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Three hundred and fiftieth chapters the method of taking scholars

"Six Parts." Lu Bu frowned slightly as he listened to Chu Nan's explanation of the Six Parts and said, "Is Zi Yanjue's method useful?"

Chen Gong and Chu Nan came to discuss the six ministries with him at the same time. Although Lu Bu reunited with his wife and concubines after a long separation, they felt a little bit embarrassed to pass on the official duties that had accumulated for several months to them, so they still took time out of their busy schedules to discuss with them.

These six things.

But I feel that many of the functions of the Six Ministries correspond to those of the Nine Ministers. For example, isn’t the Ministry of Punishment the same as the Ting Wei? The Ministry of Personnel is the Shangshu Ling, and the Ministry of Works is the Young Mansion. The imperial court already has positions, so why go to the trouble of establishing the Six Ministries.

"Father-in-law, this is excessive power. These powers are still in the hands of Jiu Qing in name." Chu Nan explained: "And Jiu Qing is not under father-in-law's account. After the establishment of the Six Ministries, these powers were invisibly transferred to father-in-law. Jiu Qing

The power will then be emptied out and remain in name only."

"In this case, why not directly appoint and remove Jiuqing?" Lu Bu asked puzzledly.

"Marquis Wen is now in charge of the court. The power in the world belongs to the emperor, but in fact it is controlled by Marquis Wen. After all, the court is not what it was in Xuzhou. Since Marquis Wen wants to serve the emperor, he cannot break the court rules too much and directly dismiss Jiu.

Sir, with Marquis Wen's current power, it is certainly possible, but in the future the imperial laws will be in vain." Chen Gong said with a smile.

so what?

Lu Bu looked at Chu Nan.

"If the imperial court consecrates my father-in-law as a Taiwei today, removes my father-in-law as a Taiwei tomorrow, and appoints my father-in-law as a Situ the day after tomorrow, and removes him again the day after tomorrow, without any reason, then my father thinks that the positions of these three princes are still honorable?" Chu

Nan probably knew what Lu Bu was wondering about.

The most important thing about the system is that everyone abides by it. Before the nine ministers in the court make mistakes, it is natural that you can appoint and remove them at will. But in this case, the criterion for measuring the nine ministers is who makes you happy, not who is more suitable for this position.

Over time, you can imagine what kind of people Lu Bu can gather around him.

Lu Bu shook his head. He probably understood: "So the nine ministers in the court cannot be dismissed at will, but the power in their hands must be transferred to my hands?"

"Yes, so the Six Ministries will gradually replace the Nine Qings. The Jiu Qing is still there, but the power has been transferred to the Six Ministries. When the time is right in the future, the Nine Qings can be removed, or the Six Ministries can replace the Nine Qings." Chu Nan nodded.


"The people from the Ministry of Punishment have chosen one of Cao Cao's subordinates to serve in the future. He has not yet surrendered." After understanding the structure of the six ministries, Lu Bu did not object. He could not understand the twists and turns in the court before, but now under the careful guidance of his son-in-law

Let me explain, combined with my own past experience, I understand a lot of things that I couldn't understand before.

"If he is really a legalist, he will be able to enforce the law impartially, which can be used by me. In addition, it can also show my father-in-law's ambition. If it is mixed with selfishness, it can be used as a handle to undermine his law." Chu Nan smiled and said: "Father-in-law, now

Our army has spread throughout the three states, and the entire Central Plains belongs to us. At this time, governing the world is different from governing a state. We need to strictly enforce laws and regulations so that the people know what to do and do their own thing. Otherwise, governance will be very chaotic. Man Chong is the best choice.

The right person."

"That's all." Lu Bu nodded. He knew that when it came to governing the country, these things were not his strong suit, so he didn't want to ask any more questions. He nodded and said, "According to Zi Yan's words, when will the six ministries be reported to the court?"

"Establish it first." Chu Nan said with a smile: "Prepare the manpower and build the six government offices before going to court to discuss it."

In fact, in Chu Nan's view, the imperial court was the last link to establish the six bureaus. Otherwise, if according to the past rules, the imperial court would nod first and then build. It would not be said to be a long way off, but it would definitely be very difficult. It would be better to cut it first and build it later.

Go to the court to have it stamped.

In this way, Jiuqing became a decoration, and the framework of Lu Bu's regime was completely established.

Chen Gong suddenly said: "Zi Yan, how prepared are you for this official selection system?"

Regarding how the imperial court selects scholars, it is obvious that it cannot continue with the implementation of the New Deal. With the establishment of the six ministries, Chen Gongzhang appoints and dismisses officials. However, in the past, the promotion of filial piety and integrity was recommended by state and county officials. With the implementation of the New Deal,

With the implementation of the system, it is obvious that it is difficult to continue the system of promoting filial piety and honesty. The reason is very simple. The local gentry and powerful people have been abolished.

The relationship between local officials and nobles and powerful people has changed from interdependence in the past to the current confrontation, which makes local officials deeply wary of noble people and powerful talents.

Moreover, the disadvantages of promoting filial piety and honesty are also obvious. Officials recommended by local governments, whether from poor families or noble families, will naturally form an interdependent relationship with the recommending officials.

In fact, the system of promoting filial piety and integrity can also unearth talents from poor families. After all, state and county officials also need people to do practical things for them. For example, Sun Jian, the founder of Jiangdong Entrepreneurship, actually came from a poor family, but he rose step by step through the system of promoting filial piety and integrity.

And after these poor families come out through local officials, they will have a good relationship. The Yuan family has four generations and three nobles, and their disciples and former officials are all over the world. Many officials were recommended by the Yuan family to become officials. Now the New Deal is being implemented with the purpose of taking back some local powers.

