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Chapter 827 All mortals are mortal

In the white mist, the middle-aged detective with a clear appearance did not speak. Shade tried to open his mouth and hesitated for a long time before finally saying:


"Shad Hamilton, why do you need to apologize to me?"

Many people use the title "Shad Hamilton" to address outsiders, but facing the detective in front of them, the outsiders actually feel a little ashamed when they hear this title.

He raised his head and said hesitantly:

"You entrusted everything to me, and you just hope that nothing about you during your lifetime will be exposed after your death. But I still used you for my own benefit."

He is truly sorry about this.

"So, has your identity been exposed?"

The middle-aged detective with a transparent body asked, his eyes sharp and his expression serious.

Shade shook his head:


"So, have your actions dealt a blow to Gray Gloves?"


Shade shook his head again, not paying attention to the doubtful expression on the doctor's side.

"Then why do you need to apologize?"

The middle-aged detective said calmly.

"Because you showed kindness to me, but I violated your last wish."

Sparrow Hamilton looked at Shade:

"Good intentions? You can tell me all this so honestly, and I am the one who puts you in danger. Letting you inherit the Hamilton Detective Agency is inherently dangerous for you. I don't

Noble, yes, no one is noble."

Shade nodded, but suddenly raised his head:

"Also, I'm now a member of MI6, but I'm also involved with Gray Gloves."

Sparrow Hamilton shook his head slightly:

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you were alive"

"That was during my lifetime, and I am already dead. I did not let down the motherland and the organization during my lifetime. After my death, my soul is free."

At this moment, he still looked serious:

"Shad Hamilton, I don't know what you went through to bring me back after I left. But remember, Sparrow Hamilton is dead."

Xia De opened his mouth, but he didn't expect the other party to say this.

"Of course I am not a good person, yes, I never have been, but I have left, and you have inherited everything. You are now the master of Saint Teresa Square. Sparrow has become history and has slept forever. You

, Shad Hamilton, truly has everything I have. Young people, you have to choose your own path, why do you bother me?"

Shade could not answer this question. Sparrow Hamilton shook his head:

"I led you away from the homeless life, but I left after all. I did something wrong during my lifetime, and this was the only thing I felt guilty about when I died. This is very rare for me. So, Holy

Everything in Derain Square belongs to you, and you, please don’t disturb me."

For some reason, Shade suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the other person say that everything here belonged to him. All the pressures of living in St. Teresa Square in the past seemed to have dissipated with Sparrow Hamilton's words.

Of course he knew that Gray Eagle, as a king's agent, was definitely not a good person in the traditional sense, but he also remembered the scene where Detective Sparrow apologized to himself for the last time before his death and wished him good luck:

"I remain sorry that I took advantage of your identity and legacy."

He said very formally.

"I forgive you."

Sparrow Hamilton said seriously, and then sighed:

"I also apologize to you for putting you in danger."

"I also forgive you for the four tasks you left. I have completed them all."

Thinking of the cat being held by him, he added:

"Only the final finishing touches remain."

That serious face finally showed a slight smile:

"That's very good. Although detective is just a disguised profession, I am also very happy that it has not delayed anyone's life. The detective life in the past few years has also made me nostalgic that I shouldn't have. After all, I am only a mortal."

Shade hesitated for a moment:

"In addition, I have always kept your room, which is the master bedroom. But now, I want to live in it, and sleeping on the side is really too small."

The middle-aged detective reminded softly:

"Young man, you are the owner of the house and you do not need to ask for my opinion."

Sparrow Hamilton lowered the brim of his hat slightly and turned towards the thick fog:

"The road to the future belongs to you. Besides, all mortals are mortal. I just hope that please don't disturb me anymore."

"Yes, then farewell, Sparrow Hamilton."

The detective entered the white mist, leaving Shade watching him go away.

"Grey gloves?"

The doctor on the side was still surprised by what he heard. He went to see Sha De, hoping to get an answer, but saw Sha De closing his eyes and letting out a long sigh:

"Doctor, is it still raining outside? I think I need to go to the cemetery outside the city."

"It's still raining, but we can go together and talk about the story of you and Sparrow Hamilton."

It is said that each autumn rain will bring more coolness. And the rain in the second half of the month of dead leaves indeed intensifies the atmosphere of late autumn.

The rain hit the roof of the carriage, and the sound of the wheels rolling over the stone road seemed to be a little more rhythmic than usual. Autumn rain always makes people feel bad, and Shade in the carriage may have been affected by the rain.

Affected, while the carriage carried the two gentlemen through the Pearl of the North, he told Dr. Schneider in a somewhat depressed tone the complete story of him and Sparrow Hamilton.

Shade didn't even mention those things to Lesia in full. The doctor was the first person to know everything.

The middle-aged psychiatrist has seen great storms and experienced many adventures that ordinary people, even ordinary magicians, cannot imagine, but he was still shocked by Sha De's story:

"In other words, you are not only an agent of MI6 now, but if you want, you can perfectly inherit the identity of the 'Grey Headed Eagle' and become the ace spy of Gray Gloves?"

