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Chapter 345 Breakthrough

With the sound of gold, the Xuzhou Army retreated like a tide. After completing the last round of roars, the war beasts gradually retreated. Many Cao Jun soldiers looked at the retreating Xuzhou Army, their legs weakened, and they did not care about the city wall.

There were corpses everywhere, and he sat down among them, breathing heavily.

The Xuzhou army was so powerful. Whether it was Zhang Liao in the south city, Huang Zhong in the east city, or Gao Shun in the west city, they put great pressure on Cao Jun. It seemed as if each side was the main attacker. The brilliant offensive made Cao Jun panic every moment.

There was a feeling that the city was about to be breached, so that when the opponent withdrew his troops, Cao Jun felt like he was surviving a disaster.

The generals of each battalion took the opportunity to change defenses and ordered the people to go to the city to dispose of the corpses. The rotating soldiers took this opportunity to go to the city to replace the soldiers who had experienced a day of fierce fighting and rest.

On the city tower, Cao Ren watched all this silently. He did not feel the slightest sense of relief because of the Xuzhou army's retreat, but his mood became increasingly heavy.

In any case, giving up a companion is not something to be happy about, especially in this critical moment. On this day, he was struggling fiercely in his heart or thinking about whether there was a replacement.

However, since Xun You spoke out, it was obviously after careful consideration. Among the generals, it seems that the only one who has the ability to stabilize the situation at this time is Yu Jin.

"General!" Niu Jin came to Cao Ren and said, "The enemy has retreated. General has been here for a day. It's time to go back and rest."

Cao Ren looked at Niu Jin, nodded silently, got up and got off the tower, walking slowly towards the city.

The journey was not long, but Cao Ren walked very slowly, feeling as if he hoped he would never finish it.

Unfortunately, the road has an end after all. When he returned to the government office, Cao Pi and the generals were already waiting there, and Xia Houyuan also returned after settling Xuchang.

"Uncle Zixiao, why is your face so ugly?" Cao Pi keenly noticed that Cao Ren's face was not pretty, and quickly stepped forward and said, "But he was injured?"

Cao Ren shook his head, patted Cao Pi's hand, indicating that he was okay, and looked at the generals in the tent. The most distinguished generals in Cao's army were already gathered here.

After inviting Cao Pi to take his seat, Cao Ren came to his seat. Although there was no distinction between Cao Pi and Cao Ren, he was implicitly the leader. In the past, he had done his duty, but today, he felt that his seat was a little hot.

"Everyone, I am going to lead the lord, Master Zhi, and Master Zhang to break out." Under the gaze of everyone, Cao Ren spoke slowly, his voice was particularly hoarse, and the atmosphere in the hall became solemn with his words.

"Why? Our army has not shown signs of defeat!" Xia Houyuan frowned and said, "Why does Zixiao suddenly have such thoughts?"

"If we defend, we can naturally defend for a while." Cao Ren did not refute, nodded and said: "But must we defend until the city is broken? By then, what kind of situation will the lord and the two young masters face, do you have any idea?


"Originally, we were planning to hold on here and contact Jizhou Yuan Gong to return to help us retreat from the enemy. By then, Lu Bu would not dare to put all his troops here." Cao Ren's hoarse voice echoed in the hall:

"If this is the case, it will make sense for us to hold on. No matter how tired we are, at least the soldiers still have hope. However, no one knows whether Yuan Tan's action represents Duke Yuan's intention. The soldiers are desperate. You should also take note of today's situation.


"Of course we can still defend. Even if the Xuzhou army is fierce, we can always defend for a month, but the city's defeat is inevitable in the end." Cao Ren looked at the generals: "As a general, I don't need to say anything when I'm wrapped in horse leather.

, but where is the lord?"

Cao Pi looked at Cao Ren with a pale face and said, "Uncle, Zihuan is not afraid, even if he dies in this battle!"

Cao Ren nodded fondly, looked at the generals and said, "For us to stick to this place, apart from adding more prestige to Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and their ilk, what's the point?"

The generals remained silent and did not speak.

"Do you still want to avenge the old master?" Cao Ren asked again.

Xia Houyuan sighed and said: "What Zi Xiao said makes sense, but when will Zi Xiao prepare to break out?"

"The sooner the better." Cao Ren said solemnly: "However, we cannot take away all the defenders in this city. Some people need to stay."

Cao Ren said it quite euphemistically. In fact, since we want to break through, it is best to break through with a small group of elites so that the enemy cannot detect it.

Nowadays, the Xuzhou army is attacking the city by surrounding three towers. There is no defender guarding the north gate, but everyone is an expert in using troops and knows whether there is an ambush over there.

Therefore, the task of the people left behind is not to defend the city, but to help cover them when they break out, attract and block the enemy troops, and allow those who really want to break out to successfully break out.

"I'm coming!" Xia Houyuan took a deep breath and looked at the generals.

"The last general is willing to protect the lord and break through the encirclement!" Yu Jin and Le Jin stood up and said.

"Brother!" Cao Hong and Cao Chun also stood up and said in a deep voice.

Looking at the crowd, Cao Ren hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Wen Ze has always been prestigious and can control the three armies, so Wen Ze will stay behind."

The generals didn't say anything. It wouldn't be surprising no matter who they choose to stay at this time.

"General, take your orders!" Yu Jin clasped his fists and said, "I will protect my lord well."

"Wen Ze, our army will not have many people to break through. With the tiger and leopard cavalry accompanying us, we can cross the Yellow River tomorrow. Wen Ze only needs to hold on until tomorrow evening, and we will be considered successful. Then we will try to break out." Cao Ren looked at this man who was fighting side by side.

