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Chapter 803 The Guardian of Children

The huge red moon in the sky was suspended behind Him. The moon was so clear, so clear that it almost made people collapse.

Above the blood lake, the evil and sacred figure was so majestic. God's slender eyes looked at everything by the lake, observing Shade and the girl behind him. As for the huge undead beast in the sky in the distance,

The constantly lighting up four-color auras, the burning mountains and the smoking craters are just the decorative background at this moment, and they cannot attract the attention of the gods at all:

"After two eras, we, the unexpected guests, meet again."

"God, why did you come to earth?"

Shade wanted to raise his head, but the headache and the moaning throughout his body almost defeated him. Without divinity, he was just a mortal.

"Aren't you very clear about what I want?"

The god in a bloody formal suit whispered in the ancient language of the Fifth Age:

"I already said it when we first met -

Although the blood of the twins is good, it is still not perfect. It is just a little bit close and can be used as my collection. (Chapter 568)"

God has a smile on his face:

"Yes, at that time, it was really just a little bit closer... It's a pity, isn't it?"

The two girls behind Shade stood tremblingly behind Shade, grabbing his clothes, hiding in his shadow, waiting for the final fate to come. Shade could still stay awake, but they were completely unable to control themselves.


"You, when you saw them, you had this idea..."

"Yes, I have given you many tips, my blessings to the twins, and my guidance to them to find the twin gods. Is this all because of my kindness? Unexpected guest, I am the evil god, why would I be so generous?


"Waiting for a thousand years, even guiding them to get rid of the evil things in the subspace, and helping to suppress the narrow space, just to... make wine?"

Under the blood moon, beside the blood lake, Shade's voice trembled. Surrounded by the blood mist, his body almost uncontrollably wanted to fall forward. Even though he had already guessed this, he still found it difficult to accept:

"You are not for the power of thousands of souls in Hazama,

Not to get involved in death to gain the power of death,

Not for the destined protagonists of the Sixth Age, those chosen ones,

Not even for fighting with other gods——

After doing so much, planning for such a long time, waiting for two eras, and even appearing in the form of a saint here and now, just...making wine? Just for Helen and Grace?

Are you...too boring?"

"No, what you said is too boring. Blood brewing is what interests me."

God replied softly. He had always been generous to Shad:

"The ten brewing stories I told you are the most obvious reminders. What is waiting for thousands of years for the perfect blood brewing? Now is the eleventh story, and it is the first one that you have personally experienced and contributed to.

Eleven stories.”

He looked at Helen and Grace behind Shade with eager eyes:

“The Gemini blood brew back then was just a mixture of pain, entanglement, love and reluctance. Although it was good, it still had flaws.

But now, when two souls are intertwined with each other and have been in love for thousands of years but cannot get it, when the feelings that are bound together are tortured and fermented by each other in cycles and reincarnations, coupled with the warmth of a little flame of the phoenix...

....This cup of blood brew is much better than the wine made with the craftsmanship of pure maids, the flames of high-end wood burning, and the utensils of mithril gold. I want to brew the blood from their bones and blood and their souls.

The wine is called 'Red Butterfly Blood Wine'..."

He extended an invitation to Shad:

"Unexpected guest, please taste it with me. This delicious food cannot be made in any era."


Shade wanted to roar, wanted to roar, but all he could do was spit out a mouthful of blood. He really couldn't hold it anymore.

The god under the red moon does not care about his attitude:

"Look, I didn't do anything wrong. They wanted to break the shackles of the family mission, so I gave them five thousand years of attachment to each other. I even specially arranged for them to help seal the narrow room. I don't know.

How many mortal lives have been saved. Now, the problem of Hazama is about to be solved, and their mission has been completed. And the small reward I want is just a glass of wine... God is very generous.


For a moment, Shade even felt that what the other party said was very reasonable and that the reward was not an exaggeration. But he still stopped in front of Grace and Helen, stretched out his left hand tremblingly, and handed over the bottle in his hand.

Blood Brew:

"I want this, for them."

He wanted to fall forward, but the two girls behind him caught him, and their trembling voices were their last courage at the moment:

"Sir, you don't have to be like this. We, this is our destiny."

"This is a quarter of the soul of the chosen one. This is also a story of love and unrequited love. In it, there is even the purest power and curse of the ancient god of death. I will use this in exchange for Helen and Grace


He hopes to end the matter in this way, using Marilyn Handel's body in exchange for a quarter of his soul in death, just for the exchange at this moment. This is not for Shade himself, Grace and Helen use them

He sealed the narrow space for two eras, but Barton catalyzed the collapse of the narrow space. This bottle of blood brew is what Helen and Grace deserve.

But God shook his head slightly:

"It's really good, but it's still not perfect."

"But this is for the chosen..."

"I know, but so what? He is not the real chosen one after all, and your brewing techniques are too rough. Compared with the bottle of garbage in your hand, I prefer to make it with my own hands and wait patiently for fermentation.

Blood wine, I enjoy not only the results, but also the process. Unexpected guests, we had a great time getting along at the previous wine party, so please step aside and don’t stand there.”

Although the god under the red moon spoke so kindly, Shade could already feel the chill.

But he still shook his head and blocked the two girls behind him:

"Just like before, I will protect them. All souls are free, and their souls should not become food for the evil god."


