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Chapter 381 Prelude

Chu Nan seems to have really run out of tricks.

After negotiating with the wealthy people to obtain the promised rice grains, they immediately sent people to cook porridge with the rice grains in various streets and alleys of Xuchang for relief, so that people who could not afford to buy grains would have a temporary cushion and would not starve to death.

However, five thousand shi of grain sounds like a lot, but it would be a drop in the bucket if used to provide relief to hundreds of thousands of people, although it would last for two more days than directly distributing grain or selling it at a low price.

But what's the use?

Prices in Xuchang cannot be solved by eating enough porridge for two days. Five thousand shi of food is still obtained from others. People know the basics, how can they collapse because of you temporarily cutting prices?

What Xuchang lacks now is a complete supply chain. Without wealthy merchants from all over the country to continuously deliver supplies to Xuchang, this city will not be able to survive for too long and will collapse on its own.

The nobles in Xuchang knew this, as did the wealthy businessmen who came and went. They didn't believe that Chu Nan didn't know this, but they were a little surprised that Chu Nan still refused to bow his head and admit defeat.

After all, at this point, the situation has been decided, unless military rations are used, but in that case, it is very likely to face a mutiny by hundreds of thousands of troops from the Central Plains.

In fact, the soaring prices in Xuchang were not controlled by the gentry at first, but as the matter was not resolved, the gentry also saw opportunities.

Chu Nan didn't have any personal connections, but he was in charge of the imperial finances. Even though Lu Bu was powerful, this matter still made many people jealous and dissatisfied. If this was the first major issue after taking office, he couldn't solve it. How could he continue to be in charge of the household department?

Lu Bu is a vulgar martial artist, so it’s okay if he doesn’t understand these things. Chen Gong and Chu Nan, one of you is a former celebrity, and the other is a businessman. Don’t you understand the truth clearly?

How dare you take over the imperial finances without the support of the nobles? What can you do to take over the finances? That ridiculous Xuzhou Chamber of Commerce?

The reason why the gentry is important is not just because they occupy a large amount of production resources, but more importantly, an invisible network is established on this basis that covers almost all aspects of the world. This network covers all walks of life and includes all industries.

People’s basic necessities of life.

Anyone who lives in Han Dynasty can only live under this huge network that is as impregnable as Skynet. Anyone who wants to break through this huge network will encounter resistance from all aspects, and will eventually either die of exhaustion or be killed.


Chu Nan's killing of the scholars indeed tore a rift in this indestructible giant web, but it also created the chaos of soaring prices in Xuchang today.

This is a counterattack from the nobles, a war without weapons!

If Chu Nan still wants to abide by the rules, then he can only bow his head and admit defeat in the end and give up the rights of the Ministry of Household Affairs. It’s not that you built the six departments, these six departments belong to you. No matter whether it is the six departments or the nine ministers, the upper management must have enough rights.

Only the grassroots forces can provide support.

You, Chu Nan, built six ministries out of thin air and thought that you could transfer the rights, but you didn't know that this was just a rootless thing.

If you don't abide by the rules, Lu Bu's power will soon completely collapse due to financial collapse, and there will be nothing to fear!

They believed that the Xuchang commodity price incident would make Chu Nan and Chen Gong realize the importance and irreplaceable and indispensable characteristics of the gentry.

If you want to continue playing in this power game, cooperation with the nobles is the best and only choice.

There are some things that nobles have, but poor families don't have. The foundation of nobles, superficial fame and visible wealth are just two sides. The real power is based on the things between the two. It can be said to be the foundation, or it can be said that

It's Fuyin. In short, if you want to succeed, it's unrealistic to avoid the nobles.

Of course, the nobles don't want to lose both sides, so they are willing to accept upstarts like Chu Nan, but the premise is... you have to be a dog!

"Winter is coming, but the weather is getting colder and colder. This winter will be very difficult." In Situ Mansion, Zhao Wen drank warm wine and admired the vastness and loneliness of everything in the courtyard withered.

Opposite him, Kong Rong was not in the mood to drink. He frowned at Zhao Wen and said, "Brother Zirou, now the whole city of Xuchang is starving and dying. If this continues, the court will be in danger. We can't let them do this anymore!"

"If this problem is not solved before winter, many people will die in Xuchang. Everyone knows this, and Lu Bu naturally knows it, so there is no need to worry about Wenju." In Situ's mansion, Zhao Wen took a sip of warm wine and looked at the slightly irritable

Kong Rong shook his head.

They are not traders, at most they are bystanders, but they can probably expect this outcome. The counterattack of the nobles has begun. Sometimes war may not be full of smoke, and counterattack may not require the use of weapons.

"This Chu Ziyan has some abilities. Don't be careless. How about we..." Kong Rong wanted to add fuel to the flames. The current ghost town-like appearance of Xuchang was definitely not what he wanted to see.

"Don't break the rules." Zhao Wen shook his head and looked at Kong Rong seriously: "I would just hand him the handle of the knife and let nature take its course. Chu Ziyan is talented and ambitious. He wants to

Breaking the situation established by the gentry for thousands of years, but how can it be that easy? It is not surprising that the young man is arrogant. After this incident, he will restrain himself. You and I can just watch, but we must not interfere."

