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Three hundred and twentieth chapters loyal dog

"What number is it?" Feng Gao, the yamen office, looked at the assassins who were killed by Zhou Cang on the ground. Chu Nan didn't even let him stay alive. He was used to this kind of days of being assassinated, so he just asked indifferently.

One sentence.

As for who sent him, he had no interest in knowing and no need to know.

"It's the sixth one today." Zhou Cang said with a bitter smile, how much the lord has been hated. Seeing Chu Nan's calm expression, Zhou Cang felt a little pity. His lord was already numb to assassination.


"It's a record." Chu Nan remembered that the highest record of assassinations in a day was five times. Today is the sixth time. And it's not dark yet. There may be a seventh or even eighth time.

"What?" Zhou Cang looked at Chu Nan in confusion. What record was broken? The Lord's words were always hard to understand.

"It's nothing. Let's find a place to bury it." Chu Nan waved his hand and walked out.

"My lord, these days there are people everywhere who want to kill my lord. Now the guards around my lord are not strong enough. I think it's better for my lord not to go out. We don't have enough manpower here." Zhou Cang saw Chu Nan walking out.

He quickly stopped Chu Nan.

Five thousand troops were sent out to suppress the rebellion or defend the city. Currently, there are not many guards around Chu Nan. Only Zhou Cang has a dozen guards around him. Even with the addition of monster ants and monster mantis, it is too thin.


"So we need to find some help." Chu Nan said as he walked: "You haven't slept for three days. If you continue like this, you will become useless. This is a new arrival, and it is really not suitable for a big fight."

In other places, Chu Nan is usually protected by more than one person, Zhou Cang, and Runan is in the army every day. Naturally, he will not have such troubles as now, but now he does.

The Taishan nobles resisted him more violently than Chu Nan expected, and even more than a dozen people transferred from Xuzhou died.

For those veteran officials, the threat of dismissal from office could not scare them at all, so when they got to the local level, they acted unscrupulously and did not take Chu Nan seriously at all.

However, Chu Nan is obviously not a good person. Half of these county magistrates were wiped out. Anyone he sent was harmed. All the gentry in the county were wiped out. On the matter of not following the rules, only

The other party will be more aggressive and violent, and they will want to tell you the rules. It is precisely because of Chu Nan's ruthless methods that he stopped the assassination of Xuzhou officials.

However, the assassinations against Chu Nan have never stopped, and Chu Nan is used to this kind of life of being assassinated.

"Lord, do we still have anyone available in Taishan County?" Zhou Cang followed Chu Nan curiously. He had indeed not slept for three days and was very tired. It would be nice to have someone to change the guard.

"There are no humans." Chu Nan shook his head. He was going to strengthen a few dogs to come and visit the door. He should also have one more monster brother. The dogs are good, have good ears, and have a good sense of smell. If they are raised for a long time, they can understand human nature.

, if cultivated, the combat effectiveness should not be too bad.

Zhou Cang was stunned for a long time, and then he understood that he had seen Chu Nan's magical power, and he was planning to find a beast. He followed Chu Nan at the moment and couldn't help but suggested: "Master, when I have time, I will go

How about stealing a young tiger from the mountains to protect the Lord?"

"Good idea, but... forget it, let's go to the dog market." Chu Nan finally shook his head. Most of the tigers in this world have become spirits. Only a general of Dian Wei's level can dominate the mountains.

Suppress alone, Zhou Cang went away, he might not be able to come back.

Moreover, this kind of demonized monster is relatively expensive to strengthen. Now Chu Nan is saving up his luck to advance, and he doesn’t want to waste too much luck to strengthen the monster. Chitu only strengthened it once and then stopped.


"Dog meat..." Zhou Cang heard this and swallowed subconsciously. He hadn't eaten dog meat for a long time.

Hearing this, Chu Nan obviously felt that he was secreting more saliva, and then he coughed lightly and said: "This time I am going to find a nursing home. What kind of dog meat should we eat in this hot weather? We will eat it in winter."

There are not many delicacies these days, and dog meat is considered a good one. Although it is not popular on the table, it tastes delicious in private.

In fact, Chu Nan had the idea of ​​raising a dog a long time ago.

Of course, it can't be for food. It's really the kind of home care. You have a small courtyard and you can do what you want to do every day without worrying about life. You can have a dog and a cat at home.

Then raise a group of chickens, feed the chickens every day, play with the dogs, and then pet the cats. The leisurely and comfortable feeling makes me yearn for it when I think about it.

It's a pity that this is not a prosperous age, and there are no conditions for this kind of life for him. Before he became successful, he was looking for opportunities to make a fortune. After he became successful, he has been running for survival. Speaking of it, it is also a hard life. In fact, with his current achievements, he can sit back and enjoy it.

, but after all, I still didn’t choose to lie down.

Firstly, the situation has not reached the level of complete stability. If he remains calm now, it may have negative consequences in the future. Secondly, Chu Nan himself has some ambitions to change the world when he becomes an official.

