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Chapter 287 Simplify the problem

"The problem seems complicated now because we want too much." There was no one around the tent anymore. After Chu Nan sent Zhou Cang, Pei Yuanshao and the demon ants to guard outside the tent, he spoke to Lu Bu more casually.

"You want too much?" Lu Bu looked at his son-in-law in confusion: "What does Zi Yan mean by this?"

Xuchang was captured, and Cao Cao was destroyed. Soon everything would be theirs? Isn’t this too much to say?

"Let me tell my father-in-law like this. After we capture Xuchang, the emperor, the two prefectures of Yanyu, and the civil and military officials are the interests that are placed in front of my father-in-law, and they are easily accessible. The appointment of officials from various places in the two prefectures is a bargaining chip of power in my father-in-law's hands.

, In addition, the nobles will probably use various methods to make friends with their father-in-law at this time, and because we implemented the New Deal before, the poor families in the world and small households are also natural allies of the father-in-law. These things are all available to us, but they are

I can’t eat them all, and that’s why I feel confused.”

"Why can't you eat them all?" Lu Bu was puzzled. Why can't he eat them all if he has them all?

"The battle has been won. The city and the territory are direct spoils of war for our army, so they can naturally be eaten. Of course, because Yuan Shao is by his side, some places need to be cautious;

Father-in-law, everything in the world is for profit. Poor families and nobles are coming to invest at the same time. As my son-in-law has said before, it is all because his father-in-law has something they want. When he was in Xuzhou, this thing could be regarded as cultivated land, but

It's different in Xuchang. In addition to cultivating land, you also have rights!" Chu Nan told Lu Bu what he had analyzed.

Regardless of whether they are nobles or poor families, the reason why they are willing to defect to Lu Bu must be that Lu Bu has something they want. Other princes can also think about whether it is their own personality charm, but Lu Bu... let's consider it from a practical point of view.

Lu Bu nodded, it was true, but...is there a problem?

"But the father-in-law doesn't have enough for both of them!" Chu Nan looked at Lu Bu and said helplessly.

"The entire Central Plains is not enough?" Lu Bu said in disbelief. Such a large territory is not enough to support the nobles and poor families at the same time?

"Father-in-law, do you still remember how much we seized after the Chen family was destroyed?" Chu Nan asked rhetorically without answering.

Lu Bu recalled the original scene and said with some emotion: "This is also the first time I know the wealth of that family. The wealth of a mere Chen family can be compared with the Xuzhou treasury."

Moreover, after Chu Nan's hard work, the treasury was gradually filled up. When Lu Bu first took over Xuzhou, he was not even qualified to carry shoes for others.

It was also at that time that Lu Bu truly understood why the Chen family was the actual controller of Xuzhou. The wealth held by the Chen family and other related families covered most of Xuzhou, and most of Xuzhou's population was supported by the Chen family rather than the government offices.

"The Central Plains nobles are no worse than the Chen family. If we want to win over each other, it's still what we said at the beginning. At what cost will my father-in-law be prepared to win over them?" Chu Nan said with a smile.

"Then we won't win over each other, just use the Han tribe as before?" Lu Bu frowned and asked, what's the difference between this and Xuzhou?

"Currently, it is very rare for Han people to be able to serve as governors. It is very rare for people with high-level officials such as governors. Father-in-law, don't forget that Yan Pu, the governor of Guangling, came here through coercion and inducement. In Jianghuai County, the position of governor is still small so far.

Son-in-law and leader." Chu Nan said helplessly.

In fact, the governors of the five counties of Xuzhou and the two counties of Jianghuai are either Chu Nan who holds the concurrent post, or Yan Xiang, who is coerced and lured there. Lu Bu's subordinates cannot even fill one county with people who are qualified to serve as governors.

The Han clan does not lack talents, but it lacks high-end talents. This is an unavoidable fact. At least for now, the talents of the Han clan are not enough to cultivate great talents. It will take a while for Lu Bu's forces to cultivate talents at the prefect level.

And training, but it is urgently needed now, so the nobles cannot use it.

"Then win over a group of nobles!" Lu Bu said without thinking.

"Not to mention whether the nobles will sincerely be used by my father-in-law, but have I ever thought that once these noble talents are reused, will the talented people from poor families be alienated from me?" Chu Nan looked at Lu Bu and said seriously: "This is also what my son-in-law wants.

What I said to my father-in-law is that our army is as strong as it is today because of the poor families at the bottom. If these poor families deviate from it, it will be a disaster for my father-in-law!"

Seeing Lu Bu's confusion, Chu Nan said: "My father-in-law is also from a poor family. Have you ever felt like this? The lord who is loyal to you will greet you when he needs you, but when he has a better choice, he kicks you away! To my father-in-law

He is no longer as enthusiastic as before, he is quite indifferent, and even shows a certain degree of hatred."

Lu Bu nodded silently when he heard this. Even though he was a military commander, he had encountered this kind of thing along the way.

"These poor families today probably have the same mentality as my father-in-law. If my father-in-law chooses to win over the nobles and ignore these poor families, what will my father-in-law do?" Chu Nan asked with a smile.

Lu Bu did not answer. In fact, history has already given the answer.

Chu Nan didn't know anything about it. After all, this resume is not glorious.

