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Chapter 542 Is it just a while away?

Only one day left!

After escaping from Juyong Pass, he looked back in the direction of Juyong Pass. There were only a few hundred people left around Yuan Xi, and his expression was a little distorted. His father had set twenty days with him, and there was only one day left before he could complete his father's task.

However, on this last day, Juyong Pass was broken and he was defeated by Ma Chao again.

Is this Ma Chao his nemesis?

Ma Chao did not pursue, and the shouts of killing at Juyongguan continued. Yuan Xi hesitated a little. Should he go to see his father or collect the remaining troops?

After this battle, he has given up competing for the qualification to be the heir. He can just be a good son with peace of mind, but wouldn't it be good to leave like this?

His confusion did not last long. There was a sound of horse hoofbeats, and Gao Lan led a group of men and horses to Yuan Xi.

"Second Young Master!" Gao Lan glanced at Juyongguan who was fighting Zhentian, and did not dismount, but saluted Yuan Xi.

"General Gao!" As if seeing hope, Yuan Xi said quickly: "General Gao, please follow me back and recapture Juyong Pass!"

"No need!" Gao Lan shook his head and said, "I am here to inform the second young master to withdraw from Juyong Pass."

The burial place prepared by Yuan Shao for Lu Bu has been prepared. Now all he has to do is wait for Lu Bu. There is no need to guard Juyong Pass anymore.

The expression on Yuan Xi's face froze, and he turned to look at Juyongguan, with some confusion on his face: "The soldiers in the city..."

There were only Ma Chao and his troops of less than 3,000 men in the city. If Gao Lan killed them back at this time, he might be able to keep Ma Chao behind.

"You don't need to worry about it. After they are defeated, they can just go to the south gate. Master, please come with me." Gao Lan shook his head. Their target was Lu Bu. These defeated soldiers will not care much. As long as they kill Lu Bu, Youzhou

You can get back whatever you lose.

"Okay!" Yuan Xi agreed immediately, without hesitation, turned his horse's head and left with Gao Lan.

The fighting at Juyongguan didn't end until dawn the next day. Learning from the previous experience, Ma Chao took no prisoners this time, and all those who knelt down and surrendered were driven out of the city.

In the afternoon of the next day, Lu Bu and Chen Gong led the army to formally enter Juyong Pass.

"Meng Qi really impressed us this time." Chen Gong looked at Ma Chao and said with a smile. He originally thought that Ma Chao couldn't break the Juyong Pass and had to wait until they arrived before breaking through. He also had the idea of ​​using this to polish Ma Chao's temperament, but he didn't expect it.

Ma Chao really used his own strength to break through the city wall of Juyongguan.

Normal people really can't use this method.

It’s not that it’s unimaginable, it’s that no one would actually do it.

"It seems that sir was not optimistic about the general from the beginning!" Ma Chao smiled proudly, even though he was really tired now. He dug in a small space for a day and two nights under the heat wave, and then there was a big battle. Even though he was really tired now,

Even Ma Chao was a little overwhelmed, but the feeling of winning overcame the fatigue in his body and made him unconsciously raise his chin in front of Chen Gong.

"Go and have a rest and get in good condition. The real battle will come next!" Chen Gong couldn't help laughing when he saw his appearance. Judging from Ma Chao's performance in this battle, this child has indeed grown significantly.

But once the battle was over, his true colors were revealed again.

"Goodbye, general!" Ma Chao was full of confidence in the upcoming battle, hugged Chen Gong and Lu Bu with fists, and left with a step of disowning them.

"I really want to beat him!" Lu Bu looked at Ma Chao's back and subconsciously clenched his fists. This look was too annoying.

"Young people are all like this. Not everyone is like Zilong." Chen Gong shook his head and laughed. The young Lu Bu was probably not much better than Ma Chao.

"Gongtai, is Yuan Shao here?" Lu Bu asked, looking at Chen Gong.

"It's hard to say, it depends on what happens next. Zi Yan sent a letter before, so he is already ready to see Yuan Shao's whereabouts." Chen Gong shook his head.

"Didn't Jizhou Xizuo inform Yuan Shao of coming to Youzhou before?" Lu Bu asked with a frown. They also arranged spies in Jizhou. Not only did they have Chu Nan's secret guards, but they also had many other special forces. Various signs indicate that

Yuan Shao had already left Yecheng. I don’t know why Chu Nan and Chen Gong had to wait until they saw Yuan Shao’s main force before taking the final action.

"Marquis Wen, this is a decisive battle. If we can attack the city, we can shake Yuan Shao's foundation in Hebei in one battle. But if there is a slight mistake, this opportunity will be gone." Chen Gong shook his head, this is Chu Nan and Lu Bu

The biggest difference.

In order to wait for an opportunity, Chu Nan can endure and lie dormant for a long time. Even if he gives up, he will not take action easily, because this is a battle of fate between the two princes. In Chu Nan's position, a wrong decision may affect the entire situation.


The strategy they have set is to fight quickly, which is true, but the faster the war, the more cautious they must be, otherwise the quick war may turn into a protracted war.

What Lu Bu saw was only the opportunities, but he was unaware of the possible risks.

"When will we send troops?" Lu Bu didn't want to discuss these more in-depth issues. He wanted to know when to take the next step.

"Wait a minute, Meng Qi is tired now. Let him repair himself first. We also have to wait for one more person." Chen Gong said with a smile.

"Who else are we waiting for?" Lu Bu looked at Chen Gong with some confusion and asked.

