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Chapter 200 Devouring Popularity

On winter mornings, it always lights up very late.

The rooster crows three times, and the people in the village are waking up one after another. The farming season has passed, and there is usually nothing much to do in winter. At most, they go to the river to fish and improve their food.

Although the government office collects taxes, in the countryside, people occasionally catch fish to eat. Not to mention that it is difficult to check this kind of thing. Even if they see it, no one will really take it seriously. If the government does not go to the countryside, it will be

It's not that the government office doesn't want to go to the countryside.

However, today's morning was destined to be a little different. Amidst the rapid footsteps, the villagers were a little curious when they saw the officers and soldiers wearing different military uniforms speaking in the village.

"From today on, all the counties in Lujiang will be under the rule of Xuzhou Mu. According to the new order, from now on the grain tax will no longer be paid on a per-capita basis, but on the basis of the amount of cultivated land. In the past, a family of five had ten acres of land.

If you pay the tax of five people, if you have two acres of land, you still pay the tax of five people. Now you pay the tax based on the land. No matter how many people you have, you only pay the tax based on the land!" The leader should be a general, reading the decree loudly.

The people watched this scene numbly. In fact, to them, they didn't care who the ruler here was. The new tax law was interesting, but no one cheered.

They know very well that whether this so-called New Deal can be promoted or not depends on the wishes of the Third Elder and these big figures in the clan. If the Third Elder doesn't speak up, it will be useless no matter how good the New Deal is, and no one will listen to him.

"Everyone, are you all clear?" The officers and soldiers were not surprised when they saw the numbness of the people. They looked businesslike and said: "Now, let's start measuring the cultivated land. In the future, taxes will be paid based on the cultivated land measured today."

At this time, the people began to become a little commotion.

Is this coming true?

In the crowd, eyes looked in the direction of the third elder. According to this calculation, how much tax will the third elder have to pay in the future? Most of the farmland in the village belongs to him.

Sure enough, as the Xuzhou general was about to start measuring, a group of people rushed over aggressively and shouted to the officers and soldiers: "Foreigners, get out, you are not welcome here, let alone Xuzhou people!"

"Which one is the three elders?" The general frowned and shouted when he saw this formation.

"I am the third elder in this village, but this is public opinion, and I can't control it..." The third elder stood up with a smile, with a conciliatory tone. However, before he finished speaking, he saw the general suddenly draw his sword.

, stabbed this man's chest with a knife!

"My lord has an order, but if there are any troublemakers in the area, kill the three elders first, then punish their clans, and search the fields!" The general withdrew his sword indifferently, looked at the confused mobs who rushed up, and said sternly: "I am

The general will only say this once. If you put down your weapons at this time, you can still be punished lightly. If you dare to resist stubbornly, you will be killed without mercy!"

The three elders stared at each other in surprise. This is the first time in their lives that they have seen someone act like this! They don't care about anything. As long as there is trouble, kill the biggest one first!?

What kind of trick is this?


He didn't give him a chance to regret at all, and it was his ultimate move.

In a short time, the three elders were killed, and their clan was quickly found and wiped out.

"According to the provisions of the New Deal, when three old men die, their farmland will return to the imperial court. However, local people can receive farming rights based on their household registration. They only need to pay 20% of the grain as tax every year, and an additional 10% of the grain as rent tax. The rest will belong to you and others.

." The general spoke the order without emotion, and said coldly: "We are now starting to register. Those who are willing to accept the New Deal can come to farm the fields. Anyone who dares to stop them will be shot!"

Accept it, why not accept it!? Why not accept it?

After the initial shock, the people quickly realized: Why don't they accept such a good thing?

Although it is no different from being a tenant to the three elders in the past, most of the food is owned by oneself, the rent and taxes are much less, and there is no need to look at other people's faces.

Some small households in the countryside quickly reacted and came to claim the land one after another. The prosperous families took advantage at this time and could claim more land.

Although the largest family was directly wiped out, from now on this place will be divided into several clans with a large number of people. In this countryside, it is difficult to survive without a clan. Even if you are not annoying, but you are weak, people will look at you well.

Bullying, occupying your land, what can you say?

Sue the official?

The most you can do for this kind of thing is to fine some money and food, and when the person leaves, I'm sure you will be punished every day and the earth will not work.

However, local clans obviously cannot be disintegrated now. Even local clans are now the targets of Chu Nan's wooing. Naturally, they will not offend them at this time. As long as the population is prosperous under the New Deal, more land can be allocated and taxes are not high. This is very important to local clans.

Very friendly.

Similar things keep happening in the territory of Lujiang. Chunan is also the governor of Lujiang. He is the regular governor of Lujiang. Since it is difficult to capture Lujiang in a hurry at this moment, let’s not rush to capture it. There are just a few cities on the left and right.


After returning to Wan County, Liu Xun was shocked to find that Chu Nan's whereabouts seemed to have disappeared, as if he had stopped moving after taking Shu County.

But when I sent someone to inquire, I found that the other party's troops were oppressing good people in various villages and doing evil everywhere.

"Zi Yang, what do you think Chu Nan is doing when he falls to the ground? Is he crazy?" After learning what Chu Nan had been doing these days, Liu Xun looked at Liu Ye in confusion.

Now that you have sent troops to attack, you just have to attack the city, but suddenly you stop halfway and send the army to the countryside to bully men and women. What does it mean?

"Of course I'm not crazy. This prefect can see much further than the general!" Liu Ye raised his head, glanced at Liu Xun, shook his head and said, but his face showed a rare solemnity.

Liu Xun: "?"

