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Chapter 151 Confucian Sixth Grade

It was dark at night. After everyone made sure that Chen Gong was fine, they returned to their headquarters. Only Chu Nan stayed with Chen Gong on the grounds of taking care of his teacher.

In Chen Gong's tent, Chu Nan and Chen Gong were sitting opposite each other.

"What do you want Ziyan to ask me?" Chen Gong looked at Chu Nan's serious face and asked with a smile.

"Teacher, although the disciple is now able to speak Dharma Sui, the problem of excessive consumption often occurs. The previous efforts to increase the concentration point, if not for the lack of strength of the disciple, would probably be dead now." Chu Nan looked at Chen Gong seriously.

The way.

"With your current awe-inspiring cultivation, it is indeed true. In the past, there were also great Confucian sages who died suddenly because of this." Chen Gong nodded. The higher the Confucian cultivation level, the more careful you need to be in words and deeds. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you may die.

He killed himself.

"Teacher, is it really impossible to live forever by practicing various methods?" Chu Nan asked a question that had puzzled him for a long time.

According to the current abilities of Lu Bu, Chen Gong, and Zhang Liao, the top combat powers, they have surpassed the ordinary. If placed in other cultivation worlds, whether Chen Gong froze the river with a word, or Lu Bu covered the river with a halberd, they would definitely have a lifespan of hundreds of years.

Old monster, but in this world, there are almost no long-lived people. This shouldn't be the case.

"There was once a great scholar who thought about changing one's fate against the will of heaven, and speaking the law could change one's own lifespan." Chen Gong did not answer directly, but recalled.

"Dead?" Chu Nan looked at Chen Gong.

Chen Gong nodded silently: "The destiny cannot be violated. Warriors still have the possibility of longevity. I heard that a warrior once lived for more than 120 years. However, Confucianism... the great Confucian once spoke of the law, saying that he could live a thousand years.

He died suddenly and horribly on the spot, and no one dared to live longer after that."

Somehow, Chu Nan always felt that everyone was going in the wrong direction. It was not possible to extend life directly, but what if it was used to cultivate one's body?

But what if you take it yourself? Since warriors can live longer, it means that practice is still beneficial to the improvement of life. Confucianism cultivates awe-inspiring aura, which Chu Nan can feel. He can feel the feeling of being filled with awe-inspiring aura in his chest.

When Chen Gong broke through the Great Confucianism, his luck condensed into an image, which should be the result of the sublimation of one of the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit.

"Also, it is said that it is difficult for Confucians to die well, but no one pays attention to it. There are few Confucians who live long." When Chen Gong said this, he couldn't help but sigh.

No, yes, if he is a Confucian.

Somehow, Chu Nan thought of Jia Xu. At that time, Chu Nan's talent had not yet advanced, and Jia Xu's talents did not include the acquired talent of a great scholar. But if Jia Xu was a Confucianist, Jia Xu had never used words that night.

The ability to produce spells seems to be always using one's own divine power!

Assuming that Jia Xu practiced Confucianism, Chu Nanjue said that he would definitely live a long life, even if he could not break through the realm of Confucianism in his lifetime, as long as he did not use words and methods indiscriminately.

No, for Jia Xu, he may have never used this ability.

"Though words are miraculous, they fluctuate the laws of heaven and earth. Naturally, they will be jealous of heaven. But how to be jealous of heaven, and how not to be jealous of heaven, no one has known throughout the ages." Chen Gong said here.

, also sighed faintly: "Ordinary Confucians are okay. Even if they use words and deeds, the power is not too great. For example, strengthening the city wall seems to be allowed by heaven and earth, and it consumes one's own awe-inspiring energy. However, in the realm of great Confucianism, for

The teacher can vaguely realize that there is actually another kind of power in the human body. It can be consumed at any time by speaking out the Dharma. This kind of power exists regardless of whether one has entered the Confucian Confucian tradition or not. It is just that the cultivation level is not enough. Even if it is consumed occasionally, it will not be consumed.

