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Chapter 191: Tomorrow

"A reward? Are you asking your father-in-law to receive it himself?" In Shouchun City, Chu Nan took the letter sent by the imperial messenger, looked at Lu Bu and said, "Father-in-law, this is the Hongmen Banquet!"

You don’t need to look at luck to know that Cao Cao, the old pervert, didn’t hold his shit in. If Lu Bu really went there in person, would he still be able to come out?

"It's just that this reward is indeed large." Lu Bu sighed. He also felt that something was wrong, but the temptation was really great.

"General Wei, plus the governor of Yangzhou, tsk~" Chu Nan looked at the content on the letter. As long as Lu Bu is willing to go, these things belong to Lu Bu. Chu Nan was also a little moved, and looked at Chen Gong: "What do you think, teacher?"

With Dian Wei gone, what can those stinky sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs under Cao Cao do to Lu Bu?

"I won't go." Chen Gong's words were concise and to the point. Seeing his disciples and Lu Bu looking at him, Chen Gong said calmly: "As soon as Marquis Wen enters Cao Cao's camp and Cao Cao sets up the military formation, how will Marquis Wen be treated?"

With tens of thousands of troops in the military formation, and Cao Cao's many talents, it would be fine if Lu Bu was outside, but if he went inside, there would be no chance of escape. Lu Bu would have the power to penetrate the heavens and the earth, and face tens of thousands of Cao Cao's troops.

The elite military formation has only one way to die.

What's more, Cao Cao not only has elite soldiers and generals under his command, but the counselors around him are also very good at what they say and do. Chen Gong knows that all of those counselors have magical powers.

As for the army here, even if they are rescued in time, if tens of thousands of people cooperate with the power of the military formation, they will be trapped and die in a matter of seconds, and it will be too late to save them.

Lu Bu and Chu Nan looked at Chen Gong expectantly. Chu Nan asked tentatively: "I wonder if Teacher has a way. How can we get these without going?"

Chen Gong: "..."

Do you really think he is a god? He is sitting in a military camp, with tens of thousands of troops forming a world of his own, and words and laws are useless there.

"Then send someone to ask for it for Marquis Wen. Whether he can get it or not depends on the envoy's ability." Chen Gong said bluntly.

There is a high probability that they won't be able to get it. They threw this bait for Lu Bu. If Lu Bu didn't go, why would Cao Cao give these things?


Lu Bu and Chu Nan sighed together, it seemed that the benefits this time were hopeless.

Chu Nan cheered up and said with a smile: "In this case, we should lay a solid foundation first. It is unlikely that Cao Cao will fight our army on the Huai River. It is only right that we calm down the Jianghuai River as soon as possible and then develop."

Now that Lu Bu has the capital to compete with Cao Cao, he will have enough time to cultivate himself deeply. Food is no longer a problem for Lu Bu, and his popularity is also established. Then it is time to consider optimizing the system.

With the capture of the Jianghuai area, Lu Bu's territory is getting bigger and bigger. It is necessary to establish an effective governance method to make Lu Bu's territory more closely connected and have stronger cohesion.

Chen Gong nodded. He also meant the same thing. Now that the power of the Xuzhou gentry has been suppressed, the governance requirements for the system are even greater. Previously, due to pressure, they had been trying to find ways to strengthen themselves, but now the territory has expanded again and the population has also increased.

There are many, so it’s time to slow down and focus on governance first.

"What do you think of Zi Yan?" Chen Gong looked at Chu Nan and asked.

"Start preparing to dismantle the clan system." Chu Nan said in a deep voice.

"How to disintegrate?" Chen Gong frowned and said, clans can be regarded as local forces. In many cases, a village represents a clan. This is also the fundamental reason why government orders do not go to the countryside. Between villages, the words of clans are always more effective than county magistrates.

"Teacher, disciples believe that the reason why clans are formed is due to insufficient productivity, and everyone must stick together to survive." Chu Nan's thinking direction is always to find the chain of interests and start from the chain of interests: "The resources of the world should be transferred to the hands of the people.

, after layers of exploitation, there is only enough left to survive. If there is any natural or man-made disaster, a family may be wiped out immediately. Therefore, a clan is formed. Everyone relies on blood to maintain and combine their strength. When encountering injustice, there are

In order to have the right to say no to the government office, the government office will also have to make some compromises because it is afraid of clan rebellions in these places."

Chen Gong nodded. Although what Chu Nan said was not comprehensive, it also revealed the fundamentals of the formation of clans. One clan is not scary, but what is scary is that thousands of clans are connected together.

Although this was formed by the people for self-protection, as far as the imperial court was concerned, it did hinder the issuance of government decrees.

"In a clan, the clan leader has extremely high authority." Chu Nan thought: "He has absolute control over the resources of the clan, and there are also clan rules. Sometimes this is more authoritative than the law in the clan, and can even

Determines life and death.”

Chen Gong nodded. The noble clan is actually an advanced version of the clan. The influence of the clan at this stage will become very great, but...