"That's really a pity. I originally wanted to take advantage of this time to come to the material world and have another drink with you."

Over the Sikar Mountain shrouded in white mist, on top of the billowing black smoke ejected from the mountain pass, a crack suddenly appeared in the pure sea of ​​​​stars. As the spider web-like fragments spread around the sea of ​​​​stars, the entire starry sky,

It actually seemed like it was about to split.

God raised his head and glanced:

"The whales of the Star Sea are coming. That scene is one of the most beautiful scenes in the material world. You can take a closer look later. I chose this time specially. But now, unexpected guests, please don't disturb my brewing, otherwise...


He kept his smile and said nothing, and gently bent his fingers. Grace in white dress and Helen in black dress behind Shade actually floated into the sky on their own initiative.

The two girls scattered like red butterflies in the air, trying to escape the gravity, but under the light of the blood moon, they turned back into human bodies in the next second:

"Two in one!"

Holding hands, surrounded by red butterflies, their bodies seemed to melt and blend with each other. Helen and Grace disappeared, and floating in the air was a girl wearing a white dress and a black skirt, with flowing black hair and such blue eyes.

It's pitiable.

Helen and Grace had the same appearance, and the girl in front of them also had the same appearance. Shade inexplicably understood that this was the strongest power of the Red Butterfly Twins. The twins merged into one, and they became one person.

The old gods of the past [Twin Gods] can also become two persons in one body, exerting the power of true angel-level relics.

But even so, she only resisted the inexplicable suction force for less than a second before she floated towards the top of the blood lake again.

Shade's right hand held the red butterfly girl's hand and tried to pull them back, but he also lifted his feet off the ground:

"Sir, please leave."

Red Butterfly pushed Shade away, and he fell to the ground, while Grace Helen floated toward the gods in the sky.

But among them, above the blood lake, a transparent fishing line connected the two to each other. Shade grabbed the soul fishing rod, and the copper-colored hook penetrated deeply into the girl's palm.

God had already caught her, and the spreading bloody light was about to engulf her completely, but God saw the hook at this moment.

He chuckled and said:

"It's a very good idea. But unexpected guest, you don't think that the so-called relics of mortals can have an effect on me, do you?"

He looked at Shade who could barely stand upright by the lake, as if expecting him to do something unexpected:

"If you had a way to conceal my perception, or if you were at the same 'level' as me at the moment, you might be able to rely on this to tear the power from me to protect your red butterfly. But now you are just a mortal, do you think I can see

Less than this?"

Shade shook his head slightly, gripped the fishing rod tightly and pulled it towards himself:

"I'm just a mortal at the moment, but I..."

The bleeding in his lungs almost made him unable to speak:

"...I don't want any reward, I just want to help them. I am not...a person, there are people who are willing, like me, to help for free..."

The starry sky above the head is broken like glass, and the blue and transparent giant creatures have the color of the dreamy star sea. The star sea whales enter the material world through the rupture of space, swimming freely in the star sea, leaving behind oil paintings.

Such deep colors.

Luvia once said that the best place to observe whales in the Star Sea is probably in the central and eastern part of the Old World, and this location is the Sikal Mountain area.

Above your head are the sea of ​​stars and whales, behind you are the undead beasts fighting the church in the firelight, and in front of you are the blood moon and gods.

Shade's time perception seems to be wrong at this moment, but it may also be due to severe cerebral hemorrhage that he can no longer perceive time normally.

But he still held the fishing rod firmly and tried his best to reel in the line, trying to snatch Grace and Helen back.

Shen calmly held Hongdie's other hand without a hook:

"Mortals firmly believe that kindness can be passed on, but I am curious, who else can help you at this moment?"

He smiled sarcastically:

"Who dares to appear in front of me at this moment?"

The god just gently pulled the girl's hand, and the fishing line immediately tightened. Cracks appeared on the fishing rod, and Shade was uncontrollably dragged into the sky. The fishing rod failed to absorb divinity immediately, just as the god said.

, at this moment, Shade is just a mortal, but the person in front of him is not just the projection of the original god like the Lord of Blood Feast.

But he didn't notice that the brass hook that had penetrated Hongdie's right hand was emitting a faint golden light.

"You selflessly saved them, but who will save you? Unexpected guest, do you still believe in kindness as before? Then tell me, will there be a miracle now? Who will save you! Who will protect you?


God was laughing. He pulled gently, and the fishing line immediately broke. But the next moment, the golden light on the brass hook that pierced Hongdie's right hand followed the broken fishing line and connected to Xiang Xade's hands.

The power of miracles repaired the broken fishing rod, and in the golden light that illuminated the blood lake, the young man's voice rang out:

"If it's protecting innocent children, then I'll do it."


The golden figure came from behind Sha De, illuminating the blood mist and Sha De's face, making the blood-sucking god in the sky frown.

The blood lake surged with waves, and the golden figure was so illusory, as if it was just an illusion:

"Just for your own desire to drink, you planned two eras against two poor children. God of blood-sucking, you are still the same as before, with the disgusting smell of blood on your body."

Although the power of miracles is weak, it really appears.

A young man wearing a clown hat stood in front of Shade. This familiar figure looked up at the blood god in the sky, bathed in the light of the red moon, and scolded the "upper-class" god.

This chapter has been completed!
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