It would be too big.”

Just like Chu Nan once raised the condensation point of Huai River, but it was only for a moment, so the power consumed was not much. But Chen Gong directly changed it for one day, and the consumption of luck was a bit scary.

Once your luck is used up, your destiny will begin to burn.

In the realm of great Confucianism, the effect of using words and spells is generally strong and long-lasting. In this way, it is easy to trigger the taboos of heaven and earth and backfire on oneself. Therefore, great Confucians will generally be cautious in their words and deeds, and will not use words and spells without authorization.

Because Chen Gong had just entered the realm of Confucianism and had not interacted with people who were also in the realm of Confucianism, he had been exploring on his own. Although there were records in the classics left by his predecessors, they were ambiguous.

They never said how they could be killed. Maybe even they themselves didn't know that they were killed by those unintentional words.

Chu Nan's face turned a little pale. He originally thought that Confucianism was very good, but now it seems that the price of being good at Confucianism is a short life. He has a lot of ideas, but because of this, he may unknowingly give himself to

Committed to death.

Chu Nan looked at Chen Gong seriously: "Teacher, this disciple has an idea."

Chen Gong nodded, looked at Chu Nan, and motioned for him to continue.

"The teacher is now a great Confucian. Can we define the state of Confucianism before the great Confucianism based on some staged reactions?" Chu Nan asked.

Chen Gong frowned and looked at Chu Nan, but did not answer.

"As far as the disciple's own perception is concerned, before being able to speak the Dharma Sui, the stage where awe-inspiring aura begins to accumulate in the chest is regarded as the first grade of Confucianism. Then after the Dharma Sui is spoken, it can be classified as the second grade. After that, it will be classified as the second grade according to the performance of ability.

It's the third grade, the fourth grade, and so on, so that later generations of Confucians can know what can be done in which realm, so as not to overestimate their own capabilities and hurt their lives." Chu Nan thought.

Now it seems that Confucianism is a high-risk profession. Even if a warrior practices too much, he or she will only be left with a hidden wound on the body. Although it may be harmful, it will not kill him immediately. However, Confucianism may be the only profession. The higher the cultivation level, the easier it is to hurt oneself

If the profession of seeking death cannot be clearly defined, Chu Nanjue himself can consider changing to a military strategist, Legalist or something like that.

Chen Gong heard this, thought carefully for a moment, and then silently picked up the brush on the case.

Chu Nan was very discerning and quickly unfolded a blank bamboo slip, and then polished the ink for Chen Gong.

After Chen Gong recalled carefully for a while, he picked up his pen and started writing:

First grade: Cultivation of the mind

Confucianism focuses on cultivating the mind, thoroughly reading the essence of the sages, understanding the artistic conception of the sages, and condensing one's own aura of awe-inspiringness. When the first ray of aura of awe-inspiringness is condensed, one can enter the second level.

"Cultivation of the mind?" Chu Nan looked at Chen Gong blankly, why didn't he experience it? He seemed to have easily condensed the aura of awe-inspiring aura. In less than a month, could this be considered a level?

Chen Gong looked at him silently and did not answer. He just continued to write on the bamboo slips. Cultivating the mind is simple, but it requires a heart with good and evil, and a clear understanding of Confucianism and Taoism. This state requires hard study, which can take as short as three years and as long as

In ten years, one can gather awe-inspiring energy, and those with outstanding talents may be able to understand their own bodies within a few months of studying. Those with such talents are my Confucian geniuses.

Chu Nan looked at it with bright eyes. Was he really a genius?

Chen Gong ignored him and continued writing.

Second grade: self-cultivation

When the aura of awe-inspiring comes out, the courage is added to the body, and the body is not afraid of all evils, and the voice is awe-inspiring, and the sword and ax are applied to the body without changing its ambition. When it is penetrated, the aura of awe-inspiring becomes deeper and deeper, and the words are intimidating, making people unconsciously convinced.