So keep trying, while you are still young and still have the energy to enter. When the day comes when you are old and weak, and the energy in your heart dissipates, it will be too late to even try.

On the streets of Fenggao, there are many fewer pedestrians than when Chu Nan first arrived. After all, there are killings and rebellions everywhere these days. People don’t care what your starting point is. When they feel that something may endanger them

After a while, you will naturally enter a state of alert, which is reflected in the current atmosphere. It will get better after some time.

However, the already somewhat depressing architectural style now seems more desolate, with a feeling that the sun is declining, as if the city is almost finished.

Privately, I am afraid that not only the nobles are scolding him, but also the common people may not have a good impression of him now. After all, there were not so many rebellions in Taishan County before this. When Chu Nan came, it seemed that chaos suddenly broke out.

Likewise, to the common people, it means you are incompetent.

"I don't know what kind of dog my lord wants. I think thin dogs are good, and yellow ears are also fine..." Zhou Cang kept introducing various dogs to Chu Nan. As a dog lover, he not only loves to eat, but also loves to eat.

I don’t know much about dogs. Generally speaking, if you are looking after a house or a courtyard, it is better to choose yellow-eared dogs. They are native dogs of later generations, but in this era, they are not native. Legend has it that the First Emperor even raised one.

If you are hunting, choose a thin dog, which is the type of the mythical Xiaotian dog with extremely strong hunting ability.

The two of them walked along the streets with eight guards. Chu Nan was always paying attention to the surroundings and the changes in luck. Although there had been six assassinations today, after all, the day had not passed. At this time, he appeared on the street.

If you go up, the probability of being assassinated will be slightly higher, so don’t be careless!

The group of people were planning to go to the dog market, but when they were halfway there, Chu Nan suddenly stopped and his eyes fell on a dog lying in the corner on the roadside. It looked like a stray dog ​​and was dirty.

But it gives people a different feeling. There is a sense of vicissitudes in those dog eyes. It is not afraid of people when it meets it. It must be quite old. Occasionally, pedestrians will give it some food when passing by, and it will always

He stood up and nodded towards the passers-by, as if he was saluting and thanking him.

"This dog is quite interesting, but it's just an old dog. It won't live long." Zhou Cang followed Chu Nan to a stop. Seeing Chu Nan's eyes falling on the dog, he looked at it carefully for a moment and gave his own evaluation.

The dog is in good condition, but it is too old, with only a few years left to live, and has no adoption value. It cannot even be digested when cooked. Dogs must be raised from an early age.

"Go and call that man." Chu Nan did not answer, but pointed at the man who had just fed the dog.

"I wonder what your orders are?" The man was brought over by Zhou Cang. Judging from his conversation and demeanor, it was obvious that he was not a commoner, but judging from his robes, he was not considered rich. His gestures and gestures were somewhat bookish, and he had the arrogance of a scholar.

"Do you recognize that dog?" Chu Nan asked curiously.

"My old friend's dog." The young man sighed and said, "Do you know Liu De?"

Chu Nan nodded. Liu Denai was a disciple of Zheng Xuan. He was originally from Beihai. Later, he moved here due to the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Four years ago, Taishan Taishou still accepted the throne. However, because of what happened to Cao Cao's father, he was afraid of taking responsibility and ran away. Let Taishan

The county fell into a period of ungoverned people, and it was during that time that Feng Gao was robbed.

The wealthy family in Fenggao had a fortress and they were not afraid of bandits, but ordinary people could not stand it. Liu De took pity on the suffering of the people, and spent all his wealth to organize the people to resist, and helped them fight against the bandits, but he was also hated by others. One time when he went out

was assassinated.

As for why they are hated by others, it is actually not difficult to understand. Bandits and bandits are a disaster to ordinary people, but to some people they are wealth. People are persecuted and can no longer survive, so they will think of selling their land and themselves.

, Liu De, as a foreigner, will naturally die badly if he meddles in other people's business.

However, Liu De's name is quite famous among the people of Fenggao.

In this context, the story of this yellow dog is rarely known. This yellow dog was adopted by Liu De at the right time when he took refuge with Zheng Kangcheng. He raised it from an early age and did not abandon it when he came here.


This was Liu De's former residence. During Liu De's war days, the yellow dog would send him here every day, watch Liu De leave, and then wait here for him to come back and go home with his master until one day...

...Liu De never came back, but it has always been waiting here.

The young man's name is Tian Qiong, who is also a disciple of Zheng Xuan. As Liu De's classmate and friend, he wanted to adopt the yellow dog several times, but the yellow dog refused to go with anyone and stubbornly came here every day to wait for its owner.

This wait is four years!

Tian Qiong can only bring some food to feed her every day.

"What a loyal dog!" Zhou Cang couldn't help but admired. Not all dogs are like this. Maybe they are like this because they have been with the scholar for a long time, listened to some scriptures, and were contaminated by the aura of awe-inspiring people.

Chu Nan didn't say anything, and just walked straight towards the yellow dog.

This chapter has been completed!
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