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Chapter 257

The wheels were rolling, and more and more people were watching the excitement. Li Xiangqian also checked the time. The private sale was officially scheduled to start at nine in the morning.

But it's already eight o'clock, and this group of people chose to come and cause trouble before the private sale started. It's really despicable and shameless.

But things have already happened, and it is useless to be angry. We must find a way to break today's crisis.

It was obvious that today's difficult situation involved government officials, which could not be suppressed by ordinary means. In addition, the captain named Wu was so arrogant, so Li Xiangqian decided.

Find someone.

Find someone who can help him break the situation.

Just as Li Qianqian was looking at the speeding car in the distance and already thinking about who to ask for help, the car had already arrived at a high speed.

What puzzled Li Xiangqian was that the license plate number was not from Heyang, and the car looked familiar.

Could it be...

Is it Shibo Huang Wenjin who is here?

Just when a doubt arose in Li Xiangqian's mind, after the car was parked, the door was opened.

Li Xiangqian guessed correctly, it was indeed Huang Wenjin who came.

At this moment, Huang Wenjin was wearing a solemn and decent robe, looking at him, he was in a good state of mind.

And beside him, he was still followed by his first confidant and full-time bodyguard Bai Shuihan.

In addition, there was a middle-aged man under forty years old accompanying him.

Li glanced forward. He had seen this person before. He was Shibo Huang Wenjin's top disciple, Feng Guolin, who was known as the new gambling king of Tianzhou.

Half a month ago, when Li Xiangqian made a huge bet of 10 million with Ouyang Jing at the Tianzhou auction, Feng Guolin was a witness at the time.

And Li Xiangxiang thought that Feng Guolin had also participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Heyang public sale a few days ago.

So, this can be considered an acquaintance.

At this moment, seeing Shibo Huang Wenjin personally bringing people over, out of courtesy and respect, Li Xiangqian immediately greeted him with respect.

"Shibo, it's so hot, why are you here?"

"My dear nephew, you have opened a private sale. Of course I want to come over to celebrate. Qingshan has a spirit in the sky. I will be very happy to see that my son has a future."

"Thank you, Shibo. How is your health lately?"

"It's not bad. I'm feeling much better recently."

Li Xiangqian and Huang Wenjin exchanged pleasantries.

But seeing Li Xiangqian chatting with an old man in front of him and no longer taking him seriously, the captain Wu Jie, who always liked to bully others, immediately became a little impatient.

And relying on his sense of smell in official circles, he just took a serious look at it.

The old bastard who was talking to Li Xiangqian was driving from Tianzhou, the provincial capital city.

But the car looks very ordinary, and it's full of budget. Even the top version only costs about 200,000 yuan. Which rich and powerful man would drive such a shabby car?

Eighty percent of the time, Li Xiangqian was invited here to show off.

So thinking of this, Wu Jie immediately became angry.

Grandma is a bear.

Li Xiangqian, you are a son of a bitch who has suffered a thousand blows.

Do you really think I'm an idiot?

Wu Jie was so angry that he directly targeted Huang Wenjin.

Old Zamao, don't you want to cooperate with Li Xiangqian in acting? I will let you match it well.

Wu Jie immediately became angry and walked directly towards Huang Wenjin.

"Old bastard, you..."

Wu Jie was very arrogant, but before he could say anything, a young man in a suit and sunglasses suddenly stood upright in front of him like lightning.

Wu Jie immediately looked at him with contempt.

Why, you are wearing sunglasses and keeping a straight face in broad daylight. Are you pretending to be cool for me?

And you are so close to me, are you deliberately looking for trouble?

Wu Jie was even more annoyed. His eyes were round and round, and he immediately roared at Bai Shuihan while scorning him.

"Bitch, whose power are you relying on? Give me..."

Hey, some people just want to die because of their own misfortune.

Bai Shuihan was a genius killer and an elite counter-attacker. Seeing this guy spitting shit and calling his adoptive father an old bastard, Bai Shuihan kicked Wu Jie five meters away with a flying kick.


Moreover, Bai Shuihan's kick was so hard that Wu Jie vomited blood and fell to the ground.

The group of people under him, seeing that they suddenly encountered a tough challenge, immediately emboldened themselves to besiege Bai Shuihan.

In the end, under Bai Shuihan's strong aura, these cowards did not dare to attack again at all.

"Get away from me, otherwise this idiot in front of you will be your fate."

Bai Shuihan was a cruel man who didn't talk much. Although he knew that the arrogant Wu Jie was the law enforcement captain of this group, he still walked over and landed another powerful flying kick on Wu Jie, who was still shaking and coughing up blood.

Wu Jie suddenly spurted blood all over the ground and fainted.

Facing Baishuihan's blaster Wu Jie, Huang Wenjin had no way to stop him.

Then, he glanced at the comatose Wu Jie with a cold expression, then suddenly turned his head and looked at Li Qianqian with tenderness in his eyes.

At this moment, Huang Wenjin was as affectionate as an old father looking at his son.

"My dear nephew, don't worry. There will definitely be no problem with the private sale. Shibo, I will risk my life to protect you."

Seeing Huang Wenjin caring for him like a father, Li Qianqian's nose suddenly became sore, but he still held it back in public.

Shibo truly loved him like his own son.

Shibo only has one daughter, sister Wanying. If possible in this life, he must provide for Shibo until the end of his life.


As soon as Huang Wenjin comforted Li Xiangqian, he saw a government car driving over.

Immediately, whispers and discussions began to spread among the crowd watching the excitement.

After all, the gambling king's name is so well-known that in the entire Guangnan Province, as long as he opens his mouth, no one dares not to give him face.

What's more, the people behind the gambling king are very wide. Let alone the law enforcement captain of the small bureau in front of him, even if the director Niu Zhengze comes in person, he probably won't dare to do anything easily.

However, just when everyone opened their eyes and expected that things would take a turn for the better, and that Li Xiangqian's private business would continue to proceed normally after some twists and turns.

A bolt from the blue came.

"In view of the potential safety hazards in the west city warehouse, all social activities here will be suspended for the next one to two months. Anyone who dares to disobey the order will bear any form of legal consequences."

This order was issued by the Heyang Municipal Government.

However, anyone with a discerning eye knows what is going on.

Therefore, with such a sudden result, even Huang Wenjin, who had always been calm, could not help but frown.

However, Huang Wenjin was Huang Wenjin after all. Although this sudden reversal caught him off guard, the veteran Jianghu still maintained his composure.

Without any delay, Huang Wenjin immediately glanced at Bai Shuihan beside him.

Bai Shuihan nodded and immediately returned to the car.

Then only a minute later, Bai Shuihan returned to Huang Wenjin's side.

He came closer to Huang Wenjin and whispered: "Father, I have inquired clearly. Qin Guangming, the head of the Qin family, secretly used connections to find the newly appointed leader of Guangnan..."

This chapter has been completed!
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