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Chapter 64 I will never let you go

Moreover, after the dagger pierced Ouyang Jing's thigh, Li twisted it forward and twisted it around in the flesh.

In an instant, blood gurgled out.


Ouyang Jing finally couldn't pretend anymore and ignored the blood on his head, so he screamed and sat up.

While Ouyang Jing was sitting and screaming, Li Xiangqian took advantage of the situation and pinched Ouyang Jing's throat again, almost suffocating the screaming Ouyang Jing to death.

"Brother Xiangqian, let go quickly and don't risk your life. This kind of person is not worth your life, let alone a lifetime in prison."

Li Xiangqian had no intention of killing on the spot. All he wanted was Ouyang Jing's life. Whenever he thought of this incident, his spine would run cold, and he would never dare to cause trouble to Yan Xiaonan easily again.

So after hearing Shen Haoyang's persuasion, he let go of Ouyang Jing's throat, slapped Ouyang Jing violently, and then made Ouyang Jing kneel on the ground.

At this moment, Yan Xiaonan finally woke up slowly.

Seeing everything in front of him, as well as the broken button on his chest, Yan Xiaonan understood something instantly and burst into tears immediately.

She didn't even care about her dizziness and just leaned against Li Qianqian and started to cry.

Li Xiangqian did not refuse this time and hugged Yan Xiaonan tightly.

Shen Haoyang was a little embarrassed in the end.

He just watched Li Qianqian and Yan Xiaonan hugging each other quietly for a long time. Finally, when he felt that it was almost done, Shen Haoyang took action himself and grabbed Zhang Linglong, who was tied up tightly.

After threatening and warning Zhang Linglong, Shen Haoyang asked Zhang Linglong to tell the story of today's incident in front of Li Xiangqian, Yan Xiaonan, and Ouyang Jing, who was still kneeling on the ground with blood dripping from his head.

The reason why Shen Haoyang did this was to let Yan Xiaonan know clearly that she was still innocent and was still the most caring and only woman to Brother Xiang.

And this is what Li Xiangqian heard.

Sister-in-law Xiaonan is flawless and has no dirt on her body. She is still the most perfect woman behind you.

The result was indeed that after Zhang Linglong finished telling what happened, Yan Xiaonan didn't cry so hard and Li Xiangqian didn't hesitate any longer.

This leopard room was full of lustful and filthy atmosphere. He didn't want to stay for a moment longer, so he had to leave quickly.

But before leaving, he still needs a guarantee.

Today, he drove his car into the door and then went into the leopard room to beat Ouyang Jing. If he left like that, when Ouyang Jing was free tomorrow, if he couldn't save everything, he would resort to some nasty tricks.

This is Tianzhou after all, and the power of the Ouyang family cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, behind the entire Ouyang family is the Wei family.

Besides, Shen Haoyang had done everything with him today, and he couldn't involve Shen Haoyang because of this matter.

But calling the police to arrest Ouyang Jing was particularly ignorant and naive.

So while Ouyang Jing's head was covered in blood and he was shaking from being tortured, Li Xiangqian asked this scum to lie on the ground and write a confession himself.

He wrote down exactly what happened when he committed the crime.

And in order to prevent Ouyang Jing from denying it, Li Xiangqian asked Shen Haoyang to untie Zhang Linglong's body and asked the woman to write a copy.

After finally receiving the confessions from the two people, Li Xiangqian kicked Ouyang Jing hard again, then picked up the scissors on the table and scratched Zhang Linglong's harmless face.


Blood flowed out instantly, and within a millimeter, Zhang Linglong's eyes were scratched.

Li Xiangqian will not show mercy to others, he has his own creed in life.

In his opinion.

Bad people have done bad things, and if they do not accept punishment or retribution, they are violating the laws of heaven.

He must be punished by God.

After cleaning up everything here, Li Xiangqian carried Yan Xiaonan downstairs and left Ouyang Jing's den.

Then he and Shen Haoyang drove the luxury car that had been knocked to pieces and left Tiancheng Yipin Hall surrounded by a group of security guards outside.

Of course, when Wang Cheng woke up later and heard that Li Xiangqian and Shen Haoyang were leaving, he endured the pain and called the police.

But the police came and left.

Shen Haoyang just went to the police station and recorded a statement, saying that he mistakenly used the accelerator for the brake and accidentally hit the gate switch.

