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Chapter 605 Merit Policy

"Call daddy~"


In the lobby of the Chu family, I watched Chu Nan holding her little daughter and son, who had just turned one year old, teaching each other how to speak again and again. At the age of one, they could already speak some simple words. The two children could already call them mother.

They are two mothers, but after all, they haven't seen each other for a long time and are not close to each other. It is obviously not easy for them to accept it suddenly and call them dad directly, but Chu Nan is very patient.

Watching Chu Nan teach again and again, Lu Lingqi suddenly felt that her husband may have called his son daddy in the past few days as many times as his son has called him daddy in his entire life.

One-year-old children have already begun to have some simple emotions. They are both curious and afraid of unknown things. Chu Nan, who has mastered the magical power of emotion, can always grasp these keenly.

In fact, he has a simpler way, using his emotional power to get the two children closer to him.

But in that case, there would be no fun at all. He prefers this kind of relationship to gradually heat up. Although both parties are father and son, or father and daughter, they should be equal in the exchange and dedication of feelings. That kind of process is the most touching.


"It's rare to see your husband be so childlike." Zhen Mi brought a plate of fruit to Lu Lingqi, looking at the interaction between Chu Nan and the two children, she was a little envious, but also a little worried.

If one day he gives birth to a child, regardless of whether he is a concubine or a concubine, will his husband still love him as much as he does now?

Although Chu Nan has been equally doting on Lu Lingqi and her in the past three days since he returned home, there is a difference between his legitimate concubine and his concubine.

"That's because my sister has never seen the naughty side of her husband." Lu Lingqi shook her head, thinking of the tricks Chu Nan came up with on the bed. Even though they were an old couple with two daughters, Lu Lingqi still felt her cheeks tingling.


The child could not speak, and his eyesight was not fully developed at this time. His vision was unclear, but his perception was quite keen and he could sense the good and evil of the people around him. Within three days, he no longer rejected Chu Nan.

"My husband also has such a time?" Zhen Mi didn't believe it. There were many images of Chu Nan on the outside. In Zhen Mi's memory, the impression of Chu Nan when they first met was that he was shrewd and decisive. He could survive in the secret realm of Xuanyuan Tomb.

He quickly found the key to breaking the situation and put it into practice. He has strong decisiveness and courage. Although he sometimes acts fearful of death or is immoral, in general, he is a man who makes people feel safe.

Even though he doesn't have the unparalleled power of Lu Bu, he gives the impression that no difficulty can defeat him, and that even if he is in a desperate situation, he can always find the key to defeating him.

Later, Miulihutu got together with him. In fact, this relationship was a bit against the rules, but Chu Nan handled it very appropriately. In the end, it can be said that Yuan Shao suppressed the matter and did not spread.

, after all, for the Yuan family, this is a family scandal.

After walking into life, I found that Chu Nan was not like this all the time. When there were no outsiders at home, most of the time he was a little unruly, but not offensive. However, this is the first time I have seen him so heartless.


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"Sister, why are you always wearing armor lately?" Zhen Mi didn't think about this and looked at Lu Lingqi with confusion. In recent days, Lu Lingqi has almost always been wearing armor, with various styles. Since they met, she has only

Lu Lingqi was seen wearing armor only a few days after the rebellion broke out in Xuchang City. Chu Nan has recently returned and Xuchang has long been at peace. Why is she still wearing armor? Aren't you tired?

"We have encountered a bottleneck in our practice. Fu Jun said... putting the body under pressure will make it easier to find a breakthrough." Lu Lingqi's cheeks turned red unconsciously, but in the past few days, she was radiant under Chu Nan's nourishment.

This blush is not noticeable.

Regarding spiritual practice, Zhen Mi mainly focuses on spiritual practice and does not know much about the path of spiritual practice of warriors. She just admires Lu Lingqi's ability to practice every day regardless of rain or shine. Except when Chu Nan was around, she almost never stopped. She was not practicing.

Martial arts involves sitting quietly and meditating. Sometimes Zhen Mi thinks that if this lady of hers had been a man, she would probably be as famous as those famous generals.

Well, she is quite famous now. She defeated the Jiangdong army and suppressed the rebellion in Xuchang, which is enough for people not to underestimate the mistress of the Chu family. Although she is a mother now, her aura is not weak when she is really angry.