"The person who broke the situation!" Chen Gong said with a smile: "Did Marquis Wen forget that Zi Yan also arranged for someone to be by his side for Marquis Wen?"

"Following the filial piety?" Lu Bu suddenly understood. Chen Gong didn't say it, but he had really forgotten it. The main reason was that the fight was going so smoothly. It felt like it didn't matter whether Guo Jia was there or not.

"If Yuan Shao really sets up a decisive attack here, the Qimen Formation is indispensable, otherwise the trapping formation alone will not be able to trap Wen Hou." Chen Gong nodded.

"That's right!" Lu Bu raised his chin and said proudly. He had broken through countless traps in his life. In the Battle of Puyang, Cao Cao deployed Xu Chu, Dian Wei, Le Jin, Li Dian, Xia Hou Dun and Xia Hou Yuan to set up the trap.

The trapped formation wanted to surround and kill Lu Bu, but it was also broken through?

Fortunately, Guo Jia, Xun You, and Xun You were not present at the time. Otherwise, if the six generals plus three Qimen Dunjia combined with the strength of the army, nothing would have happened later.

"So this time Yuan Shao plans, Xun You and Xun Chen will definitely take action." Chen Gong said with a smile: "Without the help of Feng Xiao, I may not be able to break the situation alone, and maybe even defeat Meng Qi."

"Why do you think the Xun family has so many talents? Now everyone can use Qi Men Dun Jia?" Lu Bu asked a little depressed. In the same family, Xun Chen, Xun Or, and Xun You can all use Qi Men Dun Jia.

Didn't Zi Yan say that Qi Men Dun Jia is the most difficult thing to learn in the world? Even Chen Gong, a great scholar, is like Chu Nan, wandering in the introductory stage of Qi Men Dun Jia, and he can tell that it is Qi Men Dun Jia.

Men Dunjia can even set up some simple Qi Men formations, but if I use this to fight against people, their Qi Men formations are basically useless. In Lu Bu's view, his son-in-law and Chen Gong, a great scholar, are the best in the world.

There are so many smart people out there, and they can’t even master something. Why do three Xun family members appear all of a sudden?

Chen Gong: "..."

Why do I feel like he is scolding me!?

"This extraordinary skill depends on talent. Maybe this generation of the Xun family is really blessed with great luck and outstanding people." In the end, Chen Gong suppressed his dissatisfaction and said with some emotion.

Xun Huo had single-handedly blocked Lu Bu's attack and defended Juancheng under Lu Bu's fierce attack. You must know that it was a combination of Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun.

It's not as harsh as it is now, but if you can block this combination, it shows how capable Xun is!

Xun You and Xun Chen are not as dazzling as Xun He, but they are also top counselors. It is not an exaggeration to say that this family has great fortune.

Fortunately, there are no outstanding figures in the younger generation of the Xun family, at least no one who can compare with their fathers. Otherwise, the Xun family may become the largest family in the world.

"In Zi Yan's words, this is a small probability event. The Xun family cannot always be so lucky. Marquis Wen does not need to worry." Seeing Lu Bu struggling with this, Chen Gong smiled and comforted him.

Lu Bu didn't dwell on this issue for too long. Just wait. They got Guangning's food and grass, and they are not short of food now. However, Yuan Shao did send people to harass their food routes in the rear. If Lu Bu hadn't gone to Hetao to be friendly with the Huns before,

I borrowed a batch of grain and grass, but now this is really a problem.

After Ma Chao returned, he had a good sleep. This sleep lasted for one day and two nights. He never stopped for a good rest starting from Ma City. He fought all the way to Juyong Pass. After a lot of effort, his brain finally broke through Juyong Pass, but his body and spirit

The fatigue on the road is difficult to eliminate, and the soldiers can take turns to rest. If Ma Chao wants to attack the city, he must arrange for the soldiers to repair it reasonably, and finally go to dig the city wall himself. After breaking the Juyong Pass, all these fatigues came up all at once.

The moment he lay on the couch, he fell asleep almost instantly.

When I woke up on the third day and ate for an hour, I was satisfied. I came to the government office feeling refreshed and saw Chen Gong dining with Lu Bu. He sat down unceremoniously and continued eating.

"Have you eaten yet?" Chen Gong glanced at Ma Chao curiously and asked someone to refill his bowl.

"Seeing you eating, I feel hungry again for some reason." Ma Chao obviously didn't know what politeness meant. He looked at Lu Bu while eating and said, "Marquis Wen, I feel like I have endless power in my body."

Lu Bu glanced at him and said, "We're about to break through."

"Breakthrough?" Ma Chao looked at Lu Bu blankly.

"If you can tap out these powers, you can fight Zilong." Lu Bu was dissatisfied and took back the beef shank that Ma Chao added to his bowl. This kid has no respect for his elders!

Ma Chao looked at the beef shank that Lu Bu forcibly took away from his bowl and licked his lips. Finally, he didn't have the courage to fight hard and snatched it back from Lu Bu.

"Hey, I feel like I'm getting close. I need a well-matched opponent. This time I'm fighting Yuan Shao, I'm going to have to meet the Four Court Pillars of Hebei!" Ma Chao said confidently. He wants to fight four!

Lu Bu ignored him. At this moment, Song Xian came in and saluted Lu Bu: "Brother, Mr. Fengxiao is here."

"Please!" Lu Bu nodded, glared at Ma Chao and said, "Stop eating, it's time to go to war!"

Ma Chao: "..."

Is there just time to eat?

This chapter has been completed!
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