Moreover, Shen Haoyang was still very angry that Wang Cheng, the scoundrel who had done all the bad things for Ouyang Jing, actually bit the Captain Wang who came with him to take notes in front of the police at the police station.

He said that it was because Wang Cheng yelled at him and was punched by Wang Cheng's men that he felt dizzy, his blood pressure rose again, and he mistakenly mistook the accelerator for the brake.

He can repair the damaged automatic electric gate, but his car is about to be smashed to pieces. Either Wang Cheng will repair the car for him, or Tiancheng Yipintang's real estate company will repair the car for him, or Tiancheng Yipintang's real estate company will repair the car for him.

The management company directly fired Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng has always bullied the weak and feared the strong, but he heard that Shen Haoyang wanted to blackmail him in return.

He had no choice but to find Ouyang Jing for support. As a result, Ouyang Jing was beaten so badly by Li Xiangqian that he was too lazy to protect this useless waste.

After some final operations, Wang Cheng packed up and left.

According to what Shen Haoyang later told Li Xiangqian, after Wang Cheng was fired from the property management company, he was caught by a group of people in an alley the next day and beaten half to death.

Shen Haoyang admitted that he found someone to do this.

The thugs who teamed up with Zhang Linglong to set up Yan Xiaonan and brought Yan Xiaonan to Ouyang Jingbao's room were later captured by Shen Haoyang's men for various reasons and beaten half to death.

One was beaten to the point of urinary incontinence.

This is something for later.

Li Xiangqian carried Yan Xiaonan back to the Tianmen Hotel with great distress, then put Yan Xiaonan on the bed, covered her with a quilt and let her sleep.

This is the first time in Yan Xiaonan's life that she has faced such a big danger.

It's really suspenseful.

And I was really scared.

So that night, she almost slept holding Li Xiangqian's hand.

It wasn't until dawn the next day that Yan Xiaonan woke up.

Then she sat up and looked at Li Xiangqian, who had stayed up all night with red eyes. Her eyes immediately turned red and she threw herself into Li Xiangqian's arms again.

Her sudden hug caught Li Qianqian by surprise.

Finally, after hugging her for a long time, at least for a minute, Yan Xiaonan blushed and took the initiative to leave Li Qianqian's arms.

Then she got out of bed and saw a new shirt and skirt not far from the end of the bed.

The shirt is clean and the skirt is beautiful.

Li Xiangqian went out to buy this last night after Yan Xiaonan fell asleep, braving the darkness and exhaustion.

Yan Xiaonan was almost insulted last night, and Li Xiangqian didn't want his sister Xiaonan to see the same outfit she wore yesterday again.

Touching the scene with emotion in this way will only cause sadness again.

Moreover, the buttons on the top of that suit of clothes had been damaged by Ouyang Jing, so they had to be thrown away.

And bought together with the shirt and skirt, there is also a set of beautiful underwear.

All clothes have been washed and dried.

It looks like it fits quite well.

Yan Xiaonan's face was extremely hot now.

She wrapped her clothes and went to the bathroom.

After washing away the fatigue and the grievances of last night, she is still the most delicate and brightest rose.

After Yan Xiaonan took a shower, Shen Haoyang also came.

But Li Xiangqian didn't let Shen Haoyang in.

Shen Haoyang originally planned to take a look at his sister Xiaonan who had been wronged, although Ouyang Jing's trick did not succeed last night.

But in general, for a woman like Yan Xiaonan who is clean and self-respecting, she must have suffered some psychological trauma.

Shen Haoyang didn't come in, and Li Xiangqian didn't leave either.

He sat with Yan Xiaonan for a while.

In the end, Yan Xiaonan slowly adjusted herself. In addition, she already knew that Li Xiangqian and gambling king Huang Wenjin had not resolved their engagement today and had to go to Huang's house again, so she did not waste any more time.

I took my bag and left the hotel with some reluctance.

Li Xiangqian also followed Yan Xiaonan to school, firstly to protect her, and secondly, to find He Qinghua, the fellow who deceived Yan Xiaonan and said he had a car accident.

I really didn’t expect that Yan Xiaonan, a fellow from Heyang, was also a classmate, the monitor, and the deputy director of the external relations department of the student union.

Did a dog eat your fucking heart?

You teamed up with outsiders to bully fellow villagers and women, causing Xiaonan to almost lose her virginity.

You really deserve to die.

I will never forgive you.

This chapter has been completed!
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