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Chapter 131 Direction

In the past few days, Chu Nan wandered around various military camps. At least Lu Bu's direct troops all used war flags and war drums enhanced by Chu Nan, and would take time to visit the enemy camps every day.

Gao Shun's art of guarding soldiers is actually military discipline. Repeated daily training and rich fighting experience have given the soldiers of the trap camp a very high tacit understanding. However, what really determines the strength of the trap camp is Gao Shun himself, and his relationship with the enemy.

The soldiers eat and live together, what the soldiers in the trapped camp eat, what he eats, and the training of the soldiers trapped in the camp, Gao Shun will complete the training with double or even triple the intensity.

It is precisely this kind of training day after day that allows Gao Shun, as a mortal, to train himself into the spirit of the trap army without any talent. Only the trap camp where he is is the true trap warrior.

The camp is invincible and invincible, but without Gao Shun's trap camp, its power has been reduced by at least half. Even so, there are not many armies in the world that can resist the trap camp!

However, except for Gao Shun, probably no one can achieve this extreme military training method.

After all, what is the purpose of becoming a general in war? Is it not to one day become a marquis and worship a general, and enjoy the glory and wealth? Which general can have no selfishness at all like Gao Shun.

Of course, Gao Shun also has selfish motives, but he and the trapped camp are already one. His selfish motives are for the trapped camp as a whole. If Gao Shun and the trapped camp are regarded as a whole, they are basically no different from ordinary people. There are also

There are seven emotions and six desires, but if you look at them separately, Gao Shun is almost a saint, a saint who belongs to the trapped camp!

In the past few days, although Chu Nan did not pay much attention to government affairs, the Xiapi Prefecture was operating at high speed. County magistrates began to conduct large-scale inspections of fields and take back unowned farmland. When Cao Cao massacred the city, Xiapi was

There are many abandoned fields. These fields should belong to the government. However, these cultivated lands are cultivated, but the government cannot collect taxes. They are all divided up by local wealthy families and clans.

Logically speaking, now that the government has begun to take this matter seriously, these local clans should obediently hand over their land. Chu Nan also said in the list that all past taxes will be wiped off, that is, as long as you are willing to hand over the land, all the land will be lost.

The matter was wiped out.

But it’s not that easy to make a dog spit out something once it’s in its mouth. These days, rebellions have occurred frequently in Xiapi counties, and even in Pengcheng, Dongjun and Langya there have been many rebellions.

However, under the advice of Chu Nan and Chen Gong, Lu Bu did not settle the matter this time. First, they needed a Xuzhou that they could control. The short-term pain could be exchanged for Xuzhou's real control, which was not a loss; secondly, Lu Bu now has a large number of small families.

Although there are no great talents like Chen Gui and Chen Deng, there is no shortage of middle and low-level talents, and they already have the confidence to fight against the rich.

Of course, the most important thing is that in terms of military strength, the big families in Xuzhou combined cannot compete with Lu Bu. Fist has always been Lu Bu's strength. In the past, the nobles headed by the Chen family regarded Lu Bu as Xuzhou's hungry dog, that is, in terms of personnel and economy.

Suppressing Lu Bu, forming a delicate balance.

However, this balance was already destroyed when Chu Nan helped Lu Bu obtain the salt tax. Later, when Chen Gong was promoted to a great scholar and Chu Nan divided the aristocratic families and attracted smaller families, this balance was gradually and completely destroyed.

There is no need to look at the faces of the big families anymore. Lu Bu, who is based on a small family and a poor family, has demonstrated his military advantages. Rebellions occurred frequently in various places. On Lu Bu's side, in addition to Zhang Liao who was guarding Xiaopei, all the major generals came out.

Coupled with Chu Nan's strengthened military flags, order flags, and war drums, Lu Bu's army dared to press directly upwards when faced with rebels several times their size, suppressing them with overwhelming force.

"There are nearly a hundred major families who rebelled this time." In the Prefecture Mufu, in addition to Lu Bu, Chen Gong and Chu Nan, there were also Gao Shun, Hou Cheng and Wei Xu who participated in the discussion this time.

The general in Xiapi, Lu Bu, looked at everyone: "What should we do with these families?"

According to the original plan, he was to kill them directly, but there were so many families involved that Lu Bu couldn't make up his mind. There were many talented people among them.

Not counting those rebels, there are nearly ten thousand direct descendants of these families alone. If they are really killed, will it have any impact on themselves?

"Lord, these people are directly launching a rebellion! How can we tolerate it? The general will think that they should be killed!" Wei Xu was obviously a little jealous and looked at Lu Bu and said.

The other people didn't say anything. This was indeed a big deal.

Chen Gong frowned and thought about something, but said nothing. Lu Bu looked at Chu Nan.

