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Chapter 125 Do what you need to do

Going from county magistrate to prefect, while gaining greater power, also means greater responsibility. From being in charge of one county to sixteen counties, if you still have to do everything like a county magistrate, the best thing you can do is to exhaust yourself to death.

Then gain a good reputation for working hard.

At this stage, you have to consider not only your own abilities, but also the perspective of hiring people and delegating power.

It sounds simple, but if Chu Nan doesn't have the talent to see through people's abilities, how can he test whether a person is capable? And delegation of authority is also a science. If you delegate too much authority, your subordinates may ignore you, but if you delegate too little authority,

The consequence of tightly clinging to power in one's own hands may be low efficiency, lack of passion and motivation among the officials under his command, and at the same time, talented subordinates cannot be exercised, and eventually become obsolete to everyone else.

The gap between a powerful and talented person is terrible, as it means that there is no successor.

Therefore, there is a degree that needs to be controlled, what power can be delegated, and what power must be firmly grasped in one's own hands. Depending on the situation in each place, the focus should be different.

For example, if a county needs to vigorously develop its economy, it cannot lock up its financial rights too tightly, otherwise the county magistrate will not be able to do anything. Just like when Chu Nanchu took office, if Mi Fang did not give him 70,000 acres of fertile land as start-up capital to attract refugees, he would be able to obtain

Food, let others see his magic, it is impossible for him to win over so many small families, and he may end up being the county magistrate who is ignored by his subordinates.

And how should we deal with those who are now county magistrates? Can they be won over? If not, whether these people have the value of being tolerated by themselves, all these must be considered.

As for the structure of the county government, there is no need to worry. Chu Nan has a lot of manpower reserves here. The Xiapi County Magistrate has been of great help to him in the past few months. He has solved the problem of difficulty in acquiring talents and also established his own team.

As soon as the ruling team took office, the arrogance left by Zhang Hong was kept while the ones that could not be used were eliminated.

A very important assistant officer like Chang Shi naturally has to be on the same side as him. When Chu Nan is away, Chang Shi can issue orders on Chu Nan's behalf. This official position was originally used to check and balance the power of the prefect, but now he must be on the same side as Chu Nan.

, he promoted the chief secretary of Zhou to his long history, and another chief secretary who was proficient in farming succeeded him as the Xiapi Ling.

Then, among the talents recommended by the families, people were selected to fill the vacant positions of meritorious service and rank among the positions of meritorious service.

It didn't take long to reorganize the prefect's mansion, and the next step was to establish rules.

However, after this period of time, Xiapi was sorted out through tough measures. Naturally, those other county magistrates who wanted to continue serving as officials would not struggle with Chu Nan. Those who did not want to resigned from their posts. Chu Nan also directly accepted this and replaced him.

One of your own takes office.

It was impossible to change all the county magistrates without reason, but Chu Nan focused on establishing the group of postal supervisors. The main responsibility of the postal supervisors was to supervise the county administration. It was easy to talk about other government offices, but the postal supervisors must be presided over by Chu Nan himself.

My status is different. I used to do the hard work myself, but now I have a bigger job and I can’t do everything myself. I can delegate power, but supervision must be in place.

"Master, what are you doing with all these pigeons?" Wei Yue came to see Chu Nan and saw that Chu Nan asked a carpenter to make an exquisite pigeon cage and also found a pigeon, and he asked sincerely with curiosity.

"It's more convenient to deliver the message." Chu Nan teased the pigeon in his arms. The pigeon was not afraid of animals, so it stayed quietly in Chu Nan's arms, looking around.

"Send a message? Just one? Such a big pigeon cage?" Wei Yue looked at Chu Nan in astonishment. He naturally knew about flying pigeons to pass messages, but only one is too few, right? And there is only one.

Just one pigeon cage, but built such a big pigeon cage? Looking at the scale of this pigeon cage, I'm afraid it can hold hundreds of pigeon cages, right?

"Who said there was only one?" Chu Nan smiled and touched the pigeon's head, but saw that the white hair on the pigeon was fading away quickly, and then new ones grew out. The white hair fell to the ground, and then the pigeon was big.

Go around in a circle.

The initial luck of a pigeon is 300. When it is strengthened to the second stage, it is 6,000. The third stage requires 66,000. The fourth stage is 666,000. It is thirty times more expensive than insects such as mantises and ants.

, but as long as you gain the ability to control the ethnic group, you can form an efficient intelligence system.

Now, as the governor of Xiapi County, Chu Nan gets more than 300,000 yuan of luck every day. This is just the beginning. When he smoothes Xiapi County as well as Xiapi County, the daily luck may be even more.


With money in hand and no panic in mind, Chu Nan is now willing to spend money on this pigeon. After this pigeon has been strengthened to the leader of the tribe, it is equivalent to Chu Nan having an additional intelligence force.

Looking at the pigeon that was getting bigger and bigger in Chu Nan's hands, Wei Yue suddenly became indifferent. He had forgotten that his young master had the magical power to transform demons. He didn't know if this magical power could be used by others. He had not been able to use this martial arts for a long time.

There has been some improvement.

Wei Yue looked at the pigeons that Chu Nan could no longer hold with some envy, and sometimes felt that there was nothing good about being a human being.

"In future battles, pigeons can deliver information much faster than messengers." Chu Nan stroked the pigeon's head and smiled.