If the imperial court still uses the system of promoting filial piety and integrity in selecting officials, with Lu Bu's current situation, it will easily lead to excessive local power or even return to the situation in the past.

In that case, the New Deal will become a joke and may even be overturned in the future.

Regarding this issue, the two masters and apprentices have studied it before. Now that the six ministries have been established, it is a good time to talk about how the Ministry of Personnel recruits scholars.

"The assessment will be unified by the imperial court." Chu Nan thought for a moment and said, "No one is asked about his background, only his talent. As long as he passes the imperial examination, anyone can become an official."

In this era, it is obviously impossible to implement the imperial examination. Without that environment, even if papermaking and printing were developed, it would not work. The people would not have the opportunity to become literate.

There is no such condition for all the people to study, so scholars can only be selected from noble families, poor families and local wealthy families. At present, those who will respond to Lu Bu's call are mostly from poor families. There may also be people from the noble families, even many, but they

As long as Chu Nan dares to come, he will use it.

Under the current system, as long as the Six Ministries are in their hands, it is useless no matter how happy the officials below are. It is difficult for local government offices that have lost the right to appoint officials to recruit strong talents, and the officials sent by the imperial court are not.

With such incense and love, from now on, the person whose disciples and old officials will be all over the world is the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel.

Of course, this is also a hazard, but compared to the previous excessive local power, this hazard will be much smaller. People value the position of Minister of the Ministry of Personnel rather than a certain official. Once he leaves this position, he will immediately fall into disgrace.

, but it is difficult to regain the influence it had before.

"Assessment?" Lu Bu looked at Chu Nan and said.

"Yes, just like selecting generals in the army, focusing on martial arts and military skills. The strong will be promoted and the mediocre will be demoted. After selecting officials, people from all over the country who are willing to become officials can be gathered together for assessment. This assessment involves people's livelihood and policy discussions.

Wait, we will evaluate where this person is suitable based on the assessment results." Chu Nan nodded.

Although there are not many educated people in the world at present, there is also not much demand for officials. There are actually only three official positions that a county may appoint, namely county magistrate, county magistrate, and county lieutenant. These are the ones who get the salary from the court, and the rest are in charge.

Records and the like belong to officials and are not subject to appointment or dismissal by the court.

Of course, the rules need to be changed, and officials can also be promoted to officials. As long as their political performance is sufficient and they pass the assessment, they can be promoted to officials. However, the court needs to appoint only three people in a county. In theory, there are about a thousand in the entire Dahan county.

Speaking of which, 3,000 officials are enough.

Of course, there are also county government, governor's office and court officials. This number can be added by one thousand, about four thousand officials. This ratio is obviously much lower than that of educated people, so Chu Nan is not worried that the nobles will not buy it. The general trend

When it is done, it is no longer they who seek help from the nobles, but the nobles who seek help from them.

This is also the reason why Chu Nan has never scorned the noble clan.

Now that they occupy the land of three states, they are far from the whole country, so they naturally have fewer officials to arrange.

With the implementation of the New Deal, more and more wealth is in the hands of the people. Naturally, some people will start to try to study. If they can defeat Yuan Shao, Chu Nan will consider starting to promote knowledge. Before the promotion, papermaking and printing

The technique must be worked out.

The Ministry of Industry is not as simple as imagined, and it may even become the key to leading the imperial court to strength in the future.

After briefly stating his thoughts, Chen Gong thought: "This method can indeed replace the inspection system and limit the expansion of the power of local officials."

As a great scholar who has been an official for half his life, Chen Gong naturally has a good vision. He can see the pros and cons of Chu Nan's method. He abandoned the previous method of promoting filial piety and integrity and replaced it with assessment. If other princes implemented it, there would be great resistance.

, because the interests of too many people have been affected, and if it is Lu Bu's side, the most troublesome problem for others will no longer be a problem here.

Once the Central Plains gentry stabilizes, they will probably be reduced by 70 to 80%. How can they still have the ability and courage to hinder the implementation of the New Deal?

Moreover, during the first examination to select knights, there is a high probability that the nobles will be in a wait-and-see attitude, but it doesn't matter. Although Lu Bu killed ruthlessly, he had invisibly won over a class. The poor families and local clans were actually the beneficiaries, and now they are fully liberalized.

At the gate of talent recruitment, these talented people will naturally flock to you.

As long as this is successful the first time, if the nobles are unwilling to put down their pride and participate in the competition in the future, they will only watch their family decline a little bit.

However, poor families and local clans will become Lu Bu's absolute supporters.

Chen Gong now appreciates Chu Nan's original decision more and more. After all, if you win over the nobles, you have to release a lot of power, and if you win over the poor families and local clans, even if you give them a relatively fair opportunity, these people will be grateful.

"What do Marquis Wen think?" Chen Gong looked at Lu Bu.

Lu Bu nodded and asked again: "What do you think of the army as well?"

"Not for the time being." Chen Gong and Chu Nan shook their heads at the same time. Other princes did not dare to interfere with the interests of the nobles, but they could not interfere with the interests of the army. Lu Bu relied on the army to suppress the world. If he was in the army at this time,

If this method is implemented in China, there is a high probability that many generals will be resentful.

Moreover, the promotion system in the military is relatively fair compared to the promotion of filial piety and integrity. After all, those who have no ability basically die on the battlefield. It is obviously inappropriate to use the military merit system at this time. I will risk my life to do it.

Others only need to move a pen to get the position. How can you ask the soldiers to support it?

At this stage, the military merit system is the most suitable system for the military and does not need to be improved. Only when there are fewer wars in the future and soldiers have no way to be promoted can this system be introduced before people can accept it.

Chu Nan probably explained the necessity of the military merit system to Lu Bu, but Lu Bu saw that his son-in-law and advisers were opposed to this matter at the same time, so he gave up the idea after thinking about it.

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