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Chapter 65 The Prince of Mausoleum

Xia Houshu was not interested in Yingyue at the moment. She looked directly past Xia Houyi's face full of surprise and panic, and looked directly at the various people at the banquet.

She glanced at all the richly dressed aristocratic men sitting on the seats, and finally her eyes fell on the blue-clothed man sitting in the first seat. She saw that his face was as clear-cut as a sculpture, with angular features.

A resolute face, but also a pair of slender peach blossom eyes, passionate and enchanting, the moderately thick red lips are showing a dazzling smile, raising the big dimples on both sides of the cheeks, as if there are too many

One glance and you'll fall in love with it.

Such a face would not be buried even if she was not born into a noble family.

Xia Houshu didn't grow up in Beijing when she was young, and after returning to Beijing, she rarely attended banquets with her elders at prestigious families. Therefore, many children from aristocratic families only knew their names but not their people. And this person was sitting on the table.

First, the young man in blue, with gorgeous clothes, outstanding temperament, and deep and enchanting eyes, must be the rumored to be the handsome and unrestrained Prince Yuwen Ke.

It is said that King Ling Yuwensheng was very high-spirited when he was young and was a man with great ambitions. He never cared about the personal affairs of his children, but he still followed the will of the old King Ling and married the Chu family whom he had decided to marry in the early years. However, the Chu family was not lucky and married into the palace of Prince Ling.

He died of illness soon after, leaving no heirs.

Then the imperial court granted a marriage, and Yu Wensheng beat gongs and drums to marry Princess Zhaoyun.

Princess Zhaoyun was very affectionate in the early days of her marriage to Prince Yuwensheng of the Ling Dynasty. Less than a year later, she was diagnosed with Xie Mao. This was great news for the royal family and the Yuwen family. With the birth of a child, their marriage

It will be more stable, and there will be less suspicion between the monarch and his ministers.

However, before everyone was happy for a few days, it was reported that Mrs. Xue, Yu Wensheng's side chamber, had also been diagnosed with Ximai, and the month was actually nearly a month older than Princess Zhaoyun.

Then it was reported that Mrs. Xue and Yu Wensheng were childhood sweethearts. The two grew up together and had promised each other for life. If the emperor had not suddenly granted marriage, Mrs. Xue would have succeeded Princess Ling.

Suddenly, Princess Zhaoyun, who was still immersed in joy, became a villain who broke up people's marriages.

Probably because of this incident, Princess Zhaoyun was heartbroken, so she couldn't live peacefully during the entire pregnancy. She only suffered from morning sickness for four or five months, and she often couldn't sleep well, and she suffered a lot.

At that time, the two ladies in the mansion were pregnant at almost the same time, and everyone couldn't help but focus on their bellies. Even the people around Princess Zhaoyun were worried and uneasy.

They were worried that Mrs. Xue would give birth to the eldest son of a concubine, and Princess Zhaoyun would give birth to the eldest son. The two children would be too close in age, which would be disadvantageous to Princess Yun and the eldest son. They were also worried that Mrs. Xue would give birth to the eldest daughter of a concubine, and Princess Zhaoyun would give birth to the eldest son.

Giving birth to the eldest son made Princess Zhaoyun feel resentful. What she was most worried about was that Mrs.

It will bring endless troubles to this marriage, and even affect the situation in the court.

When Mrs. Xue gave birth in October, Princess Zhaoyun also suddenly showed signs of premature labor. The servants around her were frightened and the whole palace was in chaos.

On one side was his wife who was granted a marriage by royal decree and was a princess of a country, and on the other side was his childhood sweetheart and affectionate concubine. Yu Wensheng didn't know where to run, and it was difficult to move the woman during the period of childbirth, so he had to run in both directions to take care of both.

Two pregnant women almost gave birth to their children front and back, but the result turned out to be the situation that everyone was most worried about.

Princess Zhaoyun gave birth to a baby girl named Yu Wenyi; while Mrs. Xue gave birth to a baby boy named Yuwen Ke.

Princess Zhaoyun suffered a heavy haemorrhage and was injured during that birth, and she never became pregnant again. After giving birth to Yu Wenke, Mrs.