Unless you have Zhou Cang's Scud ability, under normal circumstances, even riding a horse may not be as fast as the flying speed of a pigeon. Of course, there are exceptions at the level of Red Rabbit, but who is willing to use a BMW like Red Rabbit to convey messages?

If the news is important, a team of people will form a military formation to deliver it, but the effect of ordinary generals using Fengzimi is different from that of generals like Zhang Liao. With this army composed of pigeons, the speed of message transmission will be faster in the future.

Much faster.

War requires more than just the hard power of the military. Logistics and message transmission speed also play a vital role in soft power. Sometimes, whoever's news is faster and more accurate can gain the upper hand.

Nearly half of the year has passed. Chu Nan is not sure when Cao Cao will attack, but before the decisive battle with Cao Cao, it is always right to continuously strengthen his foundation.

Under the infusion of luck, the pigeon finally turned into an egg, which was as tall as a person. Wei Yue was stunned to see it.

"By the way, what happened to Zhou Cang?" Chu Nan remembered that there were still two living treasures thrown around in the prison. After all, they were considered two talents, and Chu Nan didn't want to keep them in the prison.

"I don't know, the general may not have visited them for a long time." Wei Yue shook his head. He was not in charge of the prison. How could he have time to visit two prisoners every day? Besides, during this period, Chu Nan was promoted to the prefect and was busy with things.

There are many. Wei Yue has visited Xiapi Sixteenth County three times in the past few days.

"I have nothing to do today, so I just went to take a look." Chu Nan ignored the tall pigeon egg and stood up and said to Wei Yue.

"Here!" Wei Yue nodded, followed Chu Nan, and said as he walked: "Sir, after the new policy is implemented, the gentry in each county will resist to varying degrees. Household registration checks and farmland measurement will not be carried out.

It's easy to do. Do you want me to take action?"

"Why should I take action?" Chu Nan asked.

"If the young master doesn't take action, those county magistrates may not be able to control those local families." Wei Yue said with a bitter smile.

"Are they complaining to you?" Chu Nan asked.

"It doesn't really count, I just mentioned some difficulties when inviting me to attend." Wei Yue shook his head.

After Chu Nan was silent for a moment, he said to Wei Yue: "I will declare to my father-in-law that you will be the captain. From now on, you will be temporarily responsible for training new soldiers. You should not interfere with government affairs anymore."

"But what did the general do wrong?" Wei Yue asked in confusion.

"It doesn't count. It's just that you are not suitable for postal supervision. There was no one available before. Now that there is a postal supervision, you should do something more suitable." Chu Nan shook his head.

"The general is still puzzled." It's not that Wei Yue doesn't want to be a captain. A captain is an official, and a postal governor is just a clerk. Moreover, a captain has great power. He is the one who holds the military power in the county. It's just that he can't accept that he has the power because of his ability. Deficiencies are replaced.

"It's not that they can't do it, but they don't want to offend others." Seeing his persistence, Chu Nan explained to him: "How I did it in Xiapi, even if they don't know how to do it, they can copy it, and what I gave them There are a lot of resources, and asking people to give people and giving money is much better than when I first took charge of Pi Lingke."

"Maybe it's due to lack of ability." Wei Yue defended.

"Then let some capable people go up. These people are all chosen by me. Whether they are capable or not, I know better than you. It is a lie to invite you to a banquet. It is true that you come to invite me to come forward. But if you encounter difficulties, If you ask me to come forward to settle things, without saying whether I have the energy to do these things, what use do I need from them? The new postal supervisor will tell them that there is no shortage of people here. If they don’t want to offend people, they will give up their positions and let them People who are willing to offend others do it, but they want to use the same tricks as in the past to fool me, but it won’t work!”

After speaking, Chu Nan glanced at Wei Yue and said: "The prefect is different from the county magistrate. The county magistrate has to do practical things, and as the prefect, what you have to do is to select people who can do practical things, rather than share the worries of your subordinates. This relationship cannot be On the contrary, if everything is ready, what use do I need from him?"

"The last general is stupid." Wei Yue quickly bowed and saluted.

"Okay, I don't mean to blame you. It's just that you are really not suitable for handling government affairs. There was a shortage of people before, so you were temporarily allowed to take the position of postal supervisor. Now that there is a suitable person, just do your own thing. However, your strengths are not there. If you force yourself to do it, not only will you not be able to do well in government affairs, but you will not be able to use your strengths." Chu Nan said earnestly.

"The advantage of the last general is..." Wei Yue heard this and looked at Chu Nan expectantly.

"Your advantage..." Chu Nan looked him up and down, and after a long silence said, "Go lead the troops. At least you are familiar with this."

Wei Yue: "..."

He couldn't explain why, but Wei Yue always felt that he was insulted, but Chu Nan didn't say a word. This feeling was very uncomfortable, and he didn't even have a chance to refute.

"Let's go." Chu Nan saw him stopped in place and shouted at him.

"Oh~" Wei Yue came to his senses and followed Chu Nan dejectedly, feeling that his future was bleak.

"You are a general. What are your advantages? You still need to ask me?"

Wei Yue suddenly became cheerful. The happiness of a general is so simple...


It's a lot late. I woke up in the morning and really didn't want to face the computer, so I played with the screen for a while, played some games, and went to the unit to sign in. That's why I'm so late. I beg everyone to forgive me. I beg for it day by day. Forgive~


This chapter has been completed!
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