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Chapter 578

Xuchang, Yang Mansion.

Sitting by the pond in the courtyard, Yang Biao closed his eyes and meditated. He was now in an official state and lived a very leisurely life. He basically meditated and practiced every day and ignored worldly matters.

Although the Yang family is now less powerful than before, and because Yang Xiu defected to Chu Nan and worked for Chu Nan, the nobles began to deliberately avoid communication with the Yang family. The Yang family, which used to be a well-established family, is now a deserted one. It is Yang Biao's

Former friends rarely come to visit again.

Yang Biao didn't seem to care about this. He basically stayed at home to meditate every day. Occasionally, if guests came to visit, he would ask people to thank them if they were not close relatives and friends.

"Father! Something happened." When Yang Xiu came back, he looked at Yang Biao who was sitting by the pond meditating. On normal days, he would have waited for Yang Xiu to finish his meditating before coming to see him, but today he obviously had something urgent to do, so he went directly to salute.

"What's the matter?" Yang Xiu wasn't angry, he just opened his eyes and looked at his son calmly.

"I don't know, but recently the prince, Zhongji and others have secretly come in and out of the palace. Some time ago, I noticed that there was something wrong with the accounts of the household department. A large amount of food and grass left the city, but it was not sent to the front line. It was missing. This matter will make you come back.

You can detect the clues just by looking at the account books. It is impossible to hide them. I suspect that someone is taking advantage of this opportunity to cause chaos, and they should have accumulated a lot of troops. Judging from the shortage of food and grass, the number is probably no less than ten thousand!" Yang

Xiu sat opposite Yang Biao and said in a deep voice.

Perhaps due to his father's influence, or perhaps the rejection of the scholars, Yang Xiu has now unknowingly considered the issue on Chu Nan's side. Now that the battle between the two heroes has come to an end, Yang Xiu can foresee Yuan Shao

Defeated, these people are going through many twists and turns at this time, which is really puzzling.

Does it make sense?

"Has it started yet?" Yang Biao smiled.

"Father has known this for a long time?" Yang Xiu looked at Yang Biao in surprise. His father basically never went out or communicated with outsiders. This time the scholar conspiracy obviously bypassed the Yang family, the former favorite of scholars.

He also didn't see his father sending people to inquire about the news, so he felt as if his father knew everything.

Yang Biao looked at Yang Xiu, sighed and said: "In terms of talent and learning, my father is not as good as my son. Looking at the world, there are not many people who can surpass my son in talent and learning. But maybe it is because of this that my son

You can never become the best counselor."

When Yang Xiu heard this, he was somewhat dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to argue, so he could only look at Yang Biao.

"If you regard knowledge as a skill, my son has now reached the ultimate level of skill." Yang Biao stroked his beard and said with a smile: "But it is precisely because of this that this extreme knowledge has brought my son endless fame, and my son is addicted to it and cannot extricate himself.


"If you don't indulge in it, how can you make progress?" Yang Xiu asked puzzledly.

"If this is the case, no matter how well you learn, it is just a skill. To you, it is just like a cage. No matter how well you learn, it is just a refined cage. You will never be able to see the world outside the cage." Yang Biao laughed.


"Learning is a cage?" Yang Xiu looked at Yang Biao with a frown and said.

"More than just knowledge, blacksmiths are good at forging iron. The more exquisite their skills are, the more they rely on their skills, so they can only make iron for a lifetime. No matter how good the martial arts is, reaching the extreme, just like Marquis Wen, but because of this, Marquis Wen behaves like

Everything is respected by force, but there are many things that can never be solved by force alone. Among them are not only enemies, but also the country, the country, and the family.

He gave it up to others because he had already reached the threshold of Dao and realized that he could not solve all kinds of problems, so he decided to specialize in martial arts and leave other things to Lingjun."

Having said this, Yang Biao paused and looked at Yang Xiu: "My son is the same now. He has reached the ultimate level in knowledge. All questions will be answered in this knowledge. This knowledge is like the skill of a blacksmith.

, the general martial arts skills of a martial artist have become a cage for my son, but it is difficult for my son to solve problems beyond this cage. He cannot see the whole picture when looking at everything in the world. For such things, my son can only be aware of various problems.

Only when there are signs, you will be surprised that something big is going to happen, and you cannot predict it in advance.”

"Then..." Yang Xiu looked at Yang Biao. In fact, he also felt this way. The more he learned, the more problems troubled him. He kept exploring solutions, and there was always a feeling in his heart.

, but still unable to grasp it.

What Yang Biao said at this moment hit the spot in Yang Xiu's heart. He looked at his father and said, "If this kid can break this cage, will he be a top strategist?"

"It can only barely reach the top, not the top." Yang Biao said with a smile.

"What counts as top?" Yang Xiu was puzzled.

"Understanding the secrets of heaven, knowing how to advance and retreat, being able to see all sentient beings, and seeing heaven and earth, we are almost there." Yang Biao said with a smile.

"Establish a heart for heaven and earth?" Yang Xiu suddenly thought of Chen Gong's four warning words.

"Since Chen Gong can become a Confucian scholar, these four sentences are naturally correct, but it is not these four sentences that made him a Confucian scholar." Yang Biao said with a smile: "These four sentences are the result of his becoming a Confucian scholar, not the result of his becoming a Confucian scholar.