This is a contest between Chu Nan and the entire gentry class. No one needs to take the lead. Ever since Chu Nan did not know how to restrain himself in dealing with the gentry, this result has been brewing. Until now, the price incident in Xuchang finally broke out for the first time.

"Brother Zirou, if Lu Bu opens his mouth, are we really going to take action?" Kong Rong frowned and said, since he has taken the initiative, why not take advantage of the victory and pursue it, but share the power of the court with Lu Bu?

"Naturally, peace in the world requires warriors, but to rule the world, we need to rule. Chu Nan is young and energetic, and Chen Gong claims to be noble. They are too naive, but the Han Dynasty and the state of Zuo have already declined. If it is true,

If a large number of people starve to death in Xuchang during this winter and their bones are frozen to death, when future generations talk about you and me, we may be scolded together with Lu Bu."

"Rough warriors probably won't care about this, but you and I are famous people in this world, so we can't bear this stigma." Zhao Rou smiled and nodded.

"Oh, I feel tight in my chest when I think about sharing the court with that vulgar warrior in the future!" Kong Rong snorted coldly.

"The days are long, so why bother fighting over the civil examination? Besides, if we want to pacify the world and revive the Han Dynasty, he is indispensable! Compromise is sometimes about gaining more." Zhao Wen tightened his brocade robe and looked at Kong Rong with a smile.

He said: "At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the weather is getting colder. Wouldn't it be wonderful for you and me to warm up and talk about the world here? Why bother thinking about these troublesome things?"

"Yes." Kong Rong nodded, raised his glass and drank the wine in one gulp, but he had no intention of savoring the taste like Zhao Wen did.

Like Zhao Wen and Kong Rong, there were many people watching this incident in every corner of Xuchang. This price issue seemed like a trivial matter, but it was a silent confrontation between the extraordinary Lu Bu forces and the noble forces.

On the street, Chu Nan and Lu Lingqi drove forward slowly in a carriage, opening the curtains. From time to time, people with sallow faces and skinny faces could be seen on both sides of the street, with numbness and despair in their eyes.

The dust thrown up by the upper-level game is like a mountain falling on ordinary people, enough to crush all their expectations for the future.

After watching for a long time, Chu Nan lowered the curtain of the car window and closed his eyes silently.

Lu Lingqi stretched out her hand, let her husband's head rest in her soft arms, and gently pressed his temples.

"Just don't look at it." Lu Lingqi said softly. She was a Shura who came out of the darkness. She was used to seeing the suffering in the world, and her heart had long been numb, but her husband was not.

"If you don't see it, it doesn't mean you don't have it." Chu Nan closed his eyes and said softly: "I am also responsible for causing today's situation. Although I was prepared for it, when I saw it, I still felt guilty."

"Just don't do it." Lu Lingqi felt a little sorry for her husband, but her cold and stern face in front of outsiders was rarely filled with tenderness at this moment.

Chu Nan shook his head and said nothing.

Lu Lingqi was silent for a while and then suddenly said: "Has your husband ever regretted it?"

"Regret?" Chu Nan shook his head: "The world is sick. It's very serious. There are abscesses. If you don't cut them, they will continue to spread until they fail. If you cut them, there will be short-term pain, but in exchange, you can regain your health.

, I am the one who cuts the abscess at this moment. If I don’t do this, our descendants will suffer greater suffering in the future. The scholars want to use this to make me bow my head. They look down on all living beings from high above, thinking that they are extraordinary, but they don’t.

You know, they are the abscesses!"

"In the past, I actually wanted to be a scholar. Scholars are so good. They are aloof and have endless wealth for a lifetime without doing anything." Chu Nan did not enjoy the beauty, but just closed his eyes and said with a tired look on his face:

"But when I think that some things will happen in the future, and future generations will suffer catastrophes unprecedented in thousands of years, I want to do something for this era. Even if I fail in the end, my life in this world will not be in vain."

It was rare to hear a hint of exhaustion in Chu Nan's words, and Lu Lingqi felt inexplicably distressed.

"I don't know much about national affairs, but if my husband needs me, I am willing to be the sharp knife in my husband's hands to cut off all injustices!" Lu Lingqi's voice was not high, but she was full of determination.

Chu Nan opened his eyes and looked up. Well, from this angle, his wife's face was still attractive. I wonder if it was because of her pregnancy. At this moment, Lu Lingqi had a faint maternal glow.

You won’t treat me like your son and love me, right?

My husband still likes how shy you look when you call me daddy.

Chu Nan struggled, got up from his wife's soft embrace, leaned on the carriage and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it's only been a few days, the situation has been laid out, and those people are probably waiting for me to bow my head and beg them."

, I have to go to the court in a few days to see what those people will look like when they find out that they are not that important, it will be very exciting."

"As long as your husband likes it." Lu Lingqi smiled. She rarely smiled, but when she smiled now, it was particularly touching. Even though they had been a couple for a long time, her heart could not help but beat at this moment, and it was not mixed with desire.

Finally caught up, I will try to release it at the normal time tomorrow...the day after tomorrow

(End of chapter)

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