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Chapter 149

Today at noon, when Li Xiangqian and Yao Xuewei were having dinner together, Shen Haoyang and Ma Zhifei also took Huang Wanying to dinner.

Huang Wanying really didn't plan to have dinner with Li Xiangqian's two good brothers. Although she didn't care about Li Xiangqian, she was a little curious, where was Li Xiangqian at noon?

However, Huang Wanying only aroused one point of curiosity in her heart, and then she immediately put it down.

In her opinion, where was Li Xiangqian, had he eaten, and with whom he had eaten.

It has nothing to do with her.

So Huang Wanying planned to go to dinner alone, but she was forced to go there by Lao Ma and Shen Haoyang.

Now, both Ma Zhifei and Shen Haoyang know that Huang Wanying and Li Xiangqian have engaged in a baby engagement.

Although the marriage has been dissolved, according to the ancient tradition of parents ordering matchmakers, this one is definitely the wife-in-law.

So of course these two people will not leave Huang Wanying alone.

Moreover, in order to show the importance they attached to Huang Wanying, Lao Ma took the lead and Shen Haoyang obstructed her. Several people drove together and dragged Huang Wanying to eat hot pot at a hotpot restaurant five kilometers away from the benchmarking site.

Huang Wanying really doesn't like hot pot. It's greasy and looks very spicy. Even though it's hot pot, she didn't move her chopsticks at the dinner table.

On the contrary, it was Shen Haoyang and Ma Zhifei who ate from beginning to end. It was a great pleasure for both of them, especially Lao Ma, who was very happy while eating.

If Huang Wanying hadn't been present, he was a little afraid of the daughter of the old gambling king of Tianzhou, and might have made another joke.

In the end, the three of them ate hot pot for almost an hour before getting back in the car and returning to the parking lot in front of Jade Hall.

Maybe it was because the high time was a little long. As soon as the group parked the car and walked out, Huang Wanying automatically followed behind. When Lao Ma and Shen Haoyang were still lingering on their thoughts, they met Li Qianqian who was dripping with sweat and followed behind.

Yao Xuewei.

I saw Li Xiangqian and Yao Xuewei getting out of the car one after the other. Not only was Li Xiangqian sweating profusely from the heat, but his clothes were also soaked through.

Moreover, my face is still a little hot and my breath is slightly unsteady.

Such a strange atmosphere can't help but make people think a lot.

Shen Haoyang is fine, but old Ma is not.

Just now he was dancing and saying that there was delicious food somewhere and he must try it again in the evening, but then he encountered a scene that made his face glow.



Thinking of Li Xiangqian taking advantage of them to eat hot pot, he not only ate with Yao Xuewei, but also seemed to have done a hearty life event.

Lao Ma, who raised his fingers in the air, stared blankly for a while as if he was petrified, and then calmed down under Shen Haoyang's quiet signal.

Then Lao Ma, the master of emotions, immediately became unbalanced in his heart.

Li Xiangqian, you kid is fine. Let’s go eat hot pot and just move your mouth. It’s already a perfect feast. But I didn’t expect that you kid is so cowardly that besides eating, dating, and picking up girls, you actually did other things.


Look, I'm so exhausted that I'm sweating profusely.

You kid is really serious.


Tell me the details quickly.

Let us, old horse, learn first.

As Ma Zhifei spoke, he burped and wanted to get closer to Li Xiangqian. However, he was glared at by Li Xiangqian. The guy immediately stood there and did not dare to move.

Huang Wanying, who was standing behind Ma Zhifei and Shen Haoyang, had no good impression of Li Xiangqian at first, but seeing Li Xiangqian's messy and sweaty appearance, she couldn't help but give Li Xiangqian a hard look, and then walked quickly forward, directly to the marking field.


Once the beauty is gone, she will be blown away by the wind,

The embarrassment of being left alone in this world.

Huang Wanying went to the benchmarking field, and Yao Xuewei blushed when she saw Li Xiangqian's two brothers, turned around and walked away.

Soon, only the three bachelor brothers were left.

Li Xiangqian gave the order to Lao Ma and Shen Haoyang without waiting for what they wanted to say.

"Play it by ear this afternoon, don't look around, and continue to confuse the enemy while marking prices."

"Then, Haozi entered the bid yard later and put the dozens of bids he had written in the morning into the bid box. Lao Ma, you continue to sort out the photos and numbers."

After Li Qianqian finished explaining, he walked forward with vigorous steps and quickly headed towards the Jade Hall marking field.

The three people entered the bidding field one after another. At this moment, a large number of men and women continued to gather in the public bidding field.

There are really many people at this fair.

At a glance, it's full of people.

Li Xiangqian didn't waste time. He ordered Shen Haoyang to bid, and then went to the yellow label area again.