I always felt that something was wrong with the way Liu Ye looked at him, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. After thinking for a moment, Liu Xun decided not to think about it. He looked at Liu Ye and said: "Zi Yang, this Chu Nan divided his troops into small groups and scattered them around.

, can our army take the opportunity to attack and retake Shu County?"

With all the troops and horses dispersed, the defense of Shu County must be empty. Liu Xun felt that this was a good opportunity, and he might not be able to capture Chu Nan alive.

"If I were a general, what I should be thinking about right now is not how to defeat the enemy, but how to defend myself?" Liu Ye sighed.

Liu Ye's brows furrowed even more when he heard this. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a personal guard come in and salute Liu Xun: "General, General Qiao Rui wants to see you."

"Please." Liu Xun nodded. Qiao Rui and he used to be Yuan Shu's generals. Unfortunately, after Yuan Shu became emperor, Qiao Rui noticed that the situation began to change subtly. During the battle with Cao Cao, he faked his death and escaped. After returning to Wan County,

Inviting Liu Xun to help conceal it prevented Yuan Shu from liquidating him. Now Yuan Shu has been defeated. Although he is not dead, there is basically no trouble here. Qiao Rui no longer needs to remain anonymous as before. This time he retreated to Wan County, except for

Wan County is also outside Lujiang County, and it is also because Liu Xun and Qiao Rui are close friends. With the help of the Qiao family, the chance of winning will be better.

"Brother Bonian, why are you interested in coming to my place today?" When Liu Xun saw Qiao Rui, he calmed down and said with a smile.

"I wonder what happened recently? In the past, this place was also a place where people's popularity gathered. However, I have been cultivating Haoran Qi recently and noticed that this popularity has disappeared. Brother Zitai, what have you done recently?" Qiao Rui is a middle-aged Confucian general with an elegant and handsome appearance.

Yi, the look he was looking at Liu Xun at this moment was indeed a bit strange, as if he was looking at a scumbag.

After all, Liu Xun was fine before he came. Although he is no longer an official, as a wealthy family here, he is involved in the livelihood of thousands of people. Naturally, some people's popularity will converge on him. However, in the past few days, Qiao Rui has discovered that something is wrong.

Popularity is dissipating rapidly, which is reflected in the Qi of Haoran. The Qi of Haoran originally recovered quickly after being used, but now it takes a long time to recover.

Apart from Liu Xun doing something outrageous and resentful, Qiao Rui couldn't think of anything that could cause Wan County's popularity to slip away at such a speed.

Although they were good friends and had helped her at critical moments, if Liu Xun really did something outrageous and resentful, Qiao Rui felt that she had to stand up and persuade him to change his ways, otherwise they would have no choice but to break off their friendship.

Liu Xun: "..."

Facing Qiao Rui's questioning gaze, Liu Xun said with a depressed look: "Bo Nian, you should know my character. Besides, I have been in the government these past few days and have not issued any government orders. How can you blame me for this!?"

Qiao Rui frowned slightly: "Why is that?"

"How do I know?" Liu Xun was obviously not satisfied with his friend's questioning. He should never question his own character.

Qiao Rui sat down and frowned: "What happened recently?"

"If we talk about the matter, it is that Chu Nan divided his soldiers and horses into small groups, sneaked into the people, and caused chaos everywhere. Many virtuous people in the countryside were massacred for no reason, and even the genocide was wiped out. Do you think it is related to this?

?" Liu Xun looked at Qiao Rui and said.

"I just killed some local elders. This shouldn't happen. Moreover, they were killed by the Xuzhou Army, so they shouldn't fall on us." Qiao Rui frowned: "Then what else did Chu Nan do?"

Liu Xun didn't ask in detail. Hearing this, he called the person who reported the news today and asked him the reason.

"New deal? Redistribution of cultivated land?" Qiao Rui keenly grasped the key to Chu Nan's doing these things, and nodded with some confusion: "No wonder it is like this! Zitai, you... don't even know what they are going to do."

"What happened?" Liu Xun looked at Qiao Rui in confusion.

"I'm afraid that the people of all counties are now leaning towards Chu Nan. If this happens, even if I invite famous scholars from all over Lujiang to help you, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you!" Qiao Rui sighed.

Famous Confucians are not just famous Confucian scholars. Confucian scholars at this stage are in an awkward situation. The verbal method already has a certain power, but the powerful words can be used up once, and even the awe-inspiring Qi will be exhausted.

It may backfire on itself.

For this reason, Chu Nan is extremely dependent on fame, or in other words, on popularity. Chu Nan's involvement in rural work is tantamount to digging up the roots of these Confucian scholars. Without popularity, the abilities that these Confucian scholars can exert are absolutely

It is limited. The most you can do is strengthen the city wall and strengthen the defense equipment. If you want to use it on a large scale, it is not enough.

"The Chunan traitor is so hateful!" After hearing Qiao Rui's explanation, Liu Xun angrily punched the table and said angrily: "I will order my troops to kill all the soldiers he released!


"General, it's best not to do this!" Liu Ye said.

"Zi Yang, why is this?" Liu Xun frowned and asked in confusion.

"The other side has gained popularity. At this time, a large number of troops are sent to clear them up. Regardless of the victory or defeat, the general's position may cause resentment among the people!" Liu Ye said with a smile.

If popular support is the rejuvenating medicine of the awe-inspiring spirit, then public resentment is the poison of the awe-inspiring spirit. In the least case, one's cultivation level will regress, while in the worst case, one will stagnate throughout his life, making it difficult to break through to a higher realm.

"Then what should we do!?" Liu Xun asked anxiously. If Qiao Rui said it, he would probably run away again before the battle started. But at this point, where else could he run?


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