"Actually, we can look at the pros and cons of whether to kill or not to kill!" Chu Nan thought for a moment and said, "I know that you are hesitant because of what happened to Cao Cao. Cao Cao killed and gave in, which led to great chaos in Yanzhou. Cao Cao also did the same later.

We choose to settle the matter, but Cao Cao's situation is different from ours. Yanzhou is surrounded by enemies on all sides, Cao Cao's foundation is unstable, and many of Cao Cao's important ministers are from wealthy families. This is the reason why Cao Cao does not kill, but this reason does not suit us."

Lu Bu did not have Xun or other powerful clans under his command.

"Don't forget, our strategy from the beginning is to win over the small clans from all over the country, kill the big clans to divide their farmland, and resettle the people." Chu Nan clicked on the table and said: "Kill them, we can gain

Most of the cultivated land in Xuzhou will not have to worry about food and grass in the future. The disadvantage is that the big families in the world are hostile to us, but these big families also look down on us. The result of their hostility or lack of hostility is different from ours.

Not big. Even if we let them go, no one will be grateful for it. You might as well put yourself in the shoes of these wealthy people and think about it. If we took away your farmland and greatly reduced your wealth, and we didn't kill you in the end, would you be grateful?


Definitely not, the only real thing is to find an opportunity to kill you!

"At the same time, if we don't kill, the cultivated land we can get from this battle will be limited." Chu Nan said with a smile: "We have to not only resettle the people, but also appease the small tribes that are attached to us. Can they be satisfied?"

The benefits are too small, I'm afraid it won't work.

Everyone shook their heads silently.

"Looking at the consequences of killing them, the great families in the world will definitely be hostile to the lord. This is inevitable, but as I said just now, we never expected them to help us or work for us, so it doesn't mean much." Chu Nan

He smiled and said: "In addition, most of the cultivated land in Xuzhou has fallen into our hands. These cultivated lands will be distributed to the people so that they can live and work in peace and contentment. A small part will be given to the small tribes that rely on us."

"These small families don't have a big family fortune. Giving them a small amount is enough to make them grateful. If this coin is given to a beggar or to a wealthy family, who will be grateful to me? I don't think I need to say more."

"The most important point is that although this move has offended the big families in the world, the small and poor families in the world will not, and will even get close to us. This world is inherently divided. If you want to satisfy everyone, you can only cut it off.

It’s your own flesh. As for whether to kill or not to kill, I think you should have your own answer in your mind, so I won’t say more.”

"Yes, that's what I meant, too!" Wei Xu nodded frequently. This was what his nephew and son-in-law said. It made so much sense and spoke to his heart.

[Zi Yan’s words are well organized and direct to the essence. However, they are too straightforward and lack a bit of Confucian style. From now on, he needs to be supervised to read the meaning of the scriptures, otherwise it will be looked down upon.

Got me.]

[Zi Yan is still good at speaking, but not like Chen Gong. The person who talks all day long has a dirty mind and doesn’t know what he is talking about? I don’t know how he became a great scholar. I heard that it is Zi Yan’s credit. Let me see.

This master is worse than a disciple.】

"Zi Yan's words won my heart, so let's do it this way, and order the local government agencies to re-register the cultivated land of each family without making mistakes!" Lu Bu nodded. Chu Nan's words made him worry about gains and losses for an instant.

Once you calm down, this matter seems very simple now.

"In order to prevent another civil uprising, the generals may have to work harder during this period." Chu Nan looked at the generals and added.

"What kind of hard work is this?" The generals laughed and said, not only the small clans had a share of the cultivated land this time, but also the generals. It is good to kill the big clan. If you kill the big clan, you will have fields to share.


"Lord, there is one more thing." Chu Nan said, cupping his fists at Lu Bu.

"Oh? What's the matter with Zi Yan?" Lu Bu was in a good mood, nodding and smiling at Chu Nan.

"After this incident, Xuzhou will be settled. However, due to the existence of these big families, Xuzhou's laws have been in vain. Now that our army has sufficient control over Xuzhou, it is time to re-establish the laws and clarify the canonical punishments!"

Chu Nan bowed and said.

The power of Xuzhou has now returned to Lu Bu's hands. Except for Guangling County, if there is no legal restraint, this land annexation will happen again soon. At the moment, Lu Bu does not need any big clans under his command. These small clans must be suppressed, and at the same time, they must be suppressed.

A stable environment for the people to rest and recuperate.

"Is this necessary?" Lu Bu frowned.

"From our perspective, we may not be able to see the clues, but my lord, you can think about it, what would you face next if you were an ordinary citizen?" Chu Nan looked at Lu Bu and asked.

"What will we face?" Lu Bu looked at Chu Nan blankly. This really lacked a sense of empathy.

"My lord is now an ordinary commoner. Thanks to the kindness of the imperial court, he has been given five acres for two days. In addition, the imperial court now has new species, which can be harvested four times a year. Although it is more difficult and tiring on weekdays, except for

In addition to the taxes that should be paid, the remaining food can not only feed the whole family, but also exchange the food for some clothes in the market, buy some beautiful cloth for my wife to make clothes, occasionally eat some meat, and even buy some old food.

Try the refined salt that only rich people can eat."

Lu Bu nodded. Although this life was a bit harsh, it sounded like a good life.

"But the good times did not last long. Although the government office has explicitly banned farming transactions, there are always ways. The government office does not allow you to buy land, but if the higher-ups want to punish you, there are too many ways."

"The new big families are not satisfied with the status quo and want more fields. However, this land cannot be bought or sold, but it doesn't matter. Farmed fields cannot be bought or sold, but people still have to perform corvee service, right? Because the county magistrate has some friendship with the big family, and both parties have a relationship.

Exchange of interests, so through the county magistrate, corvee is artificially increased, but this corvee is unnecessary. You don’t want to go, but there is no way to appeal, because the biggest official you can see when you look up is the county magistrate, and the county magistrate and

They are all in the same group, what can you do? You can only hold your nose and admit it."

"They always find a way to find something for you to do, so that you waste the farmland. One year, you relied on the surplus food at home. Two or three years later, no one cultivated the land at home. In order to help you farm the land, my wife sacrificed her body

You are crushed, and seeing that your family is about to starve to death, you can only plead with the superior, willing to agree to anything, as long as he gives you a way to survive."

"Then things will be simple. The land is still yours, but apart from the tax paid to the state every year, the remaining 70% has to be given to the big family as wages."

"Of course, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the county magistrate, but the county magistrate in the place where the county magistrate's family lives happens to come from a wealthy family."

"You bastard, this is unreasonable!" The table in front of Lu Bu was smashed to pieces with his palm, shocking everyone.

"Lord, calm down, this has not happened, but our legislation is to prevent such things from happening in the future. Greed in human nature is very terrible. If there is no law to restrain it, or if there is a law but it is in vain, then such a thing will happen

It will definitely happen in the near future, maybe not by such means, but similar means will also appear. When these things happen too much, today's big families will still appear." Chu Nan Surong said.

"Then even if the laws are strengthened, the county magistrate will ultimately enforce them." Chen Gong looked at Chu Nan and said with a smile, "What should we do?"

"Separate the powers of execution and prison, and set up another one, which will be directly responsible to the prefect like the county magistrate. The power of a county cannot be concentrated in the hands of one person." Chu Nan thought: "Or set up another one under the prefectural shepherd's office.

One department, called the Punishment Department, is in charge of special personnel and manages the various prisons and prosecution matters."

Xuzhou was unstable before, so there was no need to do this. Now that the rich families have been removed and Xuzhou is stable, the emergence of the judicial department is necessary in Chu Nan's opinion.

Lu Bu nodded: "What Zi Yan said makes sense. What do you think?"

"Yes." Chen Gong nodded. After Xuzhou stabilizes, it is indeed necessary to clarify the canonical punishment, but...

Chen Gong looked at Chu Nan and thought to himself: [This method is no longer about governing the place, but about setting up a court and overlooking the world from the perspective of an emperor. Zi Yan has deep thoughts! 】

Seeing that his adviser Chen Gong nodded, Lu Bu decided in his heart: "Then who can take charge of this criminal department? And what position should be given to him?"

"It must be at least equal to the position of prefect, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public. As for who? Nan believes that the person in charge of the punishment department must be impartial and selfless, and be able to distinguish right from wrong." Chu Nan cupped his fists and said.

Hearing this, everyone subconsciously looked at Gao Shun. Isn't this talking about Gao Shun himself?

Nowadays, most of Lu Bu's subordinates are military generals, and the person in charge of the Ministry of Punishment can only be selected from military generals.

Gao Shun frowned slightly and said, "But the last general is not proficient in the law."

"The general does not have to be proficient in the law, he only needs to make decisions. I think that there should be a few people who are proficient in the law under the general. The general is a general after all, and he will serve temporarily. When a suitable person is found in the future, he will then serve as the head of the punishment department.

." Chu Nan smiled.

In the trapped camp, Gao Shun can also be considered a legalist, but this is only military law, which is different from ordinary laws.

"That's fine, Gao Shun will be in charge of the Criminal Department." Lu Bu also felt that Gao Shun was a good match for this position, so he nodded and said.

"General, take your orders!" Lu Bu had already spoken, and Gao Shun could only stand up and obey.


There are three updates a day, and one update is at least 3,000 words. Rounding it off, it’s tens of thousands of words per day, right? Isn’t this short?

This chapter has been completed!
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