Shi also gave birth to more than ten concubines and concubines to Yu Wensheng one after another. However, the baby girl born to Princess Zhaoyun also died unexpectedly when she was nine years old.

These successive blows made Princess Zhaoyun gradually lose her vitality and hope, and also caused her relationship with Yuwensheng to freeze to the freezing point. So she wrote a letter to Yuwensheng on the grounds that she had been married for many years but had an emptiness under her knees, and she was unworthy of the ancestors of the Yuwen family.

Duguji, who was in power at that time, requested to become a monk.

After Princess Zhaoyun became a monk, King Ling handed over the power of housekeeping to

He married his favorite concubine, Mrs. Xue, and made Mrs. Xue's eldest son Yu Wenke, who was less than ten years old, the crown prince.

However, just a few months after Yuwen Ke was made the crown prince, he was sent to the capital to be a hostage.

Yuwen Ke was separated from his parents when he was young. He was neglected for a long time and developed an arrogant and extravagant temperament. In addition, because of his status, few people would care to criticize him face to face. He spent his days not hanging around in the Qin Tower and the Chu Pavilion.

Even at banquets, he molested the female relatives of other families, and there were many concubines in the house. Extravagance became common, and the officials in the capital avoided him. Even if he was old and weak, no high-ranking dignitary was willing to marry his daughter to him.

The royal family seemed to know that Yu Wenke was a romantic, so they kept delaying the request from King Ling to marry his son again and again. Whenever King Ling took a fancy to a girl from that family, that family would quickly marry his daughter.

After the marriage was arranged, the emperor regretfully told King Ling that a woman who was engaged should not be forced to marry.

When this incident came out, everyone treated it as a conversation piece after dinner, ridiculing and belittling it behind their backs. However, Yu Wenke turned a deaf ear to those disdainful remarks. He often made appointments with three or five dandy boys to have fun, with his arms full of warm and fragrant nephrite, while listening.

Qu'er, while drinking happily, the life was very happy.

Even so, Xia Houshu was still extremely vigilant and wary of this person.

As the saying goes, a tiger's father has no dogs. Yu Wenke looks bohemian on the outside, but the glint in his eyes should not be underestimated.

But even a thousand-year-old fox will always show its tail, not to mention Yu Wenke is only in his early twenties, how many tricks can he have? Xia Houshu doesn't believe that he can hide so deeply forever.

Xia Houyi saw that Xia Houshu not only did not answer his doubts, but looked at Yu Wenke unceremoniously, he kept winking at her, trying to get her to leave quickly.

Xia Houshu had never seen Xia Houyi so nervous, which further aroused her curiosity. She turned a blind eye to her brother's hint and scanned everyone in the room again. Without exception, they were all well-known dandies in the capital.

A master of eating, drinking and having fun, thanks to the achievements of his ancestors and fathers.

As the ancients said, those who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are black. Even though I know that Xia Houyi never makes friends with others casually, especially those children from aristocratic families who spend all their time living and drinking, but when I think of my dear and respectable brother hanging around with such people

, drinking and drinking each other, talking and laughing, Xia Houshu felt very uncomfortable.

She tried hard to suppress the unhappiness in her heart and said half truthfully, "Brother is really unkind. He made new friends and found such a good place to relax, but he didn't take me with him."

As she said that, she looked at Yu Wenke again and asked, knowingly: "I heard from Aunt Lu that my brother was attending a banquet hosted by Prince Ling. I guess this is Prince Ling, right?"

Before Yuwen Ke could answer, Xia Houshu found a seat next to Xia Houyi and continued to look up at Yuwen Ke. Although his eyes were full of smiles, they were a little more provocative. He thought to himself that Yuwen Ke

Ke does look like a human being, but what he did is really sorry for his beautiful appearance.

Then she turned her gaze to Xia Houyi next to her and said with a hint: "Since my brother made an appointment with the Crown Prince, but he didn't tell me in advance and made me wait for so long in vain, should I punish myself with three cups of wine?"

When he saw Xia Houshu coming in, Yu Wenke thought that there was some new show coming out of Shuyu Pavilion and wanted to surprise him. After all, he was a frequent visitor here and had the ability and habit of spending a lot of money. But the person who came was unexpectedly.