A friend of many years, he said in a deep voice: "I'll wait in Liyang."

"Zixiao, since Yuan Tan has sent troops, how do you know it is not Yuan Shao's intention?" Xia Houyuan frowned and said, "If I wait here, am I throwing myself into a trap?"

Cao Ren shook his head and said: "If even Mr. Yuan refuses to take him in, the world is so big that Ren doesn't know where else to go. It is up to the Lord to decide whether to go to Jizhou or not."

He said and looked at Cao Pi.

After Cao Pi closed his eyes and thought for a moment, he nodded and said, "According to the words of a son who is filial to his uncle, I am willing to give it a try."

Although he is young, after so many things, Cao Pi already has some magnanimity in him. This makes Cao Ren happy, but also feels heartbroken. How old is this child? At the age of thirteen, he should be carefree, but he is

I have to shoulder the future of a family.

He looked back at Yu Jin and said, "Wen Ze must come back!"

Yu Jin stepped in and saluted: "The last general takes orders!"

The goal has been agreed upon, and now it’s time to decide when to set off.

"Now that it has been decided, the general will take this matter sooner rather than later. Such a sudden move of troops can also be a surprise." Le Jin suggested.

Yu Jin said in a deep voice: "You can have people attack the enemy's camp at night. We don't want any merit, but we want to attract the enemy's attention. In the end, the general will personally lead the army to protect the Lord from the city!"

"Thank you, General!" Cao Pi nodded, looking grateful towards the Forbidden Road.

The plan was decided, Cao Ren called his trusted generals Niu Jin, Niu Gai, and Gao Qian, and ordered the three of them to stay and assist Yu Jin, and attack the enemy camp at night to buy time for them to break out. With the speed of the tiger and leopard cavalry, they could just break out of the encirclement.

, unless Lu Bu comes in person, it is impossible to catch up with them.

Yu Jinze personally led 3,000 elite soldiers and tiger and leopard cavalry out of the city. At midnight, all four gates of Shouzhang City were opened, and General Niu Jin led his troops to attack their respective camps opposite.

The generals of Cao's army protected Cao Pi's three brothers and the Bian family out of the city.

Outside the north gate, Chu Nan, who was watching the city in the night, suddenly noticed that the green energy was surging in Shouzhang City, and the luck began to dissipate. He frowned slightly, turned to look at Zhou Cang and said: "Go to Wen Chang and ask him to order troops."

"Here!" Zhou Cang didn't talk nonsense and ran directly to pass the message. Chu Nan got on his horse and squinted in the direction of Shouzhang. As time went by, the change in Shouzhang's luck became more and more obvious.

This is the first time Chu Nan has encountered such a change in luck. Although he doesn’t know what happened, something is definitely going to happen!

"My lord!" Wei Yan came to Chu Nan with his troops and horses, bowed and said, "I wonder what my lord has ordered?"

"Shou Zhangcheng, there is a change tonight, so I will ask the chief to work harder tonight. We will definitely gain something if we stay here!" Chu Nan pointed at Shou Zhang.

"Here!" Although Wei Yan didn't know how Chu Nan judged it, he knew that his lord had miraculous abilities. He should have noticed something, so he didn't ask any more questions and quietly led the army with Chu Nan to not far from Shouzhang City.

It happened to be the time of the third watch. Almost as soon as they arrived, they saw the gate of Shouzhang City opened wide and a group of Cao's troops swarmed out of the city.

"Big fish!" Chu Nan and Wei Yan's eyes lit up at the same time. Chu Nan pointed and said: "Do it!"

"Thief general, where are you going!" Wei Yan was also overjoyed. He never expected that such a good thing would happen to him. After the troops left the city for a distance, he immediately shouted and led his troops to cut off the enemy's retreat.

They surged toward the group of people leaving the city.

Cao Jun had already predicted that there was an ambush in Beicheng, so he was not surprised when he saw it.

"My lord, the last general will send my lord here!" Yu Jin saluted Cao Pi, turned his horse's head and shouted: "The rear team will change to the front team and form an array!"

"General, take care!" Cao Pi raised his fist and saluted Yu Jin, and then without any intention of stopping, Cao Chun commanded the tiger and leopard cavalry to form a military formation and gallop towards the west.

When Chu Nan saw this, he knew that there was something strange about this group of people. However, there were only Zhou Cang and two hundred guards left around him. Let alone being unable to catch up, he would not dare to catch up even if he could. He was not his father-in-law, so what if?

If we encounter any powerful generals, it's probably just him and Zhou Cang who will be defeated.

There was only a small group of people, so let him go. He turned his attention to Yu Jin's three thousand elites. This group of people couldn't run away.

Wei Yan and Yu Jin had fought against each other. After the battle formations of the two sides collided, Wei Yan knew who the enemy was. He laughed and used the power of the formation to shout: "Yu Wenze, what's the conspiracy here late at night!?"

When Yu Jin saw that Cao Pi and his party had gone away, he felt relaxed. He looked at Wei Yan and sneered in reply: "General, you might as well guess!"

"No need to guess!" Wei Yan didn't want to play a guessing game with him. He laughed and said, "It's enough to keep you here tonight!"

Yu Jin is a general of Cao's army. In the past few battles, both sides were evenly matched, but now that he has more troops, Yu Jin is sure to take advantage of these three thousand elites!

"Let's see if you have this ability!" Yu Jin said disdainfully. The battle formations merged, but Wei Yan had already taken the lead and charged in!

"Reckless man!" Seeing this, Yu Jin gritted his teeth and cursed with hatred. The three armies gathered together and faced Wei Yan without fear...

This chapter has been completed!
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