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Chapter 59 The first hug

Seeing that Huang Wanying was really unable to stand, Li Xiangqian took the initiative to come closer.

"I see that your ankle is sprained a lot and your knee is scratched. I'll take you to the hospital."

Huang Wanying had no intention of going, but she couldn't bear the severe sprain of her ankle, so she reluctantly agreed and asked Li Xiangqian to take her to the hospital.

Li Xiangqian finally did not delay any longer. He saw that Huang Wanying could no longer stand well, and was originally going to help Huang Wanying into the car.

As a result, Huang Wanying's foot hurt so much that she couldn't help her.

Li Xiangqian had no choice but to ask, "How about I carry you into the car."

Huang Wanying refused at first. She was pure and pure, with a flawless body and a spotless body. She would never let any man touch her.

Even though the famous Wei Zijian is about to get engaged to her, the two of them have not even held hands so far.

Therefore, it was absolutely impossible for Li Xiangqian to hug her.

So Huang Wanying refused.

Seeing Huang Wanying's refusal, Li Xiangqian didn't insist on carrying her into the car.

He just stood there and politely stretched out his hand to prevent Huang Wanying from falling.

And Huang Wanying really managed to walk to the back seat of the car, then opened the door and got in with some difficulty. It was a busy job.

Huang Wanying only felt her feet hurt more.

If I had known...

Huang Wanying raised her head and glanced at Li Xiangqian with her beautiful eyes, feeling at least a little unhappy in her heart.

I won't let you hug me, so at least you can reach out and help me.

As cold as a piece of wood.

"You drive."

Huang Wanying's words were crisp and a bit cold. After she finished speaking, she adjusted her sitting posture, then raised her injured foot slightly, and waited for Li Qianqian to drive to the hospital.

Li Xiangqian felt a little embarrassed at the moment, because Huang Wanying's car was a black Audi, priced at about 800,000, and it had an automatic transmission. He had never driven it before.

And a more important reason is that although he can drive, he does not have a driver's license.

Ma Zhifei's family had a car before, and this guy secretly drove it out and took Li Qianqian for a ride.

Moreover, Ma Zhifei also volunteered to teach Li Xiangqian how to drive.

And Li Xiangxiang is very talented, and he actually learned his driving skills with Ma Zhifei, a second-hand man.

Even faster than Ma Zhifei.

It's just that he was financially strapped at the time, so he never took the driver's license test, and he really never thought that one day he would suddenly need a driver's license.

So Li Xiangqian was a little embarrassed at this moment.

It's illegal driving without a license.

Still waiting for the Huang family to send someone over.

Finally, considering that the situation was urgent and Huang Wanying was injured, Li Xiangqian couldn't care so much anymore.

He slid directly into the cab, fastened his seat belt, and quickly started the car.

As an important part of Tianzhou New District, Baitoushan is located not far from the new district. There is a top-level hospital called Tianzhou Third People's Hospital, which is one of the top 100 top-level hospitals in the country.

It is also a hospital with the best medical conditions and the highest level in Tianzhou.

Li Xiangqian drove the car, followed the route pointed by the navigation system and Huang Wanying, and soon arrived at the underground parking lot of Tianzhou Third People's Hospital.

Then he parked the car and got out of the car. After helping Huang Wanying open the door, he was like a wooden stake again, waiting quietly for Huang Wanying to get out.

At this moment, Huang Wanying's feet were really so painful that she couldn't get off by herself.

Seeing that Li Xiangqian didn't take any initiative at all, she glanced at Li Xiangqian again with her beautiful eyes, seemingly wanting to say something, but stopped talking.

"Do you want me to help you or hold you?"

Li Xiangqian saw Huang Wanying's embarrassment and knew that she was a girl and was embarrassed to speak, so he took the initiative to speak out.

Huang Wanying blushed slightly at this moment.

"Please help me get out of the car."


Li stretched out his hand forward and carefully helped Huang Wanying out of the car.

This is the first time that Li Xiangqian and Huang Wanying have full physical contact.

I saw Li Qianqian let Huang Wanying put her arm on his shoulder, and then he held Huang Wanying's waist with his hand, stumbling towards the elevator entrance in the basement.

And given that Li Qianqian touched her breasts in the car, Huang Wanying was really a little nervous when she came into close contact with Li Qianqian.

She was really afraid that Li Xiangqian would play some evil tricks again.

