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Chapter 408 Different

"Is it possible that no one in this land of Xinzheng understands this strange art?" Chen Gong took a sip of broth, looked at his disciples and frowned.

Qi Men Dun Jia, you have to say that there are many people like Chu Nan who are a little knowledgeable in the world, but there are only a few people in the world who are truly proficient.

Although many people came to Xinzheng, they were mainly knights and knights, and there were also some strong men and nobles who sent their elites to try their luck.

How many of these people can understand strange things?

"Even if no one understands, there should still be someone who can help us break the formation." Chu Nan frowned and thought.

"Is the person Zi Yan is talking about someone like Sima Jun?" Chen Gong looked at Chu Nan, and as soon as he thought about it, he knew who Chu Nan was waiting for.

Chen Gong naturally knew about the immortal envoy Sima Jun. If the other party's purpose was to deceive people into the secret realm to sacrifice, then it would be impossible to just sit back and watch them remain trapped in this strange door.

"Yes." Chu Nan nodded: "Last time there was not much movement on Tian Heng Island, but it still attracted that Sima Jun. Now that there is such a big movement in the secret realm of Xuanyuan Tomb, there is no such thing as the immortal envoy hiding in the dark.

After following up, Chu Nan definitely didn’t believe it.”

"Perhaps, the other party doesn't understand Qimen either." Lu Bu suddenly gave an answer, which made both Chu Nan and Chen Gong startled.

This Qi Men Dun Jia is different from other skills. It requires a lot of talent. Without talent, you will not be able to get into it no matter how long you live. And even if you have some talent, you can barely get started, but after getting started, it will be difficult to move forward, and there will be bottlenecks. At a certain level,

It's basically over, no matter how long you live, it won't matter.

If the opponent doesn't understand Qimen, then it will be almost impossible to break through this level of Qimen formation with brute force.

"It is impossible that there are no people who are proficient in the Qi Sect." Chu Nan sat up, frowned and began to calculate. However, after calculating for a moment, he reluctantly gave up. He faintly noticed that the Qi Sect formation here was not quite the same as the outside world.

It's the same, but why it's different, Chu Nan can't tell.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Chu Nan suddenly smiled bitterly and said, "Teacher, I suddenly remembered something."

"Oh?" Chen Gong looked at Chu Nan curiously: "What's the matter?"

"Disciples have experienced that Guo Jia and Liu Ye dismantled the Qimen in the Heavenly Prison. Most of the Qimen we can see today actually unfold the illusion array by affecting people's five senses and six senses. In other words, these Qimen

The illusion formation formed must actually be built with the target as the center."

Chu Nan turned to look at Lu Bu and Chen Gong: "Have my father-in-law and teacher ever seen Qimen face thousands or even tens of thousands of people at the same time?"

"Impossible!" Lu Bu said flatly without waiting for Chen Gong's answer. He had the most say in this matter. Basically, every time the opponent made a strange move, he was the only target.

"But today's formation is aimed at the entire Xinzheng territory!" Chu Nan looked at the two of them and said, "In other words, if we still follow the previous theory of the Qimen Fantasy Formation, this Qimen Formation will target a large number of people at the same time, and

They can still depend on each other and be interlocked without collapsing!"

Chen Gong understood why Chu Nan asked this question. Even if he didn't understand the art of Qimen, he could understand the essential difference between the two from Chu Nan's description. If he used the same set of thinking methods, it would be basically impossible for the latter to plot


"And..." Chu Nan flicked a leaf next to him, looked at the two of them and said, "As far as I know, the so-called triggering affects the whole body. As far as I know, the most difficult thing to create in this strange sect is actually this kind of cause and effect. This kind of cause and effect.

When a leaf moves, it will produce slight fluctuations, which will affect other leaves to move. In our opinion, this is common sense. However, in the Qimen Formation, this is the most difficult. Sometimes you will feel the touch when you move this leaf.

, but the leaves will not move, let alone... snap~"

When Chu Nan exerted force, the leaves broke. Although soon after, the pulled leaves disappeared and the broken leaves grew back, this sense of reality was not found in other Qimen formations.

"I once talked with Liu Ye and Guo Jia. The more strange sects there are in this phantom array, the more real the illusory array will be, making it difficult for people to decipher. The current strange sect, at least, is the Fenghou


"This is Xuanyuan's tomb, and Fenghou is Huangdi's lord. If it is really Fenghou's Qimen, could this secret place really be related to Huangdi?" chengong said with some surprise.

"Well, and I don't know if my father-in-law has ever noticed that if this is a secret realm, we don't feel like we have entered a secret realm." Chu Nan looked at Lu Bu. Both of them had entered a secret realm before. They felt like they were lost in a moment.

Never happened here.

It was as if I had entered a secret realm without even realizing it.

Lu Bu nodded: "When Zi Yan said this, it seems to be true."

He and Chu Nan had communicated with each other, and it seemed that they all had the feeling of being lost for a moment when entering a maze.

