping murmurs and prayers were intertwined and echoed repeatedly.

The sound of rushing lake water was the accompaniment of all this, and there was not only the smell of blood in the air, but also the aroma of wine.

The space here seems to be completely isolated from the Sikal Mountain.

A sudden crisp chirp broke the calm, and the bird song instantly spread throughout the Xikal Mountain area. Amid the shaking of the ground and the roar of the mountain, the Xikal Pass, which had started erupting earlier, emerged again.

There was billowing black smoke. And in the black smoke, the fiery red phoenix spread its wings and flew out, flying towards the giant cocoon above the city.

"The phoenix also came to help. It seems that it is finally the end...Grace, Helen!"

Shade hurried over:

"Come with me!"

The lying vampires did not stop Shade, and allowed him to cross the tidal flat and hold the cold hands of the two girls.

They looked at the lake in front of them in a daze, and at the coffin in the middle of the water, which was not moved by Shadra:

"Sir... please leave quickly, we know our fate."

They looked at the calm lake together. Every time they blinked, the color of the lake would change between normal and blood red. The white mist around them was being dyed blood red more quickly, and the blood moon in the white mist became clearer.

Shade felt that some kind of terrifying sight had been cast on the shores of Lake Bena, and he really couldn't leave if he didn't leave now.

"You can't defeat Him. Our... Hazama's problem is about to be solved. Our mission is over... Is this the end?"

Grace in the white dress asked softly.

"This is the end, sister. It has been more than five thousand years, and it is finally coming to an end."

Helen in black dress said with tears.

Shade couldn't believe that the girls who had sworn to be together forever would actually give up the hope of living and voluntarily become the evil god's prey. Looking carefully, their eyes were actually burgundy, as if reflecting the perfect red color.


"This is not the end. Girls, I could save you thousands of years ago, and I can also save you now."

Kiss the ring on your finger, and the [Yellow Moon] spirit rune flashes:

"At least, at least let me try. If the red moon can confuse you, then the yellow moon can also - confuse you!"

The moonstone ring shone with an ambiguous warm yellow light. Grace and Helen were startled, but then the blood mist around them turned into scarlet shackles and bound them tightly.

"I knew it could be done - the Moonlight Sword!"

No matter how bad his condition was at this time, Shade still endured the fatigue and the emptiness of his soul, letting the silver moonlight fall down and shattering the scarlet shackles. However, the traces of blood red still clung to the two of them, which was not a ritual for mortals.

It was easy to restrict the angel-level relics, but from the very beginning, from that drinking party, the gods left traces on them.

"Let's go!"

Shade held Helen's and Grace's hands with his left and right hands respectively. He turned around and wanted to leave before he had time to talk to them who had just regained consciousness.

However, someone would not let the three of them leave.

The lying vampires were still praying in low voices, waiting for the arrival of midnight. From the dense forest, two high-ring vampires walked out expressionlessly:

"Sir, what's going on here has nothing to do with you. Please leave here."

After temporarily letting go of Helen, the big sword that appeared in Shade's right hand represented his attitude. Having reached this point, he had to give it a try no matter what. Helen and Grace could not use their power at this time, and Shade could not

I know I can't beat a high-level warlock, but I have to at least delay for some time:

"Girls, you go first."

The high-level vampires stopped talking, and the eleventh-level and tenth-level life rings shone brightly in the blood mist.

The traces of blood on the black and white skirts became clearer and clearer. Grace and Helen knew what it meant to let Shade stay. They grabbed Shade's shoulders. Since the man in front of them had done this for them, even at this moment, they

Even if his soul is broken, he must give his last strength:

"Sir, meeting you is the most..."

But before Grace could finish her words, a golden light lit up from the side. In the light, a familiar middle-aged woman's voice appeared:

"Are you giving up now? You go together and I'll deal with them."

What emerged from the forest was a proud woman in a dark blue dress. Although she looked forty or fifty years old, she was still as elegant as ever.

Xia De was stunned, and time seemed to have returned to the last drinking party many years ago. And the twins looked at that figure, feeling sad, sad, sad, and all the grievances in this life were contained in this voice:


After meeting each other after two eras, tears fell unconsciously from the cheeks.

The soul that appeared at this time was a middle-aged witch from the God's Drinking Party. After the drinking party, she became the teacher of the Geminis. She also participated in the Battle of Mount Sikar when the Twin Gods descended in the Fifth Era.

According to Miss Samuel of Zarath Academy, she was taken in by Zarath Academy after that battle.

Shade never expected that she would appear here.

"My students."

The witch's glowing soul looked at them with a gentle expression. Her soul was so powerful:

"I am very happy to be able to wake up from the long sleep in the narrow room and see you again. Let's leave with this gentleman. Although the road ahead will be dangerous, I hope you can go on."

She picked up a branch, caressed it and threw it to Shade. When Shade took the branch, it turned into a glowing sword, whose power was almost comparable to that of a regular Night Watchman.

In the fifth era, she participated in a drinking party for strength. After that, she really touched the highest achievement of the witch system.

