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Chapter 466 Guanzhong

Guanzhong, Chang'an.

Zhao Yun had never experienced how prosperous the imperial capital was in the past, but now in this ancient capital of the Han Dynasty, all that can be felt when walking on the streets is loneliness.

Thinking back to what I saw along the way after entering Hulao Pass, bones were exposed in the wild, and there were no human beings for thousands of miles. It was not until we arrived in Chang'an that we could see some human habitation.

Occasionally, pedestrians would pass by on the street, and when they saw them dressing up, they would turn around and leave in fright.

For Zhao Yun, who had just seen the prosperity of the Central Plains, the current situation in Guanzhong was really unacceptable. There was a deep gap between the army and the people. The people were afraid of the officers and soldiers. However, in the Central Plains, the scene of harmony between the army and the people was unsettling to think about at this time.

Somewhat too beautiful.

Zhao Yun traveled almost half of the world to Jizhou, the Central Plains, and Guanzhong, but what he saw were three kinds of people's livelihood. When he was in the Central Plains, he thought that the people in Jizhou were already living in hot water, but after arriving in Guanzhong, he discovered that this place was the real hell.

"Brother Zilong? What's wrong with you?" Luo Ping'an walked beside Zhao Yun. He noticed that Zhao Yun was not in a good mood and asked worriedly.

Chen Gong was naturally aware of the situation of this new disciple. He probably knew why, and sighed leisurely: "If it weren't for Ziyan, Zilong might feel sad when he saw the situation in Guanzhong, but he wouldn't be too moved.

Big, most things and most emotions in this world are derived from this kind of contrast."

Zhao Yun nodded silently, yes, if he had never seen the Central Plains recover quickly after the war, if he had never seen the Central Plains soldiers strictly observing military discipline and living in harmony with the people, if he had never seen the happiest smiles on the people's faces,

Then when he comes to Guanzhong, he may feel pity or hate the warlords of Guanzhong, but he will not feel as big a shock as he does now.

It is hard to imagine that Guanzhong and Central Plains were almost the same ten years ago.

As if he thought of something, Chen Gong suddenly laughed: "Did you know that your senior brother once said arrogant things?"

"What did the Lord say?" Zhao Yun looked at Chen Gong. After entering Guanzhong, his sense of belonging to Chu Nan became stronger and stronger.

"Even if one day I am defeated, the princes in the world will treat the people more kindly than before. It is not because the princes are kind-hearted or the scholars are kind-hearted, but because I have been here!" Chen Gong said with emotion as he looked at the desolate Chang'an City in front of him.


Those were the arrogances made by Chu Nan after they captured Xuchang when they held a celebration banquet. Chu Nan when drunk was different from when he was sober. It was not that he was drunk and crazy. In fact, most drunk people are sober.

It's just that compared to his usual restraint and caution, Chu Nan in his drunken state has the energy and bohemianity that a young man should have.

Zhao Yun stared blankly ahead. These words...are really not what a person like my lord would say, but if you think about it carefully, it makes sense. For the people of the Central Plains, who are used to living like this, if

One day, Chu Nan was really defeated. After the princes occupied the Central Plains, if they continued to govern in the same way as before, they would probably immediately attract a group of people from the Central Plains to attack.

If we want to stabilize the Central Plains, nothing will work except benevolent government.

"The Lord will not be defeated!" Luo Pingan suddenly raised his fist and shouted, which shocked Chen Gong and Zhao Yun. When they turned around to look, they saw Luo Pingan's eyes were red and his emotions were a little agitated.

Zhao Yun and Chen Gong were just crazy about this statement, but for people like Luo Ping'an who rose step by step through the New Deal from humble dust, Chu Nan, who they had never met, gave them hope of survival.

, and gave them more dignity.

All the good things in the Central Plains today were brought about by Chu Nan. Up to now, too many people have pinned their future hopes on Chu Nan. Chu Nan will not be defeated and cannot be defeated.

"You haven't left your official career yet, when will it be your turn to call the lord!?" Chen Gong looked at the fat man with a funny look, and he was startled. Who are you trying to scare? But the other party's mood can probably be understood.

Perhaps in the eyes of the scholars, Chu Nan was not deeply impressed, and even extremely rejected Chu Nan, but for the people living at the bottom, Chu Nan gave them too much.

After Luo Ping'an roared, he saw the gaze of the great scholar Chen Gong. The aroused emotions subsided instantly. When Chen Gong said that, most of his courage disappeared instantly. He lowered his head and said: "The final general... no, humble position... disciple's words

I'm sorry, sir, I apologize."

Before this time, he was very envious of his good brother Zhao Yun. Why was he able to win the favor of his lord and the great scholar as soon as he came in, while he could only study hard in the Qiren Hall to obtain the qualifications to become an official?

Of course, he also knows that envy is useless. It is normal for his brother to be treated like this because of his blinding talent.

"Teacher, is there any way to avoid the chaos in Guanzhong back then?" Zhao Yun rode up to Chen Gong and asked.

"The chaos in Guanzhong seems to have been caused by the rebellion of the Xiliang army, but in fact, if Wang Yun's methods had been gentler and he had first appeased the Xiliang generals and then reduced their military power, there would have been no such thing later.

During the Guanzhong Rebellion, there was even a chance for the Han Dynasty to revive. It's a pity. Zilong, remember, it is actually easy for a person to remain humble before he gains power. Only when he is in power can he remain normal and be a man. This is

, your senior brother did a good job." Chen Gong said with emotion.

If Wang Yun had been half as stable as Chu Nan, Guanzhong's subsequent ending would not have been like that.