The poor family is Lu Bu's foundation. If he can be recognized by the poor family, there will be no one available after Lu Bu's death, and the lack of high-end talents can be slowly cultivated.

"So what if there is no one available now?" Lu Bu looked at Chu Nan in confusion.

"Use the nobles." Chu Nan said with a smile.

"???" Lu Bu looked at Chu Nan blankly: "Didn't Ziyan just say that he wanted to focus on poor families?"

"Father-in-law, don't worry. As long as we have something, he doesn't need to win over them. They all have to do things for him. He should be close to the poor family, but for the nobles, he can use it but cannot trust it. Let's beat down the celebrities in the court.

Wouldn't it be a good idea to be a local governor?" Chu Nan smiled and said: "In this case, there is another advantage. Most of the nobles who are sent to the local area will be demoted, and local officials will not give them too much respect;

And if you make a mistake, you will immediately be reported by the poor families everywhere. It is not necessary to do anything, but it can separate the two parties. You don't have to worry about the nobles serving as governors of various places, who can quickly win over people's hearts and gather local forces to fight against my father-in-law."

"What did Zi Yan say I need to make them use me?" Lu Bu thought Chu Nan was right, but how could I make these nobles lick their faces and be beaten?

"Emperor." Chu Nan nodded and said with a smile: "As long as you have the emperor, you have great justice. If you only rely on the name of your father-in-law and do not make enough compromises, even if your father-in-law comes forward to ask for it, it will be extremely difficult for them.

I agree, but if there is a name for the emperor, these nobles will at least not be able to openly resist, and there will always be someone available."

Lu Bu groped his chin and nodded. He had never been quite sure how the emperor would use it after he got it, but now he finally understood.

"When Xuchang is conquered, as long as the emperor doesn't leave, I think there will be a large number of nobles who will flatter my father-in-law." Chu Nan looked at Lu Bu and said with a smile: "At that time, my father only needs to select someone to be the prefect. Of course, it must be someone from the Central Government.

Only the officials are qualified. If ordinary nobles with no official status or low official status are sent there, they will only be regarded as promoted, which will make the officials who are dependent on the father-in-law feel that the father-in-law is wooing the nobles and neglecting them!"

"They are really like what Zi Yan said?" Lu Bu didn't believe it. When those scholars faced people like them with low backgrounds, they wished they could have their eyes in the sky. Even if he was in a high position, it would be difficult for them to recognize him, let alone

Don't talk about flattery.

"Yes, my father-in-law must have seen the situation when Dong Zhuo came to power. Although my son-in-law has not experienced it, I think many scholars will take the initiative to defect to Dong Zhuo." Chu Nan affirmed.

Lu Bu nodded in agreement upon hearing this. He followed Dong Zhuo all the way from Luoyang to Chang'an, and finally saw Dong Zhuo off with his own hands. He naturally knew what happened back then. There were quite a few scholars who defected to Dong Zhuo, including Wang Yun.

, Sun Rui, Zhong Fu and many other famous people, but in the end it was these people who joined forces with him to kill Dong Zhuo. Lu Bu participated in the whole process from the discussion to the execution.

Thinking of this, Lu Bu became more enlightened and suddenly looked at Chu Nan: "Zi Yan is saying, these scholars will deal with me the same way they dealt with Dong Zhuo?"

Chu Nan originally wanted to explain, but he didn't expect Lu Bu to realize it himself. He felt a little relieved and nodded immediately and said: "I don't know how to deal with my father-in-law and son-in-law, but I will definitely be like those scholars in the past. Get close to my father-in-law first and let him

Put down your guard, and then gradually disintegrate, disintegrating the power around your father-in-law, until the soldiers are separated, just like Dong Zhuo back then, and there is no one close to him."

Lu Bu carefully recalled what happened back then. It was not those people who made Dong Zhuo relax his vigilance step by step, indulge in pleasure, and alienate his cronies, until most of the power in Chang'an was seized by them, and finally they joined forces to kill Dong Zhuo in one fell swoop.

At that time, Lu Bu didn't connect these things together. He just felt that these scholars had many evil ideas. But now according to Chu Nan's words, if we look at those things back then, they seemed to be unrelated things, but now they are suddenly

When they were connected, Lu Bu's whole body suddenly became clear. So this is how the whole thing happened? It was not a coincidence composed of countless small things, but a big thing cut into countless parts and then realized step by step, spliced ​​together.

Become the final big thing!

As a person who has personally experienced it, Lu Bu still has vivid memories of Dong Zhuo's rise and fall. Now, looking at it again from another angle, he feels horrified. These people are so shady, and he seems to be just a sharp knife in their hands.

"Then Zi Yan still lets me use them?" Lu Bu looked at Chu Nan with a puzzled look on his face.

"These things are unavoidable at this stage. My son-in-law told these things to his father-in-law today just to help his father-in-law sort it out. After entering Xuchang, my father-in-law only needs to have a rough judgment in his mind about who is his enemy and who is his friend.

However, after you can distinguish between friends and foes, things will naturally become simpler. No matter what they say, after you can distinguish between friends and foes, will your father-in-law still be deceived?" Chu Nan said with a smile.

"Of course not." Lu Bu said disdainfully, did he think he was Dong Zhuo?

"Since they don't know how to do it, and they still have the abilities that my father-in-law needs, why not use them first and gradually cultivate our army's talents secretly." Chu Nan said with a smile.


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