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Chapter 57 Night Walk

The pale moonlight reflected on the sea, and the waves rolled up and broke into countless pieces.

With hundreds of small boats without lights, it is easy to lose their way.

Fortunately, the demon mantis left its own scent to identify the direction, so that they would not lose their way. Even hundreds of small boats connected together could not withstand the waves. Many soldiers who went out to sea in boats for the first time vomited on the way.


"General Hou, is it okay?" Chu Nan patted Hou Cheng on the back and was speechless. Half of the people were killed before he could do anything.

"No problem~ vomit~"

Seeing Hou Cheng lying on the bedside vomiting, Chu Nan suddenly felt a headache. He thought for a while and said: "How about you go ashore and walk, and I will meet up at Yuzhou and then cross the sea by boat? I will also take this opportunity to adjust."

A state of affairs."

In this state, when they arrive at Yuzhou, even if they are allowed to land, they will probably have to deliver food, regardless of how small the gang of pirates are.

"That's...very good." Hou Cheng nodded helplessly. He wanted to show off his hand, but unexpectedly, his foot was exposed.

At that moment, Chu Nan let the ship dock and continued sailing without being affected. After the affected ones went ashore for a short rest, they followed Hou Cheng to the shore and disembarked. With Hou Cheng's marching ability, even if they took a long way around, they might be able to reach there before they did.

The edge is still fast.

"Be careful and don't let anyone notice you." Chu Nan and Hou Cheng told him.

"Don't worry!" After getting down to earth, Hou Cheng's expression immediately recovered a lot, and he saluted Chu Nan: "Zi Yan, be careful."

Chu Nan nodded, Hou Cheng and Cao Xing got off, and the cabin was much emptier. He simply lay down inside and listened quietly to the sound of waves hitting the ship's deck.

It took most of the night. When they arrived on the other side of Tianheng Island, Hou Cheng had already arrived. After the two sides matched the signals with torches, they quickly extinguished the torches and all the soldiers began to board the boats to cross the river.

"Sir, there's still more than an hour before dawn, so there's no point in going there now." Meng Zhuo stood on the boat next door and advised kindly: "Going up now is just a blow to the sea breeze."

"Cross the sea!" Chu Nan waved his hand, and countless mantises flew up and shrouded the bow of the ship, blocking the impact and making it look like countless mosquitoes or birds gathering on the sea.

"From now on, no one is allowed to talk freely. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!" Hou Cheng ran for half a night, and his energy and energy recovered a lot. At this moment, he was about to land on the island. When he got on the boat, he shouted the order.


A group of soldiers responded to the order, but a group of boatmen realized that something was wrong. The boat began to drift slowly towards the other side. Many boatmen were frightened. Meng Zhuo looked at Chu Nan: "Sir, what is going on..."

"Help you clear out the pirates and save yourself from this disaster in the future." Now, Chu Nan no longer hides and tucks away. Countless mantis packages are mixed with the sound of the waves, and his voice can't travel too far.


Meng Zhuo's hand in the boat trembled, and he almost fell over. He looked at Chu Nan with a grimace and said, "Sir, back then Tao Shijun sent eight thousand soldiers to fight against the pirates but all returned without success. People like us...


"We can't find the den of thieves. It's no use even if 80,000 people come here. But today we have found the den of thieves. General Hou Cheng and General Cao Xing in the army are both generals who have experienced hundreds of battles. This battle will be won!"

Chu Nan said casually,

"No, I can't let everyone take this risk." Meng Zhuo stood up and prepared to call someone.

"Qiang~" At Chu Nan's signal, a nearby soldier drew his sword and put it on Meng Zhuo's neck.

"This..." Meng Zhuo stiffened and looked at Chu Nan stiffly.

"Meng Lizheng, if you don't want to fight, then you won't fight. I am not ready to let you participate in the battle, but if our army is defeated due to some unnecessary reasons of you..." Chu Nan looked at Meng Zhuo and said warmly

His expression gradually became cold: "If the pirates don't kill you, I will kill you. If the pirates can slaughter the village, so can I!"

Chu Nan has always been easy-going towards others. Whether they are soldiers or fishermen, Chu Nan has never seen him show off his face. When he saw him, he was basically smiling. But for such a person, when he suddenly turns cold and says he wants to kill you

Sometimes, that kind of intimidation is more frightening than a vicious person.

Meng Zhuo felt like this at this moment. Facing Chu Nan who suddenly turned against him, his legs softened and he wanted to sit down, but the cold blade on his neck prevented him from moving even a little bit.

"Continue!" Chu Nan sat cross-legged in the cabin and sat quietly with his eyes closed.

Hou Cheng and Cao Xing breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Chu Nan was uncharacteristically not soothing, but instead used an extremely cold and stern expression to stop the fishermen from being presumptuous. If Chu Nan was still acting like he usually does,

This battle... is probably going to be decided.

As the coast gradually approached, Chu Nan opened his eyes, looked at the two of them and said, "My mantis has killed the pirates patrolling the shore. After landing, General Hou led his troops to circle back and attack their camp, while General Cao lay in wait here."

If there is an ambush at the port, the leader of the thieves must be captured alive. This person will be of great use to our army."

Putting aside abilities, I am afraid that I know a lot of information. This information is very useful to me.

"Then what are you doing?" Hou Cheng looked at Chu Nan.

"I'll take the boatmen to hide. In case the two generals can't fight, there's someone who can send a message back." Chu Nan pointed to the fishermen operating the boat. He was prepared to stay with these people. If something goes wrong really

, he can also lead the fishermen away, and with the flying ability of the demon mantis, it will be difficult for these pirates to catch up with him.

Hou Cheng: "..."

Cao Xing: "..."

Although it is indeed true that Chu Nan does not know the art of war and battle formations, and it is useless to go to the island, but how can he say such words of greed for life and fear of death without any obstacles!?

"We're here, let's land. Remember what I said, circle back and drive them here to attack together!" Chu Nan saw that the ship in front had docked, called the demon mantis back, and said to the two of them.

Hou Cheng snorted coldly. After landing, he quickly gathered a hundred people and said in a deep voice: "Speed ​​like the wind!"

The group of hundreds of people quickly disappeared.

After Cao Xing gathered the soldiers, he did not form a formation. Instead, he asked the soldiers to hide around and prepare an ambush. Then under Chu Nan's shocked eyes, the small port instantly became empty.

"Where are the people?" Meng Zhuo asked the question that Chu Nan wanted to ask, and just watched the people disappear in front of his eyes. They had been staring at these people just now, and then they disappeared in the blink of an eye? Why not?

None of them noticed.

"This is the magical power of the military. So, this group of pirates is facing regular soldiers, that is, a mob. Everyone moves the boat back and retreats to the coast to wait. There should be as little movement as possible. After a while, they will jump into the sea to escape, and they can also be frightened.

Scare them," Chu Nan said.

"Listen to sir." Meng Zhuo thought about it and asked the people to row the boat into the sea.

"Sir, there are some fishing nets here, why not put them down together. If they want to jump into the sea, use this to deal with them." A fisherman retreated into the sea and said to Chu Nan.

"This is a good idea. Everyone who has a net should throw it in." Chu Nanjue's idea is good, but these people may also want to take the opportunity to catch some fish and go back. No matter what, if they go back, there are many boats here.

Yes, Chu Nan went with them...

This chapter has been completed!
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