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Chapter 594: Lu Bu's Transformation

Three days later, Lu Bu and Chen Gong arrived at Handan first. In the afternoon, the armies commanded by Chu Nan arrived one after another.

"Father-in-law, the battle at Juyongguan gave our army a chance to win. If we can win this battle, my father-in-law should be the first to take credit!" As soon as he saw Lu Bu, before Lu Bu could say anything, Chu Nan put his tall hat on Lu Bu's head: "Hit Karasuma Zhi hard.

This battle has greatly enhanced the majesty of our army. After this battle, who can dare to say that my father-in-law is not our hero?"

Lu Bu originally wanted to settle the score with Chu Nan in the simulated battlefield. He felt that he had been cheated. Yuan Shao was not as strong as he showed in the simulated battle. Moreover, many times, he could actually understand Yuan Shao's mind and guess the opponent's intentions.

Intention, but even so, the son-in-law was somewhat resentful when he played mock battle.

Guo Jia helped him break through the world of Qimen in the battle at Juyongguan, and afterwards, whether it was his suggestions or his attitude towards him, Lu Bu felt quite satisfied and couldn't make a move, so this time they met, Lu Bu wanted to settle with Chu Nan.

To settle accounts.

But Chu Nan slapped him with such high praise when he first came up, which made Lu Bu feel uncomfortable for a while, and most of the resentment he had been holding in his chest dissipated in an instant.

"Zi Yan's simulated battlefield was of great help to someone." Lu Bu snorted, with a bit of resentment in his words.

"My father-in-law said, did the simulated battlefield experience help my father-in-law?" Chu Nan invited Lu Bu to sit down in the tent, looked at Lu Bu and sighed: "Before the war, no one knew how strong Yuan Shao was, but my father-in-law used to do things like that.

It is indeed easy to be calculated, so the son-in-law can only think of Yuan Shao as strong enough and use his resources in the most reasonable way. It is better to be over-prepared than under-prepared."

Lu Bu nodded. During this period, he liked to look back on the past more than ever before. Many things he didn't understand before or wouldn't think about at all can now be figured out on his own without any guidance.

Do you have any resentment towards Chu Nan?

Of course there is. After all, he was killed by his son-in-law hundreds of times on the simulated battlefield. But after understanding many things, he also knew that he could fight so smoothly in this battle because of the simulated battlefields before Chu Nan's battle.

He could even predict Yuan Shao's actions many times, and the beating made Yuan Shao doubt that this was the reason for his life.

"Your ability to flatter people is becoming more and more familiar. I obviously wanted to teach you martial arts after meeting, but now I can't think of it. I know what you are doing." Lu Bu looked at Chu in a funny way.

Nan, looking back at the son-in-law's various tricks, he found that they were all the same trick, and it happened that he had fallen into this same trick, both before and now.

If Lu Bu had the mentality he has now when they first met, maybe he could just be his son-in-law with peace of mind, why bother running around?

As Lu Bu's son-in-law, Chu Nan can clearly feel that Lu Bu now truly has the style of a general.

Weng and son-in-law had no bad feelings to begin with, but now that they started talking, there was no longer any barrier. Lu Bu told Chu Nan about his experience in the Northern Expedition. He really learned a lot, but on weekdays, whether it was with Chen Gong or Guo Jia,

It's hard to show off. After all, these two people are the wise men of the world. It's hard to even talk to the ladies when they go back. Women generally don't care about this. Only talking to their son-in-law, Lu Bu has no scruples.

Chu Nan just listened quietly, and occasionally asked a few questions, which always touched Lu Bu's itch and made him speak freely.

And Chu Nan also lamented that in this battle, the one who has grown the most is probably Lu Bu. From now on, he can rest assured that Lu Bu can take charge alone.

"Zi Yan, after this battle, I am going to go to the grassland." Lu Bu suddenly said.

"Why is this?" Chu Nan looked at Lu Bu in confusion.

"Whether it is Zilong attacking Xianbei or Liaoxi fighting Wuwan, I can feel that the power of the Hu people is not what it used to be." Lu Bu said with a solemn gaze: "There are no top generals, and there is no such thing as Gongtai and Fengxiao.

Counselor, in front of our army, these Wuwan and Xianbei people really have no power to fight back. However, after our army returns to the court, the people in the north will have to face barbarian attacks every year. The Wuwan cavalry is indeed powerful. Our army

Ordinary cavalry may not be his opponents, but even if they cannot wipe out their clan, they must not dare to invade the south within ten years."

At the end of the story, Lu Bu seemed to have turned back into the Marquis Wen who rode all over the world and looked down upon the heroes of the world, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"After this battle, my son-in-law did have the intention to use military force against Karasuma." Chu Nan nodded and said, "But why did my father-in-law have such intention?"

Chu Nan was really curious about this.

"Zi Yan was born in the Central Plains. He didn't know how much the people in the north hated the barbarians!" Lu Bu said with a bit of evil in his eyes: "This time, from Bingzhou all the way to Youzhou, Yanmen, Xihe and other places, wherever you look, you can see everything.

It was Hu'er who went south to plunder every year. I read the household registration of Youzhou. Ten years ago, Youzhou had a population of more than 5 million, but now, Youzhou has less than 2 million people. Of course, there was the battle between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan.