The conversation between women gradually turned to other topics. Now Lu Lingqi prefers to study, in addition to martial arts and military art, there is one more thing, which is parenting experience. Although Zhen Mi has no children, Chu Cheng and Chu Le spend half the time

She was the one taking care of her. Lu Lingqi naturally loved her children, but her behavior and habits were informal and not as delicate as Zhen Mi's. She was not like Zhen Mi in taking care of her children.

Just as he was talking, Chu Rong came in.

"Master, Mr. Gongtai sent someone to invite you." Chu Rong saluted Chu Nan.

"Continue tomorrow!" Chu Nan stood up helplessly, looked at his wife and said with a smile: "Suddenly I miss the prince and them."

Although they are all spies, these people work really hard. Once the framework is set, Chu Nan has been away for two years, and the Office of the Ministry of Revenue can run smoothly. These people are really capable.

And now, although the newly succeeded left and right ministers have no problem with their loyalty and can rest assured, their abilities are much less than those of those people. In fact, the prince believes that if they don't have different ambitions, they probably won't be as good as they are. He can only

It is said that people with goals can always burst out with value beyond ordinary people's imagination.

It's a pity that the relaxing time is gone forever. With the current situation, it will be difficult to find such capable and willing people. If every subordinate is late for work like Guo Jia, he won't be able to get off work at the same time.

There was no one around, and Chu Nan probably went crazy.

"Husband, you should put state affairs first." Lu Lingqi helped Chu Nan put on his robe and straightened his clothes.

"How about changing your clothes tonight?" Chu Nan and Lu Lingqi raised their eyebrows.

"Go quickly, don't keep sir waiting." Lu Lingqi spat lightly and told him to get out.

"What did sister get in exchange for this?" The Qiao sisters heard this as soon as they came in. Seeing that their sister's face looked strange, they asked curiously.

"Don't ask any more questions." Zhen Mi glanced at the two women. She didn't quite understand it before, but when Chu Nan just said that, she thought of her own men's personal irregularities. Zhen Mi vaguely understood and looked at it strangely.

Lu Lingqi glanced at her.

Lu Lingqi was a little shy, but she had mastered Qi-nurturing Kungfu in the past two years. She looked at the two women calmly and said, "What are you two sisters doing here?"

"Yesterday, there was news from the Luoyang Town Yamen Office that there are many mountain monsters in Guangzhou and Guangzhou. The two of us came here to say goodbye." Qiao Ying said, holding her fists.

They have made great achievements in suppressing demons in the past few years. They have official appointments and salaries from the imperial court. In addition, the two women have made great achievements in suppressing the rebellion in Xuchang. Therefore, they are now the generals of the Yamen Office of suppressing demons. When necessary, they can also rule

With the existence of soldiers fighting, as Lu Lingqi became famous this time, they are now quite respected in Xuchang, and their reputation among the people is even slightly higher than that of Lu Lingqi.

"The two sisters are leaving immediately. After I explain the matter to my husband, I will follow the two sisters. Remember to bring Ah Zhu with you." Lu Lingqi nodded. After all, she was planning to return to town after giving birth to her children.

Demon Department, but when it comes to this, how can you just leave.

Coupled with Chu Nan's expedition, Xuchang was hiding a crisis and became even more uneasy. It was only now that Chu Nan returned that Lu Lingqi rekindled the idea of ​​​​going to the expedition.

"Here!" When the children heard this, they suddenly felt happy and agreed, then turned and left.

"Sister, are you leaving?" Zhen Mi looked at Lu Lingqi and said, "I'm afraid Cheng'er and Le'er are going to cry."

Lu Lingqi looked at the two children, sighed, and felt a little shaken.

"Besides, my husband has just returned home and it's rare to see her again, and he will leave soon, so why don't I stay a little longer and set off with my husband then." Zhen Mi saw her move and persuaded with a smile.

"I am not thinking well." Lu Lingqi sighed. She was also very quiet and thought about it. She never thought about this for a while. Finally, someone informed the Qiao sisters that they would be responsible for this matter, so she stayed still for the time being.


On the other side, there is the palace and the prison room.