Because it was raining outside, Shade left Mia at home, hoping that it would not disturb the two girls who fell asleep again after breakfast. He lowered his head and nodded slightly. The doctor covered his mouth, and for a moment

I actually don’t know what to say:

"Originally, I thought that you inherited No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. Unexpectedly, that house was really just an addition."

"I actually have no intention of being an agent. I inherited Uncle Sparrow's inheritance, and I am really grateful to him. I have never thought of using his identity to do anything. However, every time I encounter something related to this

I seem to be making different choices about everything. So, very inexplicably, it is actually possible for me to replace Sparrow Hamilton and become the Gray Eagle."

It was raining heavily outside the car window, and Shade was in a bad mood:

"Although the former detective had selfish motives for taking the blind and foolish Shade away from the homeless life, it was indeed his actions that made me who I am now. I actually feel a little guilty, especially because he didn't blame me."

A foreigner knows whose favor he has received, and he is not a person who does not know how to be grateful.

"Actually, you don't have to blame yourself. After all, you just used that identity to make some money and help your friends, but you didn't bring any stain on the reputation or honor of the Gray Eagle identity."

The doctor comforted:

"Since Sparrow Hamilton said he doesn't care about you using his identity, why not use the identity of Grey-Headed Eagle to do something for Gray Gloves without violating your moral values, as a way to express your gratitude to Sparrow Hamilton?"

Hamilton’s reward.”

This is a good idea, but it seems that it may also cause Shade to get deeper and deeper into the identity of "Grey Headed Eagle".

The carriage soon arrived at the public cemetery outside the city, and Shade did not take advantage of Sunday to accompany Lecia and Dorothy at home, because he wanted to visit Sparrow Hamilton's grave again.

He has decided to officially move from the side bedroom to the master bedroom. Everything in the past has been settled, and he will inherit everything at No. 6 St. Teresa Square. Today's visit is to say goodbye and acknowledge Sparrow Hamilton.

Go away completely, and everything Sha De does in the future will have nothing to do with him.

The autumn rain was pattering, and two men holding black umbrellas, wearing black coats and black rain boots were walking side by side on the path of the cemetery. Detective Sparrow was buried in No. 2 of the Tobesk East District Public Cemetery, Zhou

I should have been able to meet many people here in the morning, but because of the autumn rain, there were only two or three people standing among the tombstones in the hazy rain curtain.

Shade and Dr. Schneider were walking and chatting. Shade didn't want to talk more about Sparrow, so he talked about what he encountered at Fort Midhill:

"I went there almost every day throughout the fall, helped some people, and killed some people. But when I encountered danger, when I was in the most critical situation, those souls who had been helped by me actually came

Helped me."

He did not say that he was looking for red butterflies, but only said that he was at Sikal Mountain on Wednesday night:

"The corporal who asked me to help deliver the relic pistol, Professor Higgins who mistook me for a grey-headed eagle, the innocent ladies who were murdered by the serial killer, and the one who came back from the dead but ultimately left after completing a game of Rhodes.

Earl. This way."

The two of them turned left at the cemetery sermon, and the doctor listened quietly to Shade's story:

"There is still kindness in this world, especially when you show your kindness. Although you don't have to expect a reward, sometimes there will be extra gains. Detective, all mortals are mortal, but the kindness that is conveyed will never


The psychiatrist with the devil in his heart said with a smile. Shade nodded and also smiled:

"Yes, all mortals are mortal. That's why I wanted to visit Detective Sparrow again today, which can be regarded as a complete farewell."

"That's good, you are getting rid of all the influence left by Sparrow Hamilton. From now on, you are the real Detective Hamilton."

The doctor encouraged that his expertise in psychology helped him analyze Shade's thoughts at this time.

Looking at the surrounding tombstones standing in the rain, the doctor kindly removed the wet leaves attached to the tombstones and continued walking forward with Shade:

"Everyone will die, but Sparrow Hamilton is lucky. He is at least remembered by you. You inherited everything about him, but you also know everything about him. As long as you are alive, he will not disappear.

, what a lucky guy.”

The doctor's words were somewhat like those spoken by Marilyn Handel who was about to leave completely in death.


Shade murmured:

"Doctor, what do you think resurrecting the dead is?"

"Of course this is wrong, but people who think this way should have many stories, right?"

The doctor and Shade turned into the path in the cemetery in the rain:

"As I just said, all mortals are mortal. Even resurrection cannot change the fact that they will die one day. But the return of the dead extends the meaning of life after all. Each of us is destined to die.

All we can decide is our own process. It’s time for the psychiatrist’s cliche again – instead of worrying about the death that is coming, it’s better to think about your current life.”

Shade nodded, and the doctor was quite emotional:

"Of course, the act of resurrecting the dead is wrong. After all, if you leave, you shouldn't come back."

The boots made a strange sound when they stepped on the relatively flat gravel path of the cemetery. The sound of raindrops indicated that the rain would probably last for a long time, and Shade hoped that the recent temperature drop would not be too severe.

This chapter has been completed!
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