"Sir, please protect my students and let the butterflies fly freely."

"Ma'am, you use this."

Shade threw the blood thorn scepter in his hand to the middle-aged witch, who faced the two high-ring vampires.

Even though she was extremely reluctant to let go, the tearful Helen was still pulled by her sister Grace and followed Shade into the dense forest.

"Did your teacher die in the Sikal Mountains in the end?"

Shade asked, Helen in black dress nodded:

"Teacher was taken in by Zarath Academy after the Battle of Sikal. After recovering from his injuries, he officially joined the academy after being introduced by Miss Samuel, the academy witch. Over the next hundred years, he helped to establish Zarath.

The prototype of Swen Academy. But at that time we had turned into disasters wandering the world and could not see the teacher. Before the teacher died, he came here and met my sister and me for the last time...

She died in front of us."

She choked and said:

"Since then, except every time I reunited with my sister, I can't remember how long it has been since I cried."

Grace hugged her sister gently, Shade nodded silently, and led them through the forest:

"We'll talk about other things later. Now let's go to the Natural Church in the city. The Natural Church is ready to call God. As long as we enter the church, even if He really comes, you will be fine."

There was a loud bang, and something seemed to be sprayed out of the black smoke from the Sikal Pass. At the same time, the surrounding mountain forests filled with white mist actually turned into dead trees for a moment, but then changed again the next moment.

It became normal, as if reality and the narrow space completely overlapped in an instant.

"Hazama is making his last stand."

Grace said, the girl in a white dress took Shade's left hand, with firmness in her sad expression:

"Sir, the road ahead will be very difficult."

Countless rays of white mist floated from the city, from the mountains, towards the giant cocoon above Mibao, like chains. And on the surface of the giant cocoon, a huge crack finally appeared, which only the ring warlocks could hear.

Amidst the strange roar, a giant black hand broke through the crack and stretched out from the cocoon.

Professor Pigman and Phoenix immediately launched an attack and easily suppressed the hand, but this was only the raw power before the giant cocoon broke out of its shell.

Auras of light flashed in the city and in the mountains at the same time. The [Scar of the Holy Tree] ceremony reached the last moment. After solving this giant cocoon, the ceremony was successful. Countless streams of light flew from the top of the mountain, the mountainside and the bottom of the mountain to the sky above the city, in the narrow space.

The ritual has been basically completed, and the large forces are returning to reality to help defeat the last undead aggregate.

Maybe Iluna is also among those streamers, but it is a pity that Shade cannot participate in this final battle:

"It's okay, it will be okay soon."

He comforted the girls who were getting weaker. Although they were far away from the ceremony venue, the ground under their feet was spreading blood from the lake towards the direction they fled. Blood mist followed closely, and there were even large groups of bats in the mist chasing the escaped ones.

Three people.

The blasphemous silver light flashed in and out of the air, and the blood color even corroded the power of the narrow room. The narrow room of life and death is a level 0 relic, but the weird ritual going on by the lake is a genuine god-summoning ritual.

The vampires are calling the evil god - the vampire god.

Even in the dense forest, you can still observe that more limbs are stretching out from the giant cocoon above the city. Not only human limbs, but also limbs of animals, alien creatures, and even indescribable terrifying creatures. Giant

The cocoon is breaking, and almost half of the whispering elements in the narrow room are continuously transported to the giant cocoon through the white mist.

The hatching of a giant cocoon is inevitable. Once it is born, it can be directly regarded as a subspace evil that transcends the thirteen rings.

The light of the Five Gods Church turned into chains and wrapped around the surface of the giant cocoon, slowing down its incubation process. Countless attacks bombarded the giant cocoon, weakening its power before it was born.

Not only the church's ring magicians, but even the witches, phoenixes, and Sister Devlin participated in the battle - Shade recognized the fire ball in the sky. The power of the Fifth Age and the fire of the mountains bloomed in a way that should not have been

The glory that appears in this era, fights with the mortals against the final enemy.

Sister Devlin flew in the air out of thin air, her right hand was still the [Ashes] with flames attached, and her left hand was a black scythe derived from the power of the dead chosen one. Iluna, holding the [Night Watch] in her hand, rode

A translucent spiritual horse flew in the air, with the bone whistle hanging around its neck.

The life ring on the back of Professor Pigman, the principal of St. Byrons, the "Silver Watcher", turned into a white silver color. The high-ring thaumaturgy [Silver Key] opened the forbidden space, and the invisible hand stretched out from the void crushed it.

Turquoise rotten tentacles protruding from the cocoon.

But he did not fight wholeheartedly. Instead, he observed the city and the mountains imperceptibly, as if he was expecting something.

Inside and outside the narrow room, inside and outside the city, on the mountain and down the mountain, the fire seemed to be lighting up in every corner at this moment, and the four elements of spiritual light illuminated the parish of Fort Midhill. The time was about to reach midnight, and the battle finally came to its most intense and final moment.


This chapter has been completed!
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