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Chapter 163: Out of the City

"father in law!"

The army marched to Dongyang, but there was still nothing unusual. Even the enemy's horse scouts were not seen, and the clouds above Lu Bu's head were so black that they were already turning purple.

Chu Nan rode his horse and came to Lu Bu's side.

"Zi Yan, what's the matter?" Lu Bu said casually.

"We will face each other later. My father-in-law cannot fight alone!" Chu Nan looked at Lu Bu seriously.

"Oh?" Lu Bu looked at Chu Nan in surprise when he heard this, and stepped forward to challenge him. He still needed to suppress the opponent's momentum.

"Father-in-law, do you remember that when General Hou Cheng went on an expedition, my son-in-law said something to stop him?" Chu Nan looked more serious than ever before.

Lu Bu nodded. At that time, he was still wondering why his son-in-law, who seldom took credit, had to promote his subordinates that time.

"My son-in-law acquired the power of hope some time ago. When General Hou Cheng sent out troops that day, I saw dark clouds covering his head, which was a sign of great danger, so I wanted to give some advice, but I was not sure at first. General Hou Cheng insisted

"My son-in-law couldn't stop him, so he just asked his subordinate Wei Yan to follow him secretly, waiting for an opportunity to rescue him. Unfortunately, the enemy army was too strong, and Wei Yan only had a hundred or so people around him, so he was unable to save him!" Chu Nan said seriously.

"So that's it, you told me not to go out to fight, but you also saw my destiny?" Lu Bu asked curiously.

Chu Nan nodded: "My father-in-law is now as lucky as General Hou Cheng back then, but others are not like this. I am worried that my father-in-law will underestimate the enemy and fall into the enemy's scheme." Chu Nan said solemnly.

"Zi Yan, your qi-gazing technique..." Lu Bu frowned and looked at Chu Nan when he heard this. He didn't think the other party had the ability to stop him. After all, Jiangdong was not as concerned about General Zhang as Liu Bei was, and Lu Bu was not what he used to be.

With such a shallow foundation, even if the Chen family and Jiangdong join forces, Lu Bu doesn't think they have the ability to hurt him.

"I have tried several times these days, and so far, I have never missed it." Chu Nan understood what Lu Bu meant and nodded firmly.

Lu Bu's face darkened when he heard this. He might not believe what others said, but it was impossible for his son-in-law to harm him. Since he said so, he had to believe it.

Chu Nan's expression changed. The moment he spoke, the surroundings in his field of vision suddenly darkened. The clouds above many people's heads turned black, while some people were normal.

Looking around, there is a sea of ​​clouds, mixed with black and white.

What means has the other party prepared?

Chu Nan felt a chill coming from his back.

"Father-in-law, stop the army!" Chu Nan looked into the distance, and Dongyang City was already in sight.

Lu Bu raised his hand and the three armies immediately stopped.

"Zi Yan, what's the matter?" Lu Bu frowned and looked at Chu Nan. He had already decided to listen to Chu Nan's words and no longer fight in person. Why did he directly ask the soldiers of the three armies to stop?

"Just now, only my father-in-law was a sign of great misfortune, but now many people have become a sign of great misfortune." After Chu Nan finished speaking, he looked at his panel. He could not see the clouds above his head, but he could see through his own attributes.

In terms of his own good and bad luck, the word "big bad" was clearly written at this moment. Chu Nan looked at Lu Bu helplessly: "In other words, my father-in-law has just given up on the idea of ​​going to fight?"

Lu Bu did not speak, but looked solemnly at the city that had appeared in front of him, not knowing what kind of danger was hidden here.

Chen Gong rode up to the two of them, looked at Lu Bu doubtfully and said, "Marquis Wen, Dongyang is so close in front of you, why do you stop moving forward?"

"We can't leave!" Chu Nan explained the matter helplessly.

"This matter is not difficult, but if someone pretends to be Marquis Wen and goes to fight outside the city, you will know what the conspiracy is." Chen Gong heard this and didn't think much about it.

Isn't it certain that the person pretending to be Lu Bu will die?

Chu Nan thought subconsciously, but then fell silent. This might be the best way. In this world, generals cannot have too much kindness from women. After thinking about it, he thought for a while and said: "Okay, everyone, go and prepare.

Let me find out what the secrets of Dongyang are!"

Thirty earth dragons headed towards Dongyang along the earth's veins under the command of Chu Nan. If they could find out what was causing trouble, there would be no need to send people to their deaths in this way.

People will die in war, but dying in battle and sending death are two different things. They are all one's own people, so Chu Nan still feels a little intolerable.

After receiving Chu Nan's instructions, thirty earth dragons quickly burrowed underground toward Dongyang. They had no magical powers and their only function was to enhance the power of the earth's veins.

Soon, Chu Nan received feedback. Apart from a large number of stones, nothing else was found underground.

Chu Nan looked at Chen Gong and nodded silently.

A bodyguard with a similar figure to Lu Bu was selected, put on Lu Bu's armor, carried a square-shaped painted halberd, and was equipped with a red-haired war horse and walked at the front of the team, while Lu Bu covered himself with the armor.

A spacious robe was hidden in the army, and Wei Xu issued orders on his behalf. This was probably the first time in Lu Bu's military career that he was hidden in the army and had a double replace him.

The soldiers of the three armies set off again. When they arrived ten miles outside Dongyang City, they were stopped by Chu Nan. The luck on the heads of the soldiers in the front row had begun to turn black. Chu Nan calmly asked the soldiers to form their formations and used the formation to

When it was time to open, the front row soldiers withdrew from the dangerous area.

