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Chapter 336

Since one hundred pieces of material are randomly selected, the quality of the material is related to the jade carver's control of the entire piece of material.

A piece of material with a clean texture and no cotton or lint, and a piece of material with black spots and cracks will definitely have an impact on the final result.

Even if a skilled jade carver can reasonably avoid the shortcomings of the material itself, due to the limited time of this extra competition, which is only one hour, it is impossible to have as much time as usual to carve the jade carefully.

If you draw a good piece of material, it greatly increases the probability of winning the championship.

As soon as Xiao Zhuge Long Xiaoyun thought about it, he fixed his eyes on Xu Zhenqiang's confidant Han Yahong.

Xu Zhenqiang was older and left the preparations for the playoffs to Han Yahong.

If you can bribe this guy with the surname Han with a lot of money, then there's no need to worry about failure.

Since ancient times, if you want to get someone, you have to satisfy her or threaten her.

Han Yahong is a very decent woman. She was married a few years ago and has been nourished by love. She is very familiar with her.

Later, she and her husband had a bad relationship and got divorced. After the child was awarded to the man, she has been single ever since. Then Han Yahong worked hard and conscientiously at the Heyang Jade Chamber of Commerce.

Later, he was favored by Xu Zhenqiang and personally trained and trained him, and gradually he became a promising mid-level cadre within the Heyang Jade Chamber of Commerce.

It is not difficult to tame such a woman.

All she needs to do is threaten her child and she will obey.

But Long Xiaoyun is Long Xiaoyun, and such a woman can't just threaten her.

Since she relies on Xu Zhenqiang, wouldn't it be nice to directly instigate rebellion?

Long Xiaoyun thought of a plan, and then decided to hide in the dark and leave the matter to Qin Guangming, the head of the Qin family.

The Northern faction and the Qin family are grasshoppers on the same rope. Since Long Xiaoyun is good at conspiracy, in order to completely dominate Heyang in the future, it might not be a bad idea for the Qin family to take the initiative.

So Qin Guangming personally called Yan Yahong and proposed to invite Yan Yahong to come and enjoy the moon alone under the moonlight.

Han Yahong originally didn't want to agree, but Qin Guangming used the child to manipulate her, so Han Yahong had to sneak to Qin's house under the dark night.

"In the whole world, is it the land of the king? Is it the land of the king? Is it the king's ministers? In the majestic Heyang, I, Qin, will destroy whoever I want to destroy, and I will kill whoever I want to kill."

"Xu Zhenqiang, that old bastard, Qin will send him to the grave sooner or later. If you can obey the destiny and serve me, I will not treat you badly when things come to pass, and your children will not encounter any trouble again."

Carrot and stick.

Simple and straightforward.

Han Yahong is a weak woman, and there is no way she can touch a stone with eggs.

Finally I had to give in.

Then, according to Long Xiaoyun and Qin Guangming's plan, one of the hundred materials prepared for tomorrow's competition will be made of No. 75, the finest material.

Taking advantage of his own identity and the opaque nature of the number box, he took out the number 75 ball in advance and glued it to the corner of the number box near the upper section.

In this way, even if someone flips the number box before the ball is loaded, the No. 75 ball will not fall out.

As for the missing ball in the pile, no one would have any doubts.

After all, Han Yahong is Xu Zhenqiang's confidant. If you doubt Han Yahong, don't you doubt Xu Zhenqiang?

And Han Yahong is someone she trained herself, so Xu Zhenqiang will not have any doubts.

Besides, no one will care if one of the hundred balls is missing early, let alone count them in one by one.

Therefore, all these secret operations seem to be seamless.

If Li Xiangqian hadn't seen Han Yahong appear at the Qin family before causing a scene last night, of course he wouldn't have any suspicion.

This is really a blessing in disguise.

So after getting Xu Zhenqiang's consent, Li Qianqian glanced at Yao Xuewei and Qi Mengchen in front of him, and directly put his hand in.

After pretending not to care, Li touched it again and finally asked Li Xiangqian to touch the number 75 ball on the upper side of the number box.

He calmly pulled down the No. 75 ball and blended it into the pile of numbered balls.

Then he took his hand out of the box.

Now, without the shady story, Yao Xuewei and Qi Mengchen are on the same starting line again.

And in order to completely disgust Long Xiaoyun and Qin Guangming, Li Xiangqian deliberately brought the number box to the two of them with Xu Zhenqiang's consent, and asked the two big bosses to put their hands in and touch it.

Not only must it be fair and just, but it must also not leave any excuse for the opponent.

Sure enough, Long Xiaoyun and Qin Guangming, who put their hands in, saw that the conspiracy was discovered by Li Xiangqian. Although they were very angry, due to the presence of everyone, they really did not have an attack.

Next, the numbers will be drawn fairly.

Yao Xuewei drew No. 39, and Qi Mengchen drew No. 56.

No one got the No. 75 jade material, which was clean and easy to carve.

This is what Li Xiangqian wants.

Although he will not find shortcuts for Yao Xuewei to win the championship, he will never allow his enemies to rely on conspiracy to win the game under his nose.

To win is to win with openness,

If you lose, you must be convinced.

However, what Li Xiangqian didn't expect was that even if Li Xiangqian secretly eliminated the conspiracy of the Northern Faction and the Qin family, Yao Xuewei's road to winning the Jade Sculpture Championship would still be full of thorns.

Because, although Qi Mengchen did not draw the best piece of No. 75 jadeite, the material of the No. 56 jadeite he drew was not extremely bad.

It was a piece of pure natural colorless jadeite made of waxy ice. Not only did it look very ice-cold, it was also very delicate. The most important thing was that the entire piece of material did not have any impurities or cracks.

Judging from the quality of the materials, Qi Mengchen was considered to have won the lottery.

Yao Xuewei also smoked a piece of colorless jadeite, but the material she smoked was not transparent enough to the touch, and the water was enough to achieve a glutinous jadeite. The most important thing was that there was a piece of something just one third of the way above the small piece of material.

Large horizontal stripes in the direction.

Jadeite's lines and cracks are considered defects of the material.

Only the degree of defects is different.

Streaks refer to the traces left on the material after the early formation of cracks in jadeite, after a long period of geological changes and hydrothermal filling.

In layman's terms, scars are scars formed after the jadeite is injured and heals itself.

For example, it is like the scars formed on the skin after a person is injured. Although it affects the appearance to a certain extent, it does not affect the durability of the material.

Cracks refer to the fact that the internal structure of jadeite is damaged after being subjected to external forces, resulting in cracks.

In layman's terms, a cleft is a scar that has not healed, which is not only unsightly but also affects the appearance.

At this moment, the piece of material that Yao Xuewei got was nearly square and the size of two pieces of mahjong. Unfortunately, it had a horizontal stripe on it.

This is definitely a piece of material that will be picked up.

Seeing the material Yao Xuewei smoked, people in the hall immediately started talking quietly.

"This is really tragic. It seems that Yao Xuewei will definitely lose."

"Yes, the winner of this jade carving competition must still be the Northern School."

"That's inevitable. The Southern faction was already withering away. It finally had a chance to make a comeback, but it ended up being defeated again. It seems that the unification of the Northern faction is really destiny."

This chapter has been completed!
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