As a result, as soon as I walked over, I saw Huang Wanying standing alone in front of a piece of material and observing carefully.

I've been busy all morning today, and I haven't even had time to ask Wanying if she's tired, how her legs are, and I don't know if the meal she had for lunch tasted good. After all, Huang Shibo personally entrusted his daughter to his care.

So Li Xiangqian took the initiative and walked towards Huang Wanying.

"Sister, how are you today? Did your lunch taste good?"

Out of brother-sister love, Li Xiangqian really planned to go there and show some concern.

As a result, he walked over and before he finished speaking, Huang Wanying gave him a sharp look, then without saying a word, she directly dropped the ingredients and went to look at the ingredients elsewhere without looking back.

Li Xiangqian's embarrassment really spread all over the place.

With nothing to do, he had no choice but to embarrass himself, then turned around to find Ma Zhifei and Shen Haoyang to continue looking at the materials.

As a result, as soon as I touched two pieces of material, my eyes instantly caught sight of Qin Cheng, the eldest son of the Qin family, who I met with Yao Xuewei at the restaurant at noon.

As the head of the three heroes of the Qin family and the next generation head of the entire Qin family jewelry group, this time, Qin Cheng brought all the stone gambling masters under the Qin family here to compete in this annual event.

The huge public market in Heyang is ready to go, so we can accumulate some high-quality goods.

The reason why these wealthy families spend a lot of money to buy on the public market is because they know that jade is a non-renewable thing.

Use a little less.

After all, rare things are valuable.

And the more precious something is, the more valuable it is for collection.

If you buy back a lot of the materials you bought this year, these wealthy families won't be able to cut them at all.

Instead, it is stored in your own vault.

Note that this is a vault, not a safe.

These high-quality goods were stored and waited for a year and a half, or even three to five years before being taken out.

Whether you take it out, cut it up and sell it, or just wipe it open and sell it to the next person, it is a business that is sure to make a profit without losing any money.

And wealthy families like the Qin family have stronger cash flow than ordinary jade merchants.

Therefore, they will not worry at all that these high-end goods will occupy a large amount of funds and cause the entire group to be unable to operate.

Therefore, a big jade merchant like the Qin family is definitely a giant in Heyang.

As the leader of the three heroes of the Qin family in Heyang, Qin Cheng's most glorious moment was when he bought back an eight hundred kilogram piece of material from the public market, kept it in a safe for three years, and then paid it a hundred times the price.

Gangbang was sold to a wealthy mining owner in Guangbei Province.

It can be regarded as a bloody profit.

At this moment, when Li Qianqian came in and saw Qin Cheng, Qin Cheng also immediately looked at Li Qianqian.

But this guy didn't take Li Xiangqian seriously at all.

In his opinion, Li Xiangqian, a poor boy with no power, who dared to fight with his Qin family was just an ant bumping into an elephant, deliberately seeking death.

But even though he looked down on Li Xiangqian, this outstanding figure of the Qin family saw that Yao Xuewei was in this arena, so he still maintained a good level of self-cultivation.

He did not take the initiative to provoke and attack Li Xiangqian.

Because what he wants to provoke now is Yao Xuewei, whom he desperately wants to get.

Xuewei, she is really white, tender, smooth, pretty, and particularly feminine.

I must get you.

Not only do I want to get your body, but I also want to get your heart.

Get everything you have.

I want to conquer you completely, and I want to tell the whole world that the apple of Yao Tianhua's eye, the most beautiful and stunning woman in Heyang, is the one who belongs to me, Qin Cheng.

Qin Cheng cleared his throat, smiled, and walked towards Yao Xuewei unhurriedly.

At this moment, Yao Xuewei was standing alone in the marking field.

Master Dong Yuchun was a little tired and did not continue in the benchmarking field in the afternoon. He just asked several disciples to study and study in the hall.

By the way, if there is any piece of material that you like, as long as it is not extremely expensive, you can put a mark on it.

So at this moment, there were only Yao Xuewei and her three senior brothers in the yard.

There were too many people and a lot of materials in the marking field, and the three senior brothers had already moved elsewhere amid the crowds of people coming and going.

Beauty's independence is a God-given opportunity for us to take out our dragon-slaying sword.

Seeing Yao Xuewei alone, Qin Cheng immediately cleared his throat, straightened his crisp suit, and walked towards Yao Xuewei.

"Miss Yao, what a coincidence, we meet again."

Seeing that it was Qin Cheng who took the initiative to strike up a conversation, Yao Xuewei ignored him at all.

Instead, he lowered his head and continued to read the materials.

As a result, Qin Cheng, the most pretentious bitch, actually glanced at Yao Xuewei's pretty and elastic buttocks and her smooth tofu-like legs, then suppressed the male hormones in his body and faced Yao Xuewei directly.

Come over.

This chapter has been completed!
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