"If you attack the clan directly, has Ziyan thought about the consequences?"

Strictly speaking, Lu Bu's current system is to show favor to these local clans. If he starts to take action against the clans, new instability will appear under Lu Bu.

"Disintegrating the clan does not mean that the clan will disappear completely. In fact, the government office will not do anything against the clan, but will help the clan continue to grow." Chu Nan said with a smile.

"Oh?" Chen Gong looked at Chu Nan and said with a smile, "What does Ziyan mean by this?"

Helping a clan grow and dismantling it are two different things, right? How to dismantle a clan when it grows?

"My disciple also said before that the most fundamental reason for the formation of clans is insufficient productivity. Every family in the clan must rely on the clan to survive. This also makes the clan leader have great power. But if productivity increases, even if the clan members

You can live a good life without being attached to the clan, but does the clan leader still have such great power?"

Chen Gong looked at Chu Nan and thought: "After Zi Yan said this, I remembered that many clans in Xuzhou gave up new farming and started to reuse the old farming land... So that's it!"

Chen Gong was still a little confused about this before. Are these clans stupid? They do not use crops with higher yields, but continue to use old low-yield seeds. Some do not understand what these people are thinking.

Now that Chu Nan talked about productivity, Chen Gong understood. The patriarch of the local clan was obviously aware of the promotion of new species, and his authority in the clan began to decline significantly, because according to the current output of four crops a year

, the tribesmen can still live a good life even if they do not rely on the clan.

At this time, clan rules have become a constraint. Since you can live a good life without relying on the clan, why should you be restricted by the clan's rules and regulations?

When their authority was threatened, the patriarchs of these local clans obviously realized the disadvantages of high yields, so they would rather everyone starve than accept seeds from the imperial court.

Looking at Chu Nan, Chen Gong nodded with satisfaction. As a disciple, he always has a new way of looking at problems. Although he always feels that looking at people through profit is too narrow, on a macro level, Chu Nan's way of looking at things is indeed true.

Better to find the root of the problem.

[It seems that some principles of Shang can also be absorbed into Confucian principles] Chen Gong thought inwardly and watched Chu Nan nod with satisfaction.

"With today's grain production, it is actually enough for the people to live a prosperous life. To dismantle the clans, the government office actually does not need to do anything. It only needs to make the people rich and set up schools in various places. The so-called warehouses know the honor and disgrace.

Schools will be opened in various places to teach knowledge, and within twenty years, local clans will become a thing of the past, at least not as influential as they are now." Chu Nan said with a smile.

"Twenty years?" Chen Gong stroked his beard and nodded. This is a long-term plan, which represents the growth of a generation. Chu Nan obviously wants to subtly change people's ideas through education and ideology. In twenty years,

It sounds like a long time, but from a long-term perspective, twenty years is actually not that long.

"Twenty years!?" Lu Bu's eyes widened in shock. He looked at his son-in-law and then at Chen Gong. Are these two people crazy?

Chen Gong looked at Lu Bu and sighed: "Marquis Wen, twenty years is a big plan. Some things cannot be achieved in a hurry. What Zi Yan said is Marquis Wen's goal for the next twenty years. With this, we

In these twenty years, everything has been considered for this reason."

"But it's too long." Lu Bu felt a bit toothache. After twenty years... he can call himself an old man, right?

Chen Gong said with a smile: "Previously, our army was in a bad situation, with enemies on all sides, so what we had to do was to strengthen ourselves by any means necessary, so Zi Yan's suggestions were all things that could see results in the short term, but now

Our army has completely pacified Xuzhou, and even gained the territory of the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers. Among the princes in the world, only Yuan Shao and Cao Cao can rival Marquis Wen. Our army has become a force that cannot be ignored in the world. No one dares to underestimate us.

, so at this time, in addition to military and political affairs, we must also have long-term plans."

Chu Nan nodded and looked at Lu Bu with a smile and said, "To put it bluntly, if my father-in-law becomes the emperor in the future, how will the world be governed? That's what I'm thinking about now."

"God...the Emperor!?" Lu Bu looked at his son-in-law. This was very rebellious. He had never thought about this kind of problem. Lu Bu felt that his life was very good now. He had never thought about being an emperor.


"Establish a heart for the heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the living and the people, carry forward the unique knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations. I also hope to see the world like the prosperous age." Chen Gong said with some longing.

Lu Bu: "..."

Why do I suddenly feel that this emperor is not interesting?

Also, since you are the emperor, why do you two say nothing about me?

With a slight cough, Lu Bu decided to bring the two of them back to reality: "Then what should we do now?"

Chen Gong looked at Chu Nan, smiled and motioned for him to continue.

"There must be a battle with Cao Cao. Before that, we will work hard to repair our troops, recruit talents, and find more like-minded people!" Chu Nan Surong said.

The future is bright, and we have set a goal. Now we are moving towards this goal step by step, enriching the people, strengthening the country, further strengthening our own heritage, laying a solid foundation, and preparing to kill Cao Cao and seize the Central Plains!


This chapter has been completed!
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