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Chapter 608 What's New

"Husband, you don't have to go to the government office these days?" In the Chu Mansion, looking at Chu Nan who was enjoying playing with his two children, Lu Lingqi didn't want to admit that she was a little bored. Except at night, her husband seemed to be there during the day.

I learned a lot of skills by hanging around a pair of children, and it became easy to accompany them.

As the hostess of the family, Lu Lingqi felt that she should be generous. She had had similar feelings when her husband took a concubine, but it was not strong. But when she saw that her husband only saw other people and did this every day, she still couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied.

It was the flesh that fell off her body. Even Lu Lingqi felt a little baffled as to why she felt like this. For a moment, she couldn't even tell whether her resentment was because Chu Nan ignored her or whether her children had followed her in just a few days.

Dad is so dear.

Chu Nan raised his head and glanced at his wife in confusion. What kind of jealousy is this? Didn't you have a lot of fun at night?

"She's sick." Chu Nan called Ah Huang and asked Ah Huang to drag his daughter back and forth, while he sat next to Lu Lingqi and said.

"Although this battle is won, the world is still uncertain. Is it a bit lazy for my husband to be too involved in his children's personal affairs?" Lu Lingqi looked at Chu Nan worriedly.

"Don't worry, madam, things are not as simple as you think. I am claiming to be ill this time and I have my own agenda. Madam will know after a while." Chu Nan took the tea soup brought by Lu Yi and looked up at her.

There was still rice residue left in the corner of her mouth, and she said speechlessly: "Eat it secretly again?"

"I know my mistake." Lu Yi quickly apologized.

"The attitude is pretty good." Chu Nan waved his hand helplessly. The little girl was diligent and conscientious in her work, and attentive. She was delicious, but she didn't know where the food went. She seemed to never have enough.

"Go down." Chu Nan waved his hand, signaling Lu Yi to step back.

"I went to my father's house yesterday. The Yimen was being repaired." After hearing what Chu Nan said, Lu Lingqi didn't ask any more questions and turned to other things: "Someone put a plaque on it. I heard that this is the only one.

A plaque costs tens of thousands of dollars."

"Yes, I know. My father-in-law also came to tell me that after the plaque is completed, he wants me to help reinforce it." Chu Nan nodded and sighed: "Speaking of which, as a general, my father-in-law can also be said to be an extremely powerful person.

Being a minister, for the Lu family, this is a matter of honor and honor, so it’s no wonder that my father-in-law is so happy." Chu Nan said with a smile.

"It's just that my husband doesn't think this matter is a bit..." Lu Lingqi was silent for a moment and then looked at Chu Nan and whispered: "In private, I heard people gossiping that my father was a villain."

After all, he is her father, so what she said was a bit unruly. But when she was around Chu Nan, she was used to asking Chu Nan for his opinion on everything, so even if she was talking about her father behind his back, she didn't think it was a big deal.


"In fact, people will swell when they suddenly become rich or gain power. Even if they warn themselves not to do so, they will still become swollen when they encounter it. As time passes and their knowledge and experience increase, when they look back, they will feel

In the past, something was childish. What the lady said was just a condescending ridicule from those who had these things by birth. But they didn't know that their ancestors also had a similar mentality when they obtained these things. No one is a saint.

If we look at it by the standards of saints and sages, everyone in this world is a villain. Madam, you don’t have to worry about it, it will be fine after a while." Chu Nan obviously did not agree with this statement.

If a poor person suddenly gets rich and suddenly enters a field that he is not familiar with, he will definitely be at a loss and do some things that others think are out of style. This in itself is just an exploration and imitation of an unknown field. There is no need to pursue it, but there is no need to pursue it. It is necessary to belittle one. After this point, once you get used to your current status, you will naturally return to reason and calmness.

The biggest problem in the world is that they always like to look at a person with the same eyes, but everyone has a life, and a person's childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood and old age may all be different. It is unfair to look at people this way.

Of course, Chu Nan can only express his own point of view. As for what others say, even if Chu Nan is extremely capable, he can't stop everyone from talking. As time goes by, this matter will become insignificant. It is a harmless thing in the first place. Things.

"Master, Mr. Gongtai is here." Lu Yi came back and saluted Chu Nan.

"Please quickly!" Chu Nan stood up and said after hearing this.

Lu Lingqi and Zhen Mi picked up their children and retreated into the back hall, while Chu Nan went out to greet them.

"Teacher, why are you free to come here today?" Chu Nan greeted Chen Gong and welcomed him into the living room with a smile.

"Today someone in the court sent a letter asking your majesty to appoint Zi Yan as prime minister. I came here with the emperor's edict." Chen Gong put an edict on the table, looked at Chu Nan and said with a smile: "Zi Yan thought how?"

"I would like to trouble you, Master, to make one more trip and tell the Emperor for me that my disciple is not worthy of this great responsibility due to his low moral character. Please ask Your Majesty to choose someone more capable." Chu Nan did not look at the edict. This thing has a fixed layout and cannot be tolerated. You can probably know its contents.

It's not okay to just write an edict and settle the matter. He naturally wants the position of prime minister this time, but he can't just want it. The higher he is in a high position, the less he wants to attract attention. This gesture must be done enough.

"Today, the envoys from Shu came to court." Chen Gong said with a smile.

"Sichuan?" Chu Nan frowned: "Who is he?"