But it is easy for people to recognize themselves and stay awake when they are at a low point, because the environment forces you to stay awake, just like Wang Yun. Before he took power, not to mention how amazing he was, but at least he was very stable and his tricks were continuous.


But once he gained power, Wang Yun's mentality clearly showed the stubbornness of most people after gaining power, and he did not allow others to question his authority, just like Wang Yun. The emperor's prestige at that time was much stronger than it is now. Wang Yun used the judgment standards of scholars to judge

See, he is also qualified enough to do what Dong Zhuo did.

He also had strong generals such as Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Xu Rong, and the scholars were mostly supportive of him, but in the end they made repeated moves and ruined the good situation.

When Chu Nan invaded Xuchang and uttered those arrogant words under the pretext of drinking, Chen Gong actually had similar worries. After all, compared to Wang Yun, the young and successful Chu Nan was obviously more likely to go crazy. Once a person goes crazy, bad luck will follow.


However, Chu Nan's subsequent performance reassured Chen Gong. After he sobered up, Chu Nan was still as usual, acting in such a steady manner that Chen Gong couldn't stand it.

Step by step, he sorted out the government affairs, suppressed the nobles, and did not be fooled by beauty and good words. He gradually stabilized his power and strengthened it without worrying about it.

Now the Central Plains is truly as stable as Mount Tai.

Chen Gong felt that, let alone Yuan Shao, if all the princes in the world now join forces to attack the Central Plains, the people's hearts will not be shaken, even if Chu Nan and Lu Bu lose two games.

"Disciple understands." Zhao Yun nodded and said with a smile: "So, the teacher is very satisfied with my lord?"

"Well, he is satisfied with this point." Chen Gong nodded, and then sighed. Steadiness is a good thing, but besides being steady, his disciple also likes to lie and deceive people. The enemy will not say that.

, don’t show mercy when it’s time to attack your own people.

Just like last time, Song Xian's son Song Bin could actually be saved, but Chu Nan didn't. Instead, he used this to scare people's hearts, but in the end Song Xian was grateful!

Yuan Tan now writes letters to Chu Nan as my younger brother!

Although I know that as a superior, these methods are necessary, but after becoming a great Confucian, I have become more and more picky about my character. As a superior, such a person can achieve things, but he cannot become a gentleman!

Chen Gong couldn't help but look at Zhao Yun: "Zilong, you will probably only be a general in this life."

Zhao Yun looked at Chen Gong in confusion: "Disciple just wants to do something for the world, whether he is a general or an official, why does the teacher say this?"

"As for your question, Zi Yan has also said it before. To be handsome, you need to be in harmony with others. When necessary, you need to know how to choose and compromise. When you do ruthless things, you need to show kindness. When you do good deeds, you need to show ruthlessness. Your nature

A person who is pure and kind and has a strong moral bottom line can be a gentleman or a Confucian general, but it is difficult to become a handsome man." Chen Gong sighed.

He is in the most complicated mood right now. Zhao Yun has a strict moral bottom line. He is fine with everything on weekdays, but this bottom line will never be touched.

If you are too principled and have a strong sense of morality, you can become a gentleman, but it will be difficult for you to become a commander.

Of course, if Zhao Yun had the same flexible moral bottom line as Chu Nan, he would be able to become a handsome man, but like Chu Nan, he would go further and further away from the way of a gentleman.

Having one such disciple is enough. I have Confucian skills, but I still want to find a successor. Confucian generals are very good, and they will be my disciples as soon as I hear them.

Thinking of Chu Nan's comments and speculations when he first met him in Xuchang, Zhao Yun also nodded with emotion. This lord and senior brother's ability to judge people was truly the only one he had ever seen in his life. He could roughly guess what he was doing with just some behaviors and habits.

Make inferences about your own past.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhao Yun's eyes suddenly focused and he looked towards the end of the long street. A group of people was walking towards this direction, and the few pedestrians were trying to avoid it.

Zhao Yun saw a woman carrying a child across the street. She probably couldn't carry her child. She ran too slowly and fell to the ground. The cry of a child could be heard on the long street.

The oncoming soldiers and horses showed no intention of stopping. The soldiers in front even had cruel smiles on their faces and were about to step on the mother and son.

Zhao Yun's eyes turned cold, he clamped his legs under the horse's belly, sat down and the horse rushed out like lightning, so fast that others could only see its afterimage.

The Xiliang army on the opposite side seemed to have noticed it, and the leading general was shocked and shouted quickly: "Get in formation!"

Afterimages flashed by, and the soldiers in the front row kicked Caixia, causing cracks in the bluestone on the ground. At the same time, the military formation also rose. However, when preparing to meet the enemy, the opponent did not attack first, but in the moment of passing by the formation.

, picked up the woman and child from the ground, and when the army formed a formation, Zhao Yun had already sent the woman and child to the roadside.

"What a skill!" When the general in charge saw this scene, a flash of disdain flashed in his eyes, but he was quite surprised by Zhao Yun's skill.

"The emperor's messenger has arrived, where is Duan Xuan?" Zhao Yun reined in his horse and turned around, facing the murderous Xiliang army in front of him, without any fear, he said loudly.

"We have been ordered to come to greet you, please!" The general nodded, saluted and waved towards Chen Gong, and the Xiliang army quickly made way for a passage.

Chen Gong smiled slightly and rode forward. Zhao Yun rode to Chen Gong's side, and Luo Ping'an followed the two of them. It was the first time he faced such a murderous army. It was very different from the generals he saw in ordinary times.

Different, the fierce murderous intention made his face turn a little pale, but he didn't want to lose face and make Chen Gong and Zhao Yun laugh, so he could only hold his chest high and try not to look at those Xiliang soldiers.

【This fat guy is so arrogant!】

(End of chapter)

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