Chu Nan has experienced this realm and has a deep understanding of it. Since he cultivated the aura of awe-inspiringness, his courage has increased day by day, and his speech is always more convincing than before. It turns out that it is not his own personality that shines.

In this case, when Chen Deng brought back the governor of Guangling, was he using this trick to fool his father-in-law?

Third grade: speech and law

The Qi of Haoran is full in the chest, which can be the third level. At this time, you can start to speak Dharma Sui, but be careful not to misuse it. Although the Qi of Haoran is full at this time, the quality is extremely low. If you speak too much Dharma Sui, the Qi of Haoran will be exhausted. This state should be

Be strict in self-discipline and all your words and deeds should be based on Confucian morality. Once your behavior deviates from the correct Confucian path, you will never be a great Confucian for life.

When Chu Nan saw this, it seemed that he had made a lot of jokes when he just started to use words to express his will.

Fourth grade: Name repair

The main responsibility of Confucianism is to educate all people, establish a destiny for the people, be supported by all people, establish one's reputation, be upright, and be supported by all people. The aura of awe-inspiring can speed up the cohesion, and words and deeds can be more effective. However, do not be inconsistent with your heart and deceive others.

It is easy, but it is difficult to deceive the heavens. In this realm, the words of Dharma are quite powerful. However, it is precisely because of this that it is easy to deviate from the foundation of Confucianism and Taoism. You need to correct your body, understand your mind and see your nature, and be careful not to have delusional thoughts. If delusional thoughts come together, evil thoughts will arise by themselves, and evil thoughts will come together.

The road is hard to come by!

This should be your current state, right?

Chu Nan recalled that after he gained popularity, he had indeed had an endless supply of aura and rapid progress. However, it was precisely because of this that he became more and more dependent on words, words, and methods. Could it be that he also had evil intentions?

Fifth grade...

As he wrote this, Chen Gong paused and after thinking for a long time, he slowly picked up the pen.

Fifth grade: establishing destiny

Confucians should establish their own destiny and determine the path they will pursue in the future, in order to prepare for becoming a great Confucian. When a Confucian finds the foundation in this realm, once he finds the path to pursue in the future and understands his own mind, he can establish himself as a great Confucian. However, the road is difficult to find.

It is difficult to advance as a great Confucian. Fortunately, I was touched by my disciple Chu Ziyan and entered the realm of great Confucianism. In this state, I can speak and speak the Dharma. I am not weak to the Confucian.

If it harms your own life, you should be very careful.

Sixth grade: Great Confucianism

Those who enter this state, the aura of awe-inspiringness is endless, and the voice of Confucianism and Taoism can spread for ten miles. There is no need to rely on the popularity of the people. However, I don’t know where the road ahead is. It needs to be remembered that at this time, the aura of awe-inspiring is getting deeper and deeper, and you can already understand the laws of heaven and earth, and be good at it.

Those who move the number of days will die!

After writing this, Chen Gong put down the brush, and the aura of awe-inspiringness in his chest seemed to be growing again. At this point, although the aura of awe-inspiringness can be endless, it has an upper limit. If he wants to raise this upper limit, every step is difficult. At this moment, he decided that Confucianism

The sixth grade, however, invisibly sorted himself out again, which gave him some breakthroughs in Confucianism and Taoism.

"Before becoming a great Confucian scholar, Ziyan was in the fifth rank. Zi Yan's words helped him achieve a breakthrough. Therefore, the description of the fifth rank may not be correct. How Zi Yan will take his future path depends on himself." Chen Gong put down his brush and said,

Looking at Chu Nandao.

The fourth level is to cultivate one’s name, and the fifth level is to establish one’s destiny. Now Chu Nan should be in the fourth level, with his aura of greatness in a state of bravery and diligence, and the power of his words and Dharma is also increasing day by day.

"Teacher, can the fifth-grade words and Dharma Sui really be as strong as those of the Great Confucian?" Chu Nan looked at Chen Gong and asked his doubts. Chen Gong had said at the beginning that before and after he entered the Dharma Confucianism, he could not speak the Dharma and Sui.