As a result, but as far as I know, at the invitation of Yuan Shao, Tadun attacked Gongsun Zan and invaded western Liaoning, and swept away 300,000 Han people. Youzhou has neighbors like this. After Yuan Shao ruled Youzhou, the border defense was far less than before, and even

There is a sign of connivance. This northern land is plundered by barbarians every year, how can it not decline?"

When the princes were not in chaos and Emperor Ling was still alive, although the officialdom was corrupt and the court was full of chaos, at least the suppression of the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Wuwan and Qiang people and the border defenses were never looked down upon, although there were also cases of Hu people going south to plunder.

happened, but it was never as arrogant as it is now. When Gongsun Zan was ruling Youzhou, no matter how Gongsun Zan was, he never had a good look towards Karasuma. Before his defeat, the defense of the border was extremely strict.

But when it comes to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao defeated Gongsun Zan with the help of Karasuma. Naturally, he can no longer be as tough as Gongsun Zan. Yuan Shao didn't say much about the matter of taking away 300,000 people in a sudden move. Youzhou is now exhausted.

, half of it was the war, and the other half was the plundering of the Hu people. A large number of people moved south to Jizhou, which made Jizhou more prosperous, but also caused Youzhou to decline rapidly.

As for Bingzhou... there's nothing to say. Yanmen and other counties are already empty, and there are not many Han people in Lu Bu's hometown now, so Lu Bu borrowed food very harshly that time.

Affected by Chu Nan's various thoughts in recent years, Lu Bu now likes to see things from the perspective of the common people. What he sees is naturally a completely different scene from the past. Therefore, after this battle, he went to Wuwan and went to Xianbei.

I plan to visit the Royal Court.

"Since my father-in-law is willing, he will take charge of this battle and let the two generals Zhang Liao and Gao Shun accompany him. But don't leave in a hurry. You have to go back to Xuchang." Chu Nan nodded silently, and now

Lu Bu is becoming more and more heroic and no longer does everything just for himself.

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to leave after I go back." Lu Bu sighed, looked at Chu Nan and said: "After this battle, we will set off directly. We don't need too many troops. Five thousand people are enough. As for food and grass, I will try my best.

Feeding on grassland cattle and sheep.”

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If the imperial court provides food and grass, then even if he only sends 5,000 troops, the logistics supply will be an astronomical figure. After all, to transfer food from the Central Plains to the fortress, the civilians alone will consume dozens of times that of 5,000 soldiers and horses.

The greater the loss.

Lu Bu knew that the imperial court was continuing to dominate the world with force, so he did not plan to bring too many troops. It was just the food and grass for the five thousand soldiers, and he could get most of them by fighting. But if the imperial court really wanted to send troops, it would have to be done with the strength of the whole country.

, the losses will be huge. Even if the imperial court is now rich under Chu Nan's governance, this kind of war consumption may directly wipe out Chu Nan's accumulated wealth.

Nowadays, Lu Bu is able to consider issues from an overall perspective, which makes Chu Nan very happy.

"In this case, I will leave the goshawk to my father-in-law so that he can easily find the enemy." Chu Nan did not refuse. He had previously thought of mobilizing troops outside the Great Wall, but when he thought of the high cost, even Chu Nan could not afford it.

After making up his mind, since Lu Bu is willing to do this, Chu Nan can rest assured that with Lu Bu's strength, even if he cannot win a big victory, he can still escape intact.

However, in fighting on the grassland, the biggest problem is not whether you can defeat the enemy, but how to find the enemy. This is different from the Central Plains. The Han people have fixed residences such as cities and towns, and they can easily find them even if they don’t know the way. However, the grassland tribes are mobile

It is extremely strong, and the grassland is vast, and there is often no human habitation for hundreds of miles. If Lu Bu wants to fight to support the war, he must be able to find and defeat the enemy as soon as possible. If he cannot find it, the five thousand soldiers and horses may immediately mutiny.

It is dangerous to have a goshawk on the side to help point out the direction. This can largely prevent Lu Bu from getting lost in the grassland and unable to find a supply place. It can even be used as a manned flight to serve as a scout.

Lu Bu nodded. He felt relieved about the monster beast that Chu Nan had tamed. Having such a monster beast by his side would indeed be of great help to him.

"Then we will defeat Handan as soon as possible and capture Yuan Shao!" Lu Bu looked at Chu Nan and said, "After this battle, Jizhou will be able to achieve great success."

"Dading is still far away, but there won't be a big war." Chu Nan shook his head. After defeating Yuan Shao, Jizhou is in his possession, but just conquering it is not enough. He has to govern it. Hejian, Bohai and other places are not Chu yet.

Under the rule of Nan, although after Yuan Shao's defeat, these places were no longer able to recover, but it would take time to capture them.

In addition, there is governance. What Chu Nan has done in the Central Plains must be done again here. He travels to various counties to refine the luck, and by the way, he also has to go to Guanzhong to collect it from the general.

Calculating it this way, Chu Nan estimated that even if everything went well, it would take at least two years to initially digest the territory he acquired this time.

So after taking Yuan Shao, Chu Nan had to go back to Xuchang first to reward all the soldiers for their merits in the battle, and then travel around to refine the luck of various places and improve his own luck to a higher level.

"These things have nothing to do with me. We will capture Handan as soon as possible and return to Xuchang before the end of the year." Lu Bu nodded. He was only responsible for fighting. He didn't want to take care of other things and couldn't.


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