"The list of awards this time is very large. Zi Yan will take a look at it." Chen Gong asked people to carry the meritorious achievements sideways. Later, these would be brought to the court to be reviewed by Liu Xie, and the awards would be announced in public.

This time Chu Nan swallowed the land of the four states. Although Qingzhou was peacefully captured in the end, there were many meritorious soldiers. As the main force, Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, Yu Jin, Huang Zhong, Xu Huang and Li Tong need not be mentioned. Pian Shi Na

Bian, Zhao Yun, and Ma Chao, the two new generals, also performed quite well in this battle, so naturally they all have to be sacrificed.

In addition, there was Wei Yan who guarded Jianghuai. Although he did not directly participate in the war, he still had the ability to defend the territory and could not be left behind. In addition, Zhang Xiu of Nanyang also defeated Liu Biao's plan to plot Nanyang. Once Nanyang was captured by Liu Biao, Xuchang would be directly threatened by Liu Biao.

, Zhang Xiu naturally deserves credit as well.

Although Zhang Xiu has not completely surrendered yet, with Chu Nan's triumphant return, Zhang Xiu has presented the seal of Nanyang Prefect and actively asked Chu Nan to garrison troops and dispatch officials in Nanyang. This is already showing his loyalty to Chu Nan. Naturally,

Can't ignore it.

In addition, the handling of surrendered generals also needs to be cautious. After all, Chu Nan now has more than 300,000 troops, half of which are surrendered troops from Jizhou. If not handled well, it will also shake the morale of the army.

Everyone had already started sorting out this meritorious policy when they were in Handan, and now it was for Chu Nan to see it for final confirmation. After all, this piece represented the level of support the soldiers had for Chu Nan.

"It's correct." Chu Nan looked at the book and said with a smile: "In fact, if the title of a general or above is fair, the morale of the military will not be disturbed."

As for the rest, the decisions are based on the military merits reported by each ministry. There will definitely be some tricks in it, but after a round of verification, I dare not say everything is correct, but those who are awarded and rewarded definitely have corresponding merits.

"Our army started with military merit. The support of our soldiers is very important. Ziyan should not be careless." Chen Gong reminded.

"Well, what the teacher said is absolutely true." Chu Nan looked at the brochure and suddenly asked: "Teacher really thinks that Ma Chao is suitable to be the captain of the Qiang Protector?"

In this award, there were many generals, but each of them had a strong position in actual power. Among them, the four newly established captains of Hu Qiang, Hu Xiongnu, Xianbei and Wuwan were newly established.

He is a school captain, but he has the right to act independently on the border, and the position of the Qiang Protector Colonel is in Xiliang. Chu Nan expressed that he was not at ease with this little trickster. If he was incited to rebel again, he would have to

Waste of effort.

"This son was indeed reckless and irritable before, but after several setbacks, his temper has calmed down a lot. Although the Colonel Protecting Qiang is an official with real power, his ability is still competent. If he can use it well, he will be the best son in the world."

A sharp sword in the hand of Yan." Chen Gong understands Chu Nan's worries, but Chen Gong still has some confidence in the current Ma Chao. In this expedition to Youzhou, Ma Chao will be suppressed after every arrogance, and his temper has been tempered.

A little, and with Chen Gong's training, Ma Chao is now a little less frivolous and a little more stable.

The position of Colonel Protecting Qiang was also a test for him.

"Yes." Chu Nan nodded, then pointed to another person and said, "Is this Luo Ping'an really as powerful as the teacher said?"

"My ability is average, but this person is good for defense. The threats our army will face next mainly come from Jiangdong, Jingzhou and Sichuan and Shu. This person is good at defending, and he can guard Chencang for a while.

Moreover, this person has also contributed a lot to the conquest of Guanzhong. The number of captains is just within his ability. No matter how many there are, he will be difficult to control." Chen Gong said with a smile.

Luo Ping'an is a very strange person. His abilities are relatively mediocre under the command of Chu Nan, who is now gathering stars. However, there is always an inexplicable mysterious power in him, which makes it easy for people to regard him as a big shot. In Guanzhong, there was only one Chen Gong of Zhao Yun.

Shengsheng relied on Luo Ping'an to give the generals in Guanzhong the illusion that he had two generals. If he used this person well, he might be able to play a big role.

"My lords, it's time to go to court!" Yang Rang trotted over and saluted everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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