It turned out that Huang Wanying was overthinking, and Li Xiangqian didn't deliberately take advantage of her at all.

Instead, try to avoid too much contact with Huang Wanying.

In the end, even though Huang Wanying was being supported, she really couldn't walk.

Although the journey was not long, it was very uncomfortable for her.

And my feet hurt even more.

What's even worse is that there are quite a few people waiting at the elevator entrance.

Li Xiangqian was afraid that Huang Wanying wouldn't be able to stand firmly or would be stepped on by others, so he asked Huang Wanying if she wanted to carry her up.

Huang Wanying looked ahead, then at her feet and injured knees, and had no choice but to bite her red lips and nodded.

When Li Qianqian saw this, he didn't hesitate anymore and hugged Huang Wanying sideways naturally.

This is the first time that Huang Wanying has been hugged by a strange man since she was a child, but this is also the first time that Li Xiangqian has been hugged by a man of the opposite sex since she was so old.

It is undeniable that in close contact, Huang Wanying has a special feminine fragrance, which smells refreshing and very refreshing.

Moreover, although she has a slim figure and a really steep and plump career line, she is not particularly heavy when held in her arms.

It really looks just right.

It's like a work of art, completely made by nature.

Li Xiangqian hugged Huang Wanying and finally waited for the elevator.

But there were too many people, so he didn't go up.

I waited for another elevator and saw that there were few people there, so I walked in.

There was a middle-aged couple riding in the elevator with them.

The woman among them looked at Li Qianqian hugging Huang Wanying, and immediately showed envy on her face.

When the elevator reached the first floor, when the middle-aged couple got out of the elevator, they heard the woman starting to complain about her husband.

"You see how loving and happy I am, how my husband hugs me all the time when I go to the doctor, how different is it from you, except when you want to say some sweet words to make me happy, at other times you are as rude as a savage."

The more the woman talked, the more excited she became. Before the elevator closed, Li Xiangqian and Huang Wanying saw the woman punch her husband hard.

Li Xiangqian and Huang Wanying in the elevator were all blushing and embarrassed.

The two people turned their heads and didn't look at each other, and the elevator instantly felt as if it had dropped to freezing point.

Li Qianqian registered and took Huang Wanying to the Orthopedics Department on the third floor.

I wrote a checkup, paid for the X-ray, and then waited for the X-ray. Finally, the results came out, and I asked the doctor to look at the X-ray and then get the medicine. It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon when I was done.

Fortunately, Huang Wanying's feet were fine, and the scraped skin on her knees was simply bandaged by the nurse arranged by the doctor.

Finally, the doctor told Huang Wanying not to move around much in the past few days, and then let her go.

Li Xiangqian had no choice but to hold Huang Wanying in his arms and take the elevator down to the basement, and then help Huang Wanying get into the car. After this busy period, it was already past six o'clock.

I'm all hungry.

But Li Xiangqian still held back.

He planned to send Huang Wanying home first, then explain the cause of today's accident to Shibo Huang Wenjin, and finally leave the Huang family.

But although plans are good, they often fail to keep up with changes.

Li Xiangqian didn't have a driver's license, so he originally planned to find a driver, but it was getting late, and although Huang Wanying's foot injury was not serious, she still shouldn't stay outside for a long time.

So Li Xiangqian drove Huang Wanying's car again to go back to Huang's house. As soon as he left the hospital, he was stopped by several traffic police.

There is no way, Tianzhou is now the capital of the entire Guangnan Province. Not only is its economy very strong, but various cultures are also very prosperous.

However, as the leader of Guangnan Province, it has fifteen prefecture-level cities under its jurisdiction, one-third of which are national civilized cities.

But Tianzhou, as the boss of Guangnan Province, is not.

To be precise, it was still the year before last, but last year it was overthrown by Heyang.

Therefore, during this period of time, Tianzhou as a whole is determined to make great efforts to improve everything from health, environment, travel and other aspects.

Although Li Xiangqian drove the car properly, he did not have a driver's license.

In addition, he also had a strong Heyang accent, which instantly aroused the great interest of several Tianzhou traffic policemen.


From Xiaoheyang.

Aren’t you Heyang people quite awesome?

He stole all the honor from Big Brother.

Can Heyang survive?

Have you come to Tianzhou to be happy?

And driving without a license.

I detained him and his car together.

This chapter has been completed!
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