"Perhaps we haven't entered the secret realm yet, and the strange gates we see now have always been there, but they disappeared because of the disappearance of the power of heaven and earth. Now that the power of heaven and earth has recovered, it may reach a certain concentration, and this strange gates will appear on their own. At the same time,

It has also become the outermost barrier blocking the secret realm." Chu Nan guessed.

"Why are you blocking people?" Lu Bu frowned.

Chu Nan shook his head: "My son-in-law doesn't know about this. However, he guessed that it might be a test. We might as well walk for a while. If we still can't get out after an hour, my son-in-law will use his magical power to break through."

This is a strange situation."

The Eye of True Sight is Chu Nan's biggest support and the most powerful auxiliary method so far. How can he use it as soon as he comes in?

After hearing this, Lu Bu and Chen Gong also nodded and followed Chu Nan forward. Chu Nan kept paying attention to good and bad luck and found that no matter which direction he went, his luck was average, which meant that there was no danger or... this strange door

Among them, you can even fake your own luck!

If it's the latter, it's a bit scary.

The worst thing is that in this Qimen world, people's sense of time will be blurred. Chu Nan said it was an hour, but in fact there is no way to measure time here. It just feels like he has walked for a long time, but the specific time is unknown.

People know.

Just when the four people in the group were feeling restless, the scene in front of them suddenly changed. The dense forest suddenly disappeared and was replaced by an empty plain. The scorching sunlight shone down, making it difficult to even breathe.

At the same time, I also saw a dozen figures not far away, looking here warily.

"Or Qimen?" Chu Nan looked at the two suns hanging high in the sky with some uncertainty. If it was the Qimen world, how the hell could this be done?

And this is not a Qi Sect that targets one person, but a group of people. Chu Nan can confirm that it is absolutely impossible to have this effect with the Qi Sect Illusion used against the enemy. This is the real Qi Sect World.

It has its own operating rules. No matter which direction outsiders come in from, they will see the same things, instead of being deceived by the Qimen Illusion Formation based on personal feelings.

The Qimen bureau in front of us can no longer be said to be a phantom formation, but a world created by the Qimen bureau.

"Everyone, this is a strange situation, and the dangers are unpredictable. Since we can meet here, it is fate, why not join forces?" Chu Nan looked at everyone and said in a deep voice.

No one answered, but the eyes looking here became more alert.

Lu Bu's burly figure and very recognizable appearance, even if you have never seen him in the Central Plains, you must have heard of him, and naturally you have recognized the group of people.

"Zi Yan, we haven't encountered a crisis yet. Compared with the crisis, they are probably more afraid of us!" Chen Gong looked around and sent a message to Chu Nan.

The truth is obvious, but Chu Nan really wants a few people to help him find the way. After all, there are not even insects here. If it is not necessary, in this case, Chu Nan does not want to use his demon ants and demon mantis to explore the way.


After thinking for a while, Chu Nan walked towards a small group of six people. However, before he walked out two steps, Chu Nan felt his eyes blur and returned to his previous position.


Chu Nan was really at a loss this time, and even had doubts about his own judgment. This is a strange sect within a strange sect. In this world of strange sects, there is more than one set of rules?

With an inquiring heart, Chu Nan let the demon ants fly out, but no matter which direction they went, after flying a short distance, they returned to the same place as before.

After several attempts, Chu Nan looked at Lu Bu, Chen Gong and Zhou Cang helplessly: "We should not be allowed to break the formation. It seems we have to wait again."

With so many people here, Chu Nan naturally wouldn't show off his magical powers indiscriminately. Anyway, he brought enough food, so he was not in a hurry. At the same time, he also wanted to see if this secret realm was going to trap them all the time, or did it have another purpose?

If it's the former, you should be able to leave by using the Eye of True Sight.

If it's the latter, what's the purpose?

If this secret realm is really not a real immortal from outside the territory but was set up by the Yellow Emperor, then it shouldn't harm future generations, right?

So far, Chu Nan has not figured out these problems. This secret realm does not seem to be life-threatening. At least so far, it has been relatively gentle to them.

Lu Bu and Chen Gong nodded. Under this scorching heat, even if the people who came here were extraordinary people, it would be a bit unbearable for a long time.

More and more people walked through the dense forest and appeared around, forming small groups.

There are so many people!

Chu Nan looked around. Now it seems that the previous forest illusion array was simply used to stop people. Those who can't walk or have an emotional breakdown during the process will have a hard time coming here. On the contrary, those who can persevere, even if they don't.

If you understand Qimen, you can come out.

Faintly, Chu Nan had a strange feeling. This secret realm was a bit like an examination room.

The first test was in a dense forest, so what will the second test be about?

Seeing more and more people appear, Chu Nan felt that the second test might be about to begin.

"Lord...Lord!" While Chu Nan was looking around, Zhou Cang suddenly pointed to the sky in the distance and said, "Look what that is!"

When Chu Nan and Lu Bu heard this, they looked towards the sky and saw black dots appearing one after another in the sky. At this time, everyone also found that the power that had been trapping them disappeared!


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