"Huang Quan, a famous scholar in Shu." Chen Gong said with a smile: "The Ministry of Rites has been arranged. Ziyan can see him anytime he wants."

"Why are you here?" Chu Nan asked in surprise.

"Ask for some help from the imperial court." Chen Gong said with a smile.

"Assistance?" Chu Nan said blankly: "The Chengdu Plain is a thousand miles of fertile land. In the past few years, Shuzhong has benefited from the dangers of mountains and rivers, and there has been no major war. How can we ask for assistance?"

Sichuan can do whatever they want, but where to start with assistance?

"The disaster of monsters." Chen Gong said with a smile: "This method of visualization is not said to be known by everyone in the Central Plains. It is not a secret. Children in the countryside may practice it, that is, Jizhou, Jiangdong, and Jingzhou In other places, at least it will be promoted in the military, but in Yizhou, only scholars, officials, and generals are qualified to have access to this visualization method, which also prevents the military from keeping up with it."

Chu Nan suddenly realized that the disaster of monsters had happened in the Central Plains before, but after the implementation of the concept of monsters, ordinary people in the countryside could deal with monsters, even because the wings, hair, flesh, and bone texture of the monsters were stronger than ordinary beasts. Several times, it can be said that he is a treasure, and there are many demon hunters among the people who make a living by hunting demons.

Hua Tuo is now most passionate about research on the medicinal properties of these monsters, which parts can be used as medicine, which ones can be eaten, etc.

Because the princes of the Central Plains are constantly facing threats from Chu Nan, even if they don't promote the art of visualization among the people like Chu Nan, they will promote it in the army to ensure that the combat power of the army will not be widened by Chu Nan.

But Shu is different. The mountains guarding it form a closed geographical environment. The unique geographical environment creates a barrier between Shu and the outside world. Coupled with the lag in news and the selfishness of officials and scholars in Shu, all the heroes in the Central Plains are there.

When the concept method was promoted, Shuzhong did not keep up. As a result, only a small number of people can deal with monsters calmly, while most ordinary people do not have this ability. One or two monsters are fine, and most generals

It can be solved, but if a tide of beasts attacks, the generals in Shu obviously do not have the ability to resist the tide of beasts.

The most unlucky thing is the geographical distance that Shuzhong relies on for survival. There are mountains in all directions. In other words, monsters gather in all directions. Therefore, compared with other places in the Central Plains, Shuzhong is actually the most vulnerable to the beast tide.

The place of attack is the place where the concept of meditation is most needed to be promoted.

"It is said that several cities in the Nan'an area were occupied by a group of monkey demons." Chen Gong seemed to have thought of something funny, and a smile appeared on his face: "Although they were quickly recaptured by Liu Zhang's men, this was probably the case since ancient times.

The first time a city was captured by beasts is an anecdote for the ages."

"You are asking for trouble, who can you blame?" Chu Nan shook his head and laughed, but then he seemed to think of something. Chu Nan frowned and looked at Chen Gong: "Teacher, do you think these monkey monsters can build cities like humans?

And then develop a civilization similar to ours?"

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"Zi Yan's words are absurd. After all, beasts are..." Chen Gong suddenly saw the demon mantis and demon ant lying lazily on Chu Nan's shoulders. Thinking of these two, it seemed that Chu Nan had forced him to learn to write.

And he learned it!

His brows couldn't help but frown.

After being demonized, beasts not only increase in strength but also in wisdom. There is no need to worry before. Even if they are as knowledgeable as humans, there are not enough people to pass on this wisdom. In the end, it will be just a flash in the pan and will not do anything to the human race.


But now, the power of heaven and earth has revived, and monster beasts are appearing in groups. Although the power is still very weak, just like the monkey group occupying the city this time in Shu, it will take a long time to see whether civilization will emerge.

Hard to say.

"Teacher, don't worry. This is just a disciple's assumption. I don't know how many years have passed since the development of our human race. Even if this is possible, it will not appear in just a few years. We just need to pay attention to it all the time."

Chen Gong fell into shock and contemplation, and Chu Nan explained with a smile.

"But now that the power of heaven and earth is getting stronger and stronger, not to mention us, even ordinary farmers in the fields can lift hundreds of kilograms of weight with one arm. Those who have never practiced cultivation can lift hundreds of kilograms. Although monsters and monsters have no human-like accumulation

, but the growth seems to be faster, this matter should not be underestimated." Chen Gong Surong said.

"Teacher, don't worry." Chu Nan nodded. This may be possible, but it's not big. Nowadays, all the princes in the Central Plains have the ability to suppress the beast tide alone. Chu Nan has a demon suppression office here, and other princes have similar ones.

In government offices, at least in the Chinese territory, the possibility of such a thing happening is low. As for other places, it is unknown.

"One more thing, how are Ziyan and Tian Feng, Jushu and Ziyan going to deal with them?" Chen Gong looked at Chu Nan and asked.

"These two people are quite talented, but they have always refused to surrender. I want to imprison them for a while. After a long time, they may be able to compromise." Chu Nan shook his head. Tian Feng and Jushou are now prisoners of the subordinates, but

Chu Nan has been unwilling to surrender, and Chu Nan is not willing to waste talents like this, so he will waste it with them first.

"Both of these two people have great talents and have nothing to do. How about going to the Ministry of Punishment to have a look?" Chen Gong asked.

"That's fine."

This chapter has been completed!
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