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Chapter 985 The power of everyone

"I can't find it directly now. I am a character in the story now, and I have no subjective initiative. Moreover, if I directly open the cabinet or lift the bed to face the thief, he will choose to escape. If he is strong, he will be strong.

, even if I can use my own strength, I may not be able to catch it."

【So what are you going to do?】

"I want it to come to me, and then I will launch a shameless sneak attack."

"She" chuckled lightly and did not ask Shade how to do it.

Shade tore out the page from the notebook, then tore it into three parts, and wrote on each part who it was for.

He stood up from the sofa and said in an exaggerated tone:

"Oh, it looks like I'm going to go see the police for help. It's too dangerous to be in a stolen home."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand towards the door, and the three notes flew silently towards the stairs. Doctor Schneider didn't even use a spell. The powerful mental power of the six-ring warlock directly led the three notes to fly over. He saw the folded

The names were written on the notes they got up, so they distributed the notes. After the three of them looked at each other separately, they started to take action.

"I need to go to the bedroom and change some clothes first. It's really too cold tonight."

With that said, Shade walked into his master bedroom and closed the door.

The living room with the gas light on returned to silence, while the sound of the wardrobe being opened was heard in the master bedroom. Then there was the muffled sound of hangers colliding with each other and clothes being thrown onto the bed.

The kitchen cupboard opened silently at this moment, and a short, medium-sized man wearing a black windbreaker stepped out of it without making a sound. He was wearing a hat, and his face was covered by shadows at any angle. After landing, he listened carefully.

After confirming that the owner of the house was still changing clothes in the bedroom, he carried Shade's antique knight sword to the living room, looked at the master bedroom with the door closed, and then walked out of the room while holding his breath.

Entering the corridor on the second floor, he did not go down the stairs. Instead, he walked towards the third floor. Apparently he thought it was not safe to leave through the front door. But he stopped suddenly just after he stepped onto the fifth step. He raised his head and looked clearly.

Arriving at the corner platform of the stairs leading to the third floor, an old man with burnt wings spread behind his back was standing in the darkness.

Although "Jack the Thief" becomes stronger when it encounters strong enemies, it also has its own limits, otherwise it would not have been pulled into the story by the angel-level relic [Dice Story Collection]. When it encounters a strong enemy, it usually does not tend to attack but to run away.

So after seeing Priest Augustus, he turned around and fled back to the second floor.

Still did not choose to escape to the first floor, but tried to go to Room 2 on the second floor along the corridor. But just after passing the door of Room 1, he saw a man standing at the end of the corridor with his hands behind his back. Doctor Schneider stood

At the boundary between light and shadow, on the half of the face illuminated by the gas lamp, the eyes revealed a strange scarlet light.

The darkness squirmed behind the doctor, as if there was something more terrifying hidden in the thick darkness. [Jack Thief] turned around again, unable to move on the second floor and unable to go to the third floor. This time it finally chose to go

First floor.

There was no sound coming downstairs, but there were still people on the stairs going down.

Lesia's life ring was spinning at high speed behind her. On her left stood the Match Girl holding a bamboo basket, and on her right stood the Sleeping Princess holding a spindle.

Little Mia stood on the shoulder of the blonde girl, and the princess held the [Night Watcher] in both hands, looking at the strange humanoid creature coming down the stairs as if facing an enemy.

Rao had already anticipated the horror of a sage-level humanoid relic, but when this thing that clearly looked like a human being but whose instincts kept reminding it that it was definitely not a human appeared in front of her, Lesia took a cautious step back.

The night watchman in her hand did not glow, which proved that the opponent could not be judged as an evil creature. Lesia bit her lip and pointed her sword at it, trying to force it to return to the second floor.

But unlike just now when he was directly forced back by Priest August and Dr. Schneider, this time the thief did not turn around directly, but stood at the top of the stairs and hesitated.

"Sure enough, we still need to show strength to force it back."

Carrying Shade's cat, the princess of the Cavendish family prepared to face a head-on battle with a sage-level humanoid relic. The flow of spirit made the body of the summoned fairy tale character around her become more solid, and she stepped upward.

One step up the stairs, the angel-level relic in his hand made the sage-level relic in front of him move back one step, but still did not turn around and return to the second floor.

At this moment, Lesia actually vaguely heard footsteps coming from behind. Before she could turn around to confirm who was coming, a hand stretched out from behind Lesia, and then held the [Night Watcher] with her.


"[My heart is clear and my sword kills demons]."

The standard Common Language of the Fourth Age was spoken by Luvia, and a purple-eyed girl with brown shawl and short hair came to Lesia. The silver sword light shone on the surface of the silver sword, and the runes on the sword body were in bright yellow.

Colors are lit.

Luvia and Lesia stood side by side. As the sharp light seemed to be cutting upwards, [Jack the Thief] was finally forced back to the second floor.

"Louvia, you...oh, thank you so much, my condition is a little bad, otherwise I can do it myself."

The princess made the Sleeping Princess and Match Girl disappear. She was gasping for breath and was supported by Luvia. The female diviner glanced at Mia on her shoulder:

"Stop being brave, what did you just do? Why did you lose so much mental energy? I have magic potion here...and do you need to thank me? In this house, we can be considered


Lesia's face turned red, and she didn't know what she thought of. She took the mint-flavored potion and drank it in small sips. Luvia said again:

"Hasn't Shade finished this matter yet? I've been waiting at the Prophet's Association for a long time, so I rushed here."