He looked calm and not only had no intention of performing, but he kept staring at him with strange eyes, boldly asked about his identity, and finally sat down without any rules. Since Xia Houyi knew him, he had to give him an explanation.


Yu Wenke was confused, his eyes wandered back and forth between Xia Houshu and Xia Houyi, and finally landed on Xia Houshu, wondering: "Who is your Excellency?"

Xia Houyi knew that he could not send away the big Buddha Xia Houshu, so he had to explain: "This person is Mo Zhen, he is a distant cousin of mine." After saying this, he looked embarrassed and said, "I am ashamed to say that, he and I

We originally made an appointment to have a drink together today, but unexpectedly, I was in a hurry to go out today and forgot about it. I saw that he felt a little unhappy, so I came to see him, which made the prince laugh. "

"That's it." Yu Wenke nodded, "Brother Xiahou said something serious. Since he is Brother Xiahou's cousin, he is also Xiao Wang's friend. It is also Xiao Wang's honor to meet each other today.


Then he looked at Xia Houshu and said sincerely: "Brother Mo Xian, you gave me a surprise when we first met. Xiao Wang was even happy. We will have a banquet and visit the garden in the future, and hope that Brother Mo Xian will appreciate it."

It's a surprise, isn't it a shock?

Who doesn’t know how to speak decent words?

Xia Houshu simply walked down the steps they had set up.

"The Crown Prince is very fond of you." Xia Houshu said with a smile. As she said this, she looked at Xia Houyi, "The Crown Prince has a distinguished status. To be able to win the Crown Prince's favor today is also because of his brother's glory."

Yu Wenke nodded helpfully and motioned to the waiter next to him to add a new set of wine cups, bowls and chopsticks.

Xia Houshu tasted a few bites of the dishes on the new tableware honestly and politely, acting rudely and calmly, as if he was one of the guests at the banquet.

It is worth mentioning that the food at Shuyuge is actually quite good, and the drinks also have their own unique taste.

Several other people at the banquet couldn't help but whisper to each other when they saw this.

The Xiahou family has many in-laws, so it is not surprising that several poor relatives came to seek refuge. Therefore, they could not guess for a moment that the person named Mo Zhen in front of them was a relative of the Xiahou family from which family and generation, and he was so bold.

He even dared to barge into the banquet of Prince Ling. Even though he was wearing clothes made of fine fabrics, the vulgarity in his behavior could not be discarded.

Xia Houyi's face was extremely ugly as he listened to the words that came to his ears from time to time. He knew very well that his sister had a stubborn temper. Once she believed something or suspected something, she would do whatever it took to verify it. But at the moment

But this was not the time to let her run wild, and Yu Wenke was not the person she should be in contact with.

He sat down next to her and asked in a low voice: "How did you know I was here?"

"Brother, why do you ask questions knowingly?" Xia Houshu swallowed a mouthful of food, smiled slightly, and deliberately raised his voice, "Brother made friends with Prince Ling, and went out to have fun on his own, but he didn't allow me to come. What's the point? Is it because he thinks

I was born in a lowly position, am I not worthy to share the seat with Prince Ling?"

The onlookers all looked at Xia Houshu in surprise, with a bit of disdain in their confusion.

"Don't be rude!" Xia Houyi's face became even more ugly.

Xia Houshu dismissed it and said, "Brother, you are too tempered. I came uninvited, which is indeed a bit rude, but the prince didn't say anything, so you got angry with me."

Xia Houyi's face was extremely ugly, as if he could pinch out ink.

Xia Houshu deliberately turned away his eyes, smiled at Yuwen Ke, continued to eat a mouthful of food, and then poured himself the remaining half of the glass of wine, looking like a small family.

But Yu Wenke smiled as if nothing happened, and even showed a bit of appreciation, saying: "Brother Mo Xian is outspoken, and Xiao Wang is very happy!"

Xia Houshu bit his lip and didn't feel half proud.

You guy who hides his sword in your smile, I am just waiting for you to show your fox tail!
This chapter has been completed!
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