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Chapter 227: Leaf Picking Flying Needle

Following Li Xiangqian's order, Lao Ma drove forward a few meters while holding back his grief and anger. Then he and Shen Haoyang cooperated by opening the window left and right, rushed out quickly, and squatted directly in the woods beside the road.

At this moment, Li Xiangqian also hid behind the stone and did not act rashly.

In an instant, the dense forest that was hot and noisy just now, mixed with the roar of cars, suddenly became quiet.

But everyone present knew that the silence at this moment was only temporary.

After a brief period of calm, the storm will inevitably turn into a huge wave.

At this moment, in the dense bushes in the distance, the black muzzle of a gun, like the sword of Damoris, hung tightly over the heads of Li Qianqian and the other three people.

Li Xiangqian will never sit still and wait for death. In his opinion, the best defense is to attack.

For those scumbags who dare to provoke and seek death, just attack them vigorously.

Li Xiangqian calmed down, immediately took out his mobile phone and sent messages to Shen Haoyang and Ma Zhifei respectively.

"Stay still and wait until I find the bad guy."

After sending the message, Li leaned forward and squatted on the ground, then took out a palm-sized piece of gravel from the ground, and threw it horizontally towards the bush about half a person's height next to him.

The gravel passed through the bushes and made a rustling sound.

As a result, the snipers on the opposite side were really not simple. Faced with Li Xiangqian's deliberate actions, they did not take any action at all.


What a formidable opponent.

However, in front of me, Li Xiangqian, the more awesome people are, the more likely they will die miserably.

Considering that time was tight, Li Xiangqian decided to take the risk.

Use yourself as bait to lure the enemy into action first.

Once the enemy can't help but take action, it means that he will seize the opportunity to counterattack.

Thinking of this, Li Qianqian immediately raised his head and looked at the bushes ahead.

The gunfire just now came from directly in front, and besides the straight road ahead, there were also endless bushes around it.

Good, the enemy will definitely not hide too far away.

In this case, let's have a competition to see whether your bullets are faster or my legs are faster.


This one will definitely kill you.

Li Xiangqian knew that even the most professional and skilled snipers still need time to aim.

So he decided not to run away this time, but to push forward.

You will be even more exposed to the enemy's dark muzzle, and you will survive after being put to death.

After deciding on the plan, Li Xiangqian did not make any further attacks, nor did he throw any more rocks.

Instead, after taking a deep breath, he sprinted forward as quickly as he jumped over a dragon gate.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Presuming that he was about to become a target, Li suddenly dodged forward, immediately changed direction, and hid next to a strong tree.

Then he used the big tree as a cover to directly block his entire body.

However, the sniper on the opposite side is also really experienced and his judgment is really accurate.

Faced with Li Xiangqian's sudden move in the opposite direction, the sniper who was hiding somewhere suddenly fired a shot.

Although his bullets flew very fast, Li Qianqian also evaded faster.

Instead of hitting Li Xiangqian, this bullet actually exposed himself.

Li Xiangqian learned kung fu from his master since he was a child. In addition to developing very powerful fighting skills, he also practiced some strange and secret techniques.

Two of them are very unique, one is to identify the location by listening to sounds, and the other is to pick leaves and fly needles.

Sound identification, as the name suggests, is to close your eyes and identify the source location of the sound based on the sounds you hear in your ears.

According to his master, a top expert can close his eyes and identify which leaves have insects attached to them based on the sound of the wind in a tree, and then kill them invisible.

Li Xiangqian was young at the time and was confused when he heard this.

As for the leaf-picking flying needle, it is even more mysterious. Using a leaf, you can directly kill a person dozens of meters away.

At first, Li Xiangqian didn't believe at all about these two stunts his master said.

How can this be?

Kill someone with a leaf, still dozens of meters away, with your eyes closed.

Is this a fairy?

Li Xiang Xiang's master looked at Li Xiang Xiang's young age and seemed a little disbelieving, so he performed it directly in front of Li Xiang Xiang.

He asked Li to stand forward, blindfolded himself, and held a leaf in his hand.

I personally flew a leaf from an old tree twenty meters away.

As a result, the leaves really flew out like hidden weapons, and then directly hit a grasshopper attached to the old tree under Li Xiangqian's eyes.

And after the leaf hit the grasshopper, it immediately fell from the tree together with the grasshopper that was penetrated.

Li Xiangqian picked it up personally and saw it with his own eyes.

Such a casual performance by Master was really shocking.

And this appalling impression has been deeply imprinted in his mind ever since.

Li Qianqian is still frightened by the fact that such a small grasshopper is still lying on the leafy old tree. The master said to kill it, so killing him would be like squeezing an ant to death.

From then on, Li Xiangqian truly believed that there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

Just because you haven't seen something with your own eyes doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

So Li Xiangqian, who was horrified, continued to learn powerful fighting skills while also learning these secret techniques that were similar to heresy.

Moreover, the master's method of training Li Qiang was very simple. He used a long rope to tie something to one end, hold the other end in his hand, and then swing it around in the air.

Let Li, with his eyes closed, move forward to identify the location, and then use leaves or pieces of paper to defeat the target.

Or, he leisurely crosses his legs, sits on a chair and drinks tea, and then throws things out casually, letting Li move forward blindfolded to catch the blow.

All these are almost devastating.

Although Li Xiangqian was mistreated, he really learned a lot.

Later, after three years of continuous hard practice by Li Xiangqian, he really became a master and became really comfortable.

Within thirty meters, he can use leaves or pieces of paper to hit any object he wants to destroy, even people.

Li Xiang's most glorious moment was when he used a soft mulberry leaf to kill a fly on a bare cement wall thirty meters away with his eyes closed.

Therefore, with these two skilled skills, Li Xiangqian will certainly not be afraid of any opponent who dares to seek death, even a seasoned and skilled sniper.

After the previous shot, although Li Xiangqian was beaten again and was unable to fight back, he had almost locked the position of the sniper who was conducting the sneak attack.

However, the front is too dark, the bushes are too dense and too numerous, and the opponent is too smart and cunning. Now he needs to take another risk, and then he can completely lock the precise location of the mysterious sniper.

Once you have locked the enemy's hiding place, you can then strike with a backhand.

This chapter has been completed!
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