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Chapter 111 takes office

"Sir, these are the rice seeds that the tenant farmers have already prepared. It's enough for one acre of land. What's the use of these?" Wei Yue came to Chu Nan with a bag of seeds and asked.

Chu Nan took out a seed and frowned slightly. It took ten points of luck to strengthen a seed, which was equivalent to a bug.

During this period, Chu Nan has been thinking about and summarizing the cloud map of luck. The enhancements are also graded. For example, for a pair of obscene pants, no matter what material it is made of, the first enhancement will be ten points of luck.

But if you change the food to different sizes and types, the price of fortification is different. Ten cooked corns only require a little luck, but this seed requires ten points of luck, perhaps as much as life.

It's related.

Ordinary people need 10,000 points of luck to strengthen for the first time. Those with talents can strengthen their talents. Those without talents have a very high probability of having talents. Most insects require ten points of luck for the initial strengthening. He has not seen any insects with special talents.

However, for further research, the initial strengthening of small animals such as cats and dogs requires about one thousand luck.

But one seed costs ten points of luck, which is a bit expensive. Before, he thought it was almost the same as boiled seed, and it was at most ten times more expensive. Who would have thought it was so expensive?

The number of rice seeds that can be grown in one acre of land is between two and three hundred. If you count 300 rice seeds, it will cost 3,000 Luck. This is only strengthened once.

Seventy thousand acres of land requires 21 million seeds. If all the seeds are strengthened, it will cost 210 million luck.

Boss Cao shed tears when he saw it!

It seems that it is impossible to plant these 70,000 acres of enhanced seeds all at once!

Chu Nan felt a little regretful, so he would just plant an acre first.

Chu Nan asked Wei Yue to help count 300 seeds.

Wei Yue:

High quality rice seeds

Talent: Harvest (grain production increased by 20%)

Chu Nan has been promoted to another level, and his grain production has been increased to 40%. If he wants to double his grain production, he has to do it five times. Strengthening three hundred pills five times requires fifteen thousand luck. He can still bear it, but this is not

Not what he wanted.

The third enhancement, this time does not directly enhance the harvest talent, but enhances the seeds, and the harvest is upgraded to level 2.

It wasn't until the fourth enhancement that Chu Nan could achieve what he wanted.

Talent: Accelerated growth (shorten the maturity cycle by 5%)

The rice season lasts about three months. It is planted in April and harvested in almost July. The ninety days are shortened by half, to eighty-five and a half days.

Although the grain yield is high, for Chu Nan, the shortening of the growth cycle is more important. He wants to see if the talent can be inherited after the seeds mature, and he will not be able to serve as a county magistrate for long, at most four


Received the seeds from Wei Yue and strengthened them one by one, not the talent, only the seeds. As long as the strengthening is accelerated, the growth will be accelerated. Each time of strengthening, the growth cycle will be shortened by four and a half days. If it is strengthened to the full level,

The growth cycle is 45% of the original, and it can be harvested in almost forty-one days.

It took a hundred thousand Qi Luck, and most of the county magistrate's Qi Luck, to complete the strengthening of these three hundred rice seeds.

"You plant these seeds and don't worry about other places. As long as you manage this acre of land well and plant it well, it will cost you thousands of dollars." Chu Nan looked at a tenant farmer beside him and said, this was Mi Fang's gift to him.

, the one with the highest farming skills.

"Hey, thank you county magistrate." According to him, the tenant farmer is only thirty-five years old, but he has been exposed to wind and sun all year round. Not only has his skin been tanned, but his face is also full of wrinkles. It seems that some people would believe that he is fifty years old.

, facing Chu Nan, he seemed quite reserved and made a stumbling bow that was not very standard.

"Master, is this the end?" Wei Yue followed Chu Nan, looked back, and then looked at Chu Nan.

"Can you farm?" Chu Nan asked.

"Yes, General Mo also plowed fields when he was young." Wei Yue nodded.

"Then go ahead and plant." Chu Nan pointed to the field and left without looking back.

Farming is better than teaching insects to read!

Thinking of spending these days teaching a bug how to read, Wei Yue felt a little bored. If Chu Nan hadn't promised to help him strengthen his weapons, Wei Yue would never have taken this job.

In the next month, apart from studying county affairs, Chu Nan basically studied Confucianism from Chen Gong.

Although there is no realm division, there are stages of learning. First, Chu Nan needs to read the Confucian classics thoroughly and cultivate the spirit of awe. This thing is different from the legendary internal strength. Although it is also discovered from within, it uses the heart to nourish the spirit.

, instead of breathing in the Dantian and comprehending the spirit of the ancient sages, this stage is also called self-cultivation and does not have any magical powers or abilities.

Once you cultivate that awe-inspiring spirit in your heart, you will be considered a beginner.

Zhang Liao went to Pei County to replace Gao Shun. Although Cao Cao gave him the position of Prefectural Shepherd, and Lu Bu did take back most of his troops, Pei County is where Lu Bu's forces border Cao Cao, Yuan Shu and even Yuan Shao, so it is naturally impossible to leave without defense.

, with general Zhang Liao stationed there, peace can be ensured on the border of Xuzhou.

Chen Gong was also transferred back to Xuzhou, where he lectured on Confucianism and Taoism to Xuzhou scholars every day. Since the news of Chen Gong becoming a great Confucian spread, his status in Xuzhou has been greatly improved, especially under Chu Nan's advice.

A school was opened in Xiapi, and there was no distinction between teachings. As long as they were willing to learn the essence of Confucianism, regardless of their origins, they could attend the school and learn. As for how much they could learn, it all depended on their individual abilities.