The power is very different.

"Becoming a teacher is a matter of chance and you become a great Confucian. Many people may not be able to become a great Confucian in their entire life. However, the power of speaking Dharma Sui is related to the aura of awe-inspiring. If a fifth-level Confucian has accumulated deep knowledge, the power of speaking Dharma Sui will be far beyond ordinary.

The fifth grade may be able to compete with what I learned when I first entered the Confucian world. As for whether this is the case, I don’t know." Chen Gong shook his head. He did not break through the Confucianism after reaching the extreme of the fifth grade. He only came from the insights of the fifth grade.

It is said that the level of the awe-inspiring Qi of the fifth grade is different, and the effect is also very different. For example, at that time, he was much worse than Chen Gui's old immortal.

However, the fifth grade cannot live forever. After the awe-inspiring energy is used up, it has to slowly recover. Even if the power is similar, the endurance is very different.

"Furthermore, the Great Confucian Realm can vaguely detect the rules. Just like when you talked about the condensation point that day, although my teacher didn't know what the condensation point was, he noticed the changes in the rules of the water itself, so he could use it smoothly. But if you are a fifth-grade person, you can't

It's impossible to perceive it in such detail, and even if you tell it, it's difficult to show it without knowing the root cause." Chen Gong said with a smile.

Then he sighed again: "It was only after I performed it that I realized why my predecessors left messages and always said that the number of days should not be tampered with. Although it can be changed, I don't know whether it can withstand the backlash of heaven and earth."

"Teacher has not yet explained the power of the verbal Dharma Sui." Chu Nan looked at it. Although the explanation of the Sixth Grade of Confucianism and Taoism was detailed, the power of the verbal Dharma Sui was not clearly defined.

"First grade, second grade, I can't express my words." After Chen Gong thought for a while, he picked up the pen again. Chu Nan quickly changed it to a bamboo slip and looked at it carefully.

"Three levels of speech law. Although you can use the words and spells at this time, the power is limited. You can simply move objects. A hundred kilograms of objects can be moved about one foot. You can also light a fire out of thin air. But if there is no thing to ignite the fire, the flames can probably survive.

One breath."

"In the fourth stage of cultivating one's name, the ability to speak Dharma will greatly increase. It can ward off fire. It lasts for about a moment. A hundred kilograms of weight can be moved from three to ten feet. It is difficult to create something out of nothing, but it can change the shape of some things. Most of the abilities will continue.

In less than a moment, the stronger the ability is, the shorter the duration will be. If the rules of heaven and earth are accidentally touched, it will only last for a moment, and there is a risk of backlash."

"The fifth level of destiny, in this state, the ability to speak Dharma has been accomplished, and the power is greatly increased. A hundred kilograms of weight can be moved several miles or even further. With the help of divine power, it can achieve great power. For example, with the earth element's divine power, it can be said Dharma will follow.

Shaping the shape of the earth has the ability to overturn the earth. If one has the power of water, it can also have the effect of overturning the river. However, there are also taboos in this. If you force words to follow, you can change the rules of the earth and water. For example, after gathering the earth to form a city,

, using words to speak the law can turn soil into stone, or raise the water condensation point, and change the rules. Although it can have miraculous effects, it will suffer from the backlash of heaven and earth, which can cause the realm to be shaken at the least, or the body to die and the Tao to disappear in the worst case.

Remember, remember.”

Where is the great scholar?

Chu Nan knew that Chen Gong wrote this based on his experience in the past two days, but what about the realm of Confucianism?

But how powerful is the Great Confucian Realm?

Chen Gong frowned and thought for a moment before writing: "In the realm of Confucianism, the aura of awe-inspiringness is endless, and this method can be used continuously without resorting to divine power. In this state, one can vaguely detect the number of days, see through the essence of things, and use the method at any time, consuming the same aura of awe-inspiring.

