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Chapter 311: Seize the Commander

In the city gate that suddenly opened, the first thing that caught General Jiangdong's eyes was a fiery cloak, followed closely by the majestic red horse. Finally, when the other general completely walked out of the city gate, General Jiangdong was a little surprised by the opponent's elegance.


You shouldn't be very old, right?

The general guessed the age of the other party, but he did not dare to look down upon him. The young man had a domineering aura about him, which made the general feel like he was facing Sun Ce, the former leader of Jiangdong. It was just that he did not know when there were such people in the Xuzhou army.

A powerful young general?

Then he saw eight hundred cavalry filing out from behind the opponent and quickly forming a formation. He couldn't help but shudder. The cavalry stopped talking. This thing is definitely not enviable to the Jiangdong Army, but the opponent's formation

The speed was so fast that the general who was planning a sneak attack on the opponent's formation had no chance to launch an attack.

"The general will be named, and a certain sword will not kill an unknown person!" General Jiangdong cautiously advanced the military formation to prevent the opponent from making a surprise attack, and at the same time shouted at Lu Lingqi.

"Is the coach at the front Zhou Yu?" Lu Lingqi did not answer, and did not even look at the other party. Her eyes were always in the direction of Jiangdong Army's flag. After watching for a while, she heard the other party shouting repeatedly, and then she asked.

General Jiangdong felt that he had been insulted, but that was not important. Judging from his voice, the handsome and imposing general in front of him was actually a woman! No wonder he looked so handsome and delicate.

The identity of the woman made him subconsciously ignore the feeling of oppression that Lu Lingqi brought him when she left the city. When he heard the sound, he couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Lü Bu has no one under his command, so he takes a woman as his general?"

Lu Lingqi, who was looking at the commander's flag of the Jiangdong Army, finally withdrew her gaze after hearing this and focused her gaze on the general. The other man's unbridled laughter was a bit annoying, and it seemed that he had no intention of answering her questions.

"Noisy!" With a slight snort, Fang Tian raised his halberd halfway, and the eight hundred cavalrymen quickly launched a charge following Lu Lingqi's movements like a machine whose switch was triggered. A sharp look appeared in front of the golden military formation, and a wave of sharpness appeared in front of it.

He was born with vigor and energy and rushed straight towards the opponent's military formation.


The collision of the military formations seemed to only last for a moment. Before the other party could react, the Jiangdong Army's military formation was destroyed by Lu Lingqi's military formation. In the astonished eyes of the other party, a red light flashed in front of his eyes.

Lu Lingqi had already rushed her horse, and the half-raised Fang Tian painted halberd was handed towards his chest with a suffocating air pressure.

General Jiangdong subconsciously wanted to block with his gun.


Halfway through the shot, Fang Tian's painted halberd had already been pulled out from his chest, and the blood it brought with it blinded his eyes. When he tried to look for the other person's figure, all he saw was the end of a cloak brushing across his face.

With a bit of unwillingness and horror, his body slipped weakly from the horse.

Unwilling to accept that the excitement of her life was about to end before it even began, she was horrified by the strength of the female general's formation and the terrifying opponent's own martial arts. She didn't even have a chance to fight in front of the opponent.

The Jiangdong army that came to fight was divided into two. Lu Lingqi obviously had no intention of getting entangled with this group of troops. After defeating the enemy, she did not pursue them. Instead, she led the cavalry and ran straight towards Jiangdong's commander's flag.


Horse hooves flew, mud and grass flew everywhere, and cold murderous intent filled the space between heaven and earth.

The generals of the Jiangdong Army were stunned, not only because the opponent almost instantly destroyed the Jiangdong Army who had an equal number and set up a military formation, but more importantly, the opponent dared to charge directly into the 100,000 Jiangdong Army with such a small number of troops.

military formation?

Isn’t this seeking death? Is this crazy?

Similar thoughts almost arose in the minds of the soldiers on both sides. The eight hundred elite cavalry seemed a bit weak in front of Jiangdong's 100,000-strong army. However, at this moment, they rushed towards the huge Jiangdong army's formation, which always gave people the feeling of a crowd of worms shaking a tree.

Suddenly, the first person to react was naturally Dong Xi's military formation blocking the front of Sun Quan's commander's flag. Seeing the opponent's cavalry rushing over so unscrupulously, he immediately shouted loudly, and the military formation joined forces, followed closely by a wave of

Arrows rained down like an overwhelming rain of arrows.

Under the command of Lu Lingqi, the cavalry suddenly accelerated, cleverly avoiding the rain of arrows, and rushed sideways, which was the boundary of the front army's battle formation.

Lu Lingqi discovered that there seemed to be no strong sense of connection between the various battle formations of the entire Jiangdong Army, let alone the world of military art formed by the military formations. Could it be Zhou Yu's plan to lure the enemy deeper?

Similar thoughts flashed through her mind quickly, but even if it was true, now that the matter was over, she couldn't look back, so let's give Zhou Yu's skills a try!

The whole body began to be filled with faint flames, and the military formation was also covered with a layer of red. The entire military formation seemed to have turned into red gold, like a ball of faint flames shuttled between the huge military formations.


The battle formations began to collide, and there was contact between the two battle formations. However, Lu Lingqi obviously had no intention of confronting the opponent's front troops head-on. The two sides passed each other close to each other. This was probably the first time she experienced the friction between the battle formations. It was harsh.