Of course, it is the busy farming season, and not everyone has time to study. Chen Gong does not lecture every day, but usually once every three days. Those who can come every time are mostly from well-off families.

Ordinary farmers and sharecroppers don’t have time to come and listen, and they may not understand it.

However, this indirectly gained a lot of popularity for Lu Bu. In Chu Nan's free time, he started to help Lu Bu establish his character, but the effect is not obvious yet.

In addition, the biggest thing may be to establish further cooperation with Yuan Shu. Merchant ships from Xuzhou can enter the Yangtze River through Hefei. However, Jiangdong did not respond to Lu Bu's release of merchant ships and establish certain cooperation, but there was no embarrassment.

For the merchant ships on both sides, Mi Fang gave Chu Nan 70,000 yuan for farmland and 2,000 tenants. Naturally, Chu Nan couldn't pull Mi Fang down in this matter of foreign trade.

In mid-January, two large-scale trade transactions were carried out. Lu Bu had a lot more food, and the market for sea salt was opened up.

"Zi Yan, now Jiangdong and Guangling have begun to produce sea salt in large quantities." On this day, Chu Nan was preparing to go to Chen Gong to practice. He had already faintly noticed that an awe-inspiring aura was beginning to grow in his heart. According to Chen Gong, he

The time has come to cultivate the first ray of awe-inspiring righteousness, and when he was about to practice under Chen Gong's care, Mi Fang suddenly received some indignant remarks.

"So what?" Chu Nan looked at Mi Fang and smiled.

"How?" Mi Fang looked at Chu Nan: "The price of salt on the market is already 20% lower than before. If this continues, trade between us and the princes will be unprofitable."

The price of Shanghai salt has dropped in the market, but Chu Nan and Zhang Xiu's promise is to lower the market price by 30% and the market price by 20%. Putting aside the production and shipping costs, there is basically no profit in the transaction with the princes.

"It doesn't matter, I won't rely on this in the future." Chu Nan said with a smile. Sooner or later, the method of making sea salt will be leaked. He had expected this at the beginning. It has been more than three months, and the method of making sea salt has been exposed in large quantities in Xuzhou.

Salt, trying to hide it is as difficult as going to heaven.

"What do you rely on?" Mi Fang frowned and looked at Chu Nan.

"Come with me, I'll show you something." Chu Nan saw that it was still early, took Mi Fang home, and asked Chu Rong to take out a bag and hand it to Mi Fang.

"What is this?" Mi Fang opened the bag and saw a bag of crystal white powder inside. She looked at Chu Nan in confusion. "Try it." Chu Nan said with a smile.

Mi Fang followed the instructions and stuck some on her fingers and put it in her mouth.

"Salt?" Mi Fang tasted it and looked at Chu Nan with some uncertainty. Normal salt should be slightly bitter, but this salt retains the salty taste without the bitterness, and it looks more crystal clear.


"There are a few more steps, but it will be difficult to imitate this one." Chu Nan smiled and said that the salt-making utensils were strengthened by him. Normal utensils cannot reach this level, but after strengthening, the utensils for making salt are strengthened.

In order to improve the purification effect and nutritional value, the refined salt not only looks good but also tastes good.

"How much is the price?" Mi Fang looked at Chu Nan with gleaming eyes. Chu Nan felt like he would pounce on her next moment.

"Three times." Chu Nan stretched out three fingers and looked at Mi Fang and said, "Build a workshop and I will ask the blacksmith to cast a few more sets of these utensils. Since they want to lower the price, then we will not make any profit and will use the coarse salt

The price has been pushed to the lowest level, but this refined salt has doubled and gone up.”

"What should we do if they make the same salt again?" Mi Fang was a little worried about the future. Just like Haiyan, this secret might not be kept.

"Then we will learn their techniques and we will copy them. Don't worry, with me as a tool, with the same technique, our quality will be at least 20% or more higher than theirs." Chu Nan said with a smile, making it through normal means.

However, the salt he made was the same as the one he made by strengthening the utensils. Needless to say, the other party's number level must be higher. If he learned it, he would immediately improve the quality of his own salt, and he would be invincible. Why?


"Also, there are many steps required to make refined salt this time. You divide the workshop into three parts, and ask your confidants to do the core part. Without this core separation method, the salt they make will kill people." Chu.

Nan looked at Mi Fang and smiled.

"Leave this matter to me?" Mi Fang's eyes lit up.

"Well, but the utensils belong to the state government and cannot be sold privately. The salt can only be sold at the salt store established by the state government. It cannot be sold privately. A 10% commission will be given to the Mi family." Chu Nan looked at Mi Fang and said.

, some things should be agreed upon in advance and may not necessarily be done, but if they are to be done, they will be justified.

"Only 10%?" Mi Fang was a little reluctant.

"If you don't want to, let someone else do it.'

"I will do it!" Mi Fang said quickly. As a wealthy businessman, he knows the benefits of this thing very well. It is definitely a good product for the high-end market. It can not only make money, operate well, but also make others owe him favors. So

If you don't make a good deal, you'd be a fool.

"I'm going to the teacher's place. Uncle Rong, please give Zifang the things I prepared." Chu Nan hugged Mi Fang. He also wanted to go to Chen Gong's place for further study. He might be entering Confucianism and Taoism today.

The threshold is reached.

"Zi Yan, go slowly." Mi Fang walked Chu Nan to the door with a bright smile. For those who didn't know, she thought he was the owner of this place.

Chu Nan felt a little strange, waved to him, turned around and went straight to Chen Gong's residence.


This chapter has been completed!
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