She walked up with the blonde, and at the top of the stairs they met Priest August and Dr. Schneider coming from upstairs and from the other side of the corridor.

The old priest and the middle-aged doctor were both surprised by Luvia's appearance, but then they were not particularly surprised. After all, theoretically, no one here should be here tonight.

Jack the Thief, wearing a black windbreaker, was originally standing at the door of Room 1. When he saw four people surrounding him, he decisively retreated to Room 1 on the second floor. His footsteps still made no sound.

But when it re-entered the room and turned to look at the window, what greeted it was a fist and an angry scolding:

"Oh, you damn thief! How dare you show up!"

[Mortal Luck] Shad Hamilton, entering the final stage of battle.

"[Mortal Luck] Shad Hamilton returned home and immediately discovered the theft in his home. Throw the dice to determine whether the stolen items were found. If the points exceed 90 points, any further actions will be taken.

[Jack Thief] will receive a 20 point bonus when making relevant judgments."

"I want to make a statement!"

Prophet Association, Iluna looked at the parchment in her hand under the light:

"Due to Hamilton's characteristics [I love my family], any decision made in No. 6 Saint Teresa Square will have a 1.2 times factor in the total value."

People around him took a breath and thought of the rumors about that house.


Iluna read out the numbers:

"55 points. The token points are increased by 20 points..."

Since she was enjoying a coefficient of 1.2 at this time, there were still eight points left. Iluna's eyes quickly glanced at the contents on the parchment. After Shade returned to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, she had half as much information in her hands.

For example, the trait "I love my home" only appeared after Shade entered the house. From this, the seventeen-year-old girl understood what Luvia often said about Shade's obsession with that house:

"Special scene bonus - Hamilton Detective Agency, because it is performing detective-like work, provides an additional inspiration bonus of 20 points. The total points are 95×1.2=114."

Although they know that this simple judgment cannot be passed, people still let out a sigh of relief. After all, someone just rolled three 1 points in a row, which shows that everything in the story is possible.

"The detective who returned home keenly discovered that the stolen item was the knight's sword of 'Hamilton of Lejed'. Although the detective was angry that he had been stolen, his anger did not make him have a sharper perception.

Find a top criminal hiding in his home. What will Shad Hamilton do next?"

Iluna frowned and thought for a moment:

"Don't give instructions and let him act randomly according to his own ideas."

After saying that he was worried about being suspected, he added:

"The thief is definitely in the house, but based on Hamilton's investigation, he cannot be found. Rather than giving him invalid instructions, it is better to wait for the thief to take the initiative. I don't believe he can hide all night."

After saying that, he waited for a while and breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't hear his companions behind him questioning this decision. The voice in the darkness continued to tell the story of the detective and the thief, and the story was coming to an end:

"Looking around, pacing, suppressing his complex emotions of panic, guilt, anger and uneasiness, [Mortal Luck] Shade Hamilton could not understand his misfortune, and was even more angry at losing a precious symbol of identity. He suppressed

In my inner thoughts, I sat on the sofa trying to calm myself down, wrote and drew, and finally decided to go to Ridwich Field to call the police on my own."

Everyone was looking at the table setting. After Shade entered No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, the original large area setting disappeared, and now the tabletop blocks were piled up to look like Shade's home.

"The detective entered the bedroom and closed the door with his backhand, which will increase his sense of security. If an additional lucky check is made, if it is higher than 350 points, he will find the sound of the thief walking in the living room."


"The judgment was successful. The detective who was changing clothes was keenly aware of the footsteps outside the door. He decided to walk out of the bedroom to take a look. Note that because the gun bag was thrown on the desk, the weapon could not be used in the next step.


There was a sigh from behind Iluna, but the seventeen-year-old girl knew that it was Shade who deliberately did not take it.

"The night was slightly cold, and panic occupied the young detective's heart. He didn't know that the faint footsteps outside at this time were just his hallucinations, or maybe they were criminals who had not yet left. At this moment, what he had heard a long time ago, on a winter night

The strange and evil monster image that haunts urban legends seems to flash behind that door."

Iluna thinks this kind of psychological description is funny.

"He stretched out his hand and pushed open the bedroom door. The familiar and warm home seemed extremely strange at the moment. Even though the light of the gas lamp was shining here, he still had a hard time convincing himself that everything was very special when he took the first step.


"Has Thief Jack been discovered? Should a judgment be made?"

Iluna asked, and the hoarse voice telling the story responded:

"Shad Hamilton came to the living room and checked the living room, which actually had no clues. He found nothing, and then carefully came to the door of Room 1 on the second floor."

The voice paused for a moment, then immediately said:

"Shad Hamilton and [Jack Thief] meet head-on, and the battle begins."

Almost everyone held their breath, only Iluna let out a long sigh, and the story finally came to an end.


ps: In fact, there are not many opportunities for the five people in the group to take action together. After all, the five people combined have almost no weaknesses. This is the only occasion where the five people can appear together in one incident.

Of course, at the end of this volume, after Shade enters the Central Ring, he will face more dangerous things, and then the five people in the group will act together more frequently.

At the end of this volume, I am thinking about who will participate in the final battle at the end of the volume. By the way, you can guess where the final battle in this volume will be without prizes.


This chapter has been completed!
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