On Dongyang City, Zhou Yu raised his brows as he watched this scene. He was keenly aware that the opponent was a little far behind. Following closely, he saw Lu Bu riding out on horseback, still looking like a single-handed man, and arrived five miles outside the city.

This is the farthest range that most archers can shoot with the help of battle formations.

Chen Gong made a disguise for the double, and with a simple words, his appearance was very similar to that of Lu Bu.

"Old General, no matter what happens later, as long as you see the enemy within the shooting range of the old general, shoot him immediately!" Chu Nan watched Lu Bu's substitute come forward, pulled Huang Zhong to his side and told him


"Veteran general understands!" Huang Zhong nodded. After shooting Huang Gai, he was promoted to captain and is still taking orders under Chu Nan. Wei Yan, on the other hand, is still a military prince for the time being because he has not taken action.

After arranging all this and once again confirming that his fortune had not turned bad, Chu Nan felt relieved and silently watched Lu Bu's substitute riding a horse outside Dongyang City.

This person was Lu Bu's personal guard, and his unruly spirit imitated Lu Bu's atmosphere. He raised the Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand with all his strength, pointed at the city head and shouted: "Jiangdong rats, since they have been defeated, why not go back while there are still some people?"

Jiangdong, you still dare to resist, please get out of the city and die!"

On the top of the city, Zhou Yu looked at the stand-in carefully. He had seen Lu Bu's appearance before when Lu Bu fought against the six Jiangdong generals alone. Now, although the distance was still far, he could still see the opponent's appearance clearly. This was also in line with Lu Bu's character. Now he and Chen Deng

Looking at each other, it depends on whether they can trap and kill Lu Bu today.

"send troops!"

Following Zhou Yu's order, the city gate opened wide, and Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, and Chen Gui led the four generals Han Dang, Cheng Pu, Jiang Qin, Ling Cao, and eight thousand soldiers to rush out.

The substitute shrank when he saw this. He was fighting against the lord, but he was not the lord. He had no ability to defeat the front army. Remembering Chu Nan's instructions, if the rebel army left the city, he would withdraw immediately.

At that moment, I wanted to leave a harsh word, turn around and return to the formation, and let the master deal with these rats. At this time, he dared to leave the city. He really didn't know whether to live or die!

"Eight Gate City, come out!" Just when the substitute was about to say something sarcastic and then escape, he saw Chen Gui holding the command flag, and the power of the military formation formed by eight thousand soldiers gathered together. As the command flag waved,

The ground suddenly shook.

At the same time, hundreds of Confucian scholars appeared at the top of Dongyang City. Under the leadership of Chen Deng, they shouted at the same time: "Come out of the Eight Gates City!"


In the astonished eyes of the Xuzhou Army officers, a city three feet high emerged from the ground. Before the substitute could say anything, he was trapped in the city.

Want to use the city to trap your father-in-law?

Chu Nan frowned, what city could trap Lu Bu?

And such a big thing is underground, and the earth dragons didn’t even notice it before!?

Although the earth dragon has no attack power, it can stabilize the power of the earth's veins. Chu Nandang wanted the earth dragon to go and investigate, but the strange thing was that the earth dragon was crawling underground for a long time, but could not detect anything.

In this moment, a majestic city appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"There's something weird about this city!" Chu Nan's eyes narrowed. Above this city, there was a condensation of luck representing Confucianism. This is the kind of city built by the method of earth control as Wei Yan said.

Lu Bu tore off his robes, drew his bow and arrow, and shot an arrow in the direction of the city gate.

The arrow was like a shooting star chasing the moon, the sky and the earth were eclipsed, and it hit the city gate with unparalleled momentum!

However, this was enough to eclipse the sky and the earth. An arrow that was several times more powerful than the crossbow specially used to attack the city, but it only drilled a hole in the city gate. It did not even penetrate the city gate.

After the cluster strength was exhausted, the arrow shaft had broken into pieces, and only one arrow cluster slipped from the drilled hole.

"Teacher, there can't be people in this city, let alone the people's will. How can it be so strong!?" Chu Nan was a little unbelievable. If I read it right, this is an empty city. How could it be so strong after coming out of the ground?


Chen Gong shook his head. He couldn't see anything yet, so he immediately wanted to use his words to lure the person out.

However, the great scholar's words and actions failed to summon the soldiers trapped in the city. Even if they were dead, there should be some corpses, but nothing appeared.

Chu Nan's heart moved, and the pigeon demon hovering in the sky flew towards this direction, wanting to see what was going on in the city. However, as soon as the pigeon demon entered the sky near the city, it began to fly randomly.

Others didn't know why, but Chu Nan frowned slightly: "In the pigeon demon's field of vision, it has been flying towards the city and has not changed its direction. However, no matter what, it can never fly over the city."

Chen Gong glanced at the pigeon demon scurrying around in the sky like a headless fly, with a serious look on his face: "Beyond the sky and the earth, this is a strange sect's technique. It's just a strange sect's technique, how can it be used for the city!?"

Is it really a strange thing?

Chu Nan looked at the city in front of him. Although Lu Bu was not trapped, the city was a bit tricky! Can it be bypassed?

At this moment, a large number of soldiers began to appear on the city wall. It was Zhou Yu and others who rushed to the top of the city with their troops and horses, and quickly formed a battle formation. Under the original blue luck, the blue luck representing the military formation began.


This chapter has been completed!
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