The sound gave the soldiers on both sides a strange numb feeling.

But then, the left-wing troops led by Cheng Pu came to block the attack. The military formation not only blocked Lu Lingqi's attack, but also blocked the former army's Dong's attack. The two sides' military formations collided and seemed to consume each other.

This is almost impossible to appear in the same camp. Whether it is Lu Bu commanding or Cao Cao commanding the army, the military formations of each army general will form something like a god to amplify the entire military formation, and there will be no loss between each other.

, however, internal friction occurred here!

Lu Lingqi, who was aware of this, felt that she had a new understanding of the military formation. It was rumored that Zhou Yu's military skills were quite powerful, and her husband had mentioned several times that Zhou Yu should not be underestimated, but today's fight seemed to be different from the legend!

In other words, the person under the banner of the Central Military Commander is not Zhou Yu at all!


Above the head, a phantom of a fire phoenix rose into the sky. The military formation of eight hundred elite cavalry seemed to be burning, completely turning into a ball of flame. Under the squeeze of the two armies' military formations, it shuttled past like fish.

No matter how hard both parties tried, they were unable to restrain Lu Lingqi or include her in their army formation. They could only watch her go straight to the Chinese army.

"Not good!" Cheng Pu and Dongxi's expressions changed drastically when they saw this, and they quickly expanded their military formation, hoping to include Sun Quan in their military formation and provide Sun Quan with the strength to protect him.

But Sun Quan is the commander-in-chief here, Cheng Pu, and Dong Xi's army formation is strong, but they cannot turn around and cover Sun Quan, the commander-in-chief, in their own army formation.

Sun Quan was naturally aware of it and didn't understand why Cheng Pu suddenly did this, but the next moment, he understood!


Lu Lingqi, who had squeezed out from the crack, had already appeared in the middle of the army. The Chinese army's military formation was obviously much weaker than other military formations. Lu Lingqi just made a test attack and almost broke the formation.

But Sun Quan, who was under the flag of the Commander-in-Chief of the Central Army, changed his expression. He finally understood why Cheng Pu committed the following crimes, but knowing these at this time seemed to be meaningless.

After two consecutive tests, Lu Lingqi realized that the Chinese army was strong on the outside and weak on the outside. This was definitely not Zhou Yu, who even her husband was afraid of, but someone else. However, no matter who it was, she seemed to have no need to be polite.


Fang Tian drew his halberd and slashed in the air. Combining the power of thousands of troops and his own innate divine power, the slash struck hard on the Chinese army's formation, and actually easily cut through Sun Quan's Chinese army's formation.

Completely broken, but no longer important, the eight hundred fine cavalry filed in under the leadership of Lu Lingqi and headed straight for the Chinese army commander's flag.

"Quickly, stop her!" Sun Quan's expression finally changed completely. He didn't quite understand how these 800 people could bypass the defense of the front army and appear directly in front of his own center army. However, there were only 800 people in total, so Sun Quan didn't understand.

No matter how worried he was, it was just that at this moment, he suddenly found that no matter which army was mobilized to come for rescue, it seemed to be difficult. It was not that he couldn't, but that he couldn't let it go. His Chinese army was still here.

There was no way to mobilize other troops to help, so he could only let his own soldiers go up to meet him, and at the same time, he tried to mobilize the power of the military formation to squeeze Lu Lingqi out of his own military formation.

How could the army, whose military formation was torn apart, be able to stop the overwhelming Lu Lingqi? However, Lu Lingqi swiped Fang Tian's painted halberd and swept across all directions. With the blessing of the military formation, the flaming slashes were as long as five feet.

, the soldiers who rushed up were cut into pieces almost instantly.

At that moment, Sun Quan, who had just been thinking about how to drive this army out, was completely confused. This was the first time he faced a battle of this level, and it was also the first time he felt that he was so close to death! For a moment,

I just felt empty in my mind and completely at a loss what to do!

Immediately, he turned the horse's head almost subconsciously, and then galloped back crazily. The opponent really knew how to kill!

However, Lu Lingqi did not take care of Sun Quan first. After killing dozens of guards with a halberd, she quickly led 800 cavalry to the commander's flag. Fang Tian slashed with his halberd, and the commander's flag snapped.

When the commander's flag suddenly fell, it also meant that this seemingly powerful army would have no unified command at all.

On the wall of Xiaoyaojin City, Liu Ye was overjoyed to see this scene. He did not expect Lu Lingqi to actually achieve this step, and immediately said: "Quickly, leave two thousand soldiers and horses to guard this pass. The rest of the soldiers will follow me out of the city to support my wife!


Lu Lingqi left Ah Zhu with Liu Ye. Ah Zhu was tough, invulnerable and powerful, and was obviously far more suitable for charging into battle than the Qiao sisters.

But Ah Zhu didn't say anything, picked up two hammers, jumped onto the female wall, and then rushed down from the city wall. The straight city wall was like walking on the ground under her feet.

Liu Ye also sounded the horn, and the soldiers in the city who were ready to go quickly surged out and formed a battle formation outside the city. Liu Ye gathered the crowd to coordinate, with Ah Zhu as the vanguard, and killed in the direction of the Jiangdong Army, which was starting to become chaotic!

This chapter has been completed!
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