The path to becoming a great Confucian, otherwise there would be so many great principles left by the sages? If you can become a great Confucian based only on these, wouldn’t everyone in the world have entered the realm of great Confucianism?"

"Father, you..." Yang Xiu was suddenly startled, looked at Yang Biao and said, "Have you become a Confucian scholar?"

Yang Biao smiled and nodded without further explanation.

"According to rumors, when you enter the realm of Confucianism, you are surrounded by Confucian music and resound for ten miles!?" Yang Xiu wondered. When entering the realm of Confucianism, there were strange phenomena, but this did not seem to happen to his father.

"My father doesn't know, but he is definitely involved." Yang Biao didn't quite understand this. Why did Chen Gong disappear when he came to his place?

But no matter what, he has indeed entered the sixth level of Confucianism and Taoism established by Chen Gong back then. He has entered the final state and has become one of the few great Confucians in the world.

"What should I do, kid?" Yang Xiu looked at his father and asked.

"Tell Man Chong about this." Yang Biao sighed: "This matter cannot be solved."

Yang Xiu was silent, is there anything in this world that he can't solve?

In the past, when he heard this, he would probably sneer at it, but now... it really can't be solved. Just like he can't find a way to peacefully coexist between Chu Nan and the noble clan, facing this kind of thing now, he can neither persuade those people.

Even if he gave up his long-planned plan, he couldn't help them. During the time he followed Chu Nan, he felt more and more that Chu Nan was right.

But it seems that things in this world cannot be completely distinguished by right and wrong. Just like people cannot be simply divided into good people and bad people. He has never quite understood Chu Nan's employment methods. Why is the entire government office opposed and hostile?

With his people, he can make the household department operate more perfectly than other government offices.

"My child understands that this matter belongs to my Yang family..." Yang Xiu looked at Yang Biao with burning eyes. This was a good opportunity to make a great contribution.

"Just tell me. If you think of other things, don't do them." Yang Biao said calmly.

"Why, if I can help you survive this calamity, won't my Yang family be able to be reused by you?" Yang Xiu was puzzled.

"It has nothing to do with this. It's just that the Yang family is too big. The five generations and three princes are both good and bad. If the Yang family makes great contributions this time, how do you want to reward them?" Yang Biao said calmly.

"Can not."

"Then how do you convince the public?" Yang Biao asked.

As long as the Yang family intervenes in this matter, no matter whether it is a merit or a fault, it will be a fault for Chu Nan.

"Father, do you want to keep doing this?" Yang Xiu asked in confusion: "Father, don't you want to surrender to your Majesty?"

"I want to vote, but just tell me the Yang family's attitude. Don't take the rest of the credit. Sometimes the benefits you see in front of you may be fatal." Yang Biao said with a smile.

"Then when will it be the end?" Yang Xiu frowned and said, it can't always be like this, right?

"When the Yang family's past reputation was ruined." Yang Xiu said with a smile.

Reputation ruined?

Yang Xiu looked at Yang Biao blankly: "It doesn't count now?"

"Of course it doesn't count. As long as my father comes forward at this time, everything lost now will be restored in an instant. When my father no longer has such influence, it will be the time for my Yang family to join the officialdom again!" Yang Biao sighed.


The Yang family is too big. The reputation of the fifth generation and the three Dukes is stronger than that of the Yuan family. They also have great appeal. At this time, as long as Yang Biao ascends and shouts, celebrities all over the world will immediately respond. This is why Chu Nan is most worried about Yang Biao.

One of the reasons for home.

If Chu Nan wants to reassure Chu Nan, the Yang family must put aside all the glory and splendor of the past, and financial resources are secondary. Chu Nan has the capacity to accommodate others, but he will not allow a big family like the Yang family, which has the reputation of controlling the world, to govern on its own.

Next, so what the Yang family wants to do now is neither to build relationships nor to make meritorious deeds, but to weaken themselves as much as possible. The moment when all the honors and reputations in the past are thrown away is when Chu Nan can truly feel relieved about the Yang family.


Not only the Yuan family, but also Chu Nan turned a blind eye to Xun Yu for the same reason.

"Father..." Yang Xiu hesitated, looked at Yang Biao and said, "What would happen if we choose another path?"

"There is another way..." Yang Biao felt a little sad when he heard this: "Neither you nor I are heroes, if we force ourselves to walk that way..."

He raised his head and looked at the thinning dragon energy of the Han Dynasty in the sky. As Chu Nan left, his luck and the golden dragon of luck also left. The golden dragon of luck and luck of the Han Dynasty emerged, but looking at it now, it seemed weaker than a few months ago.

A few points.

"Then we can only accompany the Han Dynasty to destruction. The nobles in the world need my father to lead them to destruction, but my father does not want to go to destruction with them, nor does he want the Yang family to go to destruction, so let them find other talents.

Right." Yang Biao sighed, are there still few aristocratic families whose genealogies have been eliminated by Chu Nan?

Since I don't want to accompany the declining dynasty to its demise, I can only endure the pain and choose a new one.

After Yang Xiu was silent for a long time, he saluted Yang Biao and said, "I understand, I will go to the Criminal Department to find Man Chong."

"Remember, don't be too troublesome." After Yang Biao said this, he closed his eyes again, realized the world, and stopped paying attention.

Yang Xiu bowed, then turned around and strode away...

This chapter has been completed!
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