The power is several times that of the Destiny Realm. However, once the Heaven is touched, the backlash will be more serious, which is several times or more than the Destiny Realm. Those in the Great Confucian Realm need to be careful in their words and deeds. If they are not careful and abuse their words and words, they will be in trouble.

There is a risk of death!"

Chen Gong has only been in the realm of Confucianism for a few months. What he uses most is to help Chu Nan cast fire. His understanding of other things is not deep enough to make detailed notes. After a pause, Chen Gong continued to write: "Speaking out the law is Confucianism."

Any time a word is spoken about a strange power, there will be a backlash. However, for normal backlash, just enough awe-inspiring energy in the chest can be enough to offset it. However, if the rules of heaven and earth are violated, one's own life will be harmed. I hope that future generations will be careful!"

After writing this, Chen Gong thought for a while and glanced at Chu Nan. Chu Nan quickly brought another blank bamboo slip. Chen Gong wrote: "However, no matter what grade, whether it is Confucianism, Legalism or

This is a military strategist. These three are all the knowledge of gathering the strength of the people. If the people are united, it is easy to move the mountain. Without the support of the people, it is difficult for the great Confucianism to shake the three armies. The words of the great Confucianism must not go against human ethics, and the words of the Legalists cannot.

Disobey the law, as the military strategists say, do not disobey the military law. If you follow it, you will prosper, if you go against it, you will decline."

The sixth grade of Confucianism, the words and laws have been established. As for whether there will be a higher realm after the great Confucianism, there must be one, but neither Chen Gong nor Chu Nan can speculate on its power. Since the establishment of the Han Dynasty,

There is no record of a great Confucian breaking through to a higher realm. There may be, but in an era when there was no such thing as a realm, others would not know about it, let alone pass it on to future generations.

Now that Confucianism has six qualities, can we use Confucianism as an anchor to define other systems of spiritual practice?

After Chu Nanjue's battle, he should sort out the cultivation systems that he can currently list, but this will happen in the future.

"Teacher, to reach your level, do you need to gain popularity?" Chu Nan asked.

"It's not necessary. Just like defending a city, why attack the heart first?" Chen Gong shook his head and said: "If the people in the city are united, Confucianism can bless the people's power on the city wall, and the city wall will be indestructible. That's what happened to Marquis Wen.

, it is difficult to break it. On the contrary, if the people's hearts are scattered, even if a great scholar is in charge, it can last for a while, but it will not last long."

In this world, individual bravery is unparalleled, but if the people's hearts are united, even a strong man like Lu Bu can contend. The power of Legalists, Military strategists, and Confucians are all built on this basis, but their emphasis is different. Only warriors

Independent of this, they dig themselves out and use brute force to break the law. Each family is established basically to check and balance powerful warriors like Lu Bu.

Of course, the martial arts here are not just about fighting martial arts, but also include those who possess divine power. But later on, just like Chen Gui who built a city by himself, combined with the Confucianism and Taoism cultivation of the Destiny Realm and his own earth-bending divine power, he exerted it

The power is unimaginable to ordinary people. If the Chen family wanted to assist Liu Bei wholeheartedly, Lu Bu might not be a match at that time.


I've basically read everyone's comments these days. To be honest, I feel uncomfortable, but I haven't deleted or banned any posts. Although I feel uncomfortable, I know it's my fault. Don't just point out the problem, even if it's

If you scold me directly, I have no reason to express my anger.

This is the first time Huzi has come into contact with the fantasy genre. At first I thought it would be enough to write the story well and think about the settings as I write them. But recently I found that the settings are not as useless as I thought. This framework does not stand up and many things are useless.

If you can't explain it yourself, the book may collapse.

This chapter can be regarded as a patch. I won’t write any more tonight. I will just sit in front of the computer and wait for everyone to point out. If there are any loopholes in this system, everyone will say, I think, and then change it. In addition, I will also think about several other systems and divine power settings.

The decision was not well thought out and made everyone laugh. I hope these patches will be effective. Thank you for your